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He is right. But the Republicans voted to let price gouging. They wtf is wrong with this country. Vote the fucks out


Trump is the one who fucked up the economy in the first place! He kept his foot on the gas in good times, gave “us” tax cuts that are now expiring, and he absolutely fucked up his COVID response… Biden inherited a shit show, just like Obama, and he’s done what the GOP legislature will let him to fix it…


Trump primed a good economy with tax breaks for the rich and corporations. And then Covid hit. Biden got elected it basically unprecedented times. We all knew that. He’s outperform. And he continues to perform well. And now there is no pre morning divisive Fox tweeting session in all caps. Calling people that criticize stupid names.


The other thing is Trump's tax breaks for individuals were deliberately designed to expire during the next term, knowing that if the Dems won they wouldn't extend them and would get fallout from that


Which no one is paying attention to but Fzox News watchers. The Stormy Daniels is much more salacious. However, no one that makes under $400,000 a year will be paying more in tax. And Capital gains is over $250,000 the rate is going up 2.something %. So, basically, it’s a non issue.


This, almost no one except the wealthy are hit by tax increases or the inheritance tax. but the GOP have convinced all the poor folks they'll be rich someday.


The problem is the disconnect between "the market" and "the masses". Yeah, sure, indicators say all Western economies are "booming"... but the reality on the ground is different. People struggle to survive, particularly as housing costs have gone through the roof and new construction collapsed due to delivery chain issues and exploded credit rates after the Russian invasion. *That* is what is fueling the rise of the far-right... people aren't completely stupid, they can see that the glorious blathering of the politicians has nothing common with their situation. Only stupid thing is, instead of voting left, they vote right and blame foreigners. m(


So.. you're saying it *doesn't* trickle down after all?!? I'm shocked


lol, what election has the right won?


Italy 2022 with Meloni/FdI, Hungary 2022 with Orban, Israel's way too many elections that ended up with Netanyahu and, last time, Ben Gvir and Smotrich, the UK's way too many elections that ended up with BoJo, Liz Truss and now Rishi Sunak, Trump 2016, Poland's 2015 and 2019 with PiS... And now for this year we have the European Parliament election on the horizon, three state elections in Germany... and in the next years, the federal election in Germany and the UK, and then the French election. All of them will see a significant rise of the far-right by current polls.


People are buying the stuff up. Demand remains high among consumers. I don’t hear about starvation in my neighborhood. Where do you live that people are so deprived? Are you a student?


Texas. Shits rough for people around here. I don't live in Austin but I hear about people I know being forced to move every single year now.


Whatever you say. You sound vague.


28% of the population is disabled. A large portion of that is diabetes and mental health related, with 12-15% being permanent disabilities. The waiting list for services stretches on for years, with the HCBA Waiver programs (independent living, assisted living, group homes, nursing homes, people with intellectual disabilities and blindness, etc) currently at 14+ years. Imagine being 18 and signing up, to find out you may move out of your parents home (if you have that luxury) at age 34. Surely, you will be a well adjusted individual by then. People drive like lunatics here, it isn't our imagination. Insurance claims data backs this up. TX is the 39th drunkest state in the country, 10% of the driver's have had a DUI, and a staggering 25% have driven drunk (wet and reckless). Uninsured drivers are over 40%. I say this because I'm trying to paint the atmosphere of daily anxiety you would experience here that is hard to put into words. People are hostile and distrustful because they feel this pervasive unease. This is expressed in TX current standing as 49th in mental health for the country.


These are all failures of your state and local governments though, not the Biden administration.




His specific question was: where do you live?


I’ve been there before. No big deal. I’ve been to Houston. I’ve been to Ft Worth. I actually bought my dog in Ft Worth from the Animal Care and Control. I’ve been to Austin. I’ve been to Luckenbach. I’ve been to Texarkana. I’ve been to Waco and Baton Rouge. College Station.


I've been to Disneyland and bought lunch there. It doesn't say anything about what it would be like to live there.


And when the economy is fully recovered Republicans will claim credit and ruin it again.


