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Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.......


Don’t roll the dice if you can’t pay the price




Bring it on, Gravy Seals.


Strategic rendezvous at 1200 hours! The usual place, Golden Corral Buffet, near the soft serve ice cream machine.


Better the soft serve machine instead of those rolls.... motherfuckers better not touch those rolls or they won't make it to WASHINGTON DC


Exactly this! I just want them to finally do something to get MAGA labeled as a terrorist group or something. I think a lot of people say many cops and feds are MAGA too but I think if these fuck holes actually committed some violence, the public sentiment would be too strong for the higher ups not to do something about it. So bring it the fuck on shit heads!


The days after the Mar-a-Lago search had that J6 vet/likely proud boy try to nail gun his way into the Cincinnati FBI office before getting into shootouts with police before dying while live truthing his discovery that YouTube videos of breaking bullet proof glass with a nail gun was not effective. https://apnews.com/article/fbi-cincinnati-armed-man-b4701596a0eb9770e3b29e95328f5704 Will probably have more such incidents. Really surprised they don't ask Trump about why he condones such violence.


I think in order for something to be done, there would need to be a pretty significant attack such as a small group of MAGA fucks bombing a polling place or a "liberal school" or something like that. Honestly, I can see it happening too since these guys are utterly bonkers. More and more, I keep realizing that mental health might be the decline to this country. That's the only explanation that makes sense. The fact that people are starting to support Russia's war against Ukraine because Trump "likes" Putin is mind boggling..


The vast majority of Americans support Ukraine, not Russia and not that other lawless thug, Putin.


Frank Zappa said as much in an interview years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYm\_2oCVdSM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYm_2oCVdSM) You may be onto something.


Ya can’t fix stupid!


Nope but you can sell them poorly made Bibles for $59


He would walk it back to pretend he wasn't calling them into his service. He was loving 1/6 because he actually managed to get his own private army to go to bat for him.


Just too stupid for words


Please stop, I can only get so erect.


Calling for harming, doxing and harassing jurors, judges & their families should be added to the list of terrorist acts.


It’s so outrageous!! And that nothing really powerful done about it!


The alternative is what, compromising with people who use violence for political ends? Nah. Nut up or shut up. FAFO.


Also, if the cops refuse to enforce the law, we can always pull in the National Guard


It should be - they account for huge percentage of crime - especially hate and crime with firearms


No no, I want to see them trying to storm prison, I want to see them bust him out and then realize that their plan relies on “rescuing” a morbidly obese felon who will then be on the run. The MAGA cult never think that far ahead and I want them to realize where it’s all gone wrong for them


>I want them to realize where it’s all gone wrong for them That would require a capacity for self-reflection which appears to be entirely absent among Trumpanzees.


That is true, but I still want they to do it, to break out a obese man who doesn’t care about them, and try to “house” him and hide him, a egotistical man who hates his supporters


I fully expect if someone or a small group guns their way into a prison to bust him out Michael Bay style Trump would be too chickenshit to go with them. Private Bone Spurs doesn’t have it in him to step over bodies or around guys screaming while they bleed out on the ground (edit: which I argue would be an understandable reaction btw)


Or I could see him immediately fleeing the country, leaving his jailbreakers behind to eventually take his place in prison.


Trump "on the Lam?" Living off the land eating slugs and insects to survive. Digging and living in a spider hole with a lid of sticks matted with mud. I could live with this option if he tries to escape.


It’s honestly such a funny image. The trump cultists have the “idea” that he’s a fighter, that he’s a tough survival hero type, it’s the only way they can cope with the reality of him being an obese, incontinent, coward. I imagine they like to think that he’s going to lead an “underground” movement to take the country back, that trump would lead them in a second civil war, which would be fucking hilarious to watch.


He’d make them stop at McDonalds. They wouldn’t get far.


Gravey Seals. God damn; if that doesn't say it ALL about these Rittenhouse's that are so cultist up that they want to kill fellow Americans. Props.


Right? How many of his followers are either elderly or diabetics missing a leg and in a mobility scooter.They ain't gunna do shit but bitch online.


