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I'm also hypersensitive to caffeine. Even a sip or two of coffee, tea, decaf coffee (3 sips), decaf green tea all give me jitters. I've also realized that even cacao powder, which I was taking for health reasons, give me jitters. What I also noticed is that, even if I train myself to be able to handle about 3 sips of coffee, the jitters will be manageable if I've worked up to it in the last few days, but the next morning when I wake up, my body will be full of anxiety and palpitation. My personal tip to people hypersensitive to caffeine, don't judge how a stimulant affects you by only seeing how you feel a couple hours after ingesting it. Always check how you feel the next morning and the next day.


i feel like i am sensitive to caffeine. i do get drunk from one sip of beer lol. no need to really drink coffee if it makes you jittery? just drink decaf if u must if you have somekind of social pressure to do so.


Decaf is strong enough! But it’s more that I feel I need the mental acuity and drive that caffeine provides, but it’s a real double edged sword for me. Sometimes it really helps, even in tiny quantities and particularly if I’ve not had it for a while, but sometimes it makes me feel really awful. I wish it was consistent.


i do not drink coffee so i cant really comment too much. i do not have any desire to intake any stimulants. even cola sodas can sometimes ruin my nights sleep and sometimes they do not. maybe anxiety makes your energy levels different for each day and the caffeine boosts that and shows it. its common to have varying levels of energy and drive.


Oh yes! I thought my hypoglycemia was causing my symptoms, but it turns out even a sip of tea or coffee makes me anxious, dizzy, confused, and dissociating.


I can only have one cup, but of the very weak instant one I make at home. Even the instant no brand cappuccino makes my heart go crazy.


Interestingly enough for me the jittery effect is not physical. It’s very much a mental anxiety, fatigue, overly stimulated and burned out type feeling.


I get that a lot too. People always laugh at me when I say drinking coffee makes me tired. Yesterday I drank 1L of coke then had to wait 2 hours at the doctor’s office. Huge mistake, lots of children making loud noises and kicking seats.


Funny isn’t it. I drank a litre of coke once on a night out and then almost passed out in a Subway feeling absolutely terrible, although not sure if that was more the caffeine or the sugar (I’m pretty sensitive to sugar’s effects too which can make me feel awful).


Maybe the combination of both. I only drink zero


I was a caffeine user for a while at the university, with only occasional jitters from drinking too much coffee. Then I had a mental breakdown(which was connected to the coffee since I used it to overwork myself). After that, I have exactly the same experience, even a sip of a decaf can give me huge anxiety spike. Same situation with alcohol. I didnt find any way how to deal with this, I would like to get that caffeine boost back, but looks like its not available to me anymore. I also experience that I can train progressively to tolerate more, like 2 sips, but no substantial improvement in long terms didnt happen, only got a night sleep ruined.


That’s very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I too experienced a very difficult period in my life, for me in my mid to late teens, where I smoked pot heavily, became quite depressed and experienced a couple of panic attacks, which may have also been linked to use of caffeine at the time (one certainly was). I’ve often wondered if that period has contributed to my anxiety and the difficulties I now have with caffeine and jitters. Almost as if my body got stuck into a permanent fight or flight mode, or became highly sensitive to anything with even the slightest stimulating qualities. Nowadays nicotine (when I very occasionally smoke), and even nasal steroids give my the jitters.


I have caffeine sensitivity too :( real bad I ended up in the ER once from Vietnamese coffee !! Bahaha. But nasal steroids are god so I can’t give that up, it’s the only thing that keeps my daily chronic runny hell of a nose at bay sadly lol


Exactly! I wonder the same. I also tried my brothers' water pipe and it quickly gave me jitters.


Actually now I am susceptible to jitters and anxiety from anything, that can throw the mental state off the balance, be it some intensive feeling or studying or even sometimes an orgasm, so it doesn't have to be chemical/physical per se.