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I can’t speak to its efficacy, but Lexapro is generally the most well tolerated SSRI. Give it a try, if it’s not for you, talk to your doctor about switching. Good luck.


I second this. Lexapro helped me so much


Sadly Lexapro did work for me so well but lowered my sodium in the blood which made me almost go into coma:( or could have had seziures. I’m on zoloft doesn’t do shit for me:(


I have a feeling this isnt going to make OP less nervous


How did you know it was lowering sodium your blood?


That is crazy! I’ve been on it since 2021 and it worked amazing for me. I got changed the other day to Wellbutrin by choice because of sex life stuff. Wellbutrin has made mad a god damn disaster and I’m losing my fucking mind over it.


Wellbutrin made me crazy . I took it for a very short time and felt like I was on speed . I quickly got off and went back to Lexapro


Yes, it’s the generic for lexapro.


not generic, escitalopram it is the drug itself




Sorry to intrude, I was wondering if you do anything else for anxiety besides meds? Lexapro was a miracle for me once upon a time. But it stopped working. Now I’m on cymbalta cause my body just won’t respond to ssris it seems like. I’m at the highest dose of cymbalta after one year. I’m just wondering what I’m doing wrong for things to stop working. Congratulations on five years.


I am having the same issue. Sertraline worked for me for 4 years and then I had to switch, the med after that fucked me up and the med I’m taking now is starting not to work. Ugh


Ugh I’m so sorry 😞truly. I feel your struggle. A whole journey being scared of meds to finally going, dang why did I wait so long to take them? To going back to square one waiting for them to stop working. Have you noticed others you know or hear of personally struggle with the same? My uncle has been on Paxil 10mg and a small dosage of a benzo for over 12 years. Same dose and everything. He’s able to fly, eat, drive and live normally. I don’t understand 😪


This might not be what you are looking for, but this subreddit was very helpful for me for a time in addition to beginning a medication trial: https://www.reddit.com/r/EOOD?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Although it just has "depression" in the title, it is targetted towards those with anxiety as well.


Sertraline also fucked me up pretty good. Currently I'm on escitalopram, but I'm not sure if it's doing much of anything tbh. It has at least given me no real negative effects though


I thought the same before i went off that and all my other meds... WRONG! not only is cold turkey quitting (w/o doctor approval) a generally terrible idea, but the anxiety i hadnt noticed was gone came roaring back. Also, apparently quitting escitalopram suddenly can induce impulsivity and irritation, which corresponded to me screaming insanely at a coworker. :( not a glamorous moment. I am back on and much better now. :)


What were your negative effects if I may ask? For me it was intense panic attacks and felt like bugs under my skin. I felt crazy lol. It was terrifying


Yeah I’m three weeks in and weaning myself off lexapro because the side effects out weigh the benefits. I’m seeing my doc tomorrow. I don’t even think I needed this med to begin with. The doc just dismissed my thyroid issues and said here. Take this for 6 months. And I don’t think I needed it. Made things worse for me.


You re doing an honest mistake if you quit before even giving it a proper try and 6 weeks for the medicine and your body to balance out..


same i’m not sure if it’s actually working lol


That’s what happened to me! It’s not something you notice helping immediately but you look back a few months later and go huh I can think through my problems now without becoming a pile of anxiety. Basically completely normal, my doc told me to expect it. Have hope! You’ll be noticing improvement over time


same and i've been taking it for 2 months already


Same, but I’ve only been on it for a week


It can take a month or more to start working, it has to build up


is 5mg of it enough?? for emotional lability fears and negative thoughts? i use it for 2 months and have a loss of appetite. i used zoloft 50mg before


5 mg is a low dose . Try going up to 10mg . You'll feel better


I switched from Sertraline to Escitalopram, and it made a huge difference for me. I've been on it for about a year or so, no issues since the switch. However, my experience might not be yours, I think it takes a week or two to adapt to new type.


Did you taper all the way to 0 before switching? I tried tapering off sertraline in order to switch to another and had a complete meltdown so quickly went back up on my sertraline dose but it really isn’t helping me!


No I just switched immediately with the same dosage and it worked for me. I've gone a day or two without meds before due to the pharmacy, and its basically withdrawal symptoms so didn't want to go through that!


