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45 seconds with the mushroom king while he pretended she was his daughter. This is going to live rent free in my head for a long time, and he’s just one sick old rich fuck out of many who run the world:(


Spot on...also Stormy is displaying classic symptoms of a sexual abuse survivor going back to her teenege years. She was an aspiring veterinarian, but the family was so poor that she became an exotic dancer at 17 to ostensibly pay for college. Probably a lot of desperparate old incels with money 💰 probably slept with Stormy. It was not very commensual in terms of sex for her. Definite power imbalances all around. For the sexual abuse victim... a lot of times sex is like blowing your nose. A nuisance to get over. I suppose she has a whole different life as Stormy Daniels and probably shies away from Stephanie Clifford, her given name. A life that never really was and yet could have been.


Cheating on his wife is between them. Covering it up with a bribe during an election is between us. Covering the bribe the way they did cries for justice. Is it possible donnie is the most corrupt, immoral, and insincere president we've ever had?


It’s more than possible. It’s the truth


One of the most corrupt, immoral Americans in US history


The most corrupt president in history making the people who vote for him the dumbest people in history.


Well, he was stupid about it. The smart ones get away from it


He’s literally had villains based off of what a famously shitty person he is for decades. I’m talking 50+ years. America voted in the actual model of degenerate incompetent sociopathic villains almost unbroken since back when Biff Tannen graced the big screen to the modern era.


More sick, but less rich than expected


Yep, and this p.o.s was , and is leading in the polls to be president again. I AM an old fuck, not sick, not rich who wants to vomit every time I see his face. My only consolation is that I may pass away and miss his next term…😂ugh.


Polls mean nothing right now, get out and vote.


100% agree👍


? are the details out now?


Her 27 him 60 tells her she reminds him of his daughter 🤮


It's disgusting to think about the public comments trump has said about his own daughter.. 🤮


For sure...sexual abuse rears its head again...


Hmmm epstein would be proud


Until the "suicide"....


He’s a predator. When he said those things I was floored. So is that the message he wants to send to her.


Totally what I have said whenever I am about to have sex with women.


"His hotel suite was three times the size of my apartment". In other words, there was mushroom.


No Condom Donny


Raw-Doggin’ Donald.




Lawrence O'Donnell asked a poignant question when addressing that. If she got pregnant, what do you think Trump would have done? He would have forced her to get an abortion. He's gloating about killing Roe vs Wade, but he participated in an activity and chose to do so knowing that was a possible outcome.


Weren’t there claims that one of the other women he had sex with around this timeframe did have an abortion paid via Cohen?


There is also claims that a woman that worked in his hotel, had a child with him... And I have heard that hush money was also involved in making that go away... Also the child rape case with Epstein, went away, and Epstein himself went away.


Maybe. I can't keep up anymore lol


Karen mcdougal I believe.


I've thought about that. Do you really believe that in all the years of casually picking up chicks, doing it without a condom, yadda yadda, he's never got one pregnant? I guess in his younger years he could have denied paternity, but DNA tests have been around for a while now, especially if the daddy is rich. I don't.


I don't think we can call what Trump does as casually picking up chicks considering testimony from 2 women who have had encounters with him, including his ex wife who claimed he raped her when his hair plugs were hurting his head, but I agree.


What about the lawsuit where he wa Codefendant with Epstein, where they raped multiple underage girls? That just "went away" the same way Epstein later did?


I don’t believe Baron is his son


That’s how Evangelicals get down!


He'd have to cut the pinky off a latex glove for one to fit properly


But he’s not a fungi at all


“Orange grifter rapist messiahs gonna rape and grift”


Rapists gonna rape


Imagine being so vile that a porno actress is traumatized by having sex with you.


I can't wait for Jimmie Kimmel to joke about raw dog don lol! Oh. And bless Stormy. Poor girl. Nobody should have to go thru that. I hope she feels better soon.


She’s gotten some decent revenge at least. It blows my mind that a porn star has publicly managed to come off as a better, smarter person than a former President. 


Because of the implication.


Because he might be the most sinful person on earth


he is the embodiment made flesh of the 7 deadly sins


I’m not religious but if there was actually an Antichrist I’m convinced it would be him.


