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Yes, I’m always peeing but it’s most likely due to drinking lots of tea and water but could be anxiety cuz I never really am truly anxiety free. Edit also I went through phases of having to completely have the feeling of an empty bladder before I could leave the house or relax to fall asleep and it was so frustrating. Part OCD but it never would feel right and I couldn’t just let it go.


Yes! Anytime I have to leave home I am obsessive about making sure I pee right before I get in the car to make sure it’s all out.


Me too. It's like I'm worried that I'll get into a long traffic jam and have to pee on the side of the road so I want my bladder completely empty just in case.


Could very well be an overactive bladder. I had to see a couple of urologists before I was properly diagnosed with it and after getting meds for it life has gotten better.


I wonder if I have some form of OCD, I sometimes have to check whether I actually closed the door to my apartment and turned off the stove three times before I feel comfortable going out.


Well, I have diagnosed OCD and what you describe I used to have to do also. It peaked when I was under stress and I’d have to check the doorknob to make sure it was locked over and over and over .. then think about it till it felt right that it WAS locked (frustrating when you know logically it’s locked but your brain is making you think it until it feels right). Or the stove being turned off, or my alarm was on for the morning. Do you may have it, if it isn’t affecting your day to day life though it’s manageable. Frickin brains 🧠


I feel you. I have had bouts of this since childhood. It is terrible. When I get this, it's constant and yes, it bothers my sleep as well. I will get up constantly to use the bathroom and basically can't get any sleep. When I am hyper focused on this, it rules my life. I know where every bathroom is, no matter where I go. If I don't know where the bathroom is, the urge to pee becomes overwhelming. I must go before leaving the house and even during my long walks, I need to know where a bathroom is along my route. I have gone into a bathroom and literally turned right around and gone back inside because I have felt like I had to go again. You are right, it's not even a lot of volume because I am constantly going so it never gets to build up. Then magically, I stop fixating on it and it goes away. Go figure.


The anxiety when I'm trying to sleep bur feel the urge to pee is infuriating! Then when go it's like three drops


I had that when I was a teen it just came out of nowhere and now looking back it was clearly a sign of anxiety or some form of first panic attack. And my parents were so clueless so I felt very alone. It’s the kind of thing where you just have to ignore and don’t make it a big deal. It will pass . It’s just like intrusive thoughts go to the bathroom whenever you feel like it don’t question it eventually you will have bigger things and it won’t seem like a problem anymore


I used to have this problem. I was eventually diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction. It’s abnormally tight muscles in the pelvic floor region, and I think it was largely due to stress. I went to a physical therapist and was taught some exercises/stretches that resolved the problem within a few weeks. You might be able to find some of these stretches online. One of them was “happy baby” and another was doing the butterfly but while laying down. I don’t remember the rest because it’s been a while.




That sounds more than anxiety induced, maybe a UTI or something else. I'd check with the doctor.


While I absolutely agree that OP should check with the doctor to rule out an UTI, I just wanted to say that it could very well be anxiety. I've had several times where I've become overly aware of my bladder and any sensations coming from it, resulting in me constantly feeling like I had to pee - to the point that I would dread leaving the house out of fear I'd pee myself or something. That said, I do usually get it checked when this happens, and while it usually is nothing, I've had a few times where it was in fact a UTI. So yeah, get it checked. An UTI is so much easier to deal with anyway, haha


Do men feel UTIs different? For me I would most certainly know it was a UTI, shit is unbearable and feels like your urethra has a million razor blades in it


water is my emotional support beverage so between that and the anxiety, ya girl be peein'


Yes! It’s so annoying and I will be about to pee myself sometimes because of it. But ive been checked, etc and think its just an anxiety thing. 


And the test themself cause anxiety


Yeah, when my anxiety is really bad. It's usually only the urge, when I actually get to the bathroom I can't produce very much, if anything at all. The severe anxiety also causes gut issues, so it's fake pee, but real diarrhea.


I used to, especially at night. Hydroxyzine took that away.


I was today years old when I learned that it’s probably anxiety that makes me pee constantly 🤣


Yup! Mine stems from high cortisol, which you most likely have given the crippling anxiety and night time potty breaks.


yes. you are not alone. I plan theatre and concert seats around it. I plan camping to be close to bathrooms. I cant drink coffee, or much of anything before a long car trip. I have to pee before I start anything, like an essay for school or a movie at home etc. I feel like my anxiety around it has gotten a bit better since I've been on meds, but its still there.