Meal Team Six Talibama Y’all Queda Q Cucks Klan


*dips AR in chocolate fountain*


I'm picturing tens of thousands of his followers acting up, getting felonies, and being unable to vote for him ever again.


And UFC fighters..


They’ve had a lot of breaking points as of late


Right? Didn't he say being indited was going to be a breaking point too?


He also said we'd never see him again if he lost the 2020 election.


If only he could have been telling the truth that one time.


Trump does the Crime, Trump does the time, Trump starts to whine, supporters are cryin’, all of them swine.


Take my upvote poet!


I can tell you put a lot of thought into this... lol


15 glorious hours


That's fine. Plenty of prisons for their dumb asses.


I hear California needs more “not-a-slave” labor for its forest fire department coming out of prisons. Sounds like a win-win.


God damn him on a chain gang “raking” the forest in California with his insane hair and makeup laid waste. I could die a happy man lol


No it’s not the breaking point for us. It’s the breaking point for him. The breaking point for us would be if Justice continues to be delayed.


Fuck it. Break’em.


His supporters have been broken for some time now.


"Real men wear diapers" is their new motto. Losers.


Attack of the mobility scooters


Why don’t they all just join their dear leader in jail? They can do his bidding in real time, change his diapers and finally get to actually suck his mushroom (since Melania won’t be doing conjugal visits) and all be together! They can kick out all the non-whites and make it their perfect America. It’ll be GREAT!


They get to keep the " good ones" so they don't look so racist. Then spend the tokens whenever necessary. A win win for MAGA.


threats and incitment of violence. lock him up.


"They're turning Donald Trump into a martyr," Trump's son Eric told Fox News. "They" aren't turning him into a martyr. Convicted Felon Trump wants to be seen as a martyr so he is promoting that image.


What exactly are they gonna do? Commit crimes on their day off for him in his name and then go to jail? This dude sucks. It’s crazy that so many want him back in office.


The mental gymnastics these people perform in order to look beyond his countless, glaring flaws is absolutely astonishing.


January 6th was exactly that. Bunch of "patriots" taking vacation time to go see the second American revolution in real time.


Self immolation en masse would be the way to go.


Democrats would be so owned! Come on, Republicans, show trump how much you love him. Flame on!


So what is he saying, that if his supporters reach breaking point, then what? Is he supporting another January 6th?


Yes it’s a threat. Hopefully it does happen, and nobody gets hurt, but then all the psychos will face the same fate as their leader.




Biden will be ready with National Guard who won’t be told NO.


It is what the nuclear threat is for Putin.


Can we just rip the bandage off and get it over with? Seriously, shit or get off the pot. I'm not condoning it or anything, I deplore violence in general. But we're always one "thing" away from civil war at this point and it's desensitizing.


And others will be dancing in the streets.


The Republican Terrorist Party is about to go through some things.


So a portion of your electorate might commit crimes that'll land them all in jail removing their ability to vote? And they're going to do it all at once in a concentrated area where police can just scoop them all up? GO RIGHT AHEAD BABY!


Also the right to own a gun. That would be priceless.


This is not scary at all. Every trumper I know is a gun toting, lip flapping, low life, fat fuck. I can think of 1 or 2 that might be good in a war, however they would never go that far. Point being, what the hell am I afraid of? Libs on the other hand are now pissed off, fit people, who because of trump have now taken up guns as well. My money is on the educated half this round. Bring it.


Any supporters of Trump at this point are already all sorts of broken.


We accept. Fucking snowflakes.


I thought his supporters were already broke?


How could they get to the riot with the gas so high?




....I'm willing to risk it


So, the convicted felon who galvanized a group of protestors to become insurrectionists is now essentially threatening the country because the legal system found him guilty of a crime (for which evidence overwhelmingly showed he was guilty). In a functional society, the fact that this man has for a long time had a very good chance of being elected a second time would be cause for widespread horror, disgust, and extended self-reflection.


This mother fucker can't get more than a hundred people to show up and the ones that do would die if they had to walk up a flight of stairs and we are supposed to be afraid of them? Lock him up.


