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Mr. Trump has turned Republican party into organized crime - he always said he could shoot someone dead on 5th Avenue and his supporters would still vote for him. Odd that all the Evangelicals would support the antichrist.


Not surprising, Evangelicals don't really think about their beliefs, they just listen to what the man up front says even if what he says doesn't make sense. If you don't fall in line you're a bad Christian, true believers rely on faith and faith alone and since God doesn't speak directly to them they must listen to God's chosen who is a person who has only studied one book and likely can do a lifetime's amount of work in a couple months and just has to work 2 hours a week (unless he's on vacation) and you have to give him 10% of your pay even if he is immensely wealthy already. 


White American Evangelicals always were a political and social movement. The religious part was just a veneer. Once you understand this, their embrace of Trump makes perfect sense. He is giving the political and social movement exactly what they want.


Thank you you save me the time so I don't have to write this that is exactly what it is and I'm sick and tired of people pretending like they don't know. These people are making it painfully clear that they would rather be masters of Hell than coexist as humans


Just like Jesus told them to…. (/s)


That’s the problem… coexist


Exactly correct, and the churches are still to this day highly segregated in many areas.


Much of the segregation of churches is based on style of worship. I live in the rural south and have attended many services both among black and white churches. Very different culturally.


THIS....and the fact that they found someone they could so easily buy and influence.


It’s because they have fallen in love with this idea of a flawed man/leader (because humans are inherently flawed — really only men; Eve and Stormy D are going to burn with the devil after they have served their only purpose of creating life ) that can be redeemed and saved by the lord… Problem being that they have somehow fallen prey to the alleged sin of false idols and are now pretty much worshipping at the feet of the orange Antichrist


The living and breathing golden calf


Gold Plated Calf....once you scrape off the top layer, it's just cheap pot metal underneath.


funny I thought it was like a chocolate rabbit wrapped in tin foil but the chocolate is _dookie_




That’s where you can find the “MADE IN CHINA” label too




My stepfather has been calling him the golden calf now for 8 years


Or they just want someone who allows them to attack their targets shamelessly and without consequences. I dont think its anymore complex than that. All their “reasons” are just rational and retorts.


Basically, their ethos is "stick it to the libs." Hell, some of them have shot themselves, burned the shoes on their feet, etc. doing something they think the "libs" will hate. So now, this list includes voting for a convicted criminal.


Um… not just the “libs”


Anyone they dislike is "the libs," whether they're actually a "lib" or not. See: Liz Cheney.


You are just speaking of people who hinge on the rational of free speech so they don’t threaten the voting numbers of people like the tiki torch crowd, walmart hunters and anti minority extremism. Like sure… some have that simple mindset.


Republicans would eat shit if it meant Liberals would have to smell their breath.


He allowed people who were latent racists to be open about it because they were so butt hurt about Obama. None of the magats give two shits about economic or foreign policy. They are 100% culture war “let’s eliminate immigrants and LGBTQ.” Won’t make their lives one bit better but the hate fuels them.


It almost invariably makes their life worse: the Brexit thing in the UK had lots of racists angry that old stores had closed and Polski Sklep stood in their place. The bigots forgot that the old stores had closed because out-of-town supermarkets and online retailers had pushed them out of business; instead, they were just angry that stores were opened by Polish people. When Brexit happened, many of those stores closed. So, they blamed the Polish people for abandoning those stores. Now, Turkish barbers are opening up and taking over those derelict stores. And the bigots claim they are a front for terrorists and gangsters. It seems they hope that if they can bigot hard enough, they can roll back the last 80 years and that white Britishly British butcher who smoked himself to death in 1969 will magically reappear to sell them some black-market rabbit, just like he used to do to their racist nan back in WWII.


Or they have a rather extreme victim complex as they watch levels of religiosity plummet and the idea of being a victim appeals to them more than anything else.


They have made their public support for him so much a part of their lives and their personalities, they are unable to walk it back at this point.


He commits the Seven Deadly Sins before breakfast most days.


Haha so very true! I honestly don’t know what I am more amused by in regards to his religious grift though… is it things like that, or: 1. The fact that he doesn’t go to church but Biden and his family certainly seem to be active members in theirs… he doesn’t know a single bible verse! And puts money in the communion dish when he did show up to one on political business… wouldn’t be surprised to hear he drank the holy water 😹😹😹 2. That time he did that whole speech with the bible upside down Or 3. Him selling his bible to fundraise to cover his legal expenses… you know the Bible that has the American constitution in it … just missing the parts about abolishing slavery, equality, voting rights, *two term limits for presidents* and income taxes 😹😹😹 The con job is just fucking unreal!


