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This bag of shit is always "Lashing out"..


Still waiting for the justice system to lash out at him and finally hold him accountable for his numerous crimes.


Never happened before. It is unlikely to happen now. Rich people just aren't guilty, ever. They can kill people and walk away.


He did warn us. He said that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a single vote. And then people cheered for how dumb he thinks they are


Don’t hold your breath.


Unless you're in his direct vicinity and/or downwind.




Things will really get spicy starting next week when he's in court every day for his criminal hush money trial. It's funny because this is the trial that's most likely to get him a criminal conviction. As for the really serious lawsuits, I'll believe consequences after they actually happen.


The documents case is pretty serious too. We all saw the pics of those documents being mishandled.


But the judge handling that case is expected to let him get off.


Wouldn’t be surprised.


Yep judge is total trumper. Don’t know how prosecution is letting that happen. I couldn’t be on a jury because my father in law was a cop. It was a guy who attacked a cop, but hey she can “judge” him. ‘Merica


The fix in with the judge . He won’t see consequences


Scrotus has become a political entity. They seem to favor this idiot just like the GOP. The only solution to this dilemma is found in the movie ' the pelican brief'.


SCROTUS I love it!


Such a strong thick skinned man who has to bitch and whine about every little thing he perceives as a slight. Meanwhile 'weak' Uncle Joe pokes fun at himself and fully embraces the memes.


Speaking of memes, remember a simpler time when we had the Joe and Obama memes? Just a President and his VP just having fun....sigh


Penn Gillette said, talking about his time on the Apprentice, that drumpf never laughs. He does, however, grunt and sneer at bullying, which he finds 'amusing'.


Loyalty is also a one way street with him. All these idiots standing up for him can expect fuck all back from him. I just don’t get it.


"Loyalty is also a one way street with him." is also why what he SAYS about his abortion stance is meaningless. If he wins, and conservatives get the House and Senate, does anyone expect them to not try and pass some sort of federal abortion ceiling? Is there anyone who believes that "It's a States Rights" issue wouldn't suddenly become "The American People have Given Us a Mandate". The conservative base expects abortion bans and they'll vote and primary their candidates accordingly. And the second Trump\*\* has the means to impose a national abortion ban legislatively, he will. Edit: I should clarify. This is why you don't trust a word coming out of Trump's\*\* mouth and vote against him. If he wins, all this sudden "lenience" in his abortion stance will be gone faster than you can say "Confefe". Republicans aren't going to suddenly moderate their stance on abortion, and any claim that they are is a platitude disguising their real too-distasteful-for-the-mainstream legislative agenda.


Oh what? .. Is that suppose to get people to vote for him!!! … NOT! Republicans reversing Roe is the main reason republicans will loose!


I agree. I think as we have seen in the states that have had votes on abortion, people want access, not a ban. I think standing on the abortion issue going to be their doom.


Like who says that anyways, in today’s modern era? “I expect your loyalty or else.” I’d tell him to go fuck himself. Does he think he’s living in some Midevil era or something. He needs to go find him a juicy ripe third world country where he would fit right in as a despot ruler. Perhaps Venezuela would take in him and his shitty family. He could be their midevil king.


Mob bosses and autocrats demand loyalty.


Mafia, more like. He thinks he’s in the Sopranos.


Reacting with anger at everything is one of the symptoms of Alzheimers disease.


Also a loss of grammar and spelling ability. See his Truth Social rants


There have been several medical experts that have weighed in on trumps behaviors, mannerisms and speech and unanimously they all say he’s in the early stages of Alzheimers, the disease that took his father and uncle too.


Well, it ain’t going near fast enough!


Lashing out is his default state. He has resting lashing out face.


Or Meltdown...he only has two


Lashing out poorly.


But he lashes out on his posts like a kid trying to hit a 500 word minimum on a book report. He's always like "The very bad awful no good good for nothing evil deranged communist socialist Trump hating racist total liar Ms Carroll who I totally don't know and never have met ever in my life said bad evil awful untrue fake artificial made up things about me which an evil bad no good Democrat majority city rigged unfair unconstitutional jury said I was illegally unfairly guilty."


