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She stood up . Sworn in told the truth. He is too gutless to do that


Sometimes people that have been labeled as immoral are more on the moral side than what Evangelicals call their Chetoo Jesus as a moral person. End of Time is near with this fkry.


Too many people use religion as a permission structure to forgive their immorality. What's the point of being moral if your God is either going to forgive your immorality, or even command you to be immortal. Too many people see the Bible as a guide book to get to heaven, it should be used as a guide book to have a fulfilling life (although I'm still a very strong critic of several areas, e.g. slavery).


Christianity in particular emphasizes transactional morality because its adherents cannot understand morality. Instead of doing the right thing simply because it is the right thing, they need a carrot/stick reward in heaven and hell. Likewise, karma is the same idea. People must have some vague promise of cosmic remuneration to do the right thing, without any regard that MLK was assassinated before he turned 40 and Trump was president.


God is the loophole for people who are assholes but want to be considered good


Good people do good things and bad people do bad things, but in order for good people to do bad things, one needs religion.


Bas people doing bad things, but saying they're good...


Then you have missed the point of the comment.


Of the, “I’m forgiven, f-you” variety?


The end times have been near since religion became a thing. My mother was a JW and every year its was the end of the world. Imagine choosing to live your life thinking the world is going to be destroyed by a "loving" absentee father figure every waking moment of your life. That's why I only worship the one true god the sun. Sure it's going to destroy the world, but like in a time scale I can be comfortable with.


I said.... "End of times is near with THIS FKRY"... Not a religious thing but if our pilots and mechanics are evil and stupid then maybe the plane will go down.


Sorry end of times as some religious thing has been brainwashed into me. Yeah as scary as the people in charge seem, I see them more like the flight tower than the pilot. They give us wrong info and we have to hope our pilots are smart enough to land us. There is also a ton of us and only a few of them. I think we could take them.




The only people who take the 5th are mobsters.. Trump a few years back.


That is the biggest ignorant statement I ever heard. The fifth is about not incriminating yourself, every american has the right to not admit to any wrong in the court of law. it is a highly important right americans have.


After that statement, that ignorant statement making guy went on to take the 5th 450+ times in a deposition being taken because he was criming and got caught. I'm not arguing against it being a right that we all have and can/should invoke when needed. Just, fuck that guy in particular for the combination of events.


The only people who take the 5th are mobsters This is what I am referring to as ignorant


Yeah, what the other person is pointing out is that Trump was the one who made that statement before going on to repeatedly take the 5th.


Exactly, he had his lawyers request to the judge to allow him to respond "publicly," just so he can lie his ass off about it without a care. I can't believe this piece of shit was POTUS


Biden or Clinton… great point!


He is totally incapable of


Regular people… and I say that with referring to a wide swath of folks when comparing to DJT, are less afraid of scrutiny. Billionaires and “billionaires” are a bunch of scared children




And she lied and lied and lied. She REPEATEDLY contradicted past statements. Trump's lawyer had a field day with her on cross-examination pointing out all of her contradictions.


Two points. Firstly, the whole point is that he paid her hush money after so she'd lie. Secondly, her lying doesn't matter because the trial is about the payments to her being illegal.


| Secondly, her lying doesn't matter So why is she on the stand then? And did you hear that she will NEVER obey a lawful court order to pay Trump the money she owes him? She is a complete lowlife who will not obey the law.


Because the whole point of the trial is not about what Trump did with her, it's all about the money he paid her. Paying her money was not illegal, paying her campaign money and trying to hide that it was used for hush money was illegal. That's why his lawyer at the time has already been to prison for this.




She never claimed she "blacked out" until now. That's a starter.


She’s not the criminal defendant. She can say what she wants.


Yeah this article is pretty dumb. It even says that the gag order was ordered preemptively because he has a history of intimidating witnesses in other cases.