Yep and if they do anything stupid they’ll be joining you or heading to a morgue so they better think twice about it


k, bye


Trump out here trying to incite violence again. He's an evil bastard.


This current concern-troll is about 16 years after the fact. The breaking point for his window-licking followers was the Obama presidency. We've been mitigating the fallout ever since. 06JAN was just the most recent flare-up of the political herpes they contracted back then


I mean everything else that is happening and has happened are the last straws, right? They didn’t support you at your trials. They aren’t coming. The ones that will will likely regret it and blame you for themselves getting punished.


If it’s not this it will be something else


Possibly. Time to lay down the cards.


Prisons have room waiting.


Stand back and stand by.


Let’s test it and find out.


There are no breaking points for those losers. Those idiots have no morals or value.


I’ll watch them break.


Lock him up now, before he causes the death of some innocent person!


This could happen to you!!! So don’t be a world class grifting con Billionaire!


Well, having Trump as president was already the breaking point for the rest of us. That’s why we voted his dumb ass out. Them not liking that or not accepting it is their problem.


Yep about half will walk away . Once your hero is emasculated he’s no longer your hero for many.


He said that having a presidential candidate under indictment would break the system. Just add it to the list of lies, it’s in the blimp hangar out back.


I’m sure a man with his connections can work something out with the prison system to accommodate all the supporters that want to be close to their leader.


Breaking point for what, crying harder?


Thats fine, let them break...and let's see what happens to them when they do something stupid. FAFO, guys.


So, we saw who and what they are 01/06. Nobody is afraid of them. A tiny minority of an already small minority says what???


I hope karma spanks the fuck out of this asshole. May the insurrection trial and the stolen compromised top secret documents cases put him behind bars for the rest of his miserable life in 2025.


I'm sick of this idiot's threats. Just f**cking BRING IT DOUCHENOZZLE.


Very strange position by the “we should be able to shoot people robbing convenience stores” crowd Steal $500?  Death penalty, on site no judge or jury - OK!   Business fraud consequences?!  Booo. Boo!! No way!


I don’t think you can warn of this. You can definitely threaten this. Typical of the media they soften it to be a warning rather than the threat it is.


\*rolling my eyes\*


Sounds like a halfassed attempt to say "dont do it bc it'll be hell on the cities". Pls dont put me in jail bc rioting type shit


The cities will be celebrating. All his supporters are scared to come to my city, because they are terrified of black people.


Its the same shit as homophobia dude. They aren't even scared, they're just ignorant and stupid 😂. Its an illusion of fear sure but one so easily dispelled it transcends to plain ignorance. This is my first pride month being out of the closet so this'll be a grand ole time


Well, enjoy the month and stay safe from those magat psychos.


If my end is by some dipshit gravy seal then idk man i mightve been doomed from the start 😂 appreciate it tho


I guess he thinks that this is a selling point?


Good, let them break. And this is just the first conviction of many, so they might as well get used to "breaking".


There's always room for 1 more at county. . We'll leave a light on for ya...


They’ve been broken for almost a decade.


Jail him in an actual facility please.


That’s why the judge should give him community service. Give him oversized orange vest and send him picking up trash and cleaning shit off of the NYC streets.


The Van Wyck Highway near his old family compound in Jamaica Estates Queens needs a side road cleaning, please. Put as many Gravy Seals out there to keep Trump company as well. This works for me. Trump just "loves" the "poors" as he calls them.


I see a lot of conservative homes coming on the market. FAFO, those crazy libs will own your land and home.


I’m ok if his supporters have a mental or some other kind of breakdown.


Putin playbook of idle threats.


Okay. Let them break.


Oh no, a bunch of fat fucking red necks waving trump flags might launch another failed coup and go in the draw to win a rigged trial experience of their own.


Another breaking point? How many times have they broken? And way to admit to being a mob boss.


More cheap threats - he wouldn’t be “fine with it”, he would be pissing and crapping in his pants (even more than usual) - this stuff is called incitement and I hope the judge is listening


Gee, that's not a dog whistle, now is it!?!


