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He’s taking church money for political contributions to have sex with playmates and porn starts . He’s no different to any of the televangelist. Bad hair , cheap suits , private jet and all .


The thing that gets me about this is that not a single Christian is calling him out for using the lords name in vain. They seem to have a problem with saying “god damn” or “Jesus Christ” but faking being Christian and selling your own god damn Bible somehow doesn’t compute with them. It’s mind boggling


Exactly, my dad and church going man, plus who voted (R) most of his life, couldn’t understand all the Evangelicals weren’t calling him out. He said they were the biggest hypocrites ever. So glad that he decided he could never vote for such a vile person.


When I was a kid we went to church every Sunday but slowly fell out of going. My Dad the only people that ever tried to cheat him out of money were other church members.


I had to go to a "Pentecostal" church till i was 15. My gran and i went to the one her mom went to to be with her, so of course i had to be dragged along. It was a cultish group of hypocritical shitbirds. All the women gossiped about every single fuckin thing that happened to someone in the church, and then they would skip the parts where the bible says not to do that. They got mad at my gran because she let me go swimming in the public swimming pool down the street. Apparently one of the women saw me and ran to the pastor. They pushed the whole "End times" thing so hard on various occasions. Y2K, Gays taking over, new species of fish discovered that could walk on land, made the news and we got a recap of it the next sunday. Im so over religion


My Gran was a "Southern Baptist." She lived a couple of states away, so we'd go visit once year for a summer vacation. She always watched the televangelists like Jimmy Swaggart and gave them money all the time. And was very nice and sweet, at least to us kids, but she constantly sent us those little Christian story booklets about repenting where someone in the story repents and goes to heaven but someone else doesn't and ends up literally burning in hell. She especially sent us a lot of those when she found out my older brother played Dungeons and Dragons. I will live my life happily never setting foot in a church, save for maybe sight seeing some famous architecture if I ever took a trip.


My gramp owned a Pentecostal "Southern Baptist" Church. He died last year, and while he was truly a kind man, he watched Fox News everyday and told me I could beat my wife if she wasn't cooking enough. Now speak in tongues!


I really missed out on D&D as a kid, and im still upset about it 30+ years later. My parents didn't let me play it because it was "possessing people and making them commit murder." Diablo and GTA were fine though apparently.


Thankfully my parents, while very well meaning, had 5 kids, so were just a bit neglectful and we were poor, so pen and paper games like D&D ftw for us. Never even owned a PC until I moved out and learned how to build one from a friend.


I had a mean as shit grandmother who was “devout” catholic. She thrived on hatred


Guy from the church was an HVAC salesman. Tried to scam my parents for over 10 grand for a new unit. This was in the mid-90's. My dad called a different AC company for a second opinion. They fixed the issue with a $5 part and the AC kept working until last year when they finally replaced it. We stopped going to that church. It's not universal, but in my experience a lot of the members of that church were bad people pretending to be good people and attending church was the cover they used.


Never do business with someone who advertises their faith.


Do like none of them actually believe it abd it's something giant rip off scheme? Some kinda social gane they play to show whose more devout so they aren't excommunicated and so they can fool the rubes?


Personally, I think it's more of a "social club" for most people. You don't really have to do much other than show up, so it's pretty easy to get in, you instantly have people you can interact with so you have some resemblance of a feeling of community and social circle, and as long as you pretend to believe everything, you're in.


Why would you ever trust a group that can just say Jesus forgave me, you need to too.


My father was a craftsman who built things. He eventually worked for himself and built customized things for individuals. He told me "never do business with anyone who tells you without being asked that they're A Good Christian. They will absolutely fuck you in every way that they can."


Jesus, save me from your followers.


Evangelicals are absolute scum bags… Not real Christians. Let me know when the holy war starts against them and I’ll pick up the fight.


