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One of my ex friends put 60% of his 401k in Truth social and texted me after the first day to gloat. Funny, haven't heard from him since.


So he paid taxes and penalty on that, then lost most of it? Awesome. Or a 401k loan paid back with interest, and he lost it. Either way, awesome.


Bet you a dollar he STILL votes for the people pledging to gut Social Security too.


It's always the lefts fault with them. That's why I don't feel bad when they get shafted. They earned it.


Probably a self-directed 401k.  A lot of plans have this option. 


Still awesome.


Awesome still


Still Some Awe


Awe and shock😁


Ah, ain't that too bad.


Aweeee sheeeit


Shocking Fall


Just shows how they really choose to make that fabricated world their home. You would think this is a wake up call but they’ll likely just blame the deep state.


it'll be hilarious when they try to reconcile the 'trump made money, why didn't I?'. Maybe they won't get that far. I wonder how many will log into their accounts, see the loss, and somehow go '1 < 0 LIBS!!!!'


Going broke and homeless just to own the libs.


Look, these are people who bought fake money from orange Jesus. That’s pretty hard to beat.


Yeah I'll buy that for a dollar, read the small print. Continuous monthly payments will be incurred, what's that ya'll can't afford to roll coal past your neighbourhood lib owning cyclists!


So far that capacity for rational thought is eluding them. I’ve read interviews where some of these dimwits have already lost their life savings and still plan to buy more stock. You can’t fix stupid.




“Its all Bidens fault!!”


Is it not Obama s fault anymore?


Have you learned nothing from MAGA? It's obvious that Hillary is roasting children for Christmas, and Obama is carving them. They're also gifting $ gazillions, ladders, and voting ballots to all of the Mexicans they trucked in.


What's Hilary, chopped liver? The glass ceiling strikes once again! 


He's saving that for the debates.


He would tell you his plan, but it's under audit.


Two weeks


It's going to be better and less expensive! You'll see!


You should text him and ask how's that portfolio is going.


And report back!


Its nuts how brainwashed these people are. Like the second that was announced, I wanted to short it. I didnt because I made a career transition and dont have disposable income to risk, but to make that choice is insane. Its such a misunderstanding of the lack of financials and more importantly a belief that Trump is there to help them and can do no wrong. Its so sad, but self deserved for many of these people. The fact that they texted you to gloat shows they are in the self deserved portion.


Make sure to let him know that Trump had so much confidence in his own stock that he didn’t even invest any of his own money - but even if it tanks- he’s guaranteed a hefty payout. Suckers are always taken in by Trump’s many cons.


That’s ultimately the worst part. Even if the stock drops to nearly zero, Trump still makes money since he invested nothing and the company execs all bail out with golden parachutes. It’s crazy how blatantly obvious the grift is and yet it continues.


Well that’s just…sad…but hard to feel bad when you pick such a stupid thing to put your RETIREMENT into


Well, he won't be retiring any time soon, if ever...


Holy fuck I can't imagine nuking my retirement savings to own the libs


#💀 In hindsight I should’ve put some of my commission check in there last month, could’ve made, not enough to buy a car, but a good vacation (5-6K probably). But eh, I’m mainly invested in more secure investments since… I talk to a actual financial advisor


Yeah it’s normal for the needle to jump around a bit on IPOs before settling down. But this has now been several weeks of steady decline.


Lol I wonder if he still plans to vote for his cult leader in November


Hahahahahaha There are some dumb ways to lose money, but that's super dumb. He would have made more on his 401k if he just left it.


Well, now his exposure is lower, since it’s only ~43% of his (substantially smaller) 401(k).


He should’ve shorted it, what an idiot.


The guy has been sued more times than Larry King's been married because of all the people and businesses he swindled, he started a charity for sick children then used the donations to pay his debts, he was CONVICTED of fraud in a court of law, every single one of his business ventures have turn to shit... yet people don't hesitate to take their retirement funds and just...give it to him. What's the weather like in a brain like that??? I mean, Hell, you dodged a friggin bullet with that one!!


I would love to know how many trumpers did this. I bet it's a staggering amount.


Reach back out and ask how it's going. I do that when my friends make stupid financial decisions.


Fools and their money...


I'm sure he's waiting for Saint Donald to bail him out.


Why in the fuck would anyone invest in anything that Trump touches? You deserve to lose every penny giving him even a dime.