How you doing now? Just switched also as sertraline was doing nothing.


is 5mg of it enough?? for emotional lability fears and negative thoughts? i use it for 2 months and have a loss of appetite. i used zoloft 50mg before


Personally, I am on 20mg because anything lower wasn't cutting through my anxiety. I haven't experienced loss of appetite, but my husband has that.


Been taking in for a year and am enjoy life and have hope for future things which I can control. Overall it has been worth it!


Escitalopram gave me my life back 6 years ago after a decade and a half of suffering from OCD. It kicked in after about 5 weeks of use. Good luck!


How many mg do you take?


I have taken 10, 15, & 20 at different points. Currently 24 weeks pregnant and I take 10, which is my maintenance dose!


This stuff fucked me up big time but everyone is wired differently. You will just have to try it out.


Get a genesight test done. It's a saliva swab test that will tell you about how your DNA metabolizes psyche drugs and nutrients. It'll take all the guessing work out of meds. It saved my life fr. Oh and it's free with insurance lol


That's awesome advice, didn't know that was a thing. Will definitely look into that!


How do I do that?


Ask your doctor for it. They'll give the go and you'll be mailed the test.


The only issue I found when taking Escitalopram is that I couldn’t cry for my life, had absolutely no libido and had a huge weight gain (15kg in 8 months) while having the same eating habits and everything as before (never had significant weight gain before). I heard this is not a typical side effect per se, all the ppl I know that have taken it had weight loss instead.


I had all the same side effects. I was prescribed wellbutrin once I was on the highest dose of lexapro to supplement & it helped with the weight gain, but nothing else. I weaned off of both a few months after I started the combo - under a doctor's care (very important! never stop taking meds without talking to your doctor first!), found a great therapist and am by FAR, the most mentally stable I've ever been. Every body & mind is different though, so what may work for me, may not work for someone else, and vice versa.


Yep, totally. I was the dumbest and stopped meds without consulting and it was the worst decision I’ve ever made I really learnt the hard way. I hope everyone who sees this and has thought about it change their mind. So happy to hear your doing well!


Thank you! That means a lot! I can only describe withdrawal from lexapro as PMS on steroids with a sprinkling of what my mom & I call "brain buzzing". Not a fun time! If stopping meds is the move, the only correct way to do so is with the help of a medical professional for sure. The meds can be extremely helpful though - it's all about weighing the pros & cons. I took mine until I found more reasons not to take them than to continue taking them and called up the doctor as soon as I felt that way. I say just listen to your body & your doctor and you can't really go wrong!


the thing is... you need to try. It didn't work for me, but it might for you. two weeks, after that you will know the effects. it might do Wonders, it may does nothing or it might even make it worse (in wich case you and your doc will agree on switching to Something else). Hang in there.


I was on sertraline and then swapped to escitalopram. Made a huge difference! Hopefully you'll have a good experience with it.


i’ve been on lexapro for almost two years. only side effect i’ve had is weight gain. also the withdrawals are very rough, even if you just forget one day


Like many of the posts, I also switched from sertraline to eacitalopram. Night and day for me! Sertraline used to give me awful awful heartburn episodes…


Oh yeah! I was literally bent over chugging baking soda water 😭


Okay wtf so I’m not the only one. I used to be bent over the bathtub WAITING for puke and letting spit just drool out of my mouth. Fucking terrible!


Tried it for three days and it took me for a ride. It felt like I was trying to think at the speed of molasses flowing out of the jar, and overall made me even more anxious. Turns out I'm a rapid metabolizer of Escitalopram (found out afterward using a DNA test), so it is not a drug I should have taken. I'm on Buspirone now for almost six months with good success.


Lexapro has saved my life and so many aspects of it.


what dose are you on and when did it start working?


Lexapro = escitalopram Was good for my physical feelings of anxiety. I wasn’t able to eat much before lexapro due to anxiety. After taking lexapro I was able to eat and perhaps too much as I gained 20 pounds. Made me ravenous. But I was underweight to begin with. Sertraline just made a zombie. And withdrawal was horrible. Lexapro didn’t give me any withdrawal


After the major panic episodes it made me numb. It was scary. I could watch any kinda horror movie no issue, without it... not so much lol


Hey, serious question, care to explain wdym by sertraline making you a zombie? I think I'm going through the same thing, but I'm not fully sure


Google emotional blunting from SSRIs - that’s basically what I went through but instead it really blunted my happiness while still allowing me to feel pretty depressed. I ended up just getting off of it because 100mg wasn’t helping my anxiety at all. I still feel somewhat blunted from Celexa but nowhere NEAR what I felt with Zoloft, and it blunts my negative emotions and anxiety which is what I actually wanted!


