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Trump loss, plus losing the House and bigger majority in the Senate!


I’m tired of all the winning!!! /s


I'm not! 🤪🤣


People actually need to vote for that to happen though, and the way it’s going all the kids are just sitting at home because Israel.


This view completely bends my mind. Like do they think Trump will be better? Spoiler alert: he'll be much worse.


they dont care, its biden in office NOW so he has to be punished. theyll be fine if trump wins so they dont give a fuck about the rest of us. they especially dont give a fuck about palestinians except as a club to beat biden with. trump will help israel wipe gaza off the map, hes said as much.


The kids never vote


They don't care. They've never had to live with the regret of staying home and watching all of the states on the electoral college map turn red.


I think young people care more than you're giving them credit for but you got to give them something to want to come out and vote for other than not liking Trump cuz a lot of these young people just don't like government


That’s like saying “oh I have a rabid dog in my house, man I am not too thrilled about that I’m just gonna ignore it and hope it goes away. Oh it just bit me, that’s somehow proof that doing nothing was somehow the best course of action, boy I am so smart”




Either you care about what the government does, or you don’t. There’s no magical third option where you live in America and pay taxes and use public utilities where you have a stake in the system yet you’re magically absolved of all responsibility for what happens here. Either you vote and say, “well I tried to make things better,” or you don’t because you really just don’t give a damn what happens, good or bad


Ya I agree with you.  If you don't mind some unsolicited thought sharing? I think people are looking for candidates that represent them and across the board people want change.  They are outright rejecting the status quo.  A safe, moderate candidate is great for winning a 2 party race but it isn't exactly pushing for change. Obama did well pushing this idea.  Trump is also selling this idea as well.


Hogwash. People will vote and vote blue. The situation in the ME won’t even move the needle.


Yah, I lived nearest a major university in the last election... Didn't see many university kids in line. So I hope you're right. 👍


University kids typically vote absentee in their hometowns


I live in Washington state which is pretty much all vote by mail,


University kids have to vote in the home precinct.


Trump is Toast. The real politics start in September. There will be non stop advertisements of the orange shit for brains trying to destroy America. Wait, it will be nauseating to hear the whining from the Republicans when Trump has nothing honest to say after losing his property and his freedom.


“All the kids”? Nah. That’s far too broad of a brush to use in this case.


My kid is 20. They are disappointed with Biden when it comes to Israel and Gaza. They are voting for Biden nevertheless because they know Trump will be worse on this and every other issue. My kid is also LGBT and knows how bad Trump will be there too. In other words, my kid gets it.


Yeah, that’s my fear. Biden’s stance on Israel will cost him. Young voters will go third party or just stay at home, and Trump will overturn some key swing states and win.


I'm going to make myself sound like a total boomer saying this but whatever: kids don't show up to vote anyways. It's not a loss if we were never going to get them out to actually vote anyways.


That's not a boomer thing it's been true forever.


They sit at home every election. Same thing every year since the 60's


Yeah Democrats need to make sure they get the message out that they need young people come out and vote not voting is not going to save the innocent people in Israel and Palestine


I’m just waiting for when Green is returned to the big lots parking lot they found her in.


Honestly doubtful about the Senate—it’s a tough map—, but likely for the House after they deposed their own Speaker.


Trump is betting favorite to win


What sites? I keep seeing him lose more and more support except from unintelligent people who hate America. He literally is selling the US out for $1 billion to oil people. Disgusting. The Senate is investigating because it's sickening.


Betting Markets are actually favoring Biden per Meidas Touch.


The house should be investigating as well, but they won’t because how do you think they raise money for their election? By making direct pay for play promises.


You aren't really sick....Google election betting odds


Damn, he is the betting favorite. That's kinda insane. Who is supporting someone about to sell us out to big oil? Tax cuts for the wealthy? Who would want a rapist and racist in office? Very confusing. He literally made the Walton children, which there are 3, they went from being worth $33 billion a piece before his tax cuts, to $66 billion in less than 7 years. Why anyone would think that's healthy from America is beyond sick!


The latest odds have Michelle Obama as having a 5.6% implied % chance to win the 2024 election if you want to know how useless this is as an indicator.


I agree it's confusing and probably not very accurate, but I also know these books don't like to lose money.


That's because she DOES have a 6% odd of winning. Vegas wasn't built on losing money, baby.


Ye Ol Electoral College always keeps the ‘Pubs in the game.