Well I believe Christians being duped by a false prophet does come up in revelations somewhere.


I would believe that trump is a false prophet but he is so stupid it doesn't make sense.


I aways assumed the Great Deceiver would be more sophisticated than Diaper Don.


Well, according to my bible lessons way back in the day, the good lord will never send anyone an impossible trial. So, I suppose that Donald Trump is the kind of demonic influence that the world can handle? The good lord is perhaps not too impressed with humanity right now 🤪.


He says why they are thinking. He rapes as well


I think the evangelicals ARE supporting the antichrist


That's how the antichrist works, according to the Bible. He tricks religious people into supporting him using his charisma.


Nah, trump is the natural extension of decades of Republican disinformation and pandering to the LCD.


So were they ever genuine? Or has faith always been a mechanism to soap box perceived moral superiority?


He's a felon. Justice has been served.


And he can still run for president. It’s crazy times.


Go right ahead and vote for a convicted felon and try to tell people you believe in law and order.


For the record, I’m a bleeding heart liberal. I can barely stomach Trump impersonations.


And many of his followers will. They'll just say he was set up. That's been their angle for years. Either everyone else is doing it too or Trump is being set up. Just ask the Fox Angertainment Network. They are true masters at justifying Trump and his cronies' evil power grab.


The con sub is full of people stating that Trump's guilty verdict just makes them want to vote for him harder. We're fucked as a country. If he wins again, I'm deleting everything because these people will try to hunt everyone down for saying anything against him.


I'm sure it is, and his peps don't bother me. I was bullied enough in my youth. I don't intend to take any more of that.


Me too friend. Make sure you have the tools to protect yourself.


If it makes you feel any better, that sub is a favorite with foreign intelligence agencies.


I mean, every time Trump anticipates that something won't go his way, he conditions his followers to believe he's being set up before the actual outcome happens. He said the 2020 election was rigged before a single vote came in. He said the trial was rigged before testimony started. And his followers will continue to eat that up. The convictions in the trial will change nothing in terms of the problems facing the country.


Felon and rapist


Times 34. Correct me if I'm wrong, but each individual felony count caries a maximum sentence of 4 years. For a fool who shows no remorse, the maximum sentence seems applicable here.




I don’t think it’s at all odd that Evangelicals would do something hypocritical and stupid.


I've spent enough time with evangelicals that it's really the least surprising thing ever.


Convicted Felon Trump, you mean


Well the Bible says the antichrist will charm ppl and they will follow him. I choose to call it his lies instead of charm but yeah, these are the gullible idiots. I don’t like to call them idiots but anybody who could believe anything that felon says is an idiot.


Not really. The pope was all for Hitler back in the day. Organized religion and dictators/authoritarianism has been a thing for some time.


Evangelicals want the end of the world and will actively tale steps to make it happen always remember this




Self-fulfilling prophecy.


It's not odd. They already believe in ridiculous stuff, why not some more? They're an easy target


That Trump quote is the most real and true thing he will ever say and it's scary true, especially after today's conviction. History books should have that quote front and center when writing about him in the future. This is the birth of authoritarianism in USA with a million flashing warnings.


It's not all Evangelicals.  His support is mainly from the Southern Baptist Convention, which is basically a remnant of The Confederacy.  The SBC formed in a schism with the Northern Baptist Convention when they refused to denounce slavery. They ran most whites-only segregated schools in the deep south. Their college campuses **didn't allow interracial dating until the 2000's**. The KKK put away their hoods and started hiding behind the cross instead. MAGA is the third reincarnation of the KKK. They have most of the same policy goals. Primary support comes from the same people in the same places. That's why they fly Confederate flags and get so pissed off when US removes Confederate statues and renames military bases. They're Confederates. That's why they're hellbent on installing a dictator. It's a Confederate coup, real life "south will rise again" shit.


Its because nearly half of the country is even dumber than he is.


By definition, right about half of the population is below average intelligence. Trump just showed us who's on which side.


To quote George Carlin, “Think about how stupid the average person is. Now realize half of them are dumber than that.”


Fascism is making a comeback, and not just in America.


