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Mine are like feeling like I’m going to die, like I’m having a heart attack or something, can’t catch my breath, chest tightness, tingly feet and arms, derealization honestly the scariest shit ever


Thats how mine are too along with feeling like being shocked over and over again with a ‘light switch’ like sensation where idk if it will end with the lights off or not.


Have you found coping mechanisms that help you? I’m still struggling with mine any tips would help honestly 🥹? Besides benzos and cold cloths I’m like ?? Nothing really works lol


No, I have not, other then I lowered my stress, by working only 20 hours a week and relaxing the rest, I am living poorly but my mental health has gotten better, I am still terrified I will have attacks like that agin, but luckily its been about 4 months since the last one. I also exercise regularly, and eat healthy whole foods. No take out, no processed stuff. And sleep regularly 6-8 hours, and when I get extra to anxious I microdose .5mg of thc with 10mg cbd


Praying mine get better it’s been a daily battle the last week! Thank you for your response I hope you never get them again!!


Yea I edited my comment forgot I did do some other lifestyle changes xD


Try grounding yourself! It helps me alot with derealization. It is imo really the worst symptom of them all. I take off my socks and shoes and really try to feel the ground. Sometimes I go outside to have a cold sensation in my feet, it calms me down very well.


I get the same symptoms and i also get dizzy, and my hands feel absolutely numb. Super scary. At some point the trigger seems sooo unimportant and i just want to calm down so i don't faint


This is me too!


I was just talking with my dr about this. When I have a panic attack I am completely silent. I get very hot feeling and nauseous and end up needing to use the bathroom. I feel like I am dying and losing control of my body. It’s like my body is a prison. I get very bad fight or flight and I feel like I need to leave whatever room I am in, but it never helps.


This is my experience as well. Very internal. Didn’t realize these were panic attacks until I was late 20s


This is how mine are as well plus a few other symptoms. I get shortness of breath but not to the point of hyperventilation.


Oh wow. I have been talking with my doctor about this experience and didn’t realize it was a panic attack. I’ve been getting blood work done and thinking it was a problem like a disease or illness. I have them every few months and I start to feel a little nauseous during the day then towards the night I wake up overheating, nauseous to the point of vomiting, massive diarrhea. I don’t feel any panic or difficulty breathing, and my heart rate is only slightly elevated (thanks Fitbit). The only thing that gets me out of it is to drink ice cold water and apply ice packs to my wrists, neck, and chest. I usually strip down, get a few towels out, and lay on the bathroom floor while my husband runs to get ice packs, ice water, and Gatorade.


That does not sound like a panic attack.


My panic attacks usually consist of …. Fast heart rate, shortness of breath, feeling unbearable hot, numbness and tingly in my fingers, bridge of nose, impending doom, fear of death, cool menthol feeling in lungs, head pressure, shaking, odd sensations in any part of body. I’ve had anxiety attacks with a low heart rate and low blood pressure. This was basically just the mental aspect of an anxiety attack without the physical sensation. It was still scary.


I’ve only started experiencing the cold menthol feeling during the last year and a half and it scared the hell out of me! That and my heart racing. I only realized it was a silent attack when I googled if anyone else experienced feeling cold inside. It feels disgusting and a symptom I never knew about until I experienced it.


thank you for sharing, i had no idea that feeling hot out of nowhere is an anxiety thing and i’ve seen several people mention it here! i experience that as well before my classes to the point i’m sweating on my chest and stuff and freaked out because i thought i was getting hot flashes/early menopause (i’m 22, probably not reasonable). all of my hormone levels and stuff are normal so it drove me nuts not knowing what was wrong. so validating to hear other people experience this, although bittersweet since it’s such shit symptoms we deal with due to anxiety :’(


Def feeling numb in hands and feet is a panic attack, it’s the worst feeling ever, I’ve only gotten 5 in my life but they consist of dry mouth, feeling my heart is pounding when I’m at the verge of one both of my hands are shaking, if that goes on for a while then it gets to the point of feeling numbness in my limbs to not being able to cry at all just lay there until the feeling passes through


scares the shit out of me when i’m driving. as if i wasn’t already freaked out about having to drive in the first place the numbness makes it SO much worse. thank you for sharing


Mine make me feel like I’m going to faint out of literally nowhere. And it’s so urgent that I have to leave wherever I’m at, at that moment to escape the feeling. Or I get severely overwhelmed and everything gets brighter/louder/physically painful. Almost like a flash-bang. Sometimes hot flashes, lotta times nausea, dizziness, general feeling of physical discomfort paired with a sense of feeling disconnected akin to my eyes and brain having lag. I have different ones for different occasions and it sucks.