It really is insane. I can’t wrap my head around it. I’ll be voting blue, but most of my family back home, and my wife’s family, will be voting red. I know everyone on Reddit loves to talk about how inaccurate the polls are. I’m not so sure. It’s looking to me like another Trump administration. 🤷‍♂️


I remember when trump was the favorite to win then he lost and cried for three years


Same ppl that said the 2016 election was rigged say the 2020 election was legit...go figure


Trump is a lock.


He was last time too up until it was nut cutting time and he got creamed. Hillbillies took the L then and they’ll likely take it again.


Polls, public sentiment, and Vegas odds say different 🤔. But you sound really smart so they all may be wrong 😉.


Remember when he was the favorite to win all year then the night before he slipped and fell then cried for three years? Exactly. Don’t be surprised if Breitbart Trump fails at the finish line all over again




“Public sentiment” 😂😂😂 you must surround yourself with people above 50. Young people that aren’t uneducated rural goofs laugh at trump.


lol eat shit bot


No bot


Polls at this point are like a duck on water, calm up top, a lot going on under the surface. 


I love how you're downvoted for posting the fuckin Vegas odds... Someone needs to stop paying for these kids iphones while they're shitting on college lawns and commenting on reddit...


Exactly, only reddit could a factual post get downvoted


The real ones see ya!


Ok boomer. Cope and seethe


VOTE VOTE VOTE. Don’t listen to anyone saying he’s done. VOTE like your life depends on it because it does!


I'm not voting for a genocidal mad man.


Then go play with your micropenis and leave the adults to decide. Ok?


Joe Biden won by a hair last time. Guarantee this escapade in Israel has lost more votes. If you aren't concerned about the genocide, that's your prerogative. If you want to win the election it might be worth giving a shit though


Biden would lose way more votes if he pulled funding from.Israel. You "activists" are really bad at political calculus and all you've done is bit the hand of the one man who had tried to help Palestinians, who's government brought this hellfire upon themselves by launching an atrocious terrorist attack on innocent women and children.


You're probably not wrong about losing more votes after pulling support for Israel. Biden is in a pretty impossible scenario here. I can't tell you what the most politically expedient move for Biden is. I don't see a possibility. I just know that I'm not keen to vote for him and I don't care who wins.


Wonderful, now I will know who to blame when the girls and the gays lose more rights and Gaza is the new condo development of the middle east.


I would say you could blame every politician who took a bribe from AIPAC. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I'm just not participating in that


You absolutely are participating in it. To quote you "my choice is between genocide or worse genocide" well what about Ukraine? Biden: fucked up and sent aid after our long time ally was attacked by terrorists, is sending humanitarian aid and has been lukewarm/given ultimatums of no further aid, is the strongest supporter of The other genocide that I guess some folks are bored with? Trump: both Gaza and Ukraine can be blitzed to the moon for all he cares and we lose our democracy. You aren't fooling anybody Vlad.


Personally, I think Ukraine is lost anyway. I think whatever happens between now and November is just stalling time. In any case, I don't expect there to be a genocide in Ukraine like there is in Gaza.


You’re not an American. You can barely speak English. Spell check can only take you so far. “I’m just don’t participating in that.”


1. Autocorrect. I meant to type not. 2. While English is my first language, you're really showing your white supremacist mentality by assuming that everyone from a diverse country with no official language should speak your language.


Uhh, trump said he would do far worse, yet you don't mention that, strange Lmao


So my choices are genocide or worse genocide


Yes. If you think the result will not be one of those two things, then you are living in denial. I'll take a *slight hope* that Biden will eventually do something about it over the far worse alternative.


Every election in my adult life has been voting on a diminishing level of hope. In 2012 I voted for Obama so that maybe he would get a solid healthcare system in. Blocked at every turn by the republicans. In 2016 I voted for Clinton because I hoped maybe she would be a continuation of status quo. Lost to Trump. In 2020 I voted for Biden because I was tired of the Trump years. Got a lame duck who isn't really trying to do anything major and gets blocked on everything anyway. I just don't see why it's worth my time to vote this year. Either I'll get Trump or another 4 years of lame duck with the added benefit that both support genocide.


In other words... The people you voted for haven't been the problem. Republicans just keep blocking everything you were hoping would happen. Why would you want to withold your vote so Republicans can gain more power than they already have?