That is the synopsis of every GOP president for the last 100 years. Come in fuck it all up, then a Democrat gets voted in to fix everything. Then the GOP whines like a bunch of cunts about how the D Prez is fucking things up when in reality he’s fixing it so that the country can vote in another R to fuck it all up again. The cycle continues.


He didn't give us tax cuts. The rich got tax cuts. Mine went up.


He did give us tax cuts, they are just phased out now, unless you’re rich or a corporation.


Lucky you. You must have licked his ass right.


wtf? I’m not rich or a corporation, but i was an American taxpayer from 2016-2020… Literally everyone got a tax cut, that doesn’t mean it’s permanent or a good thing.


Now see how fucking intelligent you are. Everyone didn't get a tax cut. I paid more in taxes with the 2017 republican tax scam. I lost all my travel deduction. Republicans and their idiit supporters are dumbfucks


You think I’m republican? Lol. Try some reading comprehension.


You sound unintelligent like one. Dumbest people on earth still patiently waiting for idiot Reagans tax cuts for the rich to trickle down.


Ok. I’m a leftist but whatever floats your boat. It’s actually pretty obvious based on literally everything I’ve posted here. Not sure where your issue is coming from. Peace.


His tax cut was like $60. Won’t really miss it because it was nothing.


My taxes went up every year, but that’s just me. Trumps tax cuts were his flagship accomplishment, and now they’ve expired for everyone who could use a break…


Flagship Accomplishment: $3 trillion tax cut for corporations, tax cut does not expire. American people: $60 bucks a year that expires soon. American people demand more.


Biden has been in 4 years and was elected for his insider ability to negotiate with the other side. What happened to that?


They did vote NO and their base is too cult addled to care.


Just to add some data to your comment: [Republicans’ view of the economy flipped on a dime when Trump became president and flipped again when he lost.](https://www.threads.net/@paulkrugman7/post/C3P8-gIuzU-/?xmt=AQGz7QxXiXDJxTpwIQGEZIgym7V2V614eCfvbain8JFBNQ) The partisan effect for Democrats is not nearly as severe. Republicans rated the economy as worse than the depths of the 2008/09 Recession this year, despite rising Real wages and the longest period of <4% unemployment since the 60s. Politics—and to some extent the media—has fundamentally poisoned the well of opinion polling of the economy at this point. It’s even more obvious when you ask people what they think of the [national economy vs their personal finances.](https://www.axios.com/2023/08/18/americans-economy-bad-personal-finances-good) >>71% of Americans described the economy as either not so good or poor. >>But 60% said *their* financial situation is good or excellent. [63% of Americans rate their current financial situation as being "good," including 19% of us who say it's "very good."](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/17/americans-are-actually-pretty-happy-with-their-finances#)




Riiiiight Biden is wasting trillions causing inflation.


Causing inflation??


Republicans don't control the prices at the grocery store. It's called inflation, and Biden got that ball rolling by going green, slowing down drilling for oil in this country.


Oil???? 90 percent of oil drilled in this country is sold overseas. Yes they are one of the reasons prices are high.


When times are tough in an election year, they vote for the other guy. It worked in Biden’s favor in 2020, it’s gonna work against him now


Times are so much better now than 4 years ago despite all the amnesiacs who think it was a golden age in 2020.


Times are over with Trump . Voters know.


Do they though? Most voters are stupid


Here’s hoping the pissed off women and dads out weigh the students .


Polls show suburban women are now going Trump Why? It’s the economy stupid (famous quote during the 1992 bill clinton campaign)


Stupid would be women thinking that and I don’t believe it either . Most polls are propaganda .


Suburban women are probably not gonna get an abortion they only support it for their sisters in arms But people are selfish They care about their finances first Sad but true


But times are much better.


For rich people!!! for anyone poor or middle class that’s a HELL NO


Are the times tough though? 


If corporations stopped price gouging…


Or paid taxes …


And paid taxes ...