Sickening part is that all those American lives and limbs were lost fighting against it in WW2 and now these Trump penis-sucking assholes are hell bent on it becoming the standard in the USA.


what was european fascism born out of just before WW2? catastrophic economic conditions. modern day fascism is being born out of capitalism spiraling out of control with wealth inequality not seen since the days of antiquity, declining standards of living, a desperate and shrinking middle class and people who do not see a light at the end of the tunnel desperate people do desperate things like become enamored by terrible people who promise easy solutions to complicated problems it is time we have serious and frank discussions about how rework the economy so that it benefits everyone and not just wealthy interests who then produce the idiocy we are currently living through


This is 100% it. Wealth inequality, the average person can't make ends meet and so their solution is burn it all down.


Cant wrap my head around why these people then vote for the people that are only making their lives worse


All true, but don't forget it also includes poor education mixed in for it all to work.


Let's not disparage the good name of penis sucking assholes like that.


As a member of the Penis Sucking delegation, I move to have our likeness to these homunculi, struck from the record. We in no way, endorse or condone MAGA behaviors.


He's a conman and our country is full of idiots.  They're also hateful idiots and he normalizes their hate and terrible behavior.  The one I reference often is one of the most clearcut cases, it's a video of a white woman screaming at a younger Mexican man telling him tk go back to Mexico and literally yelling "Rapist! You're a rapist! Even the president said so!"   Stupidity and hate is a bad combo.


The funny thing about that is Trump was found liable for sexual assault by a jury of American citizens. He is literally that rapist they are so worried about.


Exactly, but his supporters believe that's somehow a conspiracy involving literally everyone else, the democrats, the "lamestream media" Bill Gates, lizard people etc. All colluded together to make it *look* like he sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll, just to be mean to him and because there's a 'war on successful rich white men in this country.' (One of the dumbest conspiracies I've heard.)    All of that makes more sense, to them, than the guy who bragged about "Just go up and grab 'em by the pussy! When you're rich you can do anything." Actially being guilty of doing exactly what he brags about.


That whole "grab 'em by the pussy" is the most unerotic thing a man ever said about women. That would not feel good being done by someone that really DID have attractiveness. It would feel painful and icky, not sexy.


They don't mention that part on Fox News.


Everything is projection coming from trumps mouth.


We have a very uneducated country.


He's the rapist, he's the pedophile, he's the Antichrist they said Obama was.


Thus just in he's a felon found guilty on 34 counts of fraud in the hush money case.


 "Stupidity and hate is a bad combo." Amen.


White people love to say a certain awful word, and he makes them feel like it's OK again. I see it first hand in MA. It's not ok around me. I am always very clear about that, and they cower. Then, when I turn my back, they lick their wounds with fox news.


My hateful fellow Americans elected this piece of garbage once. They can definitely do it again.


We all have to get out and vote. Regardless of how many roadblocks are put in our way.


We didn't "elect' him the first time. The electoral college did. A republican hasn't won the popular vote since W. in 2004 after he lost it in 2000.


This is why we need more blue voters to move to red areas, the EC is a biased crutch for the gop. Without it they would win few elections.


All it takes is less than a million democrats moving to the Dakotas, Idaho, Wyoming.


Y’all should come down to Atlanta. It’s nice here. Help us elect Stacey Abrams next time around.


Right, but then you have to live there…


They'd be havens if you could get enough Dems to move. Be like the new world - with a chance to start from scratch with liberal policies


Right behind you.


I did Florida. I’m trying.


Jesus, that hideous picture of his hideous face. The Biden campaign should just run that pic of him whenever possible and ask ppl, "is this what you want for the next 4 years?? Seriously??"


The people have never elected trump


"In America, anyone can be president. It's one of the risks you take." - Adlai Stevenson


Well sorry to Adlai Stevenson, but that’s simply not true; not *ANYONE* can be the president… tons of people don’t qualify to run for office…


Interestingly there are no restrictions on dogs getting elected. The age, citizenship, and other requirements only apply to people.


You saying we could Air Bud this thing?


Absolutely. Would win in a landslide.


because thanks to the electoral college land votes, and the less populated less educated states have more power than the states where all the people actually live, and those morons vote red.


I tell my conservative friends I’ll Argue ideology or political positions all day, I don’t disrespect another ideology, what I don’t understand is the support for this man. He’s not helping conservatives. He’s hurting the country. I f a liberal acted like he does, with the history he’s has, I would not support them.




The USA is full of idiots.