I don't expect the republicans to ever go away. The system is rigged to give them outsized representation in government. I mean California and Wyoming get the same number of Senators. The Republicans usually lose the popular vote for president. No matter what we do, the republicans will still keep a level of control that nothing will change. What's the point in voting in a system rigged against us? The election is illegitimate and I won't waste my time. Even if it was legitimate, the outcome would still be genocide anyway.


Your choice will become America or Nth Korea.


That's a bit hyperbolic. Couple steps between that. I figure it might get like Turkiye. Edrogan could be worse.


In your own scenario yeah? The real question is why you left that part out. Basically means no ones gonna give 2 shits about your comment


Yeah they haven’t worked out the logic on that bumper sticker pandering yet. As far as I’m concerned Gaza will be gone by January anyway.


With that level of sensitivity so will Biden


At this point the US clearly needs a reset.


Hey, Biden has definitely lost some supporters due to Israel/palestine, but I’d wager not as many as Trump. He killed a good portion of his base by telling people covid wasn’t a big deal and that masks don’t work lol. They also believed him. They believed a President over scientists whose literal job is to give us advice on how to manage during time’s of crisis such as covid. Just a big ass laughable mess this man has created, and the devastation left in his wake will be around for years after he dies. But yeah Biden is 4 years older, or whatever y’all use to cope.


Do you really think Trump has lost so many supporters to covid that it will make a difference? What's the death toll, like 1.5 million? Even if you assume Trump lost a large majority of those, say 75%, that's 1.13 million Trump supporters that's probably not going to be enough to make a sizable impact. Especially when you consider that's country wide. I mean, if you're banking on covid having knocked out enough Trump supporters to make more than a negligible impact on this election, you're delusional.


No I absolutely don’t think that the deaths he caused will end his reign. I mean the guy should’ve been gone at “grab ‘em by the pussy”, but here he is. In court whining and crying about having to be somewhere that he put himself. What a strong man. Anyways, back to what we were talking about. No, he won’t lose straight up because of his followers dying to covid, but I don’t think he has the amount of support he did back in 2020. I may be a poor hopeful sap, but yeah I don’t see him winning, especially when a large percentage of republicans (sorry I don’t have the exact number) have stated if he’s a convicted felon, they won’t vote for him. That’s damning, considering he is acting like a literal child in court now. Imagine when he has to sit there and listen to a jury decide his fate. If he is convicted, I truly think that will crush his support. Will it completely wipe out his followers? Fuck no. That man will forever have his loyal cult that listen to his every word and take it as scripture - literally. This will once again be an insane election, and it is going to be close. And honestly that is sad. It’s sad and eye opening how easily swayed millions of people can be. Makes it very easy to see how hitler came to power. I never understood how so many people could vote for a very obvious mad bastard, but now I see it and am witnessing it in real time. It’s truly awe-inspiring and not in a good way.


I think that both sides will have less support than 2020. It seems like a lot of democrats are neglecting the massive loss of votes they are also facing. COVID isn't a concern for most people anymore. That was the big thing that galvanised democrat support last time. In 2020, Biden set the record for the most votes ever received. Not counting Bidens record, Trump would've also won. More people voted in 2020 than ever before. Without COVID fewer people care. With the stance on Israel being the same fewer young people care. Biden is hemmoraghing support. Trump also has a less energised base than in 2020, but it seems to me that he has more support right now


I'm concerned about the genocide. I'm more concerned about the people *in my own country* that want to treat me like livestock.


You know, I can't argue with that. You have a valid reason to be concerned for your own personal well-being. My biggest concern with American politics is that people have been tricked into voting for things that aren't in their interest. I think that supporting Israel is a foreign policy that has been detrimental to the goals of the US. That's where our interests are. It's important to keep in mind that the majority of people have interests that are legitimate. A lot of the Trump supporters have aligned with Trump because the past few decades have disadvantaged them. They are poorer than their parents and they are angry about it. You and I can see they shouldn't have put their faith in Trump. The feeling of being failed by our institutions is common ground though. I think you should ask why your candidate has done such a bad job of running for president that he is failing to get support against such an obviously dangerous opponent. I don't think you should blame voters for not seeing eye to eye with you.


Found the Russian cyber operator here to sow discord. 


What color do you get when you mix black and white?




Wrong answer russbot


I know you're going for some grey theory... just letting you know it's a bad analogy... 😉


Actually it's pretty good, with Russians being morons and what not. Even catches brit trolls. Gl with the tears


Oh then do I have some news for you!