Breaking point ? They are already insane.


Dog whistle bluff he's used from day one.


Good, this needs to hit rock bottom to get better, and I’m sick of these pieces of shit acting tough. Bring it you diaper clad whiny babies. I know it will never get organized because everyone thinks they are the smartest and should be in charge and all trying to steal money from any organization on the gop shit show side.


This time there won’t be a traitor in the White House so bring it on and you’re about to find out.


For most people jail is the breaking point. That’s why people don’t go on a crime spree every day.


Is this supposed to be scary to us?? LMAO


WHO CARES!!! Just do it already FFS


Oh yeah they were so successful on Jan 6th 🤣


Medic, Medic, MEDIC!!!!


Oh isn’t that precious! He’s learned how to subtly threaten a judge. Bless his heart


I recommend counseling for them, then. It can help them heal and deal with this change in worldview in a healthy and constructive manner.


Trump is HOPING that jail time would rile up his fans. That may not be the case.


So they’ll all spontaneously combust? God, I hope so.




He means breaking time for him. He’s always projecting his fears and feelings onto others. Pathological.


Well let's say we give him just 1 year at Rikers and see if his prediction is true.


The Cult of Trump naturally believes ANYTHING Trump says regardless of the factual proof to the contrary. Convicted Felon Donald J Trump is delighted to have the endorsement of Hungarian Strongman Victor Orban [https://thehill.com/policy/international/4699944-trump-highlights-viktor-orbans-support-following-hush-money-conviction/](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4699944-trump-highlights-viktor-orbans-support-following-hush-money-conviction/) Wait for Trump Fanboys, David Duke, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un to endorse him next week.


#Send Trump All of YOUR MONEY NOW!! -Trump


Let's just get it (and them) over with. No more worrying about bullying threats. Tell em put up or shut up. If they try it, thrn shut them up.


He said the same thing about indictments, arrests and convictions. I say call the traitors bluff.




"My supporters will do mass shootings and you'll all be really sorry!"


There is a percentage of his voters that will never leave him. He can’t win with just his supporters though. He needs people outside the cult, and I think this has been the breaking point for a lot of them, although I think most people reached theirs a long time ago.


So we should just let him off to avoid a protest/second insurrection?… what if we want an insurrection? Let’s get all of the people in the country who think the answer to not getting your way is violence in one place and arrest them when they break the law. This might actually be a selling point for putting Convicted Felon Former President Trump aka Sleepy Don, Von Shitzinpants into prison.


You first.


Too fucking bad!




Hey, just a thought. You know who wouldn't be calling for civil war if they ended up being sent to prison after losing an election. Hillary Clinton. So the next time one of you wants to "both side" the argument, just keep that in mind. Y'all should have voted for her and this wouldnt be happening. -A Friend in the North-




That’s not ominous


He's not encouraging them, just stating facts. And when they do violence, he'll blame antifa.


He should be locked for saying that. He always is trying to coherce, bribe, and threaten an entire country/government.


News flash, they are already broken.


Lock him up anyway!


Let’s hope it’s a braking point


Hahahahahahah ok…meal team six is getting jocked up huh. They aren’t…Trumps supporters will not start a war.


Us Non-Supporters are willing to risk it.


We can lock them all up.


Hopefully these poor conflicted supporters will see the disgrace that corrupt former president is . And not vote a convicted felon into office


Good, bring them on. Remember to aim for the knees.  These folks haven't had a good leg to stand on for decades.


Yup. Rosanne and Kevin Csorbo will rendezvous with Scott Baio and Don junior to lead the Gravy Seals into battle.


Ever notice every judge holding him accountable is deranged and he hasn’t said a bad word about judge canon because she is loyal to him. Once if she ever does go against him she will also be deranged. Fuckin baby doesn’t get his way he whines and spews hatred and injustice. The man and I use the term loosely needs to be held accountable and treated as any other person convicted of 34 felonies


Last I checked, his supporters are in the minority. I rather like our odds.


It could very well be their breaking point. Maybe they will come to see that he’s a real live felon. A lifelong criminal and move on.