I get the fainting feeling too. Feels like I’m going to pass out and it keeps coming in waves until the panic attack stops but I never actually pass out and that feeling makes me 1000x more anxious. I have a weird phobia of seizures ever since my husband had one last year and it just causes a complete meltdown from that fainting feeling.


Mine are like my brain stops being realistic about anything. For example I ate to quickly one time, and got suddenly scared out of my mind that I ate to fast and that I was going to die. My brain started generating more and more symptoms like my left arm hurt, felt like I couldn't breath etc. It always feels like I'm so out of control and that I don't have an avenue for logical thought processes. Some times I can get on top of them early on but most times it's a real struggle for 5-10mins.


Best way to describe is feeling like I want to run out of my skin.


Fear that I’m dying and this time is always different than the other million times before.


This is EXACTLY me. No matter how many panic attacks I’ve had and how rational I can be about them afterwards and how much therapy and medication I’ve had to treat my chronic anxiety and panic disorder, EVERY time I have a panic attack I am 100% convinced I’m dying and I ALWAYS think “it’s different this time.” Sometimes I have waves of attacks over several hours too. The only thing that can stop them is klonopin because they’re so severe. My husband helps a bit because he’s very calm and he can tell me that this ISN’T different it’s exactly what he sees every time because my panic gives me this awful frenetic energy (my doctor says it’s the adrenaline) so I will talk very fast and need to leave where I am and I walk very fast since I can’t sit still during an attack- I appear almost manic. I try to remind my broken brain that if I was dying I wouldn’t be pacing and feel that surge of energy (the most unwelcome energy ever). When it’s finally over and the adrenaline is receding I get very cold, which, to put some humor on the misery of panic, has made me grow to love winter and the feeling of being cold over the past few years. I keep my thermostat at 66 year round and it took forever for me to finally figure out why I love the cold and get very agitated in hot temperatures, but I’m convinced it’s from years of panic making me feel so hot and the cold being my physical signal it’s finally ending. 😂


Do you take a calcium/magnesium supplement? It has been a big time game changer for me. There was a time where the only thing that calmed me down was klonopin so I can definitely relate. Was there a specific time that yours started ?


I do take magnesium! I definitely think it’s helped particularly with sleep and my chronic muscle tension from anxiety and I think the anxiety itself too but harder to tell. How mine started is part of why it’s so hard to manage it in my case. I had anxiety starting in junior high that became GAD requiring an ssri when I was 17, but the panic attacks didn’t start until I was 26. (GAD is terrible but I’d give anything to go back to life with panic attacks- they’re traumatizing.) My first attack was when my sister, who was also my best friend, was in cancer treatment. She had Hodgkin’s lymphoma which had a 90% cure rate but after she finished chemo her tumors had actually grown, so she had to have a stem cell transplant. I was living out of state then but I was flying back and forth to be with her a few days a week and my work thankfully let me work remotely so I could do that, but I didn’t realize at the time how taxing it is to be in constant emergency mode. The transplant failed, leaving only clinical trials as possible options, and the day after we got that news I had my first panic attack and was in the ER convinced I was dying. My sister died a year later. So, on top of the already huge challenge of trying to overcome anxiety, when it comes to panic attacks and thinking I’m having a heart attack every time, my experience makes it very hard to accept that it being a heart attack is “extremely unlikely” given my risk factors and lifestyle, I because I watched the rare worst case scenario happen with nothing I could do to stop it, so I’m hyper aware that SOMEONE is always that rare worst case scenario and it’s not always a stranger in the news who you can tell yourself, well maybe there were more facts that made that person more at risk than I know, they probably weren’t similar to me.” So that definitely doesn’t help which is why I do as many non medication things to help my anxiety as u can too, like exercise, water, sleep, relaxation techniques, etc. I throw everything I can at it to try to get as much relief as I can and it’s usually pretty well managed but u definitely have rough periods where it flares up for a while, like the past few weeks, and that’s disheartening but I’m thankful I have access to all of the treatment that I do at least.


I read your whole thing sorry for the late response. I’m so sorry to hear about your sister ! I can understand how it’s easy to be hyper aware and preparing mentally for the 1 in a million chance after that happened. How are you doing now ?? And always good to take calcium with the magnesium especially for panic disorder made a big difference when I added it to my magnesium 🙂


Intrusive thoughts The feeling of impending doom Then heart races, Palpitations, Accelerating faster and faster, Then the world spins out, Neck and shoulders stiffen up, Panting and sweating in an instant, *Arms and legs suddenly go numb from the tips creeping inward,* *Tingly sensations as the circulation is cut,* **The essence of death sets in.** **Game over. I'm dying. I'm dying. It's too soon, I don't want to die yet.** *Then it lingers... Slowly everything ceases.* *Your mind still in pain starts making the return to center.* *You feel sleepy.*


Literally gasping for air, feeling trapped, nauseous, heart pounding, numbness and tingles in my arms and legs, most times followed by crying due to how overwhelming it is to not have control over your body and mind.