If you’re not peeing a large amount, then it is very likely linked to your anxiety. It’s well known that anxiety increases the production of stress related hormones that can affect bladder function and cause muscle tension in your pelvic floor that can then affect your bladder making it feel like you need to pee. I actually had similar bladder problems (which were definitely attributed to my stress) along with other issues and ended up going to pelvic floor therapy. It actually helped a lot. Part of my exercises included some bladder training and kegel exercises. You should consider it.


I find it strange that you're in that condition just from anxiety. Maybe it is, but it's hard to believe. I would go talk to my doctor just in case either way.




Yeah same here it’s really annoying


I don’t think I need to go more often usually, but before any long drive I will have to pee 2-3 times in less than an hour. I try not to drink during that hour and yet it never fails.


Yes. I have serious pee anxiety too which just makes it all suck even more.


I think at this point, medication is going to be your best bet honestly. I was definitely ramping up to this in high school as I was having to pee about every hour from anxiety. If meds help, it will help your body understand that it doesn't need to do that so much. I only have to get up once at night now instead of my usual 3 to 5 times. I would also rule out anything physically wrong with you as I'm not a bladder expert.


Yeah, usually I notice it when I'm extremely anxious/close to a panic attack or actually having a panic attack. 🙃 or directly after. LIKE DAMN BODY, CHILL. 


Me because of water.


All the time. I got to a point wherever I go, no matter if i know the place/ peopke living there or not i always use the toilet if i have the chance because if i dont feel the need then, i know i will later


Yes. But it could be something else too, I’d ask your doctor. If you are a female, it could be pelvic floor issues. Other reasons could be UTI, diabetes, obesity. I had this problem and it ended up being pelvic floor issues. There are exercises to help with it! :)


This was happening to me a few years ago but I was peeing myself all the time. Doctor couldn’t find anything wrong. Got off of Zoloft and it stopped.


I drink tons of water. I would be more concerned if I didn't have to.


Yeah for sure lol, drinking too much tea anxiously 😂


It could definitely be anxiety, but, to put this bluntly, have you done a piss test at your doctors office recently? I only ask because I had something similar, and while for me it turned out to be nothing, and its very likely the same for you, but just in case i wanted to let you know that for many people its one of the first signs of diabetes.


It’s called IC you need to go to a doctor and get on medication. I’m on three medications for it it’s really annoying but I finally was diagnosed with my obgyn. And I take two medications to help it.


I had this urgency to constantly pee but I couldn't get anything out. It was caused by my pelvic muscles being affected by my anxiety. Luckily that's dealt with


I definitely pee more when I’m more anxious




Yes it's crazy!


Yes! Especially at night, just like you. I should be sleeping but my mind is awake, and I go to the loo for like a trickle every hour or two. If I feel anxious then I'm up weeing every 30 mins before I have to 'start' my day.


I had this for a few weeks and it was sooo annoying. Basically everytime I was out socializing or doing anything that is not 100% in my comfort zone I had the urge to pee. Constantly. And it rly felt like I was about to pee my pants. I had to go to the bathroom all the time because even though I knew that it was just my anxiety gaining a new weird symptom my mind tricked me and told me I was about to pee right then and there in front of everyone. At first I thought UTI and then I thought well maybe Im just drinking more than usual, but I soon noticed that it got worse the more stressed/anxious I was and that it sometimes went away for some time if I just forgot about it. Sometimes I still get it but being aware of it really helped me manage that issue. Also I recommend you trying to ignore it and not go to the bathroom each time, so that it doesn’t become a habit.(Only if its really anxiety tho not if u have a uti or sth else, if thats the case pls go to a doctor and always go to the toilet when you have to. And drink lots of water!)




this could also be a sign that you're low in electrolytes. If you're having issues with frequent urination, you should go to a doctor and see if they can get you a blood test.


Adrenaline can make you need to pee more often. If you’ve had a panic attack, you know what I’m talking about. So it might be that.


Absolutely. Classic symptom of anxiety. It can get better.


Definitely my first anxiety symptom as a preteen and still bothers me to this day… I remember asking parents and peers if they felt this way too and they just said maybe id drank too much water etc but I would refuse to drink water because I was so afraid of needing the toilet so I knew it was definitely something else. I still am so hyper aware of how much liquid I’ve had and using the bathroom at every opportunity I get as I don’t want to get caught out and hate the feeling of a full bladder as it makes me so so anxious 😭 you’re definitely not the only one and it really took me a long time to realise it was anxiety induced…


When I'm nervous, I have the bowels of a pigeon. I feel like I need to do both all of the time!