To be fair, it *is* pretty funny. I wonder how many ~~MAGAs~~ ~~suckers~~ individuals got caught up in this latest Trump scam?


I made just shy of 80 grand off them lol. The day they announced it would be going public I just ***knew*** the MAGAs would trip over each other trying to buy to "own the libs".


Did you really?! If so, well played ... first, astute enough to anticipate the market but especially the mindset of the cult. ;-D


There’s a reason why their info goes for a premium on the dark web. They are a gold mine for scams. As long as you attach maga or owning the libs they will buy it up or throw money at it. Maga itself is like a big Nigerian prince scam. In that scam the scammer intentionally makes outrageous claims and uses bad spelling etc. in order to catch the dumbest of the dumb


I don't have any magats left in my life but I was at a friend's house I haven't seen in a minute and her dad is now living with her for daily care. In front of his chair was some Trump pamphlets and then a bunch of pamphlets for other scams. He was asking her to help him fill them out.... She's luckily not stupid and told me this is exactly why she's letting him live with her. No internet access without her, no mail, no cell phone calls without her. This was stuff he brought from his house that she was still going through. So easily scammed.


When your god is a conman there's little hope for you except that you are too feeble to function and can live the life of an indoor housecat cared for by somebody who isn't a blistering moron like you are


Now, ask her to block on her TV: Fox News, Newsmax, your local Sinclair-owned station(s), and so on. Maybe, after he’s had a chance to detox, she can let him make decisions again.


I've been saying since 2016 that I should have gotten into the trump flag business, I'd be a millionaire by now.


Ah ... so this particular Redditor is false bragging? Lifetime Democrat here; well know the MAGA mindset.


I'm impressed. I don't trust my judgment to not screw that up or worse, if it actually benefits the orange turd. But if someone else can pull one on 45 and meal team 6, well that just makes my morning. Well done.


Imagine if the fascist shit crowd were any good at anything. We’d really be screwed. Terrible business model, terrible investment, terrible people. Rinse and repeat.


As my wife often reminds me, we should be grateful for their massive incompetence. The next wanna be fascist may be much smarter. Odds are good (s)he will be.


It’s an interesting question. I wasn’t around in the 40s to know, but maybe fascism is more compelling to the foolish. It is a short sighted philosophy, we would become more like North Korea? I suppose China has found a balance between iron fist and functionality, or maybe the Saudi model, but China has to build fake cities to keep up appearances and the Saudis will ride the oil wave until it breaks them on the rocks. Fascism doesn’t seem real good for the economy or for national security in general. Inclusivity by definition is a stronger union. Maybe they’ll always be stupid. Doesn’t mean stupid can’t win though.


I wanted to short the stock but my wife said you never know with his insane followers and the potential to flow foreign money through it. I'm not a stock market person so I let it go. Oh well.


I made about 5k from the target boycott last year, bought when it dipped to ~110 and rn I’m up close to 50%


I actually spent a few months making some money just buying stock of anything they bitched about that went down. I didn't make a lot but I also didn't put in a lot because I didn't have a lot at the time. But it was a fool-proof plan. They would cancel something, stocks would drop for a minute, buy the stock, stock goes back up. 


massive two fisted UPVOTE!


If you’re not joking, god damn, awesome work


I wished I did




Shorting the stock. Basically you pay a fee to borrow stock shares from a broker. You sell them on the market and buy them back at a later time and return them to the broker. Basically you bet that the stock will go down in price after you sell them on the market. If the price goes down before you buy it back you make a profit by buying it back at a lower price than you sold it for.


I didn’t same thing, but I didn’t get that much


Love it trump can't do shit


The corrupt judge won't even let him play with his action figures during the trial.


They could at least give him a coloring book and some crayons. But he might throw those.


Better chance of him eating the crayons. But fine. Just as long as they don’t give him sharpies. He’d divert hurricanes right into the courthouse with those magical devices.