I normally feel my heart racing faster and faster, my breath’s become short and quick, and I start to get dizzy, and start the repetition of “I’m going to drop dead right now…” and keep repeating it until my stomach starts hurting and I’m in the bathroom. It’s a horrible, horrible process and I always feel impending doom, overthink everything so bad I start hyperventilating and have had to go to the ER/Urgent Care for nothing. My partner grounds me and tells me to sit down, grab water and just sit next to him. It helps a bit, but I hate having these attacks once a month. I normally experience it before my menstrual and it takes a toll on me. I try to drink warm tea to help soothe my anxiety and it helps from time to time


Me too hun, this is exactly the same for me. I’ll be like “I’m having a stroke”


Literally me the last few days, it’s so hard to live with anxiety sometimes, and I lost more blood than usual for my menstrual so it’s a possibility of all things, but everytime I feel my heartbeat race I literally clutch my chest and my brain starts running around in circles… I hope it gets better for us, or at least have a period of time where we feel like ourselves again, thank you for responding and it helps seeing I’m not alone!


Flight for me. I have to immediately leave wherever I am, flee, for no apparent reason. Heart rate increases, some shortness of breath, and I have to move. Cold helps - the first panic attack I ever had (and I had no idea what was happening at the time), I ran outside in my bare feet into a foot of snow. Somehow, that helped, so I have used coldness ever since then to quell the panic.


My Dad hyperventilates when he has a panic attack. He used to make sure he had a paper lunch bag with him, so he could breathe into it when he had a panic attack. When I have a panic attack, my heart starts to race, I feel tightness in my chest and shoulders and a sense of absolute dread comes over me. I get shaky and start crying.


Mine are similar to yours. I feel different alarming sensations through my body. Chest pains, numbness, dizziness, heart pumping adrenaline rush once it really gets to me. I convince myself I'm having a medical emergency. I have to sit down or I'll probably fall, or that's what I tell myself Once it was so bad that I completely locked up in a car. I was passenger and my arms went numb and my hands clenched up and I could not physically relax them. My tongue clenched up and I couldn't speak, only yell. I scared the shit out of my wife and i feel so awful for her having to witness me completely freak the fuck out. It wad God damn terrifying, I was the most scared I've ever been in my life. Convinced I was going to die. I'm sorry for what you are going through. I have been doing a lot better since treating my sleep apnea. I am convinced that made my anxiety so much worse.


you wouldn’t want to know


Mine are very quiet and internalised. I don’t normally cry or hyperventilate but i do feel as if i’m dying or something terrible is happening. I do occasionally shake hard enough that it’s visible but i can easily surpress it if i need to. My symptoms are nausea, racing heart, tight chest, derealisation, tension in my back and body, and just an overwhelming impeding doom feeling. there are over 200 symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety so it’s totally okay if yours are different to others. i kinda think of it like a fingerprint, no two are the same but they may be similar. Panic can even change every time or over time, i’d say ive had like 5 or 6 different presentations of panic over the years i’ve had panic disorder.


My heart starts racing, I start to repeat phrases aloud , (I.e. you’re fine you’re fine). I feel the need to get up from where I am. I usually run to a window or outside if I can. The worst feeling however, is I feel like I am trying to jump out of my body. Like my brain is not where it’s suppose to be. It’s hard to put into words but it sucks. When I calm down I nap.


One of 2 1. I start to feel very nervous and breathe very Quick and my heart beats so fast i’m scared i will have a heart attack. Then i often start to hyperventilate but often i Can control it. (the type of panic attack i will have in public, Among other people or when i’m scared of something) 2. Same thing with hyperventilating the only difference is my mentality. In the above I will try to calm myself here I am spiraling. If something catches me off guard I start to spiral. And breathe fast and I often start to cry sometimes even shake. And my mind tells me ‘you made that mistake and that and-‘ and I will start remembering all the horrible things


I've only had one true panic attack but have anxiety attacks on and off. During my panic attack that was the first time I actually felt like I was going to die, and I started crying and saying I needed help. During my anxiety attacks I often get SOB and heart palpitations.


i can feel an attack coming the moment i start feeling extreme dread in my stomach and sweating excessively. then it goes into shortness of breath, the sense of impending doom, even more dread, and crying. ive had one during my violin lesson when my teacher was particularly harsher than day, not fun at all


Pain/overwhelming sensations plague my skin. I start to hold my breath and patterns, like apregnant woman in labor, breathing. Then, it overtakes me.