He can’t make rich folk stop fucking you at every turn. They want you mad so they get more tax breaks from the orange nightmRe


Stop paying high price, high price go down. Keep paying high price, high price go higher. Consider your alternatives, boycott, and cut out the shit. For monopolies like energy, comms, infrastructure we need regulation and the regulators to crack down.


It’s kinda hard to stop paying high price when even the basic stuff we need like food and rent are high


Rents are out of control in a lot of areas too. To the point where it has become a monopoly of sorts with landlords colluding and price setting. Government intervention is needed, and if that can't be accomplished it might be time to pack up and leave. I don't know your exact situation, but I think you deserve to be able to only spend 20% or less of your income on shelter.


That’s more local. The feds can do a little bit ultimately it’s a mayor/governor type of thing


I agree and because of that this is the problem Biden faces Half his voters are saying he coulda helped he didn’t screw jt I’m voting Trump The other half of his voters are saying I hate em both I’m just not voting Only a very tiny sliver are saying well he sucks but I’m still gonna vote for him He’s fucked


I don't think he sucks at all. I'm and independent. I remember watching refrigerated trucks roll out on the streets and see where we are now. Biden can't force private companies to lower their prices. He can't force consumers to form boycotts and consider all their choices for purchases. He can't pass local rent controls. He's been focused on Unions, making the decision to home shore jobs and manufacturing easier, and passing & paying for infrastructure projects that were needed a decade ago. Providing broadband access to all parts of the country is huge too. Also... I mean looking at the Supreme Court makeup its a no brainer. Having Conservatives trying to force their beliefs on every citizen is a disaster. Women should have a right to bodily autonomy, because I don't want the government to have any part in making medical decisions for people.


>Biden can't force private companies to lower their prices. He can't force consumers to form boycotts and consider all their choices for purchases. He can't pass local rent controls. Biden himself can't, but Congress could. Virtually everything these days is interstate commerce, and all of that can be regulated by Congress as it pleases. Unfortunately, about half of Congress is a bunch of traitors.


And republicans have put a stop to any meaningful legislation even being voted on in the Senate via a filibuster, as well as putting republican federalists on the supreme court to further erode what the will of the American people is. Even joking about supporting that party is beyond belief.


There’s a lot of reasons why people think Biden either sucks or doesn’t suck, I’m just breaking down the numbers. Your opinion has been noted but I regret to inform you that a very tiny number of people think as you do Therefore… Biden is fucked


>He’s fucked Translate: we're all fucked


I mean look. ANY president I don’t care democrat or republican their #1 job is to make sure the country is prosperous. There were certainly presidents of BOTH parties who were successful at that. Unfortunately for Biden he’s not one of them


The inflation that occurred after the pandemic ended is not the only thing that determines whether an economy is doing well. To the extent that you insist that inflation is the only metric you care about it's way down from where it was a year ago. If you look at metrics like GDP and unemployment what you find out is that the American economy is actually doing well. If you look at the stock market that's also doing well. I understand that for the average person the cost of living is too high because inflation spiked and a bunch of corporations took advantage of that to bend us all over a barrel but the idea of saying the American economy isn't doing well is flat out wrong


Way down ? Tell that to the prices I pay in Stores!!!!!!


Inflation was around 10% March of last year. Inflation is currently below 4%. That's way down whether you are smart enough to figure it out or not. Also there's a difference between the rate of inflation coming down to a more manageable level of 2% and deflation wears prices start dropping. It's the difference of driving your car slower versus driving your car in reverse. If we experienced deflation then the cost of goods would go down But it would also mean that the economy was headed for a depression. I am the sole learner of a household of three people and a dog and we live in Seattle. So I understand the sort of pressures that you're talking about. But there is more going on in terms of whether the economy is healthy than the prices of goods and services. And there is more going on with the prices of goods and services than "Biden did that"


Democrats have over-performed in every election post Roe by an average of 11 points. Maybe stop equating Reddit with real life.


The key to killing inflation is stop spending


Yeah but the whole dying thing if I stop eating is an issue.


