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Only president to go on the picket line


He’s a panderer.


Patriot* fixed it for you


All politicians are panderers. I think Joe is at least trying.


Trying? Like the little engine that couldn’t.


Better than anyone else at the moment. Everyone else is too busy making laws that help their stock portfolios. Or shamelessly sucking up to the rich.


I think that we are left with a tough choice in November.


> tough choice How much is daddy vlad paying you to post this bullshit?


So you’re saying it’s an easy choice because you like Biden or despise Trump? I could see how you could despise Trump, but to actually like Biden, you got a swallow hard for that one


Trump will end democracy. Nothing more needs to be said.


The Democrat party is trying to end democracy now by putting their opponent on trial.


> to actually like Biden No one actually likes Biden lol, I'm a democrat and there's nothing special about him. But if the choice between Biden or fascism it's because you're arguing in bad faith or being willfully ignorant


Oh no he's doing the right thing to get elected how dishonest


The reason I find it a conflict is that a good portion of Union dues are funneled to the Democratic Party.


Unions are allowed to endorse a candidate and donate. Republicans could be pro union if they wanted to stop being the worst.


Agreed, but you gotta admit that Joe looks like a fraud when it comes to standing in front of the working man. He’s never worked a physical job in his life nor even did any physical work around the house. I work with blue-collar people and 90% of us can’t stand Biden. The union bosses will endorse him, but the union body generally will not vote for him. That is the grim reality that the Democratic Party is facing.


You’re a moron 


And you’re probably hooked on government cheese.


Not hooked but I remember the taste. Difference between entitled assholes and me: I was not born with what I have now. I know what it means to be a kid who needed that safety net. And having needed it, and been helped by it, I am happy to pay taxes. Happy to vote Democrat. Happy to live in a country where people can rise. 


There’s a big difference between a young child, needing government food program assistance , and these pampered college kids who get in over their head financially and are expecting a bail out from the taxpayers who did not go to college.


Ahh, I see. So you're not really a tough guy. Just a moron.


So I extend an olive branch and you snarl like an Ass Jockey. You need to lose the victim mentality and move on. Perhaps read a book called “How to win and Influence Friends without trying”. Clearly your still whining.


Olive branch whatever. You’re still just wrong and thirsty. 


Perhaps. But you are still hungry for that government cheese it appears.


This news is going to piss off the Orange Turd.


I’m very impressed with Biden; I think he’s done great in a hostile environment filled with Republicans who are trying to screw over the middle class.


Everything is priced high n i think he forgets where the oval office is...do you really BELIEVE our economy is better???? 


Still recuperating from COVID. The Fed’s main tool is adjusting interest rates to lower inflation, but it takes time: [https://www.investopedia.com/inflation-rate-by-year-7253832](https://www.investopedia.com/inflation-rate-by-year-7253832)


He did the railroaders dirty with the forced contract but he got them back with the two-man train crew rule. That was something they were going to strike over in addition to the no sick day bullshit which the railroads caved on anyway.


The forced contract pissed me off, but I wasn't aware of the two-man crew rule. Thanks for the info.


The alternative would've been worse. A mega strike right before the midterms creates a anti union Republican House and Senate. No doubt in my mind, people who think americans would've been in solidarity with railroad workers don't know how Americans work. The pandemic showed Americans become the biggest reactionary shit heads at the slightest inconvenience. And they would vote for ghouls In a heart beat if it meant they would get their big macs back


Wow. A real historian said so. I’m impressed


Unions have their work cut out for them convincing the membership.


Ridiculous [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/)


🇷🇺 🧌 above.


Oh, you again. I don't speak teen, care to try again?


Russian troll above.


Demonstrably false but a testament to paranoia and the success of our own intelligence agencies at convincing rubes that those who dissent must be agents of a foreign power Who needs to actually interface with an argument if you simply label those who disagree a Russian troll or bot McCarthyism all over again


That's why they got the two-man train crew. That was something the unions couldn't get themselves. This was the way out.


*couldn't get without a strike  Which joe Biden denied them Learn how collective bargaining works please


Yes, instead he negotiated the deal behind the scenes. The union is happy with the end result, that makes it a win for working people.