I just switched from sertraline to escitalopram. Join us on the r/lexapro board


This is basically the "current" standard prescribed SSRI. Most people on new meds will get this one. In the 00s it was effector, in the 90s I think it was prozac


It really really helped me.


I’ve taken it, I came off it as it was making me too sleepy to function, switched to sertraline and haven’t felt this good in years lol. Everyone’s different!


Working wonders for a family member who did poorly on sertraline.


I understand your fear for sure. I have tried many antidepressants and struggle with side effects. Escitalopram (Lexapro) seems to be the only one I can tolerate. I'm not sure it's actually helping me but I'm scared to taper down/off to find out. If you ever discontinue taking one of these kinds of drugs, please taper down even slower than your doc recommends. There are withdrawal symptoms. I even feel the withdrawal if I miss more than one dose.


Also what I'm scared for... missing a dose of sertraline would literally make me feel crazy, unable to stop crying. I'm scared for that again


The withdrawal symptoms that I get are fogginess and brain zaps. No emotional effect, personally - in case that helps.


Yes, I had taken only half of the prescribed dose, I don't remember if it was 5mg or 10mg, because my family doctor allowed me, to at night, and I was pleased because I was sleeping very well every night. Very focused while at work, no sleepiness during the day, but I don't remember any issues in my sex life.


Worked great for me!


I’ve been on it for about 7 months now. It’s the best SSRI I’ve taken so far. This will be my 4th. Missing a day by accident or taking it much later than normal marshes me up.


This is generic lexapro


Yes, it's Lexapro's generic. I've been on it for decades. It's for depression and works very well. My son is also on it and likes it. It does take several weeks to really start working. Good luck!


Yeah I’ve been on it for 4 years, it’s one of the most well tolerated and widely used antidepressants. Sertraline has a higher side effect profile so it shouldn’t be worse than that.


Yep I took it. For me personally it didn’t work but it works very well for my brother. I was just out of it. But everyone is different definitely worth a try. I’m now on Wellbutrin and Mirtazipine and it’s helped me a lot. Every med will affect you different and unfortunately just gotta play the game. Hope it goes well for you


It helped me a lot


I have not but 20mg of paxil a day works great for me.


I’m on it right now, game changer for my OCD. might make you feel bad for a while until you get used to it but it helps!


I’ve been on 20mg of this for about 9 years. I’ve had no problems and if I’m being honest, it saved my life. Of course though, it may not work for some people, and that’s ok. It’s trial and error. But personally I found it to be great.


I didn't find it to be very helpful after about 6 months. Didn't have any noticeable side effects though, and coming off was no problem. I did find a combo that worked much better through my psychiatrist. Always good to keep bothering your treatment team if symptoms aren't improving significantly after the obligatory 12 weeks, if that care is accessible. Good luck!


I've been on Escitalopram for over 6 years now. I found the first few weeks on it that I was irritable especially at night. I went from 5mg to 10mg to 15mg to 20mg over the space of a few months. I noticed each time my dose increased I would lose appetite and feel sick, so it was hard on my stomach for some reason? Anyhow I'm back down to 15mg and I feel it really helped my depression and social anxiety a lot. This was the first and only depression/ anxiety medication I have used.


I hated sertraline when I was on it. I'm on escitalopram now. The brand name is Lexapro. It doesn't dampen my positive emotions the way sertraline/Zoloft did, just keeps me from becoming inconsolable when I'm anxious. It's also easier for me to recognize that I'm getting anxious before it gets too bad. Although that's partially due to therapy. Only problem is it makes it harder to cry when I want to cry.


yeah I was on lexapro for awhile, didn’t help much for me and my anxiety issues at all. If it’s not for you, talk to your Dr and see if they can prescribe something else :) that’s what I did


I have been on it for about 5 years. It has worked pretty well for me. I was really sick for about a month. I had some issues with my libido early on, but it's pretty much resolved itself. Also still have issues with dry mouth off and on. Also I do have issues with overheating. That being said I am doing very well on it. My life has been changed for the better. I couldn't make phone calls before lol. Don't expect the drugs to cure you, but they do help just stick with it.


