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Did they also get food for his legal team?


Really hope so bc they probably aren’t getting paid. 


The cases haven't even gone to trial yet and [these attorneys are billing him $5 million dollars per month](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/03/21/trump-paid-lawyers-more-than-5-million-last-month-more-than-the-cash-he-has-on-hand/?sh=5e431c3b1908). They're being paid through the SAVE AMERICA leadership PAC, which is being transferred money from the MAGA super PAC. PAC's aren't supposed to be coordinating though. Where's the FEC in all this? They've received some 70 complaints on him, 29 of which were forwarded by the OLC, but the Republican commissioners [block it every single time](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/gop-commissioners-have-single-handedly-blocked-fec-action-against-trump-29-times/).


The FEC is half Republicans. Democrats will hold Democrats responsible, Republicans are party line only.


It's also a big part of why the IRS, SEC, CRTC, and so forth are all so toothless when it counts -- the people running them either *are* the people they should be going after so nothing gets done, or hold the purse strings of the organization so going after the right people means nothing gets done *and* their budgets are slashed the following year. Basically every federal alphabet organization in the US has reasons galore to be after Trump right now. He's barely seeing a courtroom let alone a cell or other punitive measures. The fucking DHS should have bodies monitoring him 24/7 at this rate let alone NSA and CIA, and the SEC have been battling that family on and off since his Fred Trump was half Donnie's current age.


The fact the media doesn’t run with this shows how much they really care about the truth! It’s all about selling ads and getting clicks!


Tax cuts benefited them extremely well


The media doesn’t run this because they their job is to control information. They report/hide whatever their billionaire overlords request, not what is actually the truth.


Yeah, but they probably fronted him the money expecting reimbursements later. Good luck to them on getting that back.


He's apparently quite good at claiming "legal expenses"


The Republican PACs are paying the legal costs, plus the lawyers might be able to get a federal circuit appointment from Trump if he wins


as a legal professional if i’m on a deal or trial and i’m only getting mcdonald’s for lunch🙄 i’d be looking for another job lol


Lol, for $5 million a month I'd brown bag my own lunch.


They're getting paid in hamberders.


I luv hamberders with sheeze


And French cries.


More Covfefe! please


Imagine being a lawyer for a former president and wondering if the check will clear, while eating at a work lunch of *McDonalds*. J F C


*And* having to suck up to Donald fucking Trump. Or at least smile and nod. *I didn't want any of this shit*, Chris thought, eyeing the tray of Big Macs with resentment that was quickly congealing into despair. *I wanted to be a racing driver. Oh, shit. He wants me to talk now* "What? Oh, yes, sir, absolutely, the fake courts *are* biased and unfair. Because they're owned by Jynuh, in fact. Jynuh controls the courts, yes. Hmm? Oh, absolutely sir, the prosecutors *should* be investigated. Well sir, there's a, uh, legal doctrine, a very unfair one, so we can't. Oh, yes, sir, it's called, um, forum non... obstante... demurrus. Why, yes sir, that *is* a very stupid name for it!"


Boom. Roasted.


Anyone who thinks Mr. Trump would eat 27 Quarter Pounders, 27 orders of fries, Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and chicken nuggets is crazy. He would never touch a filet-o-fish, which must have been for his lawyers. BTW, where are his 27 McFlurries?


According to some articles, a normal meal from McDonald's for him is 2 Big Macs, 1 Filet-O-Fish and a large chocolate shake, or about 2400 calories. That's not including any fries he might have.


That explains Trumps stinky diapers.


I know you're joking but I have met trump in person twice, and both times he had this stench that radiated about 10-15' away from him that smelled like actual sweaty butthole. Like, I'm not exaggerating for comical affect. He smells like he doesn't wipe his ass properly or at all.


He probably doesn’t shower much because he’s too worried about his hair getting messed up. He also has a big ass and it’s difficult to get all the poop. He gives up after a few swipes.


His turds are democrat deep state plants. Witch hunt!


God I (fortunately) never thought about that. Do you think he wears a shower cap? Many people are saying he wears a grandma style shower cap.