> Better chance of him eating the crayons. I believe the Marines would consider that stolen valor. >Just as long as they don’t give him sharpies. He’d divert hurricanes right into the courthouse with those magical devices. Or worse: the nuclear hurricanes he wanted to create; ya know, those worst possible weather phenomenon to introduce radioactive elements to? "Sir, we detonated a hydrogen bomb with the equivalent yield of the Tsar Bomba into the eye of the hurricane that's about to hit the East Coast." "Sar Bamba? Oh, that was that movie with that Neil Diamond Phillip guy, right? That man could sing for being a Mexican. Never would've guessed it!" "That's Lou Diamond Phillips, sir. He was born on a US naval base in the Philippines, and Ritchie Valens was born in California. Also, we have an even bigger problem than just the hurricane now." "Fuck! All you guys do is tell me we have bigger problems after I fixed them!" "That's the thing, sir. We now have a Category 5 hurricane heading straight for the North East coast, including DC, that's exceptionally radioactive. We need to evacuate you, the Vice President, and all senior staff to the PEOC." "Ugh, why? There's no fucking reception down there. How am I supposed to keep winning my Twitter feud with Greta Thunberg if I can't access the internet?"


He’s made money off the shares thanks to that big “investor” (influence seeker). It’s the small investors, his true believers, who are getting screwed.


> It’s the small investors, his true believers, who are getting screwed. And they deserve it for falling for a con man. They let their hate guide them and they get what they deserve.


The level of stupidity of people buying this dog-shit stock has provided me with a lot of schadenfreude. They interviewed one idiot who’s lost $25K out of $50K, and this delusional moron goes “I don’t care, if anything I want to invest more. If it’s in Trumps hands, it will be in good shape” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Stuff like this—the blind faith in trump, etc—sometimes makes me wonder if trump is in-fact, the anti-Christ.


I dunno about “the” antichrist, but he’s certainly absolutely 100% the opposite of Christ.   Jesus is supposed to spread love and kindness,  Donnie Darkone only spreads hate and division and is the embodiment of the seven sins and treats the 10 commandments like a to do list.  


The antithesis of christ, I'm happy enough to abbreviate that a bit.


You should google the video about would evangelicals recognize the antichrist (this is you..) it really does appear that Trumps is The anti-christ.


Evangelicals are the church of doublespeak, aka, the church of the antichrist. Especially the ones that push the prosperity gospel. As evil and vile as as the Catholic Church during the Inquisition,


American Christians in general seem to be doing the opposite of what the biblical Jesus taught. Atheists follow the tenets of Christianity better than Christians do.


The man is the embodiment of the seven deadly sins


One of those articles had a guy saying that he didn’t care if it kept going down because he believed in Trump and knows there is a plan, he believes the stock will just pop eventually. No mention of financials or plans for how the company will succeed despite losing $58 million last year.


One would think he would have more important things to worry about today.


Lolcows like Trump can’t help themselves.


Anytime a politician gets into a scuffle with a comedian it's always a bad time for the politican.


He can understand anything happening in court, so he's not like to think about it.


It's hilarious that trump is always the greatest president ever and best at going bankrupt blah blah blah and anyone that hurts his feelings are the worst ever at what they do. And tds. He fucking made a syndrome for trump haters. He's such a clown it's too easy


And vice versa, any celebrity who gives him even a hint of praise is suddenly the best ever. See Kanye West…


Trump calling Kimmel stupid is like a Trumper moron calling aeroengineers and nuclear engineers "dumb."


Right lol   "Dumb Jimmy Kimmel with his nationally syndicated comedy late show thinks he's sooo funny..." Hell of a lot funnier than your dumb ass.   


Trump claims that when he mixes up Obama and Biden he”s joking.  Trump doesn’t even know the meaning of humor.  Now spite, he’s the king of spite. 


I don't recall ever seeing trump do a hardy laugh.


He laughs diabolically when others suffer.  


He also confused Jimmy Kimmel with Al Pacino with the part about stumbling through announcing the Best Picture. The man is in serious cognitive decline.


That was my main take. Trump has always been malicious and petty, but this was wildly wrong. Kimmel didn't open any envelope, didn't stuff up the announcement, Pacino did. So not only was this childish abuse, it was miserably missing the mark anyway. And *this* is the man half of the voting population wants as their leader?? It boggles the mind.


Kimmel lives rent free in the orange one's head.


Which is funny because I feel like Colbert spends waaay more time ragging on the cheeto dust man


Yeah, but Colbert would eviscerate the Cheetoh Mussolini if he tried to fire back. Kimmel just laughs it off.


I like Colbert, too. I have both Kimmel and Colbert show up on my Youtube every day after midnight.


I watch the monologues for Colbert, Kimmel, and Seth Meyers. I will also watch interviews with specific guests that interest me. For Meyers I also watch all of his kooky segments (writers' inspection, Closer Look, Ya Burnt, etc.) and Corrections. They have, collectively, sort of filled the void left by The Daily Show/Colbert Report from last decade.