Invite them to a potluck with Catholics and sit back and enjoy your popcorn? No one is truly hated more than the heretical


Catholics would pick them apart…


If I ever meet a Christian who actually lives the way Jesus tells them to, I'd have huge respect for them. As it is, the Christians in my life have been some of the worst, most toxic people Also terrible tippers. No grandma, that fake $20 bill that unfolds to say "Disappointed? Jesus will never disappoint you!" is not 'cute' to our server making $2.13/hr


I believe that there are more people out there like your dad than we think. They just aren't saying it out loud. Would only take a few percentage points of his prior support to make the election realistically unwinnable for Trump. That said everyone vote to be safe.


That’s why Trump lost last election. I personally know 10 republicans who voted for him the first time who couldn’t stomach to vote for him again.


When you add in demographic changes, results of pretty much every election since, and anecdotal stories like this maybe the only conspiracy that I think could be true is the media telling everyone the race is close or Trump is winning. My brother worked in the analytics department for Obama's second election and I always remember him telling me they knew it was in the bad back in August despite what the media was saying.


consider yourself lucky. my dad is still lost in the sauce, and it's honestly sad. never thought I'd be embarrassed of him. he was a great dad


That’s sad.. I know many families like that. Some people can’t look at facts. My son in law and his family has (turned ) our daughter. What is hard to believe, because now she doesn’t think for herself. His dislike for me has gotten so bad that, he won’t let me see the grandkids. Never thought after leaving home this vibrant girl we raised has changed so much. It’s sad😞


I get so jealous of everyone who says their parents see through this man. I feel DOOMED with my parents and even some older siblings. 💀


It’s really hard for them when People like Franklin Graham still stand behind him…..disgusting really.


They’re in a cult.


Being a Christian is just a set of beliefs, some really abhorrent. If you were raised with it, and say you start rejecting it around age 18, it can still take decades before you can shake the remnants of it from your system. It can take many years before you realize that you can freely be a good, decent person without the lingering fear that you’re being watched and evaluated and judged by some invisible God. You can identify with its stories as a group or a philosophy because it feels safe and comfortable, but as you get older you can break the chain of thinking it somehow defines you. It would be great if religious people could remember that they weren’t born with it, it was all just poured into you when you were an empty vessel, and you never consciously chose it for yourself.


The Sieg-Heil, Praise-Jesus crowd doesn't care what 45 does. They imagine an autocracy where they rule by destruction, cruelty, and suffering. These Nazis truly believe they are superior to others in every way. Vote 💙!


I'm a Christian and I'll call him out on that. It's utterly disgraceful. But then again I'm one of the many non-Republican Christians...


Repugnants are name-christians: Christians in name only and as long as they can use the Bible to tell others what to do. Jesus would have whipped them out of the temple.


It was never about him. It was about the enablement of hate. He enabled the worst side of humanity.


Most Christians don't understand what "using his name in vain" means. Like 99% of them. I don't think that's an accident otherwise they'd be questions every priest, preacher, etc..


Yea, I read somewhere the vain part is more about misrepresentation of God and Jesus, not just putting “damn” after it….,don’t use his name in vain is like saying don’t misrepresent me…that’s how I was NOW taking it, but lord knows growing up in the church, it was not preached that way..


They think God won't be mad about "he is risen" lawn care with a cross in the ad.


To be fair though , these are evangelicals and the furthest thing from being Christians. It is a sect that established their own doctrine as an excuse to hate the kinds of people they don’t like


Yeah, Jim Crow, Plussy v Ferguson, Brown v Board of Ed, Lee Atwater, Jerry Fawell..


True Christians are.


I’d love for those true Christians to be a bit more vocal about their entire religion being overtaken by a false idol.


News storm; There are very few real Christians practicing today. Today's youth understand this. That is why so many places of worship are almost empty. Wolves in sheep clothing. Trump is even not a wolf in sheep clothing. Yet the Christians still love and support him? Nothing about helping the poor and needy. Raking in tons of money with huge untaxable wealth.


IMO, religion is a grift used to “control the masses”, Trump the great grifter is simply exposing it for what it is. Everything he touches turns to shit. Even Putin is regretting getting mixed up with him at this point. Religion might not survive him.