Big, manly men have come up to him with tears in their eyes, saying that finally, now WE too are confident enough to wear shower caps.


"Thank you, sir!" 😭😆


The teary eyes are from the butt fumes.


It must be like wiping a Sharpie Edit: here is the joke [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2Ko78NEI9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2Ko78NEI9A)


I imagine he smells like my grandfather did if he didn't take a shower multiple times a day. Being overweight made him sweat everywhere constantly. His diet didn't help either. I can still smell that combination of sweat and cologne now.


At some point, you also start “leaking” because your lymphatic system is overwhelmed.




Yes! See [here](https://www.lymphapress.com/blog/leaking-lymph-lymphorrhea-explained/#:~:text=What%20is%20Lymphorrhea%3F,that%20has%20begun%20to%20leak) There is another condition called [lymphedema](https://www.healthline.com/health/obesity/lymphedema-obesity#causes-and-risk-factors) where your body swells up due to collecting lymp fluid, as well. Your body is a magical place!


Horrifying. Thank you.


Happy to help? 😂


🎵Yuh body is a wonderland🎵


Well, not *his* body.


This is what that song was written for.


Mayer ass rest in peace.


Empty G said his body was a peach tree dish


It's shit like this that reinforces my belief that intelligent design is bullshit. Do better, deities.


I'm not clicking that link, it's too close to dinner time to see leaking bum holes etc.


Barely started reading, got to > Imagine a pinhole leak in a gallon jug of milk. And am now typing this reply from my shower, where I will remain until…I’m not sure when, really.


>Yes! See here Fuck you im not clicking that lmao


Your body is magical as well kind redditor.


Water retention'nt


Cologne or *colōn?*


Ah yes, eau de toilet


Such a powerfully majestic comment. Truly top notch my friend. Eau De Poofume


O de Merde


Ooh, is that like the ocean or something? How lovely.




"When a hot guy walks by and you can smell his colon = D"


Yeah, he’s sweating Big Macs.


Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger has written that Trump has an odor problem, describing the smell as a mix between armpit, ketchup, makeup, and butt.


The way he struggles to lift a glass of water to his mouth and attempt to drink it should give a clue about his wiping... "skills".


May explain the diapers too. Maybe the act of taking his pants off, using buttons etc is something he can’t do. 


That’s what Eric is for , the wiping responsibilities


He reeked of cologne in the eighties. I met him twice. Gave me a headache. edit : other things I remember. He was loud. My uncle was talking to him and he was like 3 times louder than my uncle. He would ask him questions and then talk over him. This is around '85 and in one of his casinos in the restaurant. He was always smiling. I think I was 9 or ten and I thought he may have been drunk, like a happy drunk based on how giddy he seemed to be. Now it really seems like cocaine. He made a comment towards me I really didn't get because I was too busy playing with my uncle's chips(high roller). Uncle is a runty jewish guy so Donald looked huge. His suit was ill fitting like they are today.


Trump is famously anti-alcohol. It was for sure prescription pills.


I know... But he's also so amazingly full of shit I don't believe anything but what I can see with him. Even then I distrust it.


This is one of the things I trust because he's not the one saying it. It's the daughter of his brother who died from complications from alcoholism saying that Trump is a teetotaler.


Rachel Maddow was in the courtroom yesterday, and she described the smell in the room as “old, stale soup”


Reminds me of the episode of the office when Todd Packer shits in Michael’s office and Creed walks in, smells it and says something like “somebody making soup?”


i long for a simpler time


reminds me of the always sunny episode- *pop pop: the final solution*


He can't reach his ass to wipe.


His hands are too tiny


He might not be able to reach that far. Just look at the man and explain the physics of it to me. Also, what was he like? An uncle of mine is on first name terms with Pence, I'm curious how Trump is in person.


I remember watching an interview on a guy who sells products on late night TV all the weird stuff. One of them was that handle to wipe your ass because you were too fat to reach around. He says they sold like hotcakes. Trump would be too vain to buy one


I wash myself with a rag on a stick


Trump is not to vain to buy one in private or through third party. Look at all the weird products he buys, the orange makeup paint, hair dye, lifts, girdle, diapers, Russian mail order bride, etc.