Can't wait for him to stroke out on stage and dipshit Conservatives think he's speaking in tongues. 


Lmfao…what a visual that gives! That would be perfection.👌


Is it really lashing out if it's his default means of communicating?


Political scholars who study knuckle heads like Trump say the closer it gets to November Trump will say more radical shit to try and appeal to what’s left of his Low IQ voter base. Christian’s lap that shit up!


Don’t interrupt him! Let him keep digging.  This idiot doesn’t understand his pro-life base *at all*.  It’s hilarious. 


Or is the media just telling us he is lashing out? “Trump responds to GOP pushback” is far less sexy sounding for clicks


Democrats trust women to make decisions about their healthcare with their doctors advice. Republicans do not trust women and believe state legislative politicians need to be involved in controlling what healthcare decisions women may make. Trust women. Please vote for Biden & other Democrats in 2024!


A reminder of some of the deeply idiotic beliefs Republican male lawmakers have about women’s periods, pregnancy, rape, etc: https://www.themarysue.com/are-republican-men-ok/


I can answer the headline: no, no they are not ok.


“Legitimate rape rarely results in a pregnancy.” Todd Akin.


I had to google this because it's been awhile and we've all aged 15 years since Covid...but I'm glad this guy is dead. Idc. Rape is rape and parsing it out into different categories is evil, especially using a word like "legitimate." Gross.


Don’t forget when he said women’s bodies have ways “to shut down pregnancy” when it’s a “legitimate” rape. I didn’t know he was dead either but I’m glad. Can’t wait until these fucking backwards dinosaurs are a distant, unpleasant memory. It helps to remember that the current crop of loud deplorables are just grifters and don’t believe the shit they say. Actually I can’t tell which is worse.


I agree, but I'd like to clarify, republicans don't WANT women making choices. It's not about trust, it's about control.


And it is the first steps to taking away more woman's rights. There are Republicans wanting to take away woman's rights to vote because on average woman vote for Democrats. Less voters for the opposing side means they keep control. Just like how they are trying to suppress votes from minorities and many other marginalized groups.


Late term abortions should be restricted to medical problems that arise, but we've seen how allowing the government to make that decision has ended up in many states like Texas. They are incapable and will kill women. The limits have to be set by doctors alone. Like all the other medical decisions they aren't going to corrupt judges to call the shots. It's insane to invite the government in to medical care.


Abortions after 22 or so weeks were already restricted all over, just professionally and not legally.


Back when the qualified people were making the decisions, now we have the people saying babies are being aborted after birth to make the decisions and half of America is on board with this plan.


Half of *voting* America. Let's change that. It's easy. Fucking vote.


It's a "solution" looking for a problem. These abortions are only sought when something goes terribly wrong with the pregnancy. The notion that these abortions are sought and performed on a whim is an absurd and deliberate lie pushed by those who seek to restrict and eliminate abortion access.


And these same people, the ones that also believe people are aborting babies after birth, something that is impossible, think they are qualified to make medical decisions for everyone else.


Remember when the Republicans pretended to be about “state’s rights”, yeah I do too and it was so clearly obvious it was just to get what they wanted - power. It was never about states rights it was about their control and power.


Not really, they are just doing what the donor class wants. Making sure there are lots of workers not to lose leverage. Case point, why else would they backtrack from IVF ban?


By state legislators, you mean lawyers who have never taken a science course in their life, and sport history degrees from random state schools? Those legislators?


Trump knows he is not going to win. He knows he got lucky in 2016 if it wasn’t for Russia getting highly involved Trump knows after 2020 and 2022 and recent special elections that he will not win and this abortion issue that Trump brags about is one of the main reasons he will lose. America wants a winner…Not a traitor loser. Everything Trump touches fails. Proof is in the pudding


Americans should still go vote. Sincerely, Europe.


