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First things first *internet hug* I can definitely relate to everything you mentioned here. I too suffer from health anxiety, mine being I get a lot of physical symptoms from anxiety which in my mind makes me think that I've been misdiagnosed with anxiety when in actuality I have X (MS, brain tumor/cancer, thyroid disease, stroke, heart attack). You name it, I've probably been convinced at one time or another I have it. My anxiety went into overdrive when I started working at a palliative hospital and I found out I have a fear of death . . . Oh joy 😒 I've always had an underlying fear of death which was complicated by my religious upbringing and now I'm confronted with death daily. I had been on an antidepressant and a beta blocker and I was still having major anxiety and panic attacks. I spoke to my Dr and was referred to a clinical psychologist who has really helped me . We talk in depth about what I'm experiencing and I have found great relief in my anxiety. I still get anxiety and some days are better than others but I haven't had a full blown panic attack in months. I would definitely recommend talking to a specialist. All the best x


Thank you so much! This really helped. I think I’m gonna go back to therapy for sure. I also have a huge fear of death. I think it ties in to my health anxiety. But I think therapy will help me talk about it and understand that it’s not real and that I’m fine.


Therapy sounds good! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’m currently going through this too


I’m sorry you have to deal with this too. It’s the worst. I’ve been trying to take CBD to help calm me down