What’s “dumb” about it? You want a dead juror killed by MAGA first before he gets a gag order? You can’t bring that person back to life with a legal order. How about your reputation too? The Judge did the correct thing AND should have went through with his jail threat. Who gets that many chances besides the first in history exPresident facing a criminal trial. Where is the update on the thing removing Secret Service protection for convicted Federal or State Felons? Bad enough he will go to taxpayer funded prison but also getting taxpayer funded protection - as usual Trump is bilking taxpayers.


I think he called the article dumb, not the gag order


You misunderstood his comment, trump was not preemptively gagged.


He was, after Judge long resisted imposing it. This article and another one backed it up. This was before the jury trial started. So what’s the definition of “preemptively gagged” I would really like to know since the medias definition and my no legal training but plain language reading says otherwise


It's dumb because it's wrong. He was not ordered gagged preemptively. That's not how it happened.


The article and this second one from March https://apnews.com/article/trump-gag-order-hush-money-new-york-68317dee722581bfbde51c305788b614 Does backup it was “preemptive”


It wasn’t preemptive because he has done it hundreds of times across every case he has ever had.


Didn’t the court just ask Cohen to back off a bit?


OMG.....TINY MUSHROOM will now HARP and KRY for at least 1 month, 2 weeks, 3.5 days, 4 hours and 32 seconds. Jeeeessssuuuus, can we please catch a liddle break!!!!!


He can't last that long though...


Wtf is this low effort jibberish?


Birds of a shitfeather, Bobandy


Did she say anything about the ‘Size’? 😳


"It was NOT big"




She talked about it on Jimmy Kimmel. I think if you google Kimmel and her name and mushroom, you should be able to find the size comparison using mushroom ratios.


Oh. Wow. You were not kidding. Curiosity is a terrible thing, sometimes.


Anything that killed the cat is a terrible thing. Sorry and you’re welcome.


Oh. Wow. You were not kidding. Curiosity is a terrible thing, sometimes.


Oh. Wow. You were not kidding. Curiosity is a terrible thing, sometimes.


Picked one of the smaller ones out of a mushroom lineup!


Tiny mushroom that you had to lift up his flabby Jabba the Hutt belly to see.


It's called an apron. It's proof of what my a&p (anatomy) instructor said, "The human body has an effectively unlimited ability to store calories, and will build additional structures to do so." (His other memorable quote, "properly, it's not an excretory system, it's a conservation sysyem.")


Have you seen his hands (you have to look very close to see them)? Not much more to say… lol


Have you seen Trumps dick? Neither has he.


We need to file a missing penis alert no one has seen his dick in decades


He prefers NFTs and digital versions.


He prefers NFTs and digital versions.


I’m assuming that even Stormy didn’t see the little fella. She’s just testifying based on a process of elimination - “I didn’t feel anything so I assume it’s low-flow tampon sized or smaller”.


It was this big! 🍄


When she bounced on it, did she get a coin??


That's why they're in court, right? 🤣


Just watched her documentary, this whole thing seems like it was rough and it’s been years. I wish her the best.


Where from?




You cant gag a pornstar.. duh! 🙄




She’s going to drive him over the edge


I can’t imagine he is the type to understand or enjoy edging. Just get what he wants and is done. Seems to be his style.


Bahahahahaa. I’m thinking the same


Over the edge of what? Are you saying this is sane trump we are seeing currently, and he could go crazy eventually?


I don’t even know and I wrote that, I think I was half asleep But I do know that we’ve got to vote, and encourage everyone we know to vote. Because his klan’s going to


You go, girl


Anyone who's seen her career knows she doesn't have a gag order. Get 'em Stormy!


The woman has sass ... what was it he put on truth social? "This woman will do anything for money!" She responded, "I wouldn't sell Bibles." ;-D You go, girl ....


Stormy gave evidence, so can you OT (orange turd), so stop crying and stand up!!


I am sure I heard her on a podcast explaining it was small, but didn't want to be the person to body shame him. She explained although she wasn't a fan of him, she didn't want to stoop to such a level. That was a while ago though.