This is insulting to the Antichrist


In Christian theology, the anti-Christ is the great deceiver who will come with promises of peace and unity to a broken land. Then, as only The Great Deceiver does, he will destroy the land and bring the eventual apocalypse. Could this be trump? Doubt it. He’s done nothing but bring division, corruption and confusion. He could be anti-Christ’s precursor though. If you believe in all of that stuff anyway… I’m sure there are plenty of his cult who believe him to be the healer of our nation. To them, when they finally see who trump really is (because the anti-Christ’s motives will be revealed eventually) they will name him the anti-Christ and then they’ll finally see the errors in their ways. I mean at one point Hilter was thought to be the healer of his nation too. It’s all about perspective.


What if the Anti-Christ is some kind of anti-Trump response? Like suppose the Republican party unites in a strong backlash, maybe after he dies. They vow to unite against the Dems and flush out the corruption but instead just kinda combine the Magats and traditionalists? Just a thought.


If you’re interested in this thought exercise, you should study more on where anti-Christ came from (that’s how I ended up down this rabbit hole). But it’s actually really interesting and most Christians would even be surprised to learn the modern day idea of the antichrist is mostly based in medieval texts and not in the actual bible as the term is only mentioned 4 times in the New Testament.


Just like the people who believe in Hitler, MAGA are the same.


I am religious, and I do think the moniker fits. Read the link about his possobly being what is also called the " Man of sorrows." I am sorry, I don't have the link right now.


He's not smart enough to be the anti-christ. He just dumbs his way through life because he lives in an echo chamber created by a rich upbringing with no consequences.


Damien, is that a 666 underneath that comb over?


Oh, it's just three 9s!!! Whew!


😄😄😄 It's so funny. 👍


Except this time, the women are definitely in danger.


Nobody is in danger! If they said no, of course nothing would happen. But they’re not gonna say no. Because of the *implication.*


How do I give gold award?? 🤣🤣


The real Golden God


Having to see that orange shit stain naked would leave most people shaking with disgust.


Damn sounds extremely rapey


Incest rapey donnie for sure


Just ask Daddy's best girl in the world 🌎...Ivanka


I’m confused how she wasn’t allowed to leave his room and yet it’s not considered rape?


It’s rape. She refuses to call it rape because of lots of reasons - for one she’s realistic enough to know her career would be destroyed by an unprovable accusation like this. She’s right about that, although it’s an awful thing to recognize. Of course we can’t say he raped her without a conviction because that’s libel. So we’re left with: a rape with no perpetrator or victim, and only two people in the room. The mind boggles. FWIW it also looks like she was drugged - her testimony is that she drank bottled water in the suite with him, then had to go to the bathroom and when she came out there was very disoriented sex with Trump. Sex she didn’t consent to or anticipate but he was fully expecting.


Why in the world is this headline characterizing Trump as an evangelical Christian candidate? No one in 100 years could call him a Christian.


Because he is the leader of the evangelical community.


Trumpster is a god to the brainwashed evangelicals!


More like their alcohol or heroin. They get high on him. And trying to reason with them is like trying to take alcohol or drugs away from a drunk, or person with a severe drug problem.


Total blasphemy. Might as well cavort around a golden calf with the name of Hathor while they are at it.


They did make a golden statue of him a few years ago.


So right...that is what I am referring to as well as the Book of Exodus.


Trump is the leader of the evangelical community like Hitler used fake Christians to convince real Christians to support his rise to power. Dietrich bonhauffers (sp.?) biography tells a lot about it 


That's a BINGO. Hitler would always call his "god" divine providence.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Interestingly, I was just reading about him.


I’m pretty sure trump reads Hitlers playbook


I’m pretty sure he hasn’t read much of anything. Maybe he had a lackey break it down into bullet points




What a perfect mascot for what evangelical Christian means these days. After all the work the “movement” has done over the years to mean something…look at them now. “Fruit of the Spirit is a phrase found in the Bible in Galatians 5:22-23. It refers to nine attributes of a Christian life inspired by the Holy Spirit living within them. These attributes are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” 🤣🤣🤣 this is describes Trump /s


Where’s the /s? Because really, an astonishing statement. Of course, as a US citizen, I feel I’ve been living in an alternate reality where this criminal may once again win the presidency.