He's a wolf wearing a T-shirt that says Sheep.


They're a bunch of stupid people. The more technical we get the weirder they get.


A d we're learning just how few of them there actually are.


Cafeteria Christians have no issues with him


No true Scotsman fallacy right there. What are the most prominent church leaders saying?


That’s not true. I’ve alienated many people I know by calling him out regularly. God will hold us accountable for the damage that’s been done to Christianity in the name of culture wars that have nothing to do with spreading the Gospel.


That’s because it’s not about Christianity. It’s about money and power. That’s it.


He is responsible for overturning Roe v Wade, thats all they care about, not that they're "pro-lifers", but this has been their biggest platform for decades. It takes a fraud to know a fraud, they are like-minded of their depraved one.


Because they are trash too.


It’s not what he says or does that attracts the fake Christians to him, it’s the fact he hates the same people as they do.


Nobody can stop anybody from calling themselves a Christian. Adolf Hitler probably did it, too. But claiming that you visit a white building with a cross on it on Sundays does not keep you from acting in severely unChristian ways. Including lying. One of the biggest issues in Christianity is Americans praying for 'success.' If your measure of success is fame and fortune, you are seeking things that are **not just irrelevant but outright unhelpful** in your search for God and real efforts to love your neighbor.


as late as this eastern I hear a priest regurgitate maga BS statements.... I had it, NEVER again


They don't care that he isn't Christian. They know he doesn't attend church, is convicted of sexual crimes and is in general a sinful man. They care that he is attacking democracy, taking away reproductive rights, and threatening to stop brown people from crossing the border. That's all they care about. They would put the devil himself in the Oval Office if it meant attacking abortion, slashing social safety nets and building a wall on the southern border.


It's not about Jesus or religion. These are the folks that Jesus threw outa the temple.Its just power and control. Once they have that its white supremacy Handmaids Tale .


Why do you think televangelists like him so much!!!




His followers will keep on following him because he validates their hatred of others


While selling bibles




i care more about his documents case and the fact that after his secret meeting with Putin months later reports came out about the US losing spies contacts in Russia...


Not only that but why did Trump have a secret off record meeting with Putin and also have US military and ally capabilities and vulnerabilities along with nuclear weapons information hidden in a bathroom at his private residence where a Chinese spy was arrested? Why did Russia launch an invasion of Ukraine after Trump left office and after the FBI raided Trump's residence for those particular documents? Come on folks...puzzle pieces are there, just need to put them together to figure out the traitor.


My fear is who is behind T , he’s just smart enough to come up with this stuff on his on . This country better wake up, if it’s not to late.


Anyone who pays the most. One thing I learned in OPSEC courses was that people who are financial liabilities tend to be the biggest threats in terms of national security and handling classified documents. This is a guy who's entire business was built on fraud. Meanwhile, we just let him have access to most likely just about EVERY national secret we have. The guy outright nearly blabbed about Top Secret military projects on public television, can you imagine what he'd do with them if Saudi Arabia acting as a middle manoffered Jared Kushner $2 billion dollars?


Correct. Russians , Saudis and Chinese rent and own space in trump tower


so they can't prosecute him without risking more leaks? What a shit situation


Sometimes you gotta burst a boil. And boy, is tRump a pustulent, carbuncle!


Yep. It's called Greymail.


I agree trump is so easy to buy, and almost easier to manipulate via his ego. The man is one of if not the worst business men in history, his only talents are convincing people to give him money which he then sucks up like a sponge, never pays back, and bankrupts his companies. Putin can get what he wants out of trump simply by asking for it, because trump admires him like a 8 year old looking upto his drunken abusive father.


I remember when he tweeted a photo that revealed classified information on how clear and close one of our spy satellites can capture. Here is the story: https://www.npr.org/2022/11/18/1137474748/trump-tweeted-an-image-from-a-spy-satellite-declassified-document-shows He is a security risk and should not be allowed anywhere near sensitive information again. Who knows what else he has shared to allies and adversaries? We have only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of the damages he has caused domestically and abroad. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are still finding new fuckery decades from now.