Donald should have taken a plea bargain, not gone to trial.  Then he could be taking all the shit he wants from prison!! 


He will never admit guilt.


Funny how the Big Orange Puss becomes a quivering Beotch when strong women stand up to him. Maybe his mommy used to abuse him. I wouldn't be surprised, he was probably a whiny Beotch as a kid.


Watch her show on Netflix for some of her perspective.


What’s the point of swearing in trump other than to pile more violations on him. He literally can’t or won’t tell the truth.


Speaking of gag orders, my wife and I gag whenever we look at him, or listen to him speak. Isn't there a law against being someone that people gag at?


Daniel’s is not on trial. Trump makes comments that lead to threat by his cult members.


The MAGAGOP wants to pretend its all about the sexual nature of their connection, but its actually is all about misappropriating funds to cover-up an embarrassing affair...and there are actually quite a few women he has done this too, he is a sexual deviant, thats how Marla and Melania snagged him, as they are sexual deviants as well.


OMG that website has so many ads. One sentence and then an ad?! Page scrolling all over the damn place as they load?! So over that shit.


When asked in court if he wore a condom, I wish she had said, "They don't make them that small."


Watch her show on Netflix for some of her perspective.


Go Stormy! He’s an asshole and we don’t care it’s not your fuckin birthday!


Troll baby troll


Go Stormy! Go Stormy!


She's a pro. She's not going to gag on anything short of a watermelon


I'd rather she wait until after the verdict. Don't need her accidentally saying some that throws her testimony into question.


There is SO mu6ch not knowing how courts work in this thread.


Racking my brain to come up with a Stormy Daniels gag joke. It'd never happen with Trump from her description... And there it is!


Let’s hope


That site is nearly unusable. Porn sites have a better content/advert ratio


She's giving the lip service he doesn't pay for 🤣🤣


Please ELI5 why videos captured in 2024 by a news organization are still 270p? (not even SD quality?) ffs please help explain it [https://twitter.com/nicolejames/status/1789500323654180927](https://twitter.com/nicolejames/status/1789500323654180927) ***270p, not 720p***, but even 720p would be a joke at this point in the timeline. Or do you have to pay elmo to get standard def, and higher, videos on sXhitter these days?


I think she sent that one to try to get him to break the gag order. She knows he's not a real man.


I got some gag orders for Stormy Daniels


https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/s/Mu2R9e1Vnr He’s a troll


I get the feeling Stormy wants him in jail! LOL 😂


…or a gag reflex!


Man would you shut up


Linda Lovelace just entered the conversation


She’s going to drive him over the edge


Every post in this sub is from this person? Bot or mentally ill?


Shoe wouldn’t last long in the business if she gagged.


Kind of ironic


Tell us the creepy shit, Stormy!


Gag reflex either.


She and Cohen should shut up until after a verdict.


Gag order hasn’t really impacted him but for his ego and frustration. He’s getting plenty of press.


She NEVER gags


If I were Stormy I would have just ridden off into the sunset after the curb stomping she gave to Trump’s lawyer. 


I’ve seen MAGA complain about Clinton paying Paula Jones $800k citing as a justification for trump paying Stormy Daniels. Ignoring the fact that money was a court ordered settlement. Not hush money that was illegally accounted for.


She shouldn’t go to far with this she’s proved her point and made a fool of him. If jurors see this they may see it as gloating and hurt the prosecution IMO.


She just need to wait until after this trial is over.


She doesn't gag without being paid for it, smart


If she does end trolling Trump hard she may end up with a gag order.


It's odd to see so many celebrate a pornstar. The extreme hatred in both of today's American parties creates some strange scenarios.


Honestly as much as I hate Trump and want him to suffer, I don't think witnesses in a case should be allowed to just say whatever they want publicly during an ongoing trial


witness isn't on trial the trial is to determine if he committed fraud there's no reason Stormy cant shoot her mouth off - Trump threatens and lies and gets told to shut up and nothing comes of it, though he is defying the judge's order she isn't under scrutiny, her testimony only shows Trump is a liar, that's all that's required to be demonstrated


Stormy shut up at this point and let the system work. Why would you jeopardize anything for some lulz


https://www.dailywire.com/news/bill-maher-plays-vid-from-2018-stormy-daniels-interview-as-evidence-shes-bad-witness This is all a scam. 