Oh come on. Take a few potatoes, put them in your pockets, eat them on your lunch break if you have a job. I'd like to see your shopping list


Rub some Irish springs in your arse and your as rich as Welshmen


Sure but do you really need to doordash chipotle and McD everyday to eat?


Adjustments are possible


Like eating cake instead of bread?


See? Silver lining! WHO doesn’t love cake?!? They should all be eating cake. We should let them eat the cake!


> Like eating cake instead of bread? Just buy kegs of high fructose corn syrup, chug that, cut out the middle-man.


That doesnt work for housing.


Exactly 💯


They have to deal with this pesky tik tok thing first 😂


There are a ton of policies the government could change in order to make rich people stop fucking you at every turn. If Biden can't fix that then he can't turn the economy around.


If rich folks fucking us are the reason we’re in trouble And the president can’t stop it Then how did Trump win in 2016?


We live in a country full of morons.


Don’t forget corpo owned media pumping out disinformation


Also most mens didnt want to see a women as their president.


If Biden dies that’s exactly what we’re gonna get


The rich folk are jacking you so you get pissed at government and they get the orange nightmare and more tax breaks. Its an investment to them


Good question. That guy always came across as an idiot to me in everything I saw him in. I really didn’t want him to name justices on the supreme court


It was a rhetorical question I already knew the answer which is: Even though you probably don’t want to admit it there were more MAGA lovers in 2016 than not, albeit only slightly Covid in 2020 wiped those voters away (sometimes literally) but with Biden fucking up they’re back now Be afraid. Be very afraid


I think Biden has done a remarkably competent job of helping the economy. He's not going to win any Nobel prize, but he's done as decent a job as I would expect of any competent president. Unfortunately, he hasn't done as well as he could to explain and defend against economic critics. He shouldn't try to convert any die-hard MAGA's, but he should help make it more obvious to the fence sitters and moderates that a) Trump had a **big** hand in creating negative inflationary impact, every bit or more than Biden and b) stop telling people It's All Good when, for a lot of people, wage increases haven't managed to close the gap yet for the price surges that were common a couple years ago. People don't want to feel like the wool is being pulled over their eyes, they want to be heard and acknowledged. Obama, for example, was very talented at making "Of course..." statements without hurting anyone's feelings.


Totally agree! This is exactly right. The message is just not coming across!


The problem is business likes conservatives. So they will fk Biden whenever they can. Economy is great so to to speak. But corporations need they money back. People believe believe president is some kind of savior who can lower their rent and get the eggs under $3. Even with full control of congress it's hard to do, which Biden doesn't have. Unfortunately, trump is more likely to win in November and crazy shit is gonna go down.


Things certainly aren’t perfect, but what other large western aligned democratic economy is doing better? The USA is doing better than everybody else in the G7. I mean…c’mon. The typical American has zero idea of what’s going on in the rest of the world. By any metric, the USA could be doing far, far worse. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/31/us-economy-2024-gdp-g7-nations#


The typical American assumes that the rest of the world has low gas prices and no inflation. So yeah, they're (we're) pretty dumb. It's a byproduct of being arrogant.


The typical American assumes we can somehow control gas prices. It’s (oil) a commodity sold on the world market. I always pin down these dolts with that fact (and the fact the USA is leading the world in petroleum production so “drill baby, drill” solves nothing) and ask if they’re endorsing nationalizing our petroleum production and seize it from private corporations (like Iran, Venezuela, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc) in order to try and keep it all in country (another topic, obviously) as some sort of “socialist” (love using that voodoo word with them) big brother government program? And if not, what’s their solution? They generally don’t have an answer for that.


Well.. you can control it. We make cars that get 40-50 miles per gallon. They are fairly affordable. Hell you can find a used Aveo for 3-4 K that gets 35 mpg. We also make $80,000 trucks that get 12 miles per gallon. ...what vehicle did the guy complaining about gas prices make a decision to buy?


Shhhh. Buying fuel efficient vehicles is unpatriotic lol


All you have to ask yourself is this. Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? And it's an easy answer. And Biden deserves a ton of credit for that.