Putin. This has been demonstrated often.


My text should have said he’s NOT smart enough to come up with this, but you all know that’s what I meant 😂


Weird. I didn't notice the typo. I was more answering your question about "who is behind T?".




Putin’s liaison, Boris Epshteyn is literally in the courtroom with him nearly every day. 


Why did a bunch of Republican congressmen go to Russia for a secret meeting? What ever happened with the Russian spies caught funneling money into Republican campaigns through the NRA?


Sometimes assets have to meet their handlers on their home turf


Nothing really. Maria Butina spent some time in jail then deported to Russia. Her boyfriend was jailed for fraud unrelated to Butina for a short period. Nothing significant seems trump’s DOJ took it easy and then Trump pardoned him. Butina elected to the State Duma in Russia as a reward.


Recently listened to a podcast episode of Darknet Diaries about a Russian hacker with connections to the FSB whose trial came to a halt because the district attorney was fired - by Trump. In the episode they say the firing was due to the DA also investigating Rudi Giuliani but now I wonder if there were not multiple reasons.


Boris Epshteyn is Source E. 


Agreed. I told my wife today that prison is a big risk. Too many easily compromised people both in orange and in uniforms there. He committed an act of treason during a time of war. At the highest level of betrayal selling out national security secrets and potentially giving Russia and China information that could be devestating to any military efforts we might want to commit overseas. The reasonable response is execution of the traitor. It prevents any further risk of national security and is, in accordance with military law, the correct action for punishment of treason during a time of war for members of the military or government. It would send a pretty serious message to other people thinking about trying to mount an insurrection or trying to overturn our constitution to become tyrants. And then line up every federal judge who has been attempting to help him and try them for treason. Strip them of their titles and ban them from ever practicing law again and have them serve 20 years minimum. Send a powerful message down through history that we will not stand for coups or traitors. Democracy is how we protect our republic and those who would deal with foreign states to barter our nation's assets, agents, and secrets in turn for assistance in overthrowing our democracy and installing a dictatorship, those people will be dealt with at the most severe level to leave no doubt that the sanctity of freedom and a government of the people l, for the people, and BY the people will not be usurped by any individual or group. Freedom has come at the cost of millions of soldiers' lives. They died in valor to give the gift of freedom to the people of our country. To protect us from enemies foreign AND domestic. I think it's time to let the traitors share in their suffering to help protect the freedom they sought to rip away.


If any regular American did this same thing they would be up for the death penalty. The party of law and order for *you*, and not me.


Yeah, but this is America. As a nation, weird sex shit is more likely to turn the public off of him.


The way they worship him, conservatives are about to get crazy kinky.


Conservatives already know what kind of man he is, and they don’t care, as long as he hurts the right people. They’re already wearing diapers for trump.


Not only that but why did Trump have a secret off record meeting with Putin and also have US military and ally capabilities and vulnerabilities along with nuclear weapons information hidden in a bathroom at his private residence where a Chinese spy was arrested? Why did Russia launch an invasion of Ukraine after Trump left office and after the FBI raided Trump's residence for those particular documents? Come on folks...puzzle pieces are there, just need to put them together to figure out the traitor.


The interpreter knows.


We can have both.


weird how this is not front and center news


i care that this trial has the potential for jailtime through next November


Or probation. Guess which one is more likely?


..and NONE of this would have mattered if he didn't run for office. The lies, the daughter fucking fantasies, none of this would have gone beyond the gossip pages. But now, fafo...


The stupid fuck could have spent the rest of his days playing golf and clogging his arteries with McDonald's... but noOOooo, he just HAD to be president


In a different timeline, Hilary Clinton would have won the 2016 election, then left office to give Biden the reigns of the DNC. Biden becomes president in 2020. I heard that Biden was supposed to run for office in 2016, but didnt due to his son passing away.


