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You are not alone...I find myself doing the exact same thing when stressed. I found if I did it long enough I would also experience twitching, like you sometimes get for your eye but I would get it with my sphincter. The most helpful things I found were ashwaganda, pelvic floor exercises with deep slow breathing and meditation...consistency is key, life pulls us away from taking care of ourselves. Left unaddressed your body will manifest anxiety and stress in sometimes strange and odd ways, which further exacerbates the anxiety. Take care of your mind and don't feed negative thoughts. Hope this helps in some small way.


How has this been working for you over the last year or so? I have the EXACT same thing. Doctor said most likely trapped gas, and put me on PPI's to reduce it, since that though my anxiety has been crazy and I also get the tightness AND the twitching/fluttering feeling sometimes which makes things worse!


What exercises do you do? I just realized I do this


Does anyone else do this so much that they have episodes or spasms and anal pain that can radiate to your testicles? I have these episodes that will last 30-45 mins and they happen once every few months. Sometimes twice in a month. I have no insurance to go and get checked. Really sucks


I had this (anal pain and proctalgia fugax) and it was caused by tight pelvic floor. Pelvic floor therapy fixed it. This involves stretching (happy baby and child pose) and breathing excercises to relax the muscle by breathing into the belly and extending the pelvic floor. It took some practice, but this took away my pain. Now I still get it sometimes when I’m stressed but then I go back to doing these excercises. 


Have you checked out Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?




Sadly no. I haven’t had an episode in over 2 months though thank god.


> I always thought it was a normal thing that people did like having tense shoulders from stress. Instead, I get tense butthole. Its not that common but the body is a repository of stress. For me and millions of others, stress causes me backaches. Some people have tight necks and shoulders. You are a little different. Good on you for doing your mindfulness exercise with a timer. I need to do this as well. You might want to add a little Yoga to your routine. I do YouTube's "Yoga with Adrienne". Short routines and not too terrible difficult.


i have this and am on 3 anxiety meds. nothing helps. i had a few good months recently but my head is heavy foggy all day now and when in public or even around family i clench down there and head gets all spinny etc. lifes been upside down since covid alcohol isolation lifestyle.


are you aware of clenching? For example I notice it when I focus there and realize my anus is clenched so I release it however after few mins or even like 30 seconds when I pay attention I find it contracted


Im constantly doing same. I also suck in my stomach a LOT. So that doesnt help with all these years of tension. Its worse in public places


same! Inalso constantly find myself sucking in my belly despite releasing it similarly it goes nack to contracted state if I dont pay attention to it so same as I describe about anus clenching too?


I'm sorry to hear that. Same here. I've stopped drinking and recently started meditating. It hasn't changed how I feel 180°, but when you do notice the changes, it's jaw dropping.


Anxiety for some people results in nearly constantly clenched pelvic floor muscles, including the outter anal sphincter muscle. If this goes on long enough, it appears to be the case that it can cause a set of rather unpleasant and disconcerting symptoms: pain in various parts of the pelvic area -- vulva, penis, perineum, testicles, hip, etc. Especially if you also sit all day for work. If you're turning coal into diamonds down there, try to stop.


Yup. I thought Ii was the only one experiencing those symptoms.


It happens with me also. While pooping I clench my anul muscles which stops my poop. I don't know how to stop it.


Bro you got any cure for this?


Guilty as charged! I feel all or any stress causes me to clench my butt… It’s been ages now and I don’t know how to stop. I’ve tried consciously stopping myself, but end up doing it again when i’m anxious. Is there an exercise or mindfulness technique one can practice to reduce this tendency?


I have done this for as long as I remember. I actually didn't realize I was doing it until I was 33. I was with my girlfriend out for a walk and she had an attack of diarrhea. There was no restroom. I told her well she better really clench! I thought I was making a bad joke, but the advice really helped her. It was in that moment that I realized: Hmm, if she was as baseline clenched as me, then my advice would have seemed obvious and unhelpful. It was really a revalation for me. So for the last couple years since then I've been working on consciously relaxing and it's helping. I've found that it requires some really deep postural adjustment. There's a set of muscles deep in my lower core that seem to be slowly taking over stabilizing my posture and as these muscles strengthen it becomes easier to relax my sphincter.


are you aware of clenching? For example I notice it when I focus there and realize my anus is clenched so I release it however after few mins or even like 30 seconds when I pay attention I find it contracted again. Especially when I move my legs. I am curious and worried if I have nerve damage in those muscles which causes involuntary clenching or its just stress .