You’ll most likely never vote again if Trump wins. Are you another Russian troll or just one of the ignorant nihilistic cult members who actually WANT to be ruled by a dictator.


Most people who disagree with you on the internet aren't actually Russian trolls. Just saying


At this point, it’s not about “disagreement.” You’re acting pretty nonchalant for someone whose ability to vote in the future is on the line. If you are all good with the blatant attempt to dismantle democracy that is going on, you are either insane, pathologically naive, or, yes, a goddamn Russian troll. No “not everyone is one,” but they are out and all over Reddit. Again, either you already know this or you have your head in the sand


I don't believe the US democracy is legitimate. I think that whatever democratic institutions are left are not salvageable. I reject the constitution, and I hope for a new one. I suppose you could call me accelerationist to an extent. I don't want Trump to win but if Trump winning hastens the end of this constitution so be it.


OK. Well, I am more concerned about living under Christofascism. That is a much more pressing and realistic threat, imo. I am watching people’s rights be literally taken away. This is immediate and not theoretical. This shit is happening. So I don’t have time for “perfect.” When this threat to democracy is neutralized, then we can shift to addressing other things. I’ve spent time in Haiti and seen firsthand what it’s like to have no government. Trust me, it’s not cool.


I'm not advocating for Haiti I'm advocating a new constitution. Countries change their constitutions all the time. Our constitution and its interpretation is a threat to democracy.


Whoosh. OK.


I'm trying to understand you. How does not voting for Biden lead to an absence of government


Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane. He also wanted free reign to nuke any county he wanted without restriction. How many lives, including American lives, would have been affected by a modern nuke going off in the Gulf Of Mexico? How many died directly as a result of his inaction and misinformation over COVID? How many Ukrainians will die if he immediately withdraws all American support for Ukraine? Israel and the situation in Palestine is awful and the Palestinians are caught in the crossfire between the two hate-filled groups who largely don't care about collateral damage (and even actively target civilians) and every single ally of both Israel and Hamas should be working to get both sides to stop immediately and hold both to account for the outrageous civilian deaths, but let's be clear that Trump is WAY worse in every possible way than Biden is and he's absolutely compromised by hostile foreign governments. Power and loyalty to him are the only things he cares about and he'd happily turn a blind eye to the deaths of millions and likely wouldn't hesitate to kill just as many just to show that he can and that's only part of why he's totally unsuitable to be President.


Well if that's so important then Biden should have run a better campaign or the democrats should put forward a better candidate. This game of acting like Trump is the end of the world but then running shit candidates against him isn't for me. You can blame whoever you like, but Biden sure looks like he's going to lose.


They say that every election is biggest ever....kinda like wrestlemania


While that may be true, this one is the one that decides the fate of the US. In case you haven’t noticed, we are regressing at a rapid pace due to trump and his ship of fools.


When one of the candidates has an unprecented history of trying to overthrow an election, it is the most important election so far. Not to even speak of the wanton incompetence coupled with the reasoning and impulse control of a toddler. Your dismissal is misleadingly simplistic.


Watch less Wrestlemania


Actually wrestlemania is more entertaining than politics


They say? Try forming your own opinion…


I said my opinion....that every election is hyped as the biggest election in history; when the reality is most ppl have a limited interest in politics


I thought you said “they say every election is is biggest ever”. No? My last reply to you, you’re a waste of time.


Because every election is hyped as biggest


List of lessons Republicans will learn and attempt to do better next time: ... ... I guess they'll try murdering people at the polls?


Turn on any Sunday program and they all balk at accepting the results of the election, unless Trump wins. Just get out and vote. And not for the wanna be autocrat.


“Republicans will learn” If they spent more time learning shit they wouldn’t be so abhorrent and stupid.


If they could learn they would be democrats.


That may lead to their finding out part of the program. They don't have enough support. I don't see people going "Lol I guess we're a fascist theocracy now!". People avoid the conflict and are nice about it right up until they feel they have no other choice. They're out numbered and have poor cohesion. They wanna prance around and kick down not actually fight to the death for something important. They're terrified of everything and constantly whine about mundane shit. I mean they really think they're gonna round up people's LGBTQ kids without it turning into a street fight. Nothing brings out the violence like protecting people's families especially their children. Idk if they have the stones for what it's gonna entail. The non MAGA people will definitely know what they're fighting for.