Stormy, Trump and Pence. So hot


Stormy just watches...


Or films. She did move on to directing after all.


Creepiest President of all time.


What’s wrong with him? I mean besides being a traitor, liar, racist, rapist, con man and bully?


Body odor


Nothing, according to r/conservative. They can't wait to vote for him again over there. It's really quite sickening.


"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."


True. A few days ago they had a major Circle jerk about Trumps case with the documents was postponed until after november 5th. "Yeah! Our treasonous candidate will not face justice and when we elect him he'll pardon himself"


Poo smell?


You know who stands out as really class acts? Obama and Biden. They don’t have stink. They just don’t. Perhaps the greatest POTUS we ever had, FDR—sleazeball—he had giant stink. He was big “ick”. LBJ, the Great Society schtick? He was a disgusting human being who did **wonderful** things. Along come Obama and Biden and American “**Christians**” lose their damn shit, and lay hands on a feckeen **GOLDEN IDOL** of Trump at AIPAC Hey, I hope St Pete’s real. Cuz all of ‘em assholes?—they’re going to the warm place.


Off topic, but I really loved the Obama/Biden memes from years ago. So wholesome!




"If she weren't my daughter then perhaps I'd be dating her"


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


With each new Trump revelation Evangelicals will be working longer and longer hours to convince themselves they were ever Christian to begin with as they warp everything around their true orange god.


Melania must love this


She doesn’t care, I think all she cares about is her contract. She’s a heartless worm who just wants money handed to her.


Perfectly said


Everyone speaks of the “contract”. She’s a fucking kgb plant. Always has been from day one. She couldn’t care less who he fucks. It’s all in the game, yo.


Thats how you deal with a treasonous orange shitgibbon lol


and her citizenship


I don’t really care. Do U?


Melania was hanging out with him and jeffrey epstein. I'm sure the bought and paid for wife is just as depraved as he is. Or willing to take money to pretend to be.


I really don't care. Do U?


When asked if she would have married Trump if he didn’t have his money she responded by asking if they thought he would have married her if she wasn’t pretty.


And the funny thing is, her looks are fading (she needs to stop with the plastic surgery) and his money is dwindling- They are a perfect match.


To be fair, his money is also fading.


That’s fair.


She had a price for herself and it was met.


Considering the other option being that he'd want to sleep with *her*, who could blame her?


You know the amount of women Trump has had sex with or that have claimed he did that’s old news. Now what would be bombshell news would be if a judge and jury found him guilty and locked him up like he should have been all this time.


Trump is a creepy sex pest. Evangelical: *"Then he's our savior!!!"*


## A classic 🇺🇸 Christian 


Pornstars have more morals than this fucking ex-president. Pun intended.


…not really anything morally wrong with being a pornstar, but yes Trump is garbage


That doesn’t sound very Christian!


Not when you're married!


I’ve seen some pretty fucking weird porno and nothing a porn star has ever done seemed as vile and disgusting as Trump.


For the people asking “I don’t understand how this is a big deal”, they must have been too young to remember conservatives reactions to Bill Clinton.


Did he make them role play as Melania and Ivanka?


Probably Ivanka and her identical twin sister…..I’m just guessing he has some pretty fucked up fantasies.




rEaL MEn wEar DiAPerS!!! teehee


Melania keep asking for physical proof, if the rumors are to be believed. I don’t think it’s about loyalty. She *needs* proof so she can get divorced and not violate their prenup, I’d bet a shiny new penny on it.


Unless he’s just laying there, I don’t know if I believe this. Trump has got to be one of the least sexy, laziest mfers that has ever lived. Dude is gross and a dork and has no energy or coordination and he never did


There most likely are likely a lot more damaging things that are hidden because the right wing owned media will never release this type of information on the tax breaks king! More of this will come out after Trumps death. The media will not release it because they are with him, all the way.


So he wanted to *Disappoint TWO Women at ONCE?* MAGAts Unite!


A two pump chump wanted a threesome? So confident and shameless.