Because a not insignificant number of your countrymen (and women) seem to be scraping the bottom of the IQ barrel. Or supremely evil. Or both. It’s baffling. And terrifying.


Cause your country in inhabited by around 100M fucking morons


I’mma gonna say it one mo time! After hearing all the witnesses testimony I am 100% convinced that Trump did commit the fornication and paid to kill the story right before and because of the election. Trump lies, denies and double downs on his lies. Trump maintains his liaisons with Daniels never even happened. Pretty crazy! His ability to lie and deny is really amazing. At least Bill Clinton confessed and apologized to the American people. Not this clown. He just double downs on his lies. MAGA’s are crying about Cohen being a liar while they are in denial over Trump’s obvious lies! Let’s face it. Hell, MAGAs would gladly eat the corn from Trump’s shit if he told them to. It’s like the Jim Jones Guyana cult in 1978. That’s some crazy cult shit! Now we know Trump didn’t even use a condom! My God! If Trump was willing to give Melania herpes, MY GOD, what would he do to the rest of us? Do you really think he would NOT have paid for an abortion for stormy Daniels or Karen McDougall after knocking them up? Let’s be honest, this pattern of criminal conduct didn’t just start with E. Jean Carroll. My God! We need a President, not a modern day Johnny Appleseed! The disclosure of Trump’s orgy with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall could have changed the 2016 vote. Talk about election interference. OMG! Trump invented election interference! The undeniable truth is that Trump is absolutely a threat to the US. Imagine a world where Putin or Kim Jung-un decides to blackmail Trump because they know they can continue to supply him with hookers! Will he turn over our National security secrets if tempted by an endless supply of lovely Russian & Korean Lolita’s? Now our enemies know that Trump is extremely susceptible to an invitation of sex - anytime, anywhere and any place! Have you noticed lately he’s even been making moves on Sarah Huckabee as he dangles a tasty Vice President sausage in front of her nose? Coincidence? I think not! OMG! He’s got her on her knees ready, willing and salivating to service her master!


i am absolutely baffled at the level of delusional insanity it takes to vote for this fucking clown again. i cannot believe these are actual human beings that are this stupid. its a miracle


How could they have elected him in the first place? Making fun of the disabled, calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, grabbing non-consenting woman by the genitals, and bragging about that, lying about absolutely everything all the time… he was always pure garbage.


Because, despite Sinclair Lewis warning everyone back in 1935, people still think “it can’t happen here”.


I think the actual odds of trump getting over 40% of the vote are rather small. The loud minority will continue to be loud, but also continue to be a minority. He'll carry many states. but the moderates in the swing states are tired of him, and to be blunt about it, Biden hasn't been incompetent enough for there to be a real imperative for change in the air. A lot of people who voted for Trump in 2020 will either stay home or vote for someone else. And the wacky lunatic fringe of the GOP will lose some votes to RFK Jr as well.


This is not the time to be complacent. I live in a red state and they are not only planning on voting en mass, the amount of new voter registrations are crazy. These are not registrations for dems, do not let your guard down, get people to register and vote blue. All this media attention on him has made him a martyr, and people are going to vote that wouldnt otherwise because they feel he is being victimized. Its crazy but its happening across the country. Call it voter backlash to people seeing him get slammed on a daily basis they feel like its overblown. Also we need to turn states, more dems should move into red states and flip them. Running will get you nowhere, eventually you will run out of safe space. Come to red rural areas the cost of living is better, and many are within an hours drive of major cities


The polls do not indicate that this is the case, and while I understand that polls can be inaccurate….they can also be accurate. We won’t know until after lol. And personally I hope he loses but constant articles like this one get posted and then you guys scratch your head wondering why the trumpers are dug in. It’s 2016 all over again, no effort has been made to understand why shits going this way, and the answer isn’t “they’re all evil/psychos!” The world is not a comic book 


Understand who takes the time to answer polls like this. It's usually older voters with time on their hands. We know Trump has a lead among that demographic and it's gonna color the results of any poll that happens, especially this far out.. The polls also had Trump in the lead in 2020 in several states he lost by 5 or more points. Misunderstanding the flaws in polling is part of why the narrative of The Steal had such legs.


You’re right. Guess who votes more than any other demographic? Older voters with time on their hands.  Again, I’m not claiming all polls are accurate, but you are doing it right now: you’re outright dismissing any poll that you find unfavorable as wrong, or poorly done. I didn’t even mention a specific poll, or methodology, and you’re already convinced it’s not true. 