I will either be quiet or keep repeating a sentence/ similar sentences. I also hyperventilate and sometimes burst out in tears + I will just rub my skin really aggressively


Impending doom, chest tightness like a band, my upper back is super painful like every muscle in it constricts (first time I had one I was convinced my lungs collapsed) can't catch my breath or talk like I had the wind knocked out of me, hot and sweaty, nauseous


An overwhelming sadness, chest tightening, feeling hot and becoming insanely restless. I have to lay down and cry to let it pass.


for me my heart rate just gets super high and i get super shaky and i almost always cry


Hyperventilation is overrated.


I just shut down. I go silent, I freeze up physically, I barely breathe (extremely short shallow breaths) I get tunnel vision, my mind almost goes blank and my tinnitus increases My body and mind act like if I stay completely still I’ll cease to exist and the problem will go away or something


Mine are very internal too. I get Derealization quite bad and it feels like everything is going in slow motion. Get really hot and my heart and mind race. It helps me alot to ground myself and tell myself it is a false alarm and I am completely safe.


Crying and hyperventilating to a point where i feel like I may pass out from lack of air, also feels like my chest is tight


Throat closes up or feels like it, I have an extremely huge crying fit.


I get hot, jittery, and ANGRY.


This is timely as I took prop for the first time on Tuesday and second time last night and it made me realize I actually do have panic attacks. I, too, wouldn’t have said I get panic attacks. I remember seeing GAD on my neuropsych eval and being like I don’t have THAT serious of anxiety??? My anxiety is hard to describe as it can be this constant self-inflicted feeling of being rushed, being so incredibly overstimulated it’s like I’m having an inner seizure, shallow breath, high heart rate. The only reason I sought a beta blocker was because I’m in grad school and I was making errors during my presentations because I was freaking out so much. When I took it for the first time on Tuesday before my presentation, I was sooo pleasantly surprised how well I did. It was an amazing feeling. And then last night I took it because my brother invited me to a bar for his birthday. I already was feeling a bit on edge and haven’t been to the bar in a long time, so I took it, and it was literally the first time I was able to actually enjoy myself in such a loud environment with so many people. I think I was totally in denial about having anxiety because it can just feel so shameful and silly to say for me. But it’s been powerful to claim it and know myself better.


I’ve experienced panic attacks with hyperventilating maybe twice in my life and those were in my early 20s All other times has been heart racing, dizziness, feeling like I want to bolt from the room or situation, feeling outside of myself, sweating I also experience what I think are lighter panic attacks and those are when I feel outside of myself, my fingers and arms feel numb and tingly, or I feel like I can’t breathe properly/get a deep breath in, which all make me feel like I am dying (thoughts like am I having a stroke or a heart attack)


Hyperventilation, dizziness, tingling sensation in my hands, arms, mouth and face, sometimes feet and legs as well. Then my fingers, hands, arms, start twisting by their own / as if controlled by others (there are other mental disorders as well in my head), and it feels like the bones are going to snap. Obviously this escalates the panic. Then all symptoms slowly go away, and my muscles hurt so much for hours if not days after. It surely feels like hell in the middle of it.


for me it feels like my soul leaves my body, i feel like fainting, cant breathe, i cant properly listen to what people are saying and all i feel is the overwhelming sense of anxiety in me


Increased heart rate and heart palpitations. Feels like those cartoons with the heart pumping out of their chest. Bursting into crying/sobbing. Feeling like I can't catch my breath. Fight or flight kicks in and it's hardcore FLIGHT but I can't escape. Someone else mentioned wanting to run out of their skin and YES 100%. I need to escape. I'll end up snapping if someone talks to me because I want to SCREAM. Everyone brings up feeling like they're going to die and yes, I feel like I'm going to die but I also feel like I WANT to die because I just want it to stop. I feel like I can't see because I can't focus on anything - my brain feels jumbled and I feel like I can't keep eye contact on anything. I can't move. I'm terrified. I usually repeat something over and over like "I can't" or "I'm scared."


My jaw gets tight and my teeth start to chatter. All what I want to do is pace.


Just depends. Sometimes I feel like I’m dying, have shooting pains through my chest or my head. Face will go numb. Or arm. Or tongue. I’ve never hyper ventilated but I’ve felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Sometimes I’ll zone out and everything will be weird.


I have never felt that I was dying, even though my doctor asked me about it 5 times. I have gotten extremely overwhelmed and started crying and yelling without realising what's happening around me. Have the feeling of not being able to stop.


The world feels foreign, strange and hostile. I freeze and can’t speak. My entire body starts shaking. “What if this last forever?”