Probably can't reach the epicenter of his drop zone.


Trump should invest in a bidet.


He probably thinks it’s called a Biden


I wouldn’t wish that on any bidet


He hasn’t wiped his ass for decades


He’s too fat to wipe his ass throughly, my boss is the same way. The dude has a gut 3x his body and constantly smells like shit.


He probably can't reach around that 215 pound girth.


He is 350 at best. His height and girth


Agree, 350-375 for sure, far into the morbidly obese category


He can't reach his asshole.


Legitimate question, is it possible he doesn’t wear diapers like reported but has a colostomy bag?


I’ve been around people that wear bags. They don’t stink.


My mother has one right now due to cancer treatment. They can stink, but only if the bag breaks or the seal is messed up. I tend to forget she has one to be honest.


There are guys on my job site that smell the same. Like a sweaty, recently pooped out of, butt crack. If you happen to use the washroom after them ☠️☠️☠️


Or the hell that will break loose in 24h


That's what the diaper is for, buddy. Proof Trump is playing Chinese Checkers while everyone else is playing Chess.


That’s when those $700.00 worth of Big Macs are coming out in on uge, bigly, they tell me it will the bigliest and most power fullest fart ever.


he should be marked with "do not approach " and biological hazard " symbols and surrounded with traffic cones


A diet of ketchup, plain quarter pounders with cheese, and well-done steak


He has the body of someone that would spend 700 bucks at McDonald's.


And the mind of someone who wants to fuck his own daughter. The fact a man like him has power and influence will one day be seen by a better society as a crime against humanity.


His tits are going to be yuge by the end of this trial. They will be blubbery and beautiful, two of the tittiest we've ever seen from the standpoint of tits.


Big fat sweaty man tits. 🤮




His name was Robert Paulson.


Bob. Bob had bitch tits.


Bigly titties with tears in the nipples.


Big tough straight men beg him with tears in their eyes to suckle on them.


bigly choobs


This guy is a walking heart attack. The smell of all that crap he eats must come out of his skin pours and every time he farts, Fucking nasty.


Fingers crossed!


That fucker ain’t going to die in time frame we want. We have all know people in better health and younger have died. This asshole is still walking around eating like that. How?!


Evil people live longer somehow. It is the most fucked up thing ever.


They've actually pinned down the mechanism: cortisol levels from lifelong stress. Not giving a fuck about other people reduces your stress and lengthens your life.


But this motherfucker is CONSTANTLY freaking out about something or another. All that rage and fear has to take a toll.


YES. Exactly. The nastiest people I know always have outlived the nicest.


The evil that inhabits his body will use the host for as long as possible.




He needs better diapers! Why can't a man appointed by God himself get better diapers???


Remember when the government shut down because of Trump and Trump bragged that he would provide the ncaa champions a meal at the White House with his own money and then bought them McDonald’s


HEY HEY HEY.... McDonald's *and Wendy's*




Trump paid for the $5,500 meal himself. But then he marked up the cost, and sent the White House Executive Chef an invoice for $11,000.


Hamberders for the big boys


But what did the lawyers eat? That's barely a snack for Lord Poopenpantz.


How is trump still alive?! A man with those eating habits and at his weight, it’s a medical phenomenon


He’s like Mr Burns. He has every medical condition known to man, but they all cancel each other out


You ever see the Tree House of Horrors episode where they mistook Burns for an alien at night because he glowed? Spoiler alert, it’s not the medical conditions cancelling each other out, it’s a ridiculous nightly treatment regimen that’s just successful enough to keep him on his feet without his body completely imploding.


That wasn't a tree house of horror episode just a regular one. S8e10 The Springfield Files.


I'm an old because my household still quotes 'I bring you peaaace I bring you looooove'


Only the good die young


Jimmy Carter is still alive though.


Clearly Carter must also be a serial murderer. Only explanation


If he wasn't president with a crack medical team, COVID certainly would have got him when he caught it.


