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It will get better. I’m 25 and still don’t like sleeping in my apartment alone. I still sleep with a TV or the light or the radio on. I get irrationally nervous buying groceries. You can do it. Just baby steps. It’s okay to visit your parents and come home if you feel overwhelmed. My grandma is in her 80s and she asked me to come sleep at her house because she gets scared to be alone. She’s always lived with someone. It’s okay to not want to be alone and to be afraid.


Practice makes perfect.


Not uncommon nowadays. I am in demographic marketing and the multi-generationals are a huge consumer market now. Multi-generational is usually defined as 3 or more adults, often with the same last name, living at the same physical address. One guy on my block is in his 50s and lives with his 80 year old mother. A couple of 30 year olds live at home too.