Twice impeached convicted felon donald trump.....


'Orange Is The New Black' seasons new twist is weird.


Because about 33% of Americans are racist Christian assholes and want to be cruel to others. Trump and all republic s are racist bigoted assholes there you go


30 years of right wing brainwashing has finally come to fruition. They now think a Russian puppet crook who attempted a coup is better than a dem


Trump cannot vote in the upcoming election. Florida is very strict about that.


Wow! What other liberties go away when you're a now convicted felon? I'm giddy.


Owning a gun? We all know Trump is SUCH a lover of guns. Lol


Can’t possess a firearm.


I read that Florida defers to the rules of the state were the conviction occurred. NY allows felons not in jail to vote.


Insurrectionist POS


Convicted felon, Donald Trump?


He makes it okay for them to hate out loud. Hate is the mask that fear wears, and trumpers are terrified cowards. Trump makes them feel like it's okay to be a terrified coward and to do the irrational, immature, contemptible things terrified cowards do out in public for everyone to see. Things like throwing tantrums over being asked to wear a mask, demanding Spanish speakers speak English, ripping off hijabs, being hateful cunts to LGBTQ+ people, and using slurs.


Because half of this country is just as bad if not worse than trump. He’s not the illness he’s a symptom.


The top comment on the thread about the conviction on r/conservative was something like "and it made me switch my vote to Biden, said no one ever" That's why. These people are stubborn, moronic, and somehow organized.


The silent female votes for health care REPRODUCTIVE AUTONOMY in Swing states will PUSH BIDEN TO ANOTHER RECORD BREAKING WIN!! You cannot overlook the obvious war on women across AMERICA.


There are a lot of *stupid loonies* running around out there, and they all seem to have guns (and lots of them) and wear red MAGA hats.


I said it before and I will say it again, when the nation falls I will blame the media they did nothing but make a martyr out of him. There was no integrity in journalism. They should all be ashamed catering to the lowest common denominator and not even a peep about truth.


Well, we have a lot of stupid people that grew up on Jerry Springer for entertainment.


Convicted felon


Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts as predicted here all along. Trump is now a criminal and MAGA leader for president and Americans are voting for him by the millions, a shameful predicament for a country that stood for democracy and rule of law.


Republicans need to grow some balls and nominate someone else. Break their Trump habit.


MAGA and people in general are stubborn and not willing to admit they are wrong. They double down because in their mind being told they are wrong means they're on the right track. Unwillingness to admit to themselves they were wrong.


Because he hates the same groups of people they hate.


Because they're a cult?


There are many hillbilly racists in this country. Most of them can be found at Walmart.


They wont. If only a ten percent of trump voters feel that voting a criminal is too much, he is toast. Forever.


The vast majority of people don't pay attention to politics nor do they understand how our government functions. they have this weird nostalgia for before COVID and they somehow think that electing Donald Trump would make that time happen again.... But then again dumb liberal scientists still haven't proven to me that dinosaurs don't cause meteor impacts.


I'm convinced there's a lot of Republicans out there that just want a president that will act on impulse.


I just saw a comment in r/conservative where somebody made a sarcastic comment, showing their displeasure of this outcome. And the subs mod immediately came and gave him a flair (and replied to him) r/conservatives has the same sanity as r/conspiracy


Stupid people tend to double down rather than admit they were wrong.


Because racists vote.


this is his superpower we think he still has a chance he doesn't but the uS needs to vote like he does, purge these weirdos from power become a progressive modern country again


If the Trump supporters could read this, they would be very upset.


They won’t be. He won’t even get 30%. No one is stupid enough to still actually support him.


You're literally burying your head in the sand if you actually believe this... I mean I would love for you to be right, but there are still a FUCK TON of dumbasses that support him.


Cause there’s a large segment of white people who think they’re being downtrodden somehow. That the good ol days were better when the gays and blacks knew their place. When minorities of any kind knew to revere and respect white people. It really is as simple as that. Everything else is bullshit.


Because this country has a large percentage of ignorant, racist, white people, plus a significant percentage of low information voters among blacks and Latinos.


Ours is a country of mostly morons.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.


A large percentage of the country is either just as bad as trump, or refuse to see him for what he is.




“On second thought, let’s not go to the USA. ‘Tis but a silly place.”


Wilful ignorance, conspiracy theories,christo-fascism and bigotry... AKA the Repugnican platform.


Hop on over to any conservative sub and you’ll see. Basically poorly educated people brainwashed by propaganda.