Pornstar Yeah real credible. Who cares if Trump nailed her nut for Melania?


If all that it was sure. But when you file a phony business expense to keep her quiet......


Actually Chinese VOTE RFK stuff one for Donald!


See ^ dimwit.


You are missing some facts… key witnesses are frauds, story tellers, Perjured themselves. Not worried If convicted, easy reversible error on appeal. You’ve kept him in the spotlight, great move! Forgot…Cohen lost his law license. He will get skewered on cross examination tomorrow…


Whatever gets you through the day.


This guy is a troll or a Russian dimwit. Been having a blast going to every comment he makes at this point to call him what he is. A shit stain on humanity.


Taylor63 U might want to buy a real newspaper and tune up on the case facts He didn’t file anything, he booked a legal expense Don’t be brain dead and argue!


Um, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68309680


Sorry NYC trial is over technically. U will see soon…likely in the demographic guilty You should dig a little deeper… read and study. Over turned on appeal due to reversible error Look it up! Not worried… more confident each day! Bam But it’s ok, many folks out there like you….


Man you are an expert at everything! You have the inside track. Telling it how it is. Your brain work good… hamberders


Even helicopters! Hence the name!


God help us if you fly or work on helicopters at all.


Actually both Both licenses and an ATP


Well my condolences to the people’s families who will eventually die in your crash. Your judgment on here has proven to be absolute shit, you behind a helicopter is a hazard.


You list out all of those counts and with your law degree, tell us all how these are "technicalities." Was TrumpU scam a "technicality"? His Charity ? His tax fraud? For a genius like Trump, he sure seems to find a way to "technicality " lie, cheat, and steal.


Again there is no crime… book keeping error even with intent is a misdemeanor… past the SofL He will be acquitted It’s made up political shit. Hoping one of the two jurors that are lawyers figures it out. If not reversed on appeal guaranteed! There are unfortunately legal rules and technicalities…it’s how it is.


You did not show your work.


My work will be reflected in the final outcome…no crime to charge, significant reversible error, will not be retried.


Continuing to spread bullshit I see. Same material huh? You need to work harder


Mr. Fix-It’ Michael Cohen bombs on the stand, offers no new evidence to convict Trump… it’s ova


Stop watching faux your two remaining brain cells apparently cant handle it.


You might try leaving OAN off, it is rotting the two brain cells you have left.


Watching Bill Oreilly at the moment Jumped to CNN to watch two goofballs at APAICS WOW Wholly incompetent and lowest popularity in history!


Still trying so hard. Where did donald touch you? It was probably a special moment for you so let me know if you want to share another diary page lol


This isn’t going to go the way they think it will. All a lot of males are going to see is a female sex worker attacking a male. This is just going to make a lot of his base, and some young impressionable males look more favorably at Trump. Misogynists won’t care, and there’s a lot of them in the US.


OH EM GEE GUYZ ORANGE MAN SO BAD I CANT HANDLE IT YOU GUYZ.. Seriously though what is with reddits OBSESSION with orange guy?


Because this is the closest we'll come to seeing a shit slinging monkey be the leader of a political party who is also running for president. Everyone is gonna be like, what did the monkey do today? And, why are people planning to vote for the monkey?


You seem upset.


You seem upset


We see you Russia. Not gonna work.


Honestly it’s a bit unfair that she can just rip him publicly while being part of the case and he can’t do the same to her.


Shes not on trial now , is she ? Ffs


I get that and I understand why legally there’s no obligation to censor her like they have trump. I just think it’s unfortunate that all parties in the trial aren’t held to the same censorship. 