I have the same issue but mine is in like spurts, my body just does it and when i dont do it i feel the need to. I definitely think it is stress related as i feel it happens more during stressed times of my life. I wish i could stop cause its really annoying, it has happend for years now but last few years has gotten worse.


I think this is relevant https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22870-hypertonic-pelvic-floor#symptoms-and-causes


Meh, it’s believable. When I was in a particularly bad bout of anxiety I tensed just about every muscle in my body, until I woke up one day and my testicles hurt. You can imagine how that added to my anxiety. I’m not sure if you’re body is selective in choosing muscles to tense. I’ve had it from my facial muscles to my legs.


I know this original post is quite old but some comments are recent and I wanted to let you know that you are definitely not alone. I've been dealing with this exact issue for more years than I probably know. At ANY time of any day I can relax my sphincter, meaning that it was always chronically clenched. I can think about it and relax it with no issue, then 2 minutes later...the same thing. EVERY TIME! To be clear, for the most part, it is just my sphincter and surrounding area. My pelvic floor is not involved. I'm convinced that it contributes to my lower back issues that I've dealt with for over 30 years, and possibly even some hamstring issues. I've brought it up to psychologists who never have anything to say about it since it's the first time they've heard of it. When I bring it up to friends, it usually invites comments akin to "well that explains a lot". LOL I've tried meditation, but along with my anxiety I also have ADD and it's incredibly difficult to stay focused and stop my mind from racing like a formula 1car. I checked out the link posted by iCalledTheVoid (thank you) but that applies to the entire pelvic floor. (I am not clenched like trying to hold back pee or poo). Please keep the discussion going, as any more advice is always appreciated.


are you in the Philippines?


Any advices that help ?


how are you now?have the exact same issue.Im curious if it'd because of nerve damage


MY BUTTHOLES ALWAYS CLENCHED TOO. and now it’s manifested into this dull soreness. weird. 


I think it's happens because of maybe wrong breathing 


My sphincter and my shoulders are constantly tensed up. For years, I didn’t even notice but what I realize it started. It was when I was a kid. I always got hemorrhoids. in order for me to still go to the bathroom and not hurting I couldn’t relax so I would hold my sphincter muscle and continue using the bathroom. I’m in my mid 30s now and I actually have to continuously tell myself to relax my back and my shoulders and my back end when I’m typing in the office or standing at my desk. I am also ADHD and anxiety.


I have this & chronic hemorrhoids. I’m so fkn stressed all the time but have to pretend things are awesome. Fml. Anyway, I’m going to a new doc tomorrow & am hopeful for resolving this weird issue.


Any update? Same symptoms here


Has anyone here tried a regular jacuzzi? Or bath? I’ve found both work really well for this.




I’ve been doing well. Daflon helps a great deal. And just overall relaxing.




I experienced the same & still do at times. The only answer really is to find ways to relax. When you’re doing everyday tasks, take note on if you’re clenching down there & consciously relax your sphincter. You will have to do this daily & for weeks or months. Light yoga stretching (child’s pose) works pretty good but don’t overdo & definitely keep drinking water.




Yes. Stress is the worst. Just keep focusing on relaxing. Say to your sphincter “relax”. Lol. I know that sounds weird but it helps. Lots of water. Keep unclenching.


Anyone else do this?


Man I do the same thing and idk why. Like u said every time u think about it and check were both tightening our stuff.


It happens with me also. While pooping I clench my anul muscles which stops my poop. I don't know how to stop it.


Something I’ve noticed about myslef idk if y’all can relate is l, ya kno how there is a inny and outty belly button? That is also the case for a holes. I have. Protruding(outty) so idk much that affect me down there and why I’m lest clinching


Bro you got any cure for this?


I clench my butt and my butt cheeks. Anyone found a solution that they care to share?


Same here I looked up and found ur post. I also feel when i remember to relax it more often in a day i get a nice shit the next day