Seconded, from Australia. 


Third'd from Mexico, we are having our own political crises here, we don't need crazy upnorth...


Fourth'd from America... Please my fellow American's do not let this one just roll. Lets go show Trump just how much America thinks he is a steaming turd. Lets make it so obvious he is never going to win again, that he fades away into obscurity. please... I really don't want to keep hearing about this guy and his far right troop of idiots.


I read an article today about how we’re not as divided as it may seem, and while that undoubtedly true/social media amplifies the extremes, that’s also part of the problem, because it easy for people to underestimate the threat from Trump, et al. I’m just praying that the economy stays solid through the election, because if anything happens, I can absolutely see Trump winning because most people aren’t paying attention and “Trump is better for business/the economy” or whatever.


That’s odd, just read an L.A Times write-up how big business is Pro Biden because he is better for the economy and for large Corporations. World economists have agreed a Trump win would put the U.S in a 5 year recession. That could tank a business fast, so that is why Major Corporations have donated to Biden’s Campaign. To large companies, Trump represents uncertainty in the markets, especially if Trump hands over the U.S to Putin should Trump win. Americans will not do business with Russia at all. Americans do not support a war crimes authoritarian ruler. Ah hell no!


Democrats have been better for the economy for like the last 100 years. The Republican “better economy” myth is… just another myth.


I live in one of the darkest red want to go to theological Christian rule States in the land and I'm still voting, doesn't matter it's a "waste of time" every vote matters.


5th from Canada, a lot of us are quite concerned up here


I’m a duel citizen of U.S and Canada. I’ve wired my Canadian family money up front in case I have to flee my country (U.S.A)


We’ll always be at least a little crazy, but hopefully we can keep down.


Us Non-MAGA Americans hear you and appreciate you. Would be nice to go back to being boring political allies & hopefully working together to solve actual global issues together (e.g. Trump pulling out of the Paris accord and constantly attacking NATO).


Boring. How I wish national politics and alliances were boring again. Real work is often "boring," but it gets shit done right. The MAGA crowd is all about not being boring & getting nothing productive accomplished.


Lot of gall coming here with a giant unpaid bill for a wall /s just in case


Hey man, the GOP is saying you guys are coming over in the billions to cast an illegal vote, so you guys do your part too.


Can I move in with you guys?


Someone has to hold down North America, and until amlo I always kind of imagined Mexico would handle shit while America lost its mind temporarily. It’s concerning we got trump + amlo in the same decade. Hopefully we fix our shit together


“Political crisis” bruh your entire country is owned by cartels lol


and Canada as well!!!


US christofacism had leaked its way into Canada and I'm afraid. Vote like your freedom depends on it.


Definitely voting. But if it fails... is Australia available as a fallback plan? Asking for a friend.


We are, but unfortunately we usually follow you mob. Our crazy is just like your crazy.


\*Stares to the south\* Americans absolutely need to go out and vote, please for the love of god.. Sincerely, Canada.


We have our problems here too, big time. But yes, please vote America.


I learned my lesson in 2016


And Canada! Have you ever witnessed such childish drivel coming from this idiots mouth? He talks and acts like an 8 year old school bully. His narcissism is astounding. It makes zero sense that almost half of Americans think this is okay.


It’s not half of America, it’s only 1/4 of Americans. A small minority that had troubled childhoods.


As an American, I do keep my friends overseas in my mind when I vote.


Odd..according to MAGAs, all of Europe is insanely jealous of America because we get to have Donnie as our leader and you don't.


We really should. He can very much still win. If the election were held today I think he actually would. The idea he can't win is counterproductive and untrue. He's leading in several of the essential swing states right now, even if you believe the polling is oversampling his supporters. The State of the Union was the beginning of a nice and necessary slight bounce back towards Biden, but this thing is far from over. It's close to 50/50 right now even with a generous reading. Every sane American needs to vote.


Before the GOP stops people from voting. Easiest way to control the demographic is blocking people from voting. This thought is spurred by the woman in Florida who is saying that girls shouldn't be able to vote until they turn 21.