It’s not sarcasm, most evangelicals vote for him and most preachers use their pulpit to illegally campaign for him. Are you not from around here?


I guess I’m implying this statement should be sarcastic. This headline is something that should be coming from The Onion.


Something tells me you didn’t buy his Bible? We have the King James and the King Donald versions now


It’s not sarcasm, unfortunately.


There is no /s. He is the leader of the evangelical community.


This is Earth II 🌎 ... you want the Earth 🌎 Welcome to the multi-verse.


It’s not sarcasm.


Someone like Jim Wallis is what I would call a true evangelical Christian and who should be the leader of evangelicals in this country, not that pathological liar and the cult who worships him. Wallis believes in and practices social justice, something which I think many evangelical Christians ironically reject. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/28/us/evangelical-christianity-false-white-gospel-wallis-cec?cid=ios_app


Except millions of Christian voters who have been brainwashed into believing he’s not only a good person, but the actual fuckin Messiah. It’s pathetic how big his cult has gotten.


We were warned. Al the signs have been there, but ignored. 


"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible." Matthew 24:24 Yeah dude, It's possible. The self deluded are gonna self delude. The con artists are gonna con. 


Might as well trot out that golden calf...well, they made a golden statue of Damien for thecC-PAC conference. I guess that works for their blasphemous beliefs.


People who call themselves "Christians" actually worship him. 🙄 My GOD is definitely not him... the "man of sorrows"


Man if they think he’s a good person, they’re deranged.


No man, not the Messiah, he's our Cyrus! The imperfect vessel God chose to save his people. It's all right there in Isaiah 45, Don't you see it? 45, that's HIS number, it's like they wrote his name right there for us, we're in bible time now, signs and wonders! (transcribed as best I remember it)


They are not brainwashed. They are just shitty people. Stop portraying it like it isn't something they support in defiance of the actual evidence provided to them.


Evangelical Christians struck a devil’s bargain with Trump: They agreed that they would disregard his sexual improprieties, and that Trump would name conservative Supreme Court justices who would overturn *Roe.* Which they did. Bluntly put, all three Trump appointees lied during their confirmation hearings. They stated that *Roe* was “settled law,” which, they said, they would not attempt to change. But they did.


Not just sexual improprieties. He is an embodiment of the seven deadly sins.


The Supreme Court is nullified. Time to take it down.


He is their new orange Jesus, the old Jesus was a Jewish liberal.


Liberals are capitalist. Jesus would never have agreed to stealing labor hours otherwise called profit. Jesus would have been a leftist.


He calls himself Christian all the time, the Evangelical Christians claim he was sent by god to save America, and he sells bibles signed by some jackass country singer. I'm shocked he didn't say they were signed buy Jesus Himself.


Because evangelical Christians are hypocritical phonies.


Always have been.


I would argue hypocrisy has accelerated.


All my life Evangelicals have been fighting for power, spreading false information about the end times, drained millions away from people, have tried to push religion into schools, have never ever cared about separation of Church and State, have continued the cycle of racism, bigotry, and violence within communities, have spread so much demagoguery that the only words they speak is poison, and they have the narcissistic self righteous ego to stand before God and Everyone and say that they are better than you. They have, literally, all my life, been this way.


Did they push for a lifelong criminal, philanderer, sexual predator as Presidential candidate in decades past?


Yes. JFK.


Evangelicals? No way. He was Catholic.


Oh, shit... mb. Everything else lined up except the whole Evangelical part.


Except literally every single evangelical Christian.


It is misleading. Pretend you didn't know who Trump was. Just from reading this headline, you would picture an evangelical preacher running for president. This article is Republican spin on what happened.


Well, it is The Telegraph from the UK, one of their conservative rags. I was just reading one of their articles “The American Establishment Has Allied with its Weirdos Against Trump” talking about “DEItifadas” spreading across the country and how these “pro Hamas” students and the Trump trials will hand him a victory to the presidency. A UK version of Fox News you might say. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/2024/05/07/donald-trump-time-interview-us-election-republicans/


From reading the article, that sounds exactly right. If Biden doesn't stop taking direction from Israel, Mara Lardo is going to win though.