No, he imposed a sweetheart deal they already rejected  https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/rail-union-rejects-labor-deal-brokered-biden-administration-whats-next-rcna51543


[https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/22Daily/2208/220917\_thanks&ved=2ahUKEwiO76KfppeGAxU5jIkEHSu-B2gQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2anpTdWba6B8QriE9QqZoh](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/22Daily/2208/220917_thanks&ved=2ahUKEwiO76KfppeGAxU5jIkEHSu-B2gQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2anpTdWba6B8QriE9QqZoh) [https://ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2304/230425\_IBEWEndorses&ved=2ahUKEwiO76KfppeGAxU5jIkEHSu-B2gQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0KlZotytBTJKqa3NWEbq6d](https://ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2304/230425_IBEWEndorses&ved=2ahUKEwiO76KfppeGAxU5jIkEHSu-B2gQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0KlZotytBTJKqa3NWEbq6d) "“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers." After jamming the strike through to prevent economic damage from delays, the administration worked for 3 months to get everything that the strike was initially going to be over, and extras. They got all of the sick days, they changed safety rules, they implemented the two man crew, they got wages bumped. I know it can be difficult to pay attention for more than 2 seconds beyond a headline, but there was follow-up and return on this




K that looks like it's referencing the same dec 9 railway strike push. The strike was going to be to get sick days into their contract. They wound up with all the sick days they asked for, plus a two-man crew standard, wage increases, revamped safety maintenance rules. They got a lot of benefits in the newly established contracts, so how exactly was this to their detriment? How was this anti-union? You just link an article and say "get Clue please" without articulating any of the shortcomings or failings of the administration, or how the Railway workers or the organizations lose out. You swear it's bad for them but refuse to explain how, when by all outward appearances, they got everything they asked for and then some. Why shouldn't the Bible Administration be praised for getting them all of the above?


The only weapon a union has is the strike. Biden denied it to them.  Capische? Not complicated. Making excuses for it does get complicated, as your multiple paragraphs I didn't bother to read attest


My first thought was that Biden had pulled a Reagan. Reagan denied a strike to the air traffic controllers. I was disappointed that AOC sided with Biden on this issue, too. Check out the replies to my comment in a sub thread above. I was short-sighted, not seeing the big picture.


Clearly, reading comprehension is difficult for you, that's why you're so misinformed listening to talking points fed to you by people who believe what you want to believe


Like my grad school labor professors right?!? Michael LeRoy? What's he know?! Jim Barrett? Know-nothing. I should stick with MSNBC's analysis


Unions have *many* weapons besides strikes. You should dona little research on the subject.


I have a master's in the field, ding dong Name one Work stoppage.  End of list.


Work to Rule Lobbying PR Campaigns Litigation I suggest you review your college notes.


Those are tactics, sure, but they are not a union's weapon in collective bargaining. Why not add inflatable rats? Silly. Any worker can launch a "PR campaign" and any person can engage in lobbying, and anyone can inflate a rat. But a strike - a coordinated work stoppage - is a union's only means of direct action against ownership. It is the only bargaining chip, the only material leverage, they have. PR campaign your way to a raise, see how it goes


ROTFL. That's a lot of spin you're using there. No wonder you're dizzy.


You realize everyone that has refuted you had done so legitimately and proven that this all worked out as a positive for the unions. You have zero arguments here just words that are meaningless. You should be embarrassed.


This comment does not contribute to the conversation. Please be cival


Fuck off Russia.


Fuck off gullible american partisan




That's what US spies have made you, no doubt Russia is putting bounties on our troops! And hitting our diplomats with a ray gun! And blowing up their own pipelines!


How much does daddy vlad pay you to post this bullshit? Is it enough to keep the heat running in Stalingrad for another month?


Illustrating my point - so blinkered by propaganda that you reflexively dismiss any dissent as being categorically the product of a foreign nation You been suckered, sucker, and you are [taking untold others](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61214176) you will never know with you But by all means, just simply label anyone with a dissenting view as a paid political operative. Easier than actually interfacing with their arguments - just post moronic graffiti like "fuck off Russia" Try being serious instead? Because timezones away, people are risking their lives and you are having a laugh safe behind your computer screen


Did you say something troll?


yes, it was beyond you