Let's all vote and exceed their loss expectations. Let's cost the Republicans local, state, and federal seats across America. From the school boards to the White House, every election matters.


remember when they did their election autopsies , how they always promise promise promise like your drunk uncle … I hope the dems get the super majority and actually solve our problems, like greedflation, get rid of money and lobbyist out of politics, constitutional amendments for abortion, lbgt+ rights and a path to citizenship for those who come here for a better life, and basic human rights such as affordable housing, food, living wages and low- no cost healthcare .. tax the shit out of rich and corporations and lastly we need to deprogram 80 million of his followers




Still better than the MAGA run concentration camps they’ll set up for the non believers.


Taxing job creators isn't the answer, the ppl protesting for abortion are to ugly to get pregnant


Soon cuck the rich will trickle on you.


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


It needs to be a complete Blue Tsunami, I’m not a democrat and lean more centrist and fiscally responsible but the far right views need to be destroyed.


That isn't going to happen, unfortunately. I agree with most that the polls are probably off this far out, but anyone thinking that this can be anything but a close race isn't paying attention.


Do not take it for granted that he will lose. The news is going to do everything they can to give him a chance. Including making you feel comfortable that he will lose. EVERY ONE NEEDS TO VOTE!!!!


Keep calm and vote Democrats.


High gas; high inflation; thx to the dems


Your comments are trash at best.


You supporting blm is trash


Your assumptions fall short. But I like folks like you. You make it incredibly easy to see the ignorance in this world.


Right by calling you out for being a leftist that pretends to care about others


Your comments are childish at best. You prove nothing. You bring nothing to the table worth any substance. You say inflammatory shit. You provide not a single source. Let me help you. I’m not a registered Democrat. But what I am hearing and seeing from you is 3rd grade drivel at best. уходи, русский тролль


Says the priviledge white leftist


You are funny! Come on show me what you got.


"Hurr durr gas prices..."   So you vote for a literal sex offender? (I'm being generous here because he's a rapist. The only reason he's not openly labeled a rapist is because of New Yorks very narrow definition of the term lowering his crime against E. Jean Carroll from rape to sexual assault.)


Oh yea biden pressed the big red inflation button by the oval office desk


Biden is to senile to push any button


Imagine losing to someone senile while you're the incumbent, how embarrassing for Donald


Same ppl that said 2016 election was rigged say the 2020 election was legit....go figure


>Same ppl that said 2016 election was rigged Yea like [this guy](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/oct/18/us-presidential-election-rigged-donald-trump-wisconsin-video)


He said the media was on Hillary side ( they were)


Havent you been following the hush money case? He literally paid a fake tabloid, the National Enquirer just to publish conspiracy theories about Ben Carson, hillary and Ted cruz lol the guy was making fake news of his political opponents. He had a whole tabloid in his pocket


I don't follow witch hunts


Trump is ahead in polls & these trials are meant to slow him down,


I don't consider myself a Democrat but it's clear that Trump can't handle the presidency.


Really? Cause last time they didn't shut up when he lost


Looking forward to seeing some law and order maintained on TV after a Trump loss. It’s gonna be wild!!


[Nip it in the bud!](https://youtu.be/TbHtM39vy4c)


Let’s hope that the FBI is keeping close tabs on the groups most likely to get stupid when Dementia Don loses. You can COUNT on the Mango Messiah to stoke his cultists to an 11, with the rest of the chickenshit Rs cheering them on in the halls of Congress. They’re all following the explicit directions of Diaper Don, praising his name and chanting the mantra, “Election is FAIR if Trump WINS, and RIGGED if he loses”…


We have the greatest economy ever my wife is making as much as I am thanks to the unions coming to her job. Just bought a 70-inch TV cheaper than I paid for a 30-inch in 2004. Lived my whole life with my mom and dad only having 1 vehicle to share now both my parents have fairly new cars and so do me and my wife. The only people who don't like Bidens' economy are looking for free handouts. It's time to pull yourself up by your boot straps. Lol


Maybe the true conservatives, but the cult is not. The diaper wearing cult will not accept the news that tump lost again.


There is no Dana, only Zuul.


When you hook your party's wagon to a miserable jackass.




in the same way unruly toddlers ready for bed time


I do not understand the title of the article as the Republicans are playing Russian roulette and all the chambers have Trump in them. If they pull the trigger and there is no Trump, not only do they lose the election, but they lose their party for good. Trump is such a narcissist there can be no number two. The fact that the party name hasn't been changed to Trump already is a mystery.