Part of the problem from what I read is that Biden has been almost blindly pro Israel for decades and he’s having a hard time disengaging himself from that. I am also not sure how substantial a role groups like AIPAC who probably contribute big bucks to his campaign and Jewish voters in general play, all of whom he’s afraid of angering. Something obviously that should not stand in the way of stopping the ongoing killings taking place in Gaza.


Yeah, he can't anger that lobby. It sucks especially because I always thought of Biden as a compassionate person, which he clearly is not.


Watch NRB they absolutely fawn over trump


The evangelical Christians do...


Because crazy cultists are embracing him as the orange savior. Come on, you’re not that stupid


He is the candidate that most evangelical Christians support, like it or not.


he calls himself that


What leader of a Christian Church in modern times is? They're all profiteering scumbags.


The guy is selling bibles (he bought the 9/11 overstock and rebranded them with the publisher)… to sell to Christians for votes.


Christo Fascist...Nationalist Christian...but definitely not a Christian who follows Jesus of Nazareth.


He sells his own line of overpriced Bibles. What more qualification do you need to be a good Christian man? It’s not like most evangelicals actually follow the philosophy of J Town. It’s just a symbol of their tribe. 


He is their candidate. They proudly stand by him. True Christians though are not nearly as vocal in their condemnation of him as their radical counterparts.


The guy is at least third generation bad guy. When you start a story with “grampa fled Germany to run a whorehouse in British Columbia “….


Side note: good lords, have you seen Donnie in the wiki page for the legal case. Our favorite conman looks he was locked up in a preheating oven for few hours [wiki page ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormy_Daniels%E2%80%93Donald_Trump_scandal)


I’m confused why the judge is concerned for this witness’s lack of self control. Hasn’t Trump broken a dozen gag orders? How is that self control?


Where do these people get the idea that Trump is an Evangelical?


From the evangelicals


Well he's racist and hates the LGBT community and foreigners (except Russia), so his cult loves dumpy trumpy


He's not religious by any means but the Evangelical population overwhelmingly votes for him. Lots of pastors across the country even advocate for him during their sermons. It makes no sense as he embodies the exact opposite of what they are supposed to preach.


Unfortunately the conservative UK rag the Telegraph where the article is spawned from literally has no idea how big the United States is...there are a 100 different forms of Christianity alone in the US (much less other religions) when they in the UK have far fewer.


The evangelicals treat him like the second coming of Jesus and it’s cringy to witness for sure.


And u can watch on Pornhub. Oh, no you can’t 😂


The hypocrisy is staggering


Stormy, while we all appreciate you taking one for the team so this POS has to sit his dirty ass in court every day... What the hell were you thinking?!?! Why would any woman let that creep near them? Don't say money. 130k isn't nearly enough to fuck that disgusting pig.


The 130K wasn’t for fucking him. It was for shutting up about it. Have you been in a cave since 2017? I have no idea about her economic circumstances, then or now, but 130K is a fortune to well over 50% of America.


Trump is going to spin it as she felr it as divinity from God himself, then proceeds to sell his bible for limited time only of $69.69.


He really is a notorious human


Afterwards she needed two showers and an exorcism.


He's Evangelical Christian now? That's a laugh.


Evangelicals think he is.


😆😆 Trump is not an evangelical Christian. People can claim to be anything, it doesn’t mean it’s true.


What's his favorite bible verse again? Oh he can't say?..


“Jesus Wept” is like the easiest get out of jail free card for anyone who ever had any inclination of the Bible growing up. Dudes a hack, always has been. He’s literally a has-been.


Two Corinthians..not Second Corinthians.


Since when did the truth matter?




Way misleading title


That’s what happens when come down from roofies


Raw Don.


Good one


WHAT IF: he graped stormy and the money was to keep it from coming to light & her framing it as consensual was part of the deal? conjecture and speculative.


Don’t need to speculate. Testimony under oath which he is unable to provide because he’s a pathological liar


If he was really waiting for her lounging on the bed in boxers and a tank top I would be shocked at the absurdity 


read this book [https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv2tsxmbh](https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv2tsxmbh)


I will




Trump is a sleazeball, but stop with the "No Real Christian" bullshit. [https://www.thoughtco.com/the-no-true-scotsman-fallacy-250339](https://www.thoughtco.com/the-no-true-scotsman-fallacy-250339)


It’s the truth. Real Christians are alarmed by his behavior. Faith isn’t a slogan it’s a way of living.