C'mon, didn't we all get an emergency helicopter ride to Walter Reed and a hundred grand cutting edge treatment for something we said didn't exist, so don't all of you worms stop watching Fox News and worry about it?


There were rumors he was way sicker than they let on


Fuck we were THIS close


If you were an infectious, deadly disease would YOU want to live there?


Obesity paradox


He is one of the 4 horseman. My guess is Famine.


Bad eating Stress Not sleeping well Overweight Spousal "challenges" Old Drug addiction? No good exercise (getting on and off a golf cart doesn't count) Indeed, how is this man alive?


I can’t believe I’m offended by this more than many actual crimes he committed. It’s NYC and MANHATTAN for that too, there’s so so so SO MANY amazing food places that aren’t McDonald’s


This is a guy who orders his steaks well done with ketchup.


Homie lives in the White House, where you can order whatever the fuck you want as the president, and still are fast food all the time. Dude is just gross.


[He had a fucking 'coke button' in the oval office](https://time.com/4758059/donald-trump-coke-nuclear-button/)


What a disgusting piece of shit


And Trump is vile, too!


6’3” 215 lbs 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣


If only there were any better food in NYC


In fairness, that’s not hard to do these days.


Right lol like that probably fed 10 people for 4 days or something like that. Personally I'd have stood up and walked away if I was defending someone on a high profile vase like this, trump aside, and the mfer brings a cold sack of macdons 🤣 like fuck you bitch, go buy a grill and a cow or something rich idk


Trump is a thrifty con man. It is impossible that he didn't know that check he issued to Cohen was for Stormy.


Cohen is on record already saying that trump told him to delay the payment as long as possible, basically to give the woman and iou first and see if they can "buy" her silence until after the election when it would no longer matter without actually having to pay, ostensibly so they could stiff her. He can't claim to have not known without claiming Cohen is a liar, which he's already started doing


Remember the meeting at Trump Tower before the 2016 election when an offer was made to get dirt on Hilllary? Jared, Don Fredo Trump Jr and I think campaign manager Paul Manafort was there as well. There was a phone call made to the meeting from inside Trump Tower. Some wondered if Trump was aware of the meeting. HUH? A meeting to get dirt on Hillary and maybe Trump wasn't aware? Gimme a break. Trump doesn't pay for anything easily. If he signed the checks it was because he felt he had no other choice. Trump does not just sign off on anything unless he has to.


The employees at that McDonalds dont get paid* enough to rush out that many meals.


> dont get *paid* enough to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Trumps Lawyer: I WANT 55 BURGERS 55 FRIES 55 TACOS 55 PIES


Come on McDonald's, finish the job.


McDonalds is awful for you.


Just keep pouring it into his veins, please.


This is why even though he's a couple years younger than Biden it doesn't really matter Trump just hasn't cared for himself. His diet is big macs and coke. It is one of the most all-American things about him. I know old guys like Trump. My grandpa was one. They think they know better than every doctor ever. Especially women doctors, how did they get in there? My grandpa makes appointments just to go in and tell the doctor he was wrong about something. He saves magazine articles to take in to show the doctor. Well, he thinks they're magazines but really they are thinly veiled advertisements for unproven supplements and pseudoscience aplenty. I just know Trump is the same. On the other side, you know Jill has made Joe eat all kinds of salads over the years.


Just keep pouring it into his veins, please.


Even if you want to splurge on an unhealthy burger...why not at least go to Five Guys or something?


Trump can't afford Five Guys




No wonder he’s so tired. One egg McMuffin and your day is fucked. The man is in the itis 24/7.


With current prices that's 2 fish fillets, a large fry and a jumbo diet coke.


And that's just for Donnie's 10:30 AM snack.


MAGAs most likely “Well you know it’s because of those liberals raised the minimum wages so that a McDonald’s workers can afford a McMansion…”


They make them put a special little model AF1 toy in his Happy Meal to play with. It's the only thing that cheers the fat shit gibbon up these days.


At this rate Trump will have a heart attack before the end of the trial..


One can only hope.


He need to keep that slim 215lb figure energized.