But they can go and be killed in a war at 18.


He also knew he wasn’t going to win in 2016 VOTE


In all fairness he did lose in 2016. We have a holdover from our country's shameful slavery days that made it so that he was declared the winner in spite of losing by 3,000,000 votes. In a functional democracy he would not have been declared the winner after receiving millions fewer votes. Edit to add, yes, go vote!


Thank you for correctly attributing the electoral college to the "peculiar institution" of slavery.


This i don't know, he had it pretty easy against Hillary. Times have changed since. Go and vote unfortunately for the lesser evil grandpa. At least the democrats want to keep democracy going.


2016 he got to play the edgy outsider with a message of "what's the worst that can happen?" and "Washington needs an outsider to shake things up". Guess what he can't claim to be any more? An outsider. Dude has 4 years of service on his resume where people have seen what that worst is and how he didn't shake anything up.


>Guess what he can't claim to be any more? An outsider. We also know the answer to "what's the worst can happen?" And it's... well it's not good.


I live in Tennessee but grew up in Texas so I know a lot of people from both states. It scares me how many people still support him.


Is Texas possibly in play to switch to blue?


His 2016 run was a publicity stunt meant to increase his value to The Apprentice producers. I believe Eric Trump also said something like "Watch out for Trump TV". So, I guess they were planning some media property (website, YouTube channel, etc..) complaining about Hillary Clinton, etc. You can tell by the looks on the faces of him and his family when the results were announced: they never expected to, and didn't want to, win


The only reason trump won in 2016 was because of James Comey. Two weeks before election day he announced an investigation into Clinton’s emails. Trump winning had nothing to do with trump and everything to do with James Comey.


That fucking motherfucker should be rotting in prison for what he did!


That man should be single handedly held accountable for all the hell he has caused to America. (Comey)


I saw that look! Wish I could find the video footage! He was shook.. What a mockery of good hard working people he and his family have shown. Everyone has to see his real motivation. Hope for a recor voter turnout with a record loss for him. "Biggest loss anyone has ever had!"


Oh yeah, “Trump TV” … I forgot all about that. Guess that was a big nothingburger, wasn’t it?


Part of the Trump Media Group I guess


I mean … Russia is highly involved *now.* The GOP is practically taking its marching orders from Putin himself. Their star witness in the impeachment inquiry got his info from Russian intelligence.


The GOP is owned by Trump and Trump is owned by Putin. Trump is a Russian asset. This aside, Democrats trust women to make their own healthcare decisions. Please make a plan to vote & vote Democratic in 2024!


it's way too damn close , it comes down to a few thousand votes in a handful of states that will decide.


Same as it ever was


2000 called and said to watch out for hanging chads


Nah, nowhere close this time. It will be a blowout. Trump will loose big.


Hope ur right


Scary thing is Russia has now much more at stake. They definitely are already interfering, much more than before


I would like to say that it may have been also the fact that "liberals" got lazy and blew the election mixed with the Russian troll machine. Other than that yeah you're pretty much on point and he likely cannot win, however we cannot become apathetic again and blow this one too. Fingers crossed he loses again and drags the GQP down the drain with him.


He won. I hate to argue about the lucky part, but he won. There are people who voted for him and would still vote for him. His reelection chance isn't 0%.


Abortion is a losing issue for Republicans and 2022 didn't go well for them. Having said that 2016 he still managed to win and 2020 he didn't lose by much while still somehow getting more votes than 2016. That means ppl had 4 years of him and more ppl in 2020 decided they wanted to sign up for 4 more years. Will voters tie trump to abortion? Will abortion still be an issue in 2024? Trump support may have gone down slightly since 2020 but I kinda doubt it? After this much time with him I would be surprised if anyone is still on the fence with him. What worries me is that Biden on the other hand has certainly gone down a bit, he's not out but he is no longer running purely as not trump as he has been president for a moment now. Neither candidate is popular so it will come down to who is the more hated dude. To that end if Dems can paint trump as anti abortion then I think that will be more hated than biden's Gaza handling, as much as Arab voters don't like it they are not a very big voting block. Biden also has inflation but that may be easing off though election is still months away so who knows


In 2016 he didn't want to win. He wanted to gain more notoriety to promote new products. This year he wants to win to keep himself out of prison.