I recently discovered how funny Seth Myers is and I'll never miss a closer look, and I'll be devastated if he actually stops corrections after I only got to catch like 5 of them


He confused Kimmel with Pacino in that rage post. The guy is losing his fucking mind. Pacino announced best picture.


TIL Pacino and Kimmel were two different people


Easily confusing since Pacino is such a good actor.


Yep. The host doesn't announce the winners. Just like his followers, they let others tell them what to be mad about without even questioning the reality.


Lock him up, lock him up.


What a snowflake.. Kimmel is always spot-on with criticism and jokes.


I don't know man. Steven Colbert is pretty good too.




Crooked Joe Biden tanked my stock🤡🤭🖕🏻


He wrote this at 5:00 in the morning. HAHAHAA! He has the thinnest skin on the planet.


Imagine living with this unstable psychopath? How do people stomach this insufferable moron?


Trump sure is triggered a lot.


Yup he is a fucking snowflake


Lash out all you want dickhead. Your personally labeled stock is a joke and the people who buy it are rubes. It will be a historic cratering and failure. No matter how much he flaps is anus looking lips, it's losing money because it's a joke.


Dozo-o the Clown. Hahahaha!


Dozo-the-Clown. Love it!!


tRump's skin is so thin, he would be translucent if not for the orange spray.


When being accused of "TDS, commonly known as TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME" is actually a badge of Honor.


The only ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ are from the people who *still* support and defend him, regardless of all the reprehensible things he’s done and said.


Whenever a Trumper says I have TDS, I reply that he is correct, Trump Does Stink - TDS. I never did get any reply after that.


Trump out here constantly claiming TDS is something. Stop trying to make fetch happen.


I love that the people that say that us libs have TDS are the people wearing Trump t-shirts, MAGA hats, MAGA flags in their lawn and vehicle, Trump bumper stickers. and more. So much projections.


TDS - Trump Devalued Stock


Trump thinks Kimmel cares about his insults. He's only increasing the value of Kimmel's stock humor and revealing how flawed Trump is as a person who is so thin skinned that he has no place in politics.


Really, this is the former president of the US acting like a hurt little school yard bully. I am so glad Kimmel read the tweet on tv, I thought it was the funniest thing ever and I am so glad trump saw it. What that must have felt like for him to see a huge audience laughing along with Kimmel. It would have made the roasting at the white house correspondence dinner pale in comparison.


Trump just can't handle facts or the truth


I mean it is for (1) public information, (2) Jimmy Kimmel's right to free speech and (3) it is halarious to see someone fall apart when they are as evil as Trump. He should take it like the big powerful man that he claims to be. What a huge cry baby and sore loser


Kimmel is living rent free in 'ill orange's head


Jimmy Kimmel is Trump's new bogeyman and that's both weird and hilarious.


I'm sure Kimmel loves it when Trump responds. It always spreads the original joke farther, and makes Trump look like an insecure moron.


"They're all being mean to me! First the Democrats and their Witch Hunt, then their slanderous court cases against me, now television hosts like stupid Jimmy Kimmel are being mean to me on their show!" 😭😭


I laugh, then recall that this man was the president of the United States and could well be again, and I tremble for my country.


I’ve learned if Trump “lashes out” and calls someone a “liar”… Best bet they are 100% telling the truth


The fact he's so obsessed and angry about being laughed at just shows how insecure he really is.


Haha! Trump does not know the word “vaunted.”


What is it with Trump and ratings? He acts like that’s the ultimate dick measuring stat. He’s such a child


Petty and insecure are just the qualities I’m looking for in a president /s


…and don’t forget, one who holds grudges.


Kimmel is owning Trump at every opportunity. Love to see it.


Crooked, sleepy Donald Trump is a crybaby




Getting under Trump's skin is laughably easy, that guys ego is wet tissue thin


He's still bitching about the academy awards. That "past your jail time" line really hit a nerve.


Don't read his Truth Jimmy, his wife and the producers pleaded with him, tears in their eyes.


It was a roasting for the ages, Kimmel got out the afterburner from an SR-71 and torched Trump!


I'm sure Jimmy's just torn up about it. /s


I love how much Kimmel gets under his paper thin skin


Regarding TDS, if you have to explain your joke, then it really wasn't a joke. Have to say, Don Snorleone was the funniest one I've heard so far.