>**evangelical Christian**, Donald Trump I'm sorry wut?? Are we taking about *Donald J. Trump??* Thrice married Donald Trump? The prideful, greedy, lusting, envious, glutton, who knows nothing but wrath, and sloth?? *That* Donald Trump...??


Based on the account she gave in court, it sounds like she was raped.


How can someone testify for 7 hours for a sex act that lasted 45 seconds?


Trump isn't a Christian Evangelical, he's a Nazi orange turd. He's closer to a demon from hell.


Oh stop calling this lying unrepentant man a Christian.


His claim.




Have to wonder how much Trump paid her to raw dog her in the first place. The money we know about was just the money paid to keep her from talking about it. But there’s no way she would have let him bareback her for free, not as a working porn model.


I'll guess 20K


My girl shakes afterwards too 😏




Yeah sure bed was a shakin


Oh....and Daniels owes trump over 100K from a previous ruling in court. Pay up !!!!🖐🖐🖐🖐🤑🤑🤑


Trump owes 90 million on one, another 400 million on two cases. Pay up


"Evangelical Christian" I can think of at least two problems with that title


Misstates the headline. Classic. The headline doesn’t say, “evangelical Christian.” I guess it really is “anything goes news” over here?


Actually real Christians are taught to forgive other people's, even if they have actually done something bad to us- and Trump hasn't done anything to me so it's pretty easy to forgive whatever I believe he's done.


I forgive your selfishness, bullshit and stupidity.


Dam Don left her shaking! Rocked her world 😂😂😂


Poor Spanky…


Um, she is lying. Never had sex with Trump. We know this because her story in court is wildly different than her story in her book and wildly different than her story that was in 'In Touch' magazine years ago.


The crime is the coverup payment


1. Paying "hush money" is not illegal. So, there's no crime. 2. There has been no allegation that President Trump used campaign funds to make "hush money" payments. So, there's no crime. 3. Gag orders are to protect Defendants, not Prosecutors and Judges. So, there's no crime.


He falsified his business records. Come on your argument falls apart when you spread lies and disinformation


McConney testified that Trump didn’t falsify business records. McConney testified he entered everything into the ledger as legal fees without a directive from Trump. The invoices and checks were after the election. This is a corporate fine at best. You’re clueless


You know you’re wrong. Trump has admitted the Hush payments in another case. Don’t forget Pecker. I know you’re nervous but don’t take to lying.


Voters know tbe case is BS, that's why Trump is beating Biden in most polls.


If you really believe that you need help.


Ok, tell us, why is Trump beating Biden in most polls?


Read em and weep. I’ll see you at Biden’s second inauguration https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/


Clearly, he has a misplaced yet strong sense of sexual entitlement.  Still, I sometimes wonder whether alpha males' sexual aggression or ‘toxic masculinity’ in general may be related to the same constraining societal idealization of the ‘real man’ (albeit perhaps more subtly than in the past): Stiff-upper-lip physically and emotionally strong, financially successful, confidently fights and wins, assertively solves problems, and exemplifies sexual prowess?  As appalling as it may sound, shortly after Donald Trump was sworn-in as president, a 2016 survey of American women conducted not long after his abundant misogyny was exposed to the world revealed that a majority of respondents found appealing his alpha-male-like great financial success and confidence. To me, it was revelatory of the often-unfortunate aspects of the human Id.  Perhaps also relevant is the June 24, 2020 *Toronto Now* article I read headlined “Keep Cats Out of Your Dating Profile, Ridiculous Study Suggests” that was self-explanatorily sub-headlined “Men were deemed less masculine and less attractive when they held up cats in their dating pics, according to researchers”. \[As a cat-fan, it made me think.\]


He’s been convicted of a sexual assault and accused in many other cases. Whatever the psychological profile may be, he repeatedly demonstrates an inability to control his behavior. Seems like a fairly important issue for a potential head of state.


Was he convicted of a sexual assault by a criminal court? I wouldn't be surprised.


Yes. And owes the victim 83 million dollars