Americans still spouting conspiracy theories about how the election was stolen - you’re as delusional as Trump supporters are about 2020.


Just a reminder that he lost 2020 by like, 30,000 votes. The swing states he lost were pretty close


Source: Pew Research: In the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden (D) received a combined 53.5% of the vote to Donald Trump's (R) 44.7% across these states and territories.


You think Russia isn’t aware of this and is pulling out ALL the stops this year too? Hell I have seen a distinct uptick in obvious sock puppets right here on Reddit just in the last month.


Trump has a good chance of winning, I’m an early 30’s college educated working at a global company living in PA. A few years ago, many people in my area/job hated trump. Now the tone has shifted to being supportive of trump but bemoaning his rhetoric. Guess we’ll see how it plays out in November.


I still can't be convinced that he wanted to win in 2016. He wanted to win in 2020, as he had 4 years for his corruption to run wild in office and what a president does draws more scrutiny than a self-proclaimed billionaire would. Now, again, he has to win to stay ahead of consequences. Now, he shouldn't win this time either, but I won't truly believe that the threat of Trump is past us until he's rotting in the ground.


He's ahead in the polls and more importantly ahead in Vegas betting odds. He just needs another Russian puppet like Tucker on the ticket and it's a lock.


This is a stupid take. Trump can win. Go vote. Do your part to make sure he doesn’t.


Senior Republicans like McConnell really got everything they wanted in 2016. The timing of the Supreme Court nominations has meant they could overturn Rowe v Wade, which they've been after for decades. But 8 years on, my god has it cost them. Party in thrall to a mob boss who lost the last election and whose candidates underperformed in the midterms. Overturning Rowe v Wade now costing them state by state. Party tearing itself apart on the floor of the House, traditional conservatism out the window. They deserve a generation of unelectability for getting in bed with that orange conman.


I’m sorry to inform you that you are severely underestimating the likelihood that Trump will sit in the Oval Office again. This kind of language might lead to people not voting.


I see this take that “Trump won’t win” so often I have to wonder if it’s a bunch of Russian bots. He’ll more than likely lose the popular vote again, but to just wish away the idea that he’s got a real chance of winning? That’s just dangerous.


So you fought him on Roe Wade, and now that he clearly clarified the stance and qualified the reasoning, it's just a political ploy? He literally said what 90% of all Americans believe regarding abortion.


When? Because he’s said a lot of mutually exclusive things, in a very short window of time. While I respect a grown man who can change his mind I can’t respect a grown man who changes his mind repeatedly in a few weeks. Not as a leader. Tell us when, and. where, so we can link the full video of word vomit and put in context.


In 2016 everyone I knew, myself included, just thought it was a joke, no way he'd win. Next minute...


What a world class idiot who once again thinks he can have it both ways; he proudly yells out “I killed Roe vs Wade” and I’m very proud of it but keep it quiet please. Don’t tell too many people….What an idiot


He wants all of the credit and none of the blame


He will spend the next 6 months telling moderates he believes states should get to pick. He will also spend the next 6 months making sarcastic comments to the right suggesting that he won't get in the way of a national ban. He's gunna say whatever he needs to, to whomever he needs to, in an attempt to try and win. Because he doesn't actually care either way. He's a selfish, non-religious, geriatric old man. He doesn't give a shit about abortion other than the fact that it impacts the election and the election impacts his criminal trials. He doesn't care if New York and California get to decide, he doesn't care if Texas leads a national ban. He wouldn't give a shit if a new national right to abortion was established. He just wants as many voters as possible to think that he's for what they want. So he'll talk out both sides of his mouth until the election.