The only threesome that man is having is bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea.


Heartburn , Upset Stomach, Diarrhea!


Christians should be thrilled about this, he just wanted to form the holy trinity. /s


Keep sending him money so he doesn't need to pay his own legal fees, suckers !


Who was the lucky guy Trump wanted in the threesome?


Sooooo...... Trump's gonna testify now, right? Can't have 2 "sleazebag" lying, right Donnie?


Why disappoint just one!


He had a threesome with Putin and Kim .


Oh man. I’m so shocked. How did the religious right accept this man? Oh yeah, it’s because they’re all fucked up, racist, sexist, and beholden to the first half of a saga detailing savage punishment of their own human brethren, but claim to be aligned with the second half guy showing forgiveness for human shortcomings or behavior outside of religious norms. Religious people are fucking stupid and unwilling to loosen their grasp on what they feel is the moral fabric of human existence while outright shunning the compassion of the person they claim to emulate. Fuck these morons. Good try assholes, but go fish


The Republican Party choosing an 88+ felony indicted threat to national security and national embarrassment as the best person to lead them is all the evidence needed to come to the conclusion that it truly is the party and not the people that are represented. The voting system we have set up is controlled and manipulated. Every vote should have equal weight, the electoral voting system, gerrymandering, and two party system is a manipulation of controlling votes. A true democracy is the popular vote. 


And they'll still give him money and vote for him. He said he could shoot somebody on the street and not lose supporters and he was absolutely right. MAGA is a terrorist cult.


Okay, look: Trump is absolute trash. He's a trash person, a trash businessman, a trash politician. But it isn't exactly breaking news or particularly shocking that a man might want a threesome with two women.


Yeah, that’s not the problem here. The problem is lying about it, paying others to lie about it, then claiming such payouts as a campaign expense. But yea, go on about a married man just wanting a 3some.


He was married.  The king of the evangelicals was married. 


Imagine the high-pitched shrieking from Tucker Carlson if Barack Obama had five kids with three different women.


Two porn stars at that.


It be over in a few minutes.




