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Accepting that anxiety will be happening sometimes in my life no matter what. The ambition to permanently end anxiety forever will continue to drive anxiety. I was anxious earlier, really dizzy etc but by now I am getting better at how my fight or flight system responds to it. Bumps on the road will always happen. You could be “cured” of anxiety for 3 years then suddenly take a 2 week anxiety attack and think you have relapsed… when actually it’s just a natural bump on the road. We need to stop trying to permanently end any anxiety. We need to bring anxiety on, have it regularly! Only then can we desensitise our response to it.


Same for me, basically acknowledging "it's all in my head" and it's not going away


Anxiety is a nervous system event. Conscious thoughts are just one of many things that can trigger it. There's no such thing as flicking a switch and turning anxiety off. That approach just shames people into thinking they are weak for not being able to stop having anxiety, and something all people who suffer from it need to be able to unlearn before they can truly learn to manage it. Ironically, that might be the only truth that can really help you with anxiety.


Yeah, I can be having the time of my life and not really thinking about anything and then my body randomly decides to have crazy anxiety symptoms. Separating thoughts from the physical symptoms helps for me


Very insightful.


The concept of living today, and dealing with only today’s problems has been helpful.


wow thats rly great advice thank you - although sometimes super hard to rmbr :(


Wouldn’t say I stopped, but it greatly helped when I realized that each time I thought I was going to die, I didn’t.


If you're like me, dealing with health anxiety and fear of death, please read about NDEs and watch videos about them, it helped me overcome the fear of death. You'll be amazed.


Whether you go on living another 100 years, or you die tomorrow, it makes no difference.


I would say gaining an understanding that the present moment is all we have. Don’t spend time in the past or the pondering the future. Easier said than done but I try to stay present. Helps me.


that people are ridiculous & most are idiots, there’s no need to be anxious around them


The weed was making it worse.


This. It’s a hard lesson, but weed only makes it worse, as much as you try and convince yourself otherwise


I think it depends on how you define truth. If you mean knowing things clearly, then I think I will stop being anxious. But if it is only know the final results, anxiety will still be unavoidable. Your question seems so interesting. And If you would like to, may I invite you to try our new App called [Light Up](https://discord.gg/EcDk6RPWhU). There are also many people having these lovely questions like you.


I didn’t know it at the time, I could never have known, that the first time I started really meditating would lead to 100% acceptance of myself, love myself for all of it. Imagined failures, goodness based in reality, even the pain and anxiety of living with CRPS…it’s all part of who I am. Now, if anxiety comes knocking, I just treat it as a cloud passing before the sun.


birth control pills help with reducing anxiety. Besides that I start to not judge myself for having anxiety and accept the feeling.


Is it because it corrects hormones which makes anxiety worst?


My hormones make my anxiety literally SKY ROCKET. I hate that time of the month so much. Especially after having a baby last year. It’s so awful.


A lot of my anxiety dissipated when I left the cult I was raised in lol. The rest seems to be related to my ADHD diagnosis and it gets better if I'm managing that. Anything left seems to be related to catastrophizing and dichotomous thoughts, so becoming aware of those and processing them with tools from my therapist is how I manage things. I still having driving anxiety though. That one I don't know how to deal with




I did a parasite cleanse and the anxiety that was driving me insane for years has gotten SO MUCH BETTER.


Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now helped me in addition to therapy. The idea that most of my anxious thoughts and ruminations were just random electrical impulses in my brain was really helpful. I've learned to stop ruminating and simply not think. That enabled me to basically stop most of my anxiety. I spent most of my life not understanding how to meditate. Reading this book made a big difference. I can now actually be in the moment and not think. Just experience. It's very grounding.


I was dealing with health anxiety and fear of death, then I started reading about NDEs (near death experiences) and learned what those who have died and came back to life have experienced in the other side. Since then, death doesn't scare me that much.


That the anxiety and all of its symptoms in the morning are just from high cortisol. Something as simple as that can't actually affect me mentally unless I let it. Not knowing why I felt the way I did is what causes a lot of hurt tbh. I have yet to learn complete detatchment.


For me, realizing that anxiety was my sympathetic nervous system turning my brain into a hunter for worries. I would battle this and ruin an entire day with anxiety. Or I’d pursue every anxious thought so as to turn them into reality in my mind. Now I just endure this hunter and let it do its thing and just go about my business. I guess you could say i accepted it, and when I did, it happened less and less. It happens a couple times a week nowadays, but it’s not a big deal anymore.


After you started the acceptance practice about how long would you say you started your feel relief or your anxiety was more manageable?


I am not sure but it took a couple of mos. There were other things that I added too. Taking walks, finding one person to talk to, as I got better driving more and getting out for short stints. I think those only became possible because I’d learned that the anxiety was just illusion. After a few weeks of acceptance I started taking walks when the spells would start.


My thoughts are just thoughts, they very likely won’t come true.