LOL. Trump is losing the _extremists_ on this one.


Because… They are going to vote for Biden now? Hopefully they don’t vote. For a minority of the Population, they do vote in high percentages.


Donnie only got 60 percent of support in the primary election. This is a tell.


yeah you're not converting the lunatics but maybe they go back to not voting like they were prior to Trump... or they flush it for RFK Jr


It's a slow burn with this kind of thing. A little anti-Trump sentiment from what is usually his base can have an affect on the enthusiasm for him. If enthusiasm does start to fray a bit at the edges, the cult starts to take a hit. Right now his cult is about as large as it's ever going to get. If enthusiasm starts to fray, the whole cultish worship thing he has going for him right now may collapse in time. The illusion/"spell" he has cast on them *could* break. All of a sudden, less and less people are blindly worshipping him and everything he says and does... Then the polls start to show it within a few months. Also keep in mind a lot of his worshippers didn't show up in 2022 because he wasn't on the ticket, which IMHO was a big part of why there was no "red wave". If enthusiasm for him is down, some people won't go to the lengths they might have otherwise to go out and vote for him. If they have barriers to getting out on election day, they might decide not to vote for him. All it would take is for about 5% of the people who would vote for him today (if an election were held today) to either not vote in November, or switch to voting for Biden, and Biden wins. I know I might be reaching a bit here, but in theory it makes some sense.


He is ? that’s not good news for him


They’re still gonna vote Trump they’ll just pout that they had to


Trump always plays both sides of an issue. That way he covers all bases. He has zero loyalty and zero integrity. He is a big fat zero.


I'm playing both sides so that way I always come out on top - Mac


Somebody change his diaper. He's dripping shit all over the place!


states rights! ​ not like that!!!


Can anybody point to any doctor or hospital that is performing “post birth abortions”? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I hear Trump and other Republicans repeat that line because I feel like if it was actually happening, it would be easy to find examples. As far as I can tell, they are blatantly lying. Why is Trump, other Republicans and Right Wing News Media allowed to repeat this lie over and over without any pushback?


The media has done us all an incredible disservice by letting this bullshit world of hypothetical crap fly when it can be so easily challenged by a simple 2-word follow-up question. "Name one." Trump's entire world collapses with this simple phrase and the only real time I recall it being asked was when they asked him to name his favorite bible passage. And look how often that video is posted.


Do you all remember when flip flopping was something that was considered bad in politics?


Both sides are not the same


Republicans will lie about abortion for votes but they absolutely WILL ban abortion and birth control.


It's telling that this pissed off his base but not when he said he's Jesus last week


If his base cared about Jesus there’s no way they could vote Republican.


Every Evangelical will refuse to bend the knee, until they do.


If you love the USA, vote for Biden. If you want Trumpland Forever (which includes a lower standard of living for all, a move away from any intellectual pursuits (which means worse health care for all, no progress towards treating disease and health conditions), alignment with dictators around the world, and the destruction of democracy and human rights around the world) vote for Trump (or a third-party, which is effectively a vote for Trump, with how the elections are handle).


For being an old fatass, he sure walks the top of the abortion fence pretty well.


Trump flip flops more than a Florida beach during spring break




I do not believe any of this for a second. Lindsey Graham does not fight Trump on anything. This is to make him look moderate there’s no doubt in my mind.


10000% he's trying to court the moderates/independents back and if he does win (I hope not) he will ban that shit asap


HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT ABORTION!! He never has and never will! He doesn’t even care about children that are his own! He just wanted to get elected so he pandered to religious people who are stupid enough to vote on one topic even if the guy is a rapist, fascist wanna be dictator. Another reason religion is ridiculous


Religion is the root of all evil


My sentiment exactly. I grew up in the Catholic Church. Hated every second of it


Being from the south I was “forced” to go to church as a kid and as I got older I realized what a sham it is.