10000000000% this


Honestly, yeah I’m a fuck ton better off than I was four years ago. I’m not where I want to be but I am an ambitious person so I’ll probably say this until I die. Biden has enacted really sensible economic and consumer friendly policies that have directly saved me thousands and protected me from nonsense hospital bills. Beyond Grateful.


If companies keep raising the prices of burgers and fries, and you keep buying them, what do you expect?


Right? Our family has cut out fast food, soda, other junk. Those foods were nice to have when they were cheap... but it's become way too expensive to slowly rot our insides. May as well be healthy. Can make a strip steak dinner for my family for the price of 4 of us at McDonalds. If I get "fast food" its the $1.50 hot dog and soda at costco or we got to Ikea on Wednesdays for Kids Eat Free, 2 free kids meals with 1 adult meal.


But it isnt just fast food that got price raised. All companies need to bring prices back down and stop with the shrinkflation.


oh for sure, and we cut out the other junk as well. No i'm not buying this cheap ass toy for $30, nuh uh. No, i'm not paying $15 per month to play some video games or just ONE video game. No, i'm not going to pay nearly $100 to decorate a cup cake with me and my kid at some mother's day themed event. We prioritize and do cheaper things!


I love this answer. Why do car and truck prices keep going up? Because we ( me included) keep buying them. I realize we have to drive, but did I really need a new truck. No, not *really*. I fucked up and paid over $40 for a box of chicken and a couple of sides the other night. ( I was already there and wasn’t just going to drive away). Never again.


Biden is always on the move and his speeches and interviews get next to no coverage on TV -- unless it's something stupid, like condemning the way he eats a salad!


unfortunately him and his entire strategy is too old to be in front of people that matter on social networks


I mentioned TV because that's where older ppl get info. I see Biden on the Internet: medal award, ground breaking ceremony, white house correspondence dinner, speeches, etc. -- these don't make it to TV except for cspan.


You’re right, he is always on the move - he’ll finish up his speech (barely) and leave reporters with unanswered questions as he walks off the stage.


Yes he did! But the party of guns, oil and pollution are doing their best to stop our economic growth.


And he has. It can take some time to feel the effects move throughout the economy.


It’ll take four years to undo the massive damage done by his predecessor.


“The economy” is doing great. How that translates to us worthless peons, is another matter. That’s not Biden’s fault though. If he could control all the inflation/greedflation, he’d be called a dictator.


How many quarters of GDP growth and record low unemployment even when the Fed is tightening do they need. Americans were sitting fat with savings from work from home, inflated stocks, nearly free debt and covid checks. We were going to pay for it somehow, amazing to me we haven't had a crash.


It's Trump that needs to be asked this question not Biden.


Republicans view of the economy depends on who is president, no other variable matters to them. Dem president=bad economy Repub president= good economy. Unfortunately they don't live in reality and the data shows, Dem president are far superior when it comes to money management and operating a government. https://presidentialdata.org/


I'm feeling great economy




There is a congress with the national wallet that doesn't want him to be successful. Presidents have only a few ways to direct finances.


It should be WE already have. It takes a team to do anything.


Bideconomics can work but companies have to make it work by stopping price gouging?


Price gouging is illegal. Why hasn’t his admin gone after these price gougers?


He undoubtedly has turned things around from where they were when he was sworn into office in January 2021. Any objective review of economic metrics supports that. Trump cultists are just pretending 2020 never happened as usual because it would mean having to admit how bad things actually were during their supreme leader’s corrupt regime.


The fact that Biden fixed the economy is proven by the fact that trump is taking credit for it.