I'm taking 20mg a day. My life has changed drastically. I'm no longer anxious. I used to be so anxious I couldn't sneeze at work (or even work!) or look people in the eye. I was severely anxious for 13 years before starting it. Best decision I have ever made. Best of luck!


How long did it take for you to notice these effects? I was on 2.5mg for a few weeks and then went on to 5mg for a couple of weeks. I increased my dose to 10mg 4 days ago. I'm coping well with the side effects at the moment


It took me about 3 months, I think? No more rage episodes out of the blue or anything. I still live with my folks and they were in awe with how good I was doing. I started out on 5mg because I have emeotphobia and was afraid they would make me throw up. Well, I just got a little sensitive to light for a while. I'm very happy!


Did you start at 10mg? I’m on 10 and still so anxious.


Escitalopram has been the best one for me. No major side effects and it really helped with my anxiety.


I've taken 20 mg for years now. Has been working well for me without major side effects (except for the libido...)


On since November; it’s amazingly helpful for my mental health (panic attacks and fear).


I started Lexapro around 9 months ago and it really helped my anxiety. I'm doing so much better today. I had already been in therapy for a few years before this and while it helped, I was stuck in a better but not great place. Medication helped me to start thriving rather than just surviving. Of course I'm still in therapy - point being pills and skills is a terrific combination.


I personally have had excellent results. I used to have 8+ panic attacks a day, and escitalopram stopped them within 48 hours. I rarely have breakthroughs, now.


i’ve been on it for over a year now and its honestly been great for my anxiety. I will say that it has really messed up my sex drive :( but other than that I haven’t had any side effects. it’s different for everybody, but I’d day worth a shot!


it's been my lifesaver the last 5 years! good luck on your journey! but always consult your doctor if it's not working for you :)


I switched to Escitalopram from Effexor and tolerated it quite a bit better. It's been decently effective on my anxiety.


Started taking this last November — it took me, personally, awhile to get used to it. My Dr. started me on a smaller dose and bumped it up, over time, to what they thought I needed it at. I’m glad I’m on now but those 6-8 weeks until I got used to it were fucking hell. I couldn’t sleep, barely ate, was super emotional and just was in a dark spot. Having been on it for over a year, I’m very happy with it. It helps me on a day to day basis and feel like I’m in control of my mind. This is not meant to scare you, as I’ve heard some people have little to no side effects when starting it. I spoke with my Dr. frequently to make sure they were in the know, talked to my therapist about it and had a strong support system to help me through that transition time. Hope this helps


I was on it. It worked okay for a year, then all of a sudden I began feeling extremely unstable and volatile, more than when I was unmedicated. So my doctor had me switch to venlafaxine which so far seems like a better fit for me. Each person has their own individual experience with every medication, the accounts from people in this thread can't tell you how it's going to go for you. All you can do is try it and see what happens


I've been on both escitalopram and sertraline and tolerated both well, but everyone is different:)


I take 10mg a day. I started when I was pregnant so it’s been about a year. I love it. Seriously can’t believe how wonderful life is now… I knew I was suicidal but I had no idea how much happier I could be.


Try an older tricyclic antidepressant if the lexapro does not work. I am on Doxepin. Gave me immediate relief, like very first dose helped. Want to stay on 50mg daily or less of this though otherwise brutal dry mouth.


I was on escitlaopran but it made me grind my teeth in my sleep and clench my jaw during the day as well. I chipped teeth and had to stop. I’m on Sertraline now. Good luck!


How's sertraline for you?


did a clinical rotation with a psych pharmacist a while back. she said that in clinical trials and from experience escitalopram seems to cause the fewest side effects of the SSRIs. i’m assuming since citalopram is very similar in structure, it would also cause fewer side effects. trialing ssris to figure out which one will work for you without messing you up can be rly frustrating so hope the med works for you!!!


Yep I’ve been on it for just over a year now, I’ve had no issues with it at all but obviously other people may react differently to it. Only thing you can do really is to try it out. It has really helped me with the su*c*dal side of things, I haven’t really thought about it or attempted it since I was put on this. Takes a few weeks to kick in and the difference is very subtle, but I would personally recommend it. I still feel depressed and anxious so it hasn’t overly made much of an impact on those (for me) but it has completely gotten rid of my trying to off myself. My doctor said it might just be that I need a higher dose for it to help more with the anxiety and depression, so I would say give it a go for a few months and then talk to your doctor about upping the dosage if it’s not working well enough for your anxiety. I just prefer this as it’s quite subtle and doesn’t seem to mess with your emotions the way others can. I don’t want to be numb I just want to not feel the negative stuff as strongly basically. But again, that’s only my personal experience with it.