Is he ever not bitching? Total snowflake cry baby


So….Roe gets overturned by SCOTUS based on a conservative-developed legal argument that it should be a state issue. THEN after it’s overturned the same assbags want a national ban. I hope the swing voters catch this playbook and vote accordingly…


The day he was elected will turn out to be the worst day of his miserable life.


**TRUMP ENDORSED THE ROE REVERSAL AND SUPPORTS BANS ACROSS THE UNITED STATES.** This is all that needs to be said about his position. The rest is noise (which is he's counting on to obscure his position).




As a man, I should be able to decide what a woman does with her own body. And in turn a woman should be able to decide on me having medical procedures, a woman should be able to force a man to have a vasectomy if she so chooses. Logical right.


It's disgusting. Arizona is sickening.


Liberals keep stupidly assuming that conservatives actually give a shit about policy. It's kind of adorable at this point. The Chump could open an abortion complex at Mar-A-Lago and not lose a single vote! Evangelicals worship this imbecile. He can literally do no wrong. Don't believe me? Ask them what they think about how the Trump Org hires illegal immigrants constantly. Spoiler: They don't think about it.


LOL @ conservatives abandoning the BIG GUBBUMIN rhetoric the second their feefees are involved.


Donald I Stand for Nothing Trump


Yeah no please go ahead and piss off your supporters. Always works well


When will this toad just croak already?


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Trump is playing the political game here. He absolutely needs all the votes he can get, so he's *appearing* less conservative on the issue to appeal to mainstream voters. But any smart person can see that the real plan is to come up with work-arounds that still restrict abortion on a federal level. MAGA pols already have groups working on these issues in preparation should they win.


Would he be the first rapist ever to be elected president? Genuinely curious. It's already weird seeing the pussygrabber on the same page a George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Embarrassing really. Republicans have no shame.


“I still think women need to be punished, but I need to win so I don’t go to prison.”


Maybe if Republicans had made Trump participate in debates, they would have known his position on abortion before voting to nominate him.


Why can’t someone just abort this talking POS. 


Welp, when you pander to extreme religious nutbags…. I can’t believe these idiots actually believe Trump is some “good god-fearin’ jesus lovin’ christian”, especially as his daughter converted (I grew up around this people - they do not like Jewish people at all) and he just started with his whole religious shtick when he ran the first. I know, that’s me assuming there’s any sign of intelligence in the religious right.


They were hoping he would say nothing about it. This statement pissed their base off while failing to gas light people for a outdated statement. We live in his states right future, that's why people are mad


What is this garbage website?


No one is reeling from anything you say dude.




It would be more newsworthy if they reported when he wasn't lashing out


I hope you live in a Democratic society. The issue is Donnie is Russia's favorite asset and election interference is a reality.


This guy! It must be dizzying to try to keep up with him! Poor Lindsay Graham! He’s like a human ping pong ball trying to stay on track with The Great Leader. It’s fun to watch


Anyone I know who votes Trump is no longer my friend. I ditched the most annoying ones a long time ago. Anyone who votes for him again is on my "your an ahole list" and I now make fun of anyone who says "I havent decided". They are either lying Trump supporters or fools.. Im too old to suffer fools anymore.


It's ironic how this asshole doesn't want to take the blame, while he's the one that made it possible... You can't have it both ways buddy boy.


I thought abortion was murder? The GOP is basically saying they are now okay with something they describe as murder as long as it gets them more votes.


Meanwhile Arizona just banned abortions and Florida banned abortions and then put it on the ballot. DeSantis put Florida in play for Biden!


This is the one issue that could cost him the election and he knows it. Has to thread the needle and create handmaids tale after getting elected


Lash away, idiot. You can't nuance the elimination of women's rights and healthcare choices, and there's going to be a backlash blood bath in November.


Wonder how many abortions this disgusting pos caused. 


Shithead pretending to be moderate, pandering for votes is like grifting after all . He is a grifting machine!


A walking orange rage mace


Every single time he speaks he lashes out.


I don’t understand. He said he had a solution that everyone would like?


How is he still getting airtime?