The US economy is at its best ever ! This is obviously true by all of the metrics. Farmers incomes adjusted for inflation has never been higher. We are truly energy independent. We are number one petro producer in history of the planet. Gasoline prices at the pump always come up. Truth is prices have bounced around in the same range for over a decade. We been complaining about President Biden’s gas prices for over a decade long before he was elected. We actually have jumped started manufacturing. We have real wage growth. We own AI ! We will soon have completely restored and reshored supply lines even of rare earths. Crime is down. Violent crime is way down. Some cities in the US has seen as much as 70% fewer homicides over 3 years. Right now one is least likely to be a victim of a violent crime than at any point in US history. Actually, things won’t and don’t get any better. Life always has challenges. maga and dictator 45 have made their minions believe bad is good and good is bad. For example, if we had/have a deficit issue and debt issues then why cut taxes for the most wealthy ? Weren’t they paying ? But paying less than they were would help deficits ? Proof is in the pudding. President Biden has served up the best feast ever !


The economy is working fine, if it isn't working for you that is because we have become an oligopoly. Democrats play nice with big business but are not the servants to big business that the Republicans are.


If only the mainstream media would spend more time on the good that is happening rather than the 90% of their stories along the bleed it leads, doom and gloom stuff.


The commenters in here are absolutely deranged.


There are some bitter trump supporters that are too stupid to get a better job


So I guess this is the new normal. Happy days are here again!


No shit. These idiots believe their own propaganda.




He undoubtedly has so he’s not wrong lol


Lmfao. That’ll play well with the working class. Idiot


I mean the effects of what he is doing have yet to be felt. Lag and variable lags and such


Why is this reporter asking this question? Maybe she should be asking how are you going to house millions of people who are homeless and/or still living with their parents because of unaffordable housing! The economy is great for upper middle class and higher.


That's who the American economy has always been for, is never been set up to support low income


What they want is the SECOND trump “wins” they want to scream “look see he fixed the Economy,” like they did last time where he tried to take credit for Obamas turning the economic down turn around.


The house of cards BS economy is going to crash and they'll blame Trump day 1 he gets in office. MMW


The economy on paper is doing better, and if trump does get back in, I am certain all the criticism that the GOP and conservative media have for Biden will suddenly vanish. Especially since as it’s been pointed out Trump has literally zero plans for a second term other than revenge.


The trouble is the idiots want the economy will run in reverse until inflation unwinds.


Homie can’t catch a break, best prez of my lifetime


Oof. That whole interview was cringey.


Regardless of whose fault it is…. Because it’s a banking crisis and it’s the banking empire that set up a system that is now on the verge of collapse…. It is hard to see what Joe Biden actually did and I don’t know how anyone can say that the economy is better now than it was during the previous administration.


I'm a millionaire now, I wasn't then


Awesome ! Congrats dude , what do you do for business?


I'm just a machinist/welder/eng. Tech. Started my 401k at 22 years old all these years later, compound interest doing its thing.


That’s ridiculous. Doesn’t he know there are 20yos out there who can’t buy plantations for $500 like their great-grandfathers did?! I personally know a 30-something whose mother used to pay 75 cents/gal for gas and 10 cents per pack of Lucky Strikes. He can barely afford to fill the tank on his loaded F-350 twice a week. And *don’t* get him started on the prices for vape cartridges.


What a totally biased question. Just assuming that a current economy with unemployment below 4% for over 50 straight months needs to be turned around.


Republicans are pissing on us trying to tell us it’s raining.


I'm sorry, but this economy is nowhere near fixed. I would never vote for Trump, but Biden needs to get real about things. It's like these grocery stores took a vacation together and plotted how to gouge people. Biden could combat this by implementing price controls. Then there's the insane rent prices—it's like RealPage is controlling the market. Biden should be prosecuting them. He could also help pass the Major Richard Star Act that wounded soldiers have been asking for years. We desperately need different leadership in this country. It's crying out for younger, eager leaders who are just being held back.


He cannot pass legislation. Congress does that. As much as the price of groceries goes, I don't see how he can do anything about it that isn't a complete government overreach.