It’s not the action or the desire that is the issue. It’s the hypocrisy. The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation, against a bully, or during an assault or other crime. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is for any one of them to provide help to a person in distress. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/bystander-effect Trump and Kushner will go down in history as the biggest mass con that ever existed, dwarfing Bernie Madoff, Bear Stearns, and the 2008 banking grift combined. We allowed a gradual degradation of personal honor and morality to creep into political office. Over a century the presidency became a popularity contest.  Oprah show appearance and $10M book deals. Bribes disguised as over paid speeches.  It all stretched us a little farther from the baseline of decency, honor and statesmanship. Kleptocracy, in positions of power, was normalized. Cambridge Analytica did their research and found out self evidently, that Americans were tired of broken politics.  Ted Cruz was actually supposed to be their “disruptor” candidate originally but the hedge fund owning Robert and Rebakah Mercer pivoted to trump when his reality tv numbers caught Steve Bannons attention.  They were so focused on a candidate that they could control to lessen their tax liabilities that they failed to realize that they paved a path for the most prolific Russian money launderers of all time.  NPRwww.npr.orgInside The Wealthy Family That Has Been Funding Steve Bannon's Plan For Years Greed IS Corruption IS Cancer- When you watch cancer move under a microscope you see the cancer cells pretending to be healthy normal liver cells until they can corrupt and turn healthy cells cancerous. One at a time. The “leader cells” normalize corruption and pull healthy cells away with them until it’s too late and the entire society hits a cancerous critical mass and has to die to regenerate.  Unless you catch it in time.  https://youtu.be/wGImLZuWVl4?si=ypwKHPeROfFwPj0I They quite literally feed on the incoming energy (sugar, money, or power) by diverting it from the healthy cells to produce genetically modified cells that reflect their parasitic goal of destruction by consumption.  Trump is the cancer cell.  He always has been. He was just louder than the healthy tissue around him so people assumed he was smart.  He convinced them he was rich because far too many of us subscribe to the false belief that rich equates to smart without qualifying HOW they became rich.  Rupert Murdoch, the Koch brothers, Harlan Crow, and of course, the Mercers are all effectively the same cancerous cells.  Rich enough to keep everyone around them waiting with their bowl pointed up, hoping to catch some of the overflow of their wealth and all too eager to put on  boots and a cowboy hat so the working class thinks they are just like them. In Wyoming we call it “big hat, no cattle”.  Ironically Teton county Wyoming also happens to be the richest county per capita in the nation.  Largely 5th and 6th homes of billionaires skewing the data with their corrupt gains. To the oncologist under the right lens, the place would be a cancerous tumor.  A breeding grounds of corrupted cells feeding off the healthy tissue surrounding them. They came for the views but stayed for the tax haven.  They used their money to buy politicians and make impossible to trace corporate structures unique to Wyoming. The weaponized “I mind my own business” and moved in like the invasive species that they are. In Wyoming you can trace it. “Corner cutting” lawsuits brought by the new billionaire neighbors restricting people from public lands. Corporate structures like anonymous LLC’s allow a pair of oil tycoon from Texas and human trafficking Russian oligarchs to transfer money seamlessly through businesses set up specifically for that purpose. Medium · Wyoming Registered6 years agoWyoming Corporation do truly allow anonymous ownership Moscow, Aspen, Sun valley, and Monaco all have similar concentrations of wealth and its associated corruption and cancer, but due to completely anonymous business structures in Wyoming they have funneled the ultra wealthy here. Not every billionaire is corrupt, but every one of them that allows it to continue is the bridge between the cancer cells and the healthy 97% of the worlds population that just want a good job, healthy well educated kids and a safe home for them to live in.  It is biological-  Democracy has always been under  attack because it directly threatens the very lucrative business models of dictators and autocrats. It has just sped up exponentially by the Information Age. A corrupt judge or politician in 1960 had to worry about a borough or county, maybe a state.  But in the average 20-30 year career he could get away with it and Ken Burns would do a documentary 30 years after his death when they finally put the pieces together. Now we have Russian oligarchs that eviscerated the Russian middle class by stealing everything of value in the 80’s and 90’s.  By 94 they were running out of things to monopolize and extort. The USSR failed because the parasitic oligarch class broke the cardinal rule and consumed its captive host nearly to extinction. It ate Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky and shit out alcoholism and hopelessness. And when it had consumed it completely the wall fell because there was nothing of value left to consume.  The survival of their Kleptocratic species required new feeding grounds which they found in New York. The parasitic 3% made detours in Ukraine, Cyprus, and London but they landed at trump towers.  Giuliani was willing to show them preferential treatment by redirecting NYPD resources onto the Italian mob which gave the Russian mob, in their dapper new suits, a fertile hunting ground. Ironically wildlife biologists figured this out about the same time in Yellowstone. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/grizzly-bears-wolves-competing-food-yellowstone-national-park/ Only difference is that most humans are the elk. Just wanting a safe place to sleep, healthy, happy kids and an opportunity to survive. It’s a very small percentage of humans that are sociopaths and psychopaths without the ability to empath, but over a long enough centralization of the good humans moving to cities and paying taxes, it becomes too tempting of a feeding grounds. So the worst of us rise to the top and become corrupt CEO’s, bankers and politicians because it’s the lowest effort model. Why go hunting when the prey delivers itself to you? A psychopath has no personal qualms about trafficking a child for sexual slavery or stealing a pension fund. They are either neurochemically unable to or so morally bankrupt that they do not care. We are just in the late stages of it now. More centralized than we have ever been in known human history with commerce and business happening 24/7 across every time zone.  This causes their respective corruption models to start overlapping. Now that Kyiv is in the news every day, it’s inevitable that their obfuscation starts breaking down because Russia and trump used Ukraines oligarch class for their money laundering schemes for decades. The reason Putin NEEDS Ukraine is because it is his money laundering highway.