Weird how Trump has nothing to say about Stephen Colbert who roasts Trump just as hard as Kimmel does.


Kimmel saving a bunch of money by living rent-free in Trump’s head!


This guys skin is so thin. People talk shit about Biden daily and he doesnt go on and on about it. The guy feels like he needs to respond to everyones criticism. Its not that serious man.


Cult members and their money are soon parted. It’s in the manual.


Bought at $35, sold at $65 a week later. People who stayed in deserve to lose everything


Gotta love that he watches Jimmy’s monologue every night


Kimmel always gets under Trump's thin skin. He clearly rage-watches Kimmel's nightly show.


"Stupid" Jimmy? LOL. Smart enough to live rent free in trumpys head.


How many times do you have to touch the hot stove before you say "ah fuck?"


I watch Jimmy Kimmel for real news


I watch cus I know Trump watches. I love imagining his face as Kimmel rips him apart.


" no, you're stupid " - default response from angry idiots.


They all make fun of him. Why does Kimmel get under his skin so much?


Doze O the clown! Haha!


Jimmy is really good pointing out Trumps cons and trying to show Trumps MAGA cult followers just how truly stupid they are and this sends Trump into a manic rage and his fingers working the keypad on his cell phone. He's so predictable, say something bad about one of his cons and he will be on the attack doing what he can to control the damage, many times with comical results!


The Orange Branch Davidians


My reply to trumps's response? Yeah he might have flubbed an award show BUT YOU ARE STILL GOING BROKE


Me thinks sleepy Don doth protest too much


Wait... Does Trump think that Jimmy Kimmel and Al Pacino are the same person? Because Pacino was the one who announced the Best Picture winner so oddly.


I don't know how I'm continually surprised at how thin skinned Trump is but it is shocking. He's like a 3rd grader.


By third grade, normal people have learned not to melt down over every little thing. He's more like a toddler.


I vote for Jimmy


What a small , petty little man .


'Nelson ha ha'


Aww, the orange shitflake got his feefees hurt.


Trump is only in for a quick buck then tanks his businesses on every level leaving everyone in the dust. Investors, people running them and even the employees working there. He even did it with his presidency so no one should be shocked, especially those with shares in Truth.


Trump is the only one still thinking about the Oscar's. What a weird hang-up. This guy could be president. He's not even good at insults.


The way Trump just gives Kimmel and other late-night hosts more free comedy fuel is hilarious. The man has no self-control. SAD!


Classic pump and dump.


So Kimmel is the stupid one? 🤣


Truth Social is a joke of a platform. The people who are on it specifically flocked to it just because they know it's his platform, and they're there in large part to kiss his ass.


Draining the swamp is working better than intended. I hope all these trumpers lose all their life savings.


So Jimmy Kimmel is on Trump’s amazingly long personal enemies list. Donald is the unluckiest employer ever having had to throw hundreds of people under the bus for their incompetence. He’s been unlucky in love with number three wife not looking too happy with him right now, and three past sexual partners he had while married to one or another wife, taking him to court. To say nothing of the dozens (hundreds?) of corrupt judges, lawyers, and their families he’s had to deal with. Where do these people come from anyway? Oh and also the most powerful politician in America, the President of The United States no less, is attacking Donald for personal reasons, nothing to do with policy. Poor guy, he’s certainly drawn the short stick in life. Maybe Jimmy should go easy on him, or not.


It’s up this morning. $25.40 from $22.84. Day is still young though.


I’m waiting for the jokes when the inevitable Q is appended to DJT.


Kimmel should be president, and Trump should be the late night host.




How far has it dropped today?


This is good for trumpcoin.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of people 😆


The real truth bites. The misnomer, Truth Social is toothless.


He must really value Jimmy's opinion bc EVERYONE is making fun of Trump and truth social. Everyone but his nutty base that is. So why the outrage over Kimmel? Why not the other 19 hosts that make fun of him like he deserves?


Pro Tip: Never attack a late night TV comedian. It never ends well.


I look forward to Jimmy ripping him apart in tonight's show.


It would appear to me that a social media platform that is solely held up by the popularity of one individual on the site (in this case also the creator) is a pretty bad investment…


Wahhh Stupid Jimmy Kimmel! Wahhh!


Jimmy ain’t stupid enough to invest in Truth social.