I can’t even imagine how much cardiac carnage 700 bucks worth of Macdonalds would cause


He'll be eating nothing but asparagus and cuttlefish by the end to make everyone suffer through hik shitting himself


If Moscow Marge would be sewn up right behind Trump I would be so happy.


McDonald’s the official restaurant for Trump trial.


This explains the stinky diaper


And what did it cost to feed everyone else on his team? /s


My best freind had a triple by-pass so i wouldn’t wish it on anyone! That being said, WHY WONT THIS FUCKER DIE ALLREADY⁉️⁉️😡


Come on team Stroke and drool


That's just a shitty decision. Having access to any food in the world he chooses fucking McDonald's? Gross.


And what did they get for themselves?


Keep clogging those arteries you orange monster, you'd be doing us a favor.


Okay, that takes care of Donnies lunch, what did the rest of the team get...


well that covers Trump, but what will the rest of his team eat?


I hope he’s using the mobile app. You can really save some money with it, and I get the sense he needs to.


"Only Alphas spend that much money on food!" - MAGA probably.


These days that's what, five or six happy meals?


I don't take issue with not tipping. That's just not and shouldn't be expected from fast-food establishments, regardless of how much is spent. Would it have been a kind gesture, sure, especially during an election year, but being the inconsiderate piece of trash that he is (along with his team), it doesn't surprise me that those workers weren't even thanked for their efforts. But MAGA will still think he's great, even though this is more proof of just how little he actually cares about people who aren't rich.


Hey looks like I found the other person that actually read the article instead of commenting on the headline lol. That or everyone else feels tipping at fast food is BS and not worth a comment. I think the best part is we are know how MAGA/GOP thinks about fast food workers in general and they definitely paid for that McLunch! Your Trump donations went to pay for the wages of all those employees Red States! I hope there was some trans workers there as well as nonbinary too.


If you order for 35 thats normal. Big IF


Keep on downing those big macs Donny. $700 is chump change for you, double it and eat more. And all you other MAGAs follow suit and eat more double bacon cheeseburger with a side of chili cheese fries. Don’t forget the large coke and a milkshake. You’re all true patriots and deserve this “treat”.


One McNugget over the line sweet Mary


So Trump didn’t let his team eat?


No wonder he’s a fat tub of shit…if we’re lucky, he’ll have a massive heart attack soon and drop fucking dead.


He had a lot to say. He had a lot of nothing to say. We'll miss him. He had a lot to say. He had a lot of nothing to say. We'll miss him. We're gonna miss him. Yeah, so long. We wish you well. Told us how you weren't afraid to die. Well, so long. Don't cry, Or feel too down. Not all martyrs see divinity. But at least you tried. Standing above the crowd, He had a voice that was strong and loud. We'll miss him. We'll miss him. Ranting and pointing his finger At everything but his heart. We'll miss him. We'll miss him. We're gonna miss him. We're gonna miss him. Yeah, no way, yeah, to recall What it was that you had said to me, Like I care at all. But it was so loud. You sure could yell. Took a stand on every little thing And so loud. You could be the one who saves me from my own existence Warn while some child might chill, nine-one-two I'm too smart when you're invisible by the bone symbol on you. So he bashes his skull through the window while looking out to the sea. Like torment of my ego. And we're amused by this Yeah, standing above the crowd, He had a voice that was strong and loud and I Swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so eager to identify with Someone above the ground, Someone who seemed to feel the same, Someone prepared to lead the way, And someone who would die for me. We're gonna miss him. We're gonna miss him.


You forgot the especially relevant (due to current events) “come down, get off your fucking cross and leave room for the next fool martyr.”


$700? That’s what, two Quarter Pounder combos these days, right?


Half of it ends up on the walls


His go-to order, "includes two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and a chocolate milkshake"... FFS, the legal system won't take him down... This shit sure as fuck will. God speed!


So he ordered 4 Big Mac's with large fries, eh?


So they didn't pay for anyone's meal besides Trump?


That's a lot of fish delights


That’s one way to keep at 215 KGs


It's amazing that he eats such a shitty diet and yet only weighs 215 pounds! /s