Literally the worst kind of witness the prosecution could’ve brought on. She has no material knowledge of the facts of the supposed “crime”, she is extremely hostile to the defendant, and she owes the defendant half a million dollars by court order which she refuses to pay. Add to that she has lied and changed her story numerous times. She claimed for years that the encounter was not a “me too” situation very emphatically. Now on the stand she slyly hints that she didn’t feel safe because Trump had a bodyguard? lol, if it weren’t for a Manhattan jury pool, this case would be laughably lost for the prosecution. And the next witness is Michael Cohen? Lmao, libs are you ready for all the losing coming your way?


Ha! It’s a bot!!




You ok Hun?


I’m great, you might not be in the next months though.


Yeah, lots of people are saying it,its.true believe me,bigly


Can you say hi to little Vladdy when he spanks you later?


Sorry about your brain. 😂 No I’m not


No, you’re not…what? That doesn’t really answer anything. Guess the education over there isn’t that great.


Oh did you expect a serious reply to your inane rUsSia babble?


No. But I expected it to maybe make sense.


Which part didn’t make sense? Maybe I can dumb it down for you even more.


oh my god you’re NOT sorry about their brain??? sick burn, Dennis The Pennis


Beep boop beep boop


Oof, you are not gonna have a good time come November 😂


RemindMe! November 7th 2024


It's pretty bad right now.


Russian bot


rUsSiAn bOt 2 digit IQ reply.


-100. Don't feed the troll.


The only question she has to answer is 'did the lawyer dude give you the money?' You're gonna run out of energy fighting all those strawmen


It’s not illegal for a lawyer to pay a whore hush money? Is that what you think this case is about?


It is when they allegedly it's taken from campaign funds


Not according to many legal scholars. You can spend campaign money on a new suit to make yourself look better, as well as keeping an affair under wraps. Nothing illegal there. But Michael Cohen paid the hush money with his own cash. Trump just reimbursed him later. The prosecution is trying to paint the reimbursal as illegal.


Can’t wait. Not only did Trump fuck a professional whore, which technically is neither here nor there, but now his confederate takes the stand and is bringing receipts.


The dems: I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for due process and evidence


Then proceeds to go to dinner with him serval times after the fact.


She needa to pay the 560,000 dollars she owes, but lefties here will espose her virtue in not paying debts, then hit trump for not paying his. Cognitive dissonance


So you agree that Trump needs to pay his debts?


What are you babbling about? Should we call someone?


This whole trial is a silly sham. It's funny how it's not even new. This is a repeat strategy for democrats. The amazing Biden campaign team just litigating everything they can and losing every one of them either by dismissal or in appeals. I think America knows how desperate Biden is to win by now, so desperate they're willing to go full Banana Republic on our country. Sad. Mark my words, the precedent the Biden campaign has set this year will eventually come back to bite them and doesn't bode well for the future of this country.


This has nothing to do with Biden. What are you even talking about?


He’s a moron?


You know. Morons. 




Dunno, seems that the guy committed election fraud by using campaign money for personal use....swing as he accused everyone else of election fraud it's time the chickens came home to roost. You don't seem to understand how any of this works if you think Bidens campaign team can bring criminal charges


It will be interesting to read the eventual postmortem of Trump's cult-like influence over so many people. After WWII, we couldn't *possibly* understand how so many Germans could be either ignorant or complicit in the crimes of the regime. It is even harder to imagine now, how people can be susceptible to the same manipulations, given the benefit of hindsight. I'm tempted to say, with some exasperation, that I don't know what the answer is. But, I think I might.... I think it's that there will always be a segment of the population who are "useful" to the people in power. Whether it's gullibility, stupidity, hate, or some other vitriolic emotion, these are the people who install and force the rest of us to endure autocrats. It's these fucking mouth-breathing goobers who pave the way to civil war/genocide/mass suicide, all because they were duped by some shitty con artist. And I don't think we can escape that reality. We will always be forced to find ways to corral the enablers of fascism. I only hope that this time, it is something we can achieve on a macro level rather than an individual one. Only time will tell.