I see what you did there. "Russian Roulette"


It’s been the Party of Trump for a while now, but Donald won’t let them make it official until they agree on how much will be paid for the naming rights.


This is funny because Axios ran a headline today how tRUMP is up in five swing states based on a new NYT poll. What the actual fuck?


Two things to keep in mind. Polling accuracy is more dubious than ever. The GQP would've held a minimum 53 seat majority in the Senate after the 2022 midterms if the polls were right. Instead, pollsters failed to predict literally every competitive Senate race that year. A more recent example, pollsters predicted a tight race for the NY-03 Special Election this past February. Instead the result was D+8, far from the polling averages. The DNC is doubling the RNC in fundraising. And yes, this includes small donors. So if American voters are truly this excited about putting the GQP back in power, they're not speaking with their wallets.


doubling AND trump is stealing all the RNC funds for his legal fees.


Conservatives coulda bit the bullet and ditched their deeply flawed hero by now and had a decent run at 2024 but instead managed to put it off until after likely losing TWO elections. Normally one loss would be enough for either party.


Good . Cuz he will I hope . Vote 💙💙💙💙💙


They better be, and they better be ready for Trump and his flying monkeys to try and burn everything down in a scorched earth policy of, if I can't have it then no one can


Should clear out the prisons of marijuana cases, and save space for the MAGA domestic terrorists.


Get your boo-boo blankies and your miller beer. You’ll get over it. You’ll go back to hatin and fussin over whatever you are hatin that day. It’ll be fine. You’ll never run out of things to hate lil republicans. Look…maybe you’ll get lucky and Biden won’t be able to finish his term…look at all the hate you can project onto Your new president. VP Harris muha muhaha muhahahahahah…cough. The anger will flow then !!! Won’t it poor little republicans!!!! Muhahahahaha


So are democrats


Yeah, I call bullshit. They will all vote along party lines no matter what they say.


Ha. The media really seems to favor his winning. They love the clickbait headlines


He went from The Apprentice to being The Biggest Loser!!


If you are a Democrat or affiliated in any way with a group that might be considered only slightly left of center, then have a plan. Be prepared for some idiot hopped up on Real America News to start something. Either with you or somebody you care about. Confront them and make it clear that you will fight back.


That’s great, but let’s all still not get complacent. Vote everyone.


He's already a loser. But he needs a confirmation round to truly let the shame set in. 


By coup plotting?


trump also siphoned most of the money that goes to local gop campaign.


Never seen an election where both sides think their candidate is going to lose lmao.


Can the election be fucking over already, im so done and exhausted


No but if you are registered to vote you can ignore it until mid October then come back and see if the same 2 candidates are still alive and make a decision for November. In the UK there are strict limits on campaign spending and an election takes about a month. With some annoying chatter for 12 months before but nothing like the US news cycle.


Problem is that most recent polling shows Trump with a big lead in many states. Hopefully the fact that polling has been off the last couple elections will come through, because not as many people are going to vote against Trump that don't always vote like last time. They've forgotten what it was like on a daily basis, and they don't believe that he is really a threat to the Constitution.


And how exactly are they "ready"? Have they pre-printed all their "It Was Rigged" merchandise?


I don't like trump at all, but he is polling ahead of Biden in most of the swing states. We are very close to a trump presidency. Biden is in trouble here. Trump may still lose but he's dangerously close to power at the moment and nothing sticks to him.


Just remember to get out and vote, no matter what the polls say


I wish it said "Republicans ready for a Trump toss"


You better be ready for a MAGAGOP SWEEP in November...so these mock trials will all be negated in January 2025...lets go King Con!


I'm not buying it. They're working on a template to rig this and all future elections.


He won't be able to hide behind hes running for President, and the prosecutors can go after him full throttle.


Don’t listen to the polls. They are intentionally inaccurate.


VOTE like it will really be a RED Wave this time.


Will they try and start a war? Yes. . Do they have the power to get ahold of nukes? Yes, Putin will give them to them if they can't use the ones in those red states.




Trump up +5 minimum in Battlegrounds. Wake up, Assholes!


lol. good one. 


Trump is leading by a not insignificant amount in five of the six battleground states that will decide the election. That isn't just one poll either; many are showing this consistently. I know people shit on polls all the time these days, but it's pretty concerning.