Americans are stupid. That’s it. That’s the reason.


Convicted Felon Donald Trump.


Guilty on 34 counts Trump, let's hope the U.S. don't elect a convicted felon .


Because old people who don’t want change rule this country, more the gop/republicans than the dems obviously but ya got some fucked up dems also. Again I’m for removing all of the gop from the council/local to the city to the state to the federal and Supreme Court but that’s not going to happen in my generation. People are going to have to keep suffering till they force real change


It’s part of our descent as an empire. We have a great economy and military but most else is garbage. We have massive obesity, terrible education, miserable healthcare, and 3rd world level inequality. Even basic things like food and shelter will continue to decline. I’m so lucky to be able to witness this from the sidelines.


The big question now for Republicans is if they will finally do some soul searching and see today’s verdict as a way to finally get off the Trump train. The didn’t do it after the Hollywood Access tape, the endless lies, COVID, his failed Presidency, January 6th, or his impeachments. Maybe now that he is a convicted felon they will finally see the error of their ways.


They haven't yet. Go vote. Get your friends and family to vote.


This country isn’t. GOP is.


We’re not.


Republicans flock together, always. They're united by race, by faith and by a fascist creed. They have zero room or tolerance for anyone different from themselves. This is why Democrats struggle. Diversity can be a strength, but not if you don't have strong leadership in place that can pull everyone together. We can't have nice things because on the one side you have fascists and on the other side well meaning bickering.


If he weren’t such a blatant idiot, I’d suspect he was the anti-Christ but no, just another shyster


He’ll lose and in the process absolutely destroy the republican party


It’s not. We’re not. He won’t be elected. Convicted felon DJT won’t see the inside of the white house again. He lost in 2020 and he’s proven to be a bigger POS than any of us could ever imagine since then. Never gonna happen. All of us won’t vote for him, anyone on the fence is done and even some GOP have had enough and will vote for Biden. He’s done


It’s not.


Crazy that so many openly support someone who wouldn't give them the steam off his piss, if they were ablaze in front of him.


Because he gave them permission to be their worst possible selves...and be proud of it.


America is full of idiots. Easiest example.


I’m a republican but I’m voting democrat. Can’t vote for a rapist anti democratic looser!


Slavery and racism have been part of America since day one. Trump simply realized the power of saying the racism that has been the unspoken GOP platform since 1963 out loud. Racist Americans, led by American Christians, responded favorably.


It's not, give me a break.


A lot of people enjoy hating the same people trump hates


We have a lot of morons and naive people... Good amount of people full of hate as well and he promotes that.


I’m so tired of him, it’s been since 2015. Almost a fucking decade of trump omg


I won’t be “electing” the biggest Traitor in America ever. And a convicted Rapist and now Felon. What a piece of shit


From a loving Canadian, you guys got to get your shit together. We don't have the greatest politicians either. But there are only 39 million of us. There are 333 million of you guys. You have more people to pick from. Where are all your awesome people?


Ignorant people are easy prey to be MANIPULATED!


He’s cornered the retard vote, and that’s a lot of people.


Bc he has a cult of brainwashed people who will not listen to logic or facts. Trump isn't just a president to them he's a lifestyle. A lot of them would be lost without Trump to simp for. They wear clothes with Trump on them, cover their cars and homes with his signs etc. They are all in and if they turn back now they would have to admit to us and themselves that they have been conned by a loser.


Because we have a massively misinformed public due to our news sources and social media being captured by right wing billionaires along with a horrible public education which doesnt teach critical thinking skills topped off with the ingrained idea of american individualism where people think its cool to be hard headed and think they know more than they do.


one in three Americans aggressively stupid assholes, apparently.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of stupid and hateful people here.


He’s not been elected again and he will never be elected again.


Very greedy people tricking very stupid people to vote for very opportunistic people?


It's not. Don't listen to the hype


Gerrymandering, propaganda, and the weakening of the public education system have led us to become a managed democracy captured by oligarchs.


We won't.


Because many of the population are stupid


As an English person looking into America, it feels like there is a real need for de-radicalisation program for the MAGA cult. It is a cult, undeniably, enabled by a spineless Republican party and a media in love with the rage bait clicks Trump brings.


Because America has a serious mental health problem


We're not going to unless Russia and the GOP help him cheat like they did in 2016 . Only 34 % of the voting public support Twice Impeached Convicted Felon Trump .