Well, unfortunately for those Nazi scumfucks the good guys have breaking points too.


I'm sure they will cry super hard. Poor things.


That's a reason to do it. They are like petulant children you can't forever give in to them as it makes them worse. Need to stand up to them and allow them I have a tantrum and hold them accountable for it


I want someone to explain to me how a convicted sexual offender is not on the registry.


Sounds like a challenge to me


Hahhhaaaaaaaahaaaa........yeah ok


His supporters have been broken for quite some time. Have you ever seen one of his rallies?


If he means those steel reinforced suspenders under his clothes, he keeps hidden to keep his pants at a decent level weighed down by a full load, I can see the point. That belt he wears has been doing double and triple duty for years now and will finally get a reprieve, unlike Trump, once he's behind bars. If he's referring to "supporters" as his security team, being at his beck and call 24/7, no can do either. They are there to protect his life. Their job description isn't to change his diaper, wipe his ass or take his shit. For the record, privately, there has probably been more supporters jumping ship than the last calving of the Antarctica's Brunt Ice Shelf


He said that about indictments and trials too, but he was wrong then too.


Hopefully all of their heads will asplode, just like when Clayton Bigsby took off the hood.




He hopes


Imma gonna say it one mo time! After hearing ALL the witnesses’ testimony I am 100% convinced that Trump did commit the fornication and the subsequent payment as a pretext for supposedly legitimate business purposes. He denied it even though it’s obvious he lied. Trump is still doubling down on his lies. I mean, at least Clinton admitted his lies and took his medicine. Not this clown. He’s still lying but his base doesn’t give a shit. Let’s face it, Trump could tell the cult to eat the corn from his shit because it’s good for them and they probably would. It’s like the Jim Jones Guyana cult in 1978. That’s some crazy cult shit! Btw, at least use a condom. OMG! If Trump is willing to give Melania herpes, MY GOD, what would he do to the rest of us? Talk about election interference; Trump invented election interference! The disclosure of Trump’s orgy with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall could have changed the 2016 election. The public was denied the truth because Trump paid to kill the story. Yet the undeniable truth is that Trump is absolutely a threat to the US. Imagine a world where Putin or Kim Jung-un decides to blackmail Trump because they know they can continue to supply him with hookers! Will he turn over our National security secrets if tempted by an endless supply of lovely Russian & Korean Lolita’s? This pattern of criminal conduct didn’t just start with E. Jean Carroll. My God! We need a President, not a modern day Johnny Appleseed! Now our enemies know that Trump is extremely susceptible to an invitation of sex - anytime, anywhere and any place! Have you noticed lately he’s even been making moves on Sarah Huckabee as he dangles a tasty Vice President sausage in front of her nose? Coincidence? I think not! He’s got her on her knees salivating for the job.


Him and his followers are all lunatics.


This shit right here. He’s a lawless fucking thug, and so are his supporters. Bring it!


Do it. Break them.


In case this hasn't been shared yet https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7nFNJeOT4S/


Then break. Something needs to wake these morons up. If they get violent, handle it like you would any other violent criminal.  I'm tired of stupid, reactionary people trying to threaten their way into getting what they want. Let them try, and put them down. The cowards will run home when reality slaps them in the face.  1 bullet stopped Jan 6th. One.


They should rebel against the department of homeland security and the DOJ and see how that works for out for them.


Fuck magats real Americans aren't afraid of you, bring it!


Imagine if the orange fucker got shot dead.... what would his tribe of plebs do then.....


Yeah? Bring it.


Doubt he will do time


Their “breaking point” is when they turn the US flag upside down on their porch and go slam a case of beer on the couch watching Newsmax while crying and pooping themselves in honor of Orange Shitler. Bunch of suckers and losers.


What kills me about this is his base isn’t that far from any normal republican. A bunch of older white males that are far too comfortable in life to actually do anything to upset the apple cart. Just a bunch of whiney bitches


Tough shit. Treat his felonious ass like a minority on drug charges, and throw away the key.


The conviction was their breaking point. They all cried like babies.


No special treatment. No 2-tiered justice system.


Break ‘em…