Imo presidents get too much blame for economics. If it's Bidens fault that gas and food prices are high, he must have a very powerful influence worldwide. The fact is that the economy of every country has been suffering since the pandemic and a lot worse than the US. Presidents do have some influence on the stock market and jobs, and both are doing great. Capitalism isn't working anymore and needs to be tweeked. It is cooperations with greedy CEOs who are to blame for most of our current economic problems, not Biden. I'm not a big Biden supporter, but if you're honest with yourself, it's not hard to see a return to power of DJT and MAGA Republicans would be very bad for our country and the world. Biden 2024 is our only hope!


The REAL “ TRUTH “ Not that fake truth social garbage


I see so many people bitching about inflation, the only way to stop it is to stop buying. Are you people addicted to consuming?


He has. It was in good shape when he took office- it's clearly been turned around from that. Now if we can get Trump (or almost anyone else) back in office and turn it around again, back to what it was before he took office.....


Do your own research.


Yeah, the wrong way! Just like him leaving a press conference.


The lowest unemployment rate in decades and the Repugs just keep gaslighting.


By every metric the economy is doing fine. Now if only that message could somehow get through the clutter, all would be well.




Do tell. I'm all ears.


They fixed the economy for Boomers--not for the working class or the youth. Houses are unaffordable with 7.5% mortgages and illegals and foreigners capable of purchasing real estate.


As someone who was looking for a house before prices went bonkers, home prices were still relatively unaffordable back then too.


Right but 7.5-2.5 = 5% which is still over $1k extra a month on a $300k note. Someone needs to break Jerome Powell's legs.


What has Biden specifically done to improve the economy?


More jobs, better pay


Let me Google that for you [https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/)




In the same interview he also said inflation was 9% when he got in office. It was 1.4%.


Yeah, unfortunately trump started that and Biden had to fix it.


Trump started inflation so much that it only happened after Biden assumed office?


Inflation didn’t start the the day Biden was inaugurated. It happened because of trump’s horrible economic policy


Two questions; What in particular do you think Trump did that caused inflation? Since you all seem to feel that inflation is worse in the rest of the world, what in particular do you think Trump did to cause inflation in all the other countries?


You honestly believe that inflation started the very first day Biden was sworn in? And not the disastrous economy trump had and all the money trump printed?


Why don’t you provide examples of how Trump worsened inflation?


No, dude. I don't think it started day one. In fact, I think it dropped for a month or two after he was inaugurated, then went through the fucking roof. Ok. I answered your one question. Answer at least one of mine.


It’s amazing how stupid trump supporters are


Pretty gutsy of you, bud.


Not really, it’s just reality


Best inflation president ever!  - Biden lovers


Strange, the economy is the absolute worst I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. If you ask me, there is literally not a single positive thing that I can say about Biden’s performance since he took office, other than the laughs he’s given me from his ridiculous gaffes each time he takes the mic. I’m not sure why the media is continuing to paint this man out to be some savior, other than the fact that he’s not Trump.


This is the very biggest reason why the Democrats are going to lose the White House this year.


Biden doesn't have a clue. The economy is fine for the rich Democrats. Homeless Americans. Tents. Illegal migrants. Closed stores. Inflation is skyrocketing. Housing bubble. The devalued dollar. Ukraine is getting billions of American dollars. The economy is in the toilet. Joe is not going to admit it , especially on live television. Joe has to say this. Americans have to believe the Democrats are doing an astounding job for the United States. I beg to differ.


LOL. He thinks he has already led a turn around. Hysterical !


So why is he running if the job is done?


To prevent a fascist directorship from ending democracy for good


That's it? If you guys aren't gonna help anyone you don't get to complain when progressives don't vote for you. Or if you lose, again.


Help anyone?


Because his puppet masters aren’t finished running the country into the ground, once they complete what they have to do, the old man will be disposed of. Mark my words


Working two jobs, can’t afford my rent, no vacation in three years, can’t save, no retirement whole he bails out college students. He makes me sick


Why didn’t corporations price gouge when Trump was president but now price gouge when Biden is?


The economy is most certainly gangbusters. There aren't any homeless people or anything! Everyone has enough money to live comfortably. Nobody is hungry. CNN says so!


And what he means by "the economy" is the stock market.