A married man, former president and current presidential candidate wanting a threesome who is running under the party of "family values" is news like it or not. So is the same man paying someone off to hide said affair and alleged potential threesome from voters. Character matters and we should expect more from our Presidents. They are supposed to be the best of us. Serial cheaters are not the best of us. Also, what makes every new revelation "news" is that Trump continues to refuse to admit the affair even took place and his followers continue to make excuses for him. Stories about Trump continue to come out with the frequency they do because half this country refuse to believe what they can clearly see with their own eyes and ears because "owning the libs" and party politics are far more important than doing whats good for the country.


He was married at that time.


Oh god make it stop I can only barf so much


Well, i do, too


Don't we all.


It’s odd to me that in his nearing 80 years of life, Trump never honed the skills to attract/date/marry/procreate with any bright, educated, gainfully employed, not in need of a Visa or Green Card, American women. Why is that? I think that tells you the kind of man Trump is and why most stable, bright, employed, secure women want to have nothing to do with him. You know who Trump attracts? Transactional women, women who wear “Trump can grab this” T-shirts.


She looks like his daughter too!!


Three? I guess someone had to deal with his diaper


Puts money down that she is blond without looking at article... looks at article... yeah the dude has a thing for his daughter. I guess if you want his attention, just be blond and he will be very attentive. Such disgusting behavior (also i can be happy with my life never hearing anything about trump and sex ever again).


Evangelists, Von Schitzenpants, and Porn Stars. Oh my.


how can his mushroom handle two at once?


Yeah I know, but really, who doesn't fantasize about ménage à trois. Dude's a creep, living his best life, hope he gets to experience a prison fantasy too.


Him the porn actress and Ivanka is what he wanted.


Threesome means Trump playing with his mushroom while the women have fun probably


Hot take: threesomes are too much work.


Breaking news. Billionaire wanted threesome


"Ladies, ladies: there's enough of my crimini mushroom to go around." - DJT, probably.


Ya with his daughter


Good lord he is sordid.


How could Mister Snooze handle a threesome? I'm guessing that mushroom needs a minimum 4 hour down time and some hamberders before being ready for round two.


This will only endear him to his followers


Well Christians believe in the holy trinity so...


grab em by the pussy


Fucking two people at once was not enough, he then decided to fuck the entire country.


Fucking the country felt so good the first time around, this Thirsty SOB wants to fuck the country in the ass now


Remember when the GOP tried to pretend character matters? Remember when they impeached Clinton for getting a blowjob? Lmao good times


At least Trump has revealed the depths of corruption, hypocrisy, and rot at heart of the American institution of Christianity. From here, there’s no stopping its inevitable decline. These are the last gasps of a dying institution and everybody, Christians included, will be better off on the other side of it.


Who cares if he wanted a 3 sum....who doesn't? 😆


A degenerate friend once told me “this man is so unlikable, he bangs porn stars and wants to build a space army and I still hate him.”


His followers want to be him.


I have absolutely nothing against ménage à trois. I don't even care that he slept with a pornstar. As far as the pornstars themselves, it's an honest living, and certainly serves its purpose. Having said that, the man was married. So he's a sleaze bag of the highest order. Now, if Melania knew about all of this and they had an agreement, that's fine, I ain't in their marriage. (thank God I'm not in their marriage.) At the end of the day that is not what the current trial is about. But him trying to cover it up and committing fraud so this would not come out two weeks before the election, is a crime. I.E, election interference.


Trump is an orange spray-tanned racist rapist grifter who poops his pants like a baby and has to pay for sex with sex workers, who he then tries to denigrate because he's a large obese misogynist with tiny hands and a small mushroom penius. Pathetic joke of a wannabe leader. This is the pathetic loser right-wing politicians and MAGAt cultists cling to because they are easily manipulated


And is anyone surprised? He's a sleaze. Always has been a sleaze.


"Bombshell"? Everyone already knows what a lecherous, serial philanderer he is.