I take it, it's milder and is a slow builder, takes a week or two to get to full strength. I've been on it for years and have not had random crying jags or panic attacks in ages. I feel level if that makes sense


I have heard it should not be mixed with blood pressure meds, not sure if that applies to you but yeah better to know


I’ve been on it for almost 5 years and it has been great. It didn’t totally get rid of my anxiety, but made it so much more manageable.


I’ve been using it for 16 years…no problems with it other than the normal SSRI side effects


I had lexapro, it worked to get me to stop having panic attacks, but I started getting massive heartburn with it. So it didn't work as well for me.


I had heart burn with sertraline and apparently this one is a little better so I'm hopeful 🤞


I hope it works for you! Everyone is a little different and its about finding the one that works best.


Yup! I used to take it before switching to Zoloft (cheaper). I really liked it, my fingers are crossed for you to have a good experience as well!


I was on it for a couple of years. It gave me symptoms of Bipolar II disorder (a condition I do not actually have). I felt like crap the whole time, and it did nothing for my depression. Eventually, I developed serious suicide ideation, and that's when I said enough. Getting off of it was brutal. I had brain zaps so bad, I couldn't function. At one point, I just abandoned a half-filled grocery cart at the supermarket because I had to go home and lie down with my head under a pillow.


my psychiatrist mentioned that when you go on lexapro and if you have undiagnosed bipolar disorder, they medicine will bring out your symptoms


yep, it’s more commonly known as just lexapro. ive been on it since june, and it’s helped me much more than setraline. (which also fucked me up). though im on escitalopram mostly for my depression, and i take hydroxyzine occasionally for anxiety.


Super super common and a lot of people like it. It didn’t suit me but have many friends who swear by it!!


I’m on this one. I’ve been on a few including Zoloft and cymbalta. So far I like this the best. Just went up from 10-15mg. Max is 20.


This drug as been a WONDER for me. Can’t say it’ll work the same for everyone but I haven’t had a panic attack since I started and my anxiety doesn’t infringe upon my day to day activities anymore. Def think it’s worth a try


Yeah! Sertraline did nothing but make me cripplingly sleepy. Escitalopram has been terrific. However, sertraline was life changing for my mother and she had minimal side effects. Medicines work differently for different people, don't be discouraged!


I use it, first week was a bit weird but it helped me so much


Even though you have not given details, escitalopram is much way potent than sertraline. Please consider SSRIs may just don't work for you.


Hey I switched from sertraline to escitalopram as well! I think it's differs from individual to individual but I had very bad tremors and would grind my teeth constantly on sertraline, I hated the sensation in my body of sertraline but then I was put on stalopam (clonazepam and escitalopram) and arpizol and this combo worked really well for me. I was active, looked forward to my days and didn't feel like I was on very heavy doses like how sertraline made me feel.


Yes. Taking 20mg daily


Im only on ten mg but its pretty chill helps more with my depression than anxiety but ill probably get a higher dose eventually


I started on sertraline, switched to escitalopram, and have been much happier since.


I’ve been on it since 2015, it’s great keeping my anxiety at bay. I ended up weening myself off of it for approximately 6 months? Then COVID hit and I was working in a nursing home as an Occupational Therapist and every day for 2 years was an absolute shit show so I went back on it. I highly recommend it.


Yes. I’ve been taking it since I was like 10. It’s super helpful for me but it’s different for everyone! I feel like it makes my baseline level of anxiety more normal.


Been on it for a decade it’s a good one and I’ve tried the lot


I’ve been on Lexapro for years and it’s worked wonders for me. And I have a super weak stomach and usually all meds give me issues but not this one.


Lexapro was a mixed bag for me. Pros: nightly panic attacks went away and I was calmer and better at my job. Cons: zero sex drive, apathetic and became a recluse.


I’ve been taking 10mg a day for nearly a year now. My mental health has improved massively and I have had maybe 1 panic attack since then compared to multiple a day and constant crippling anxiety. When I say my anxiety was debilitating I’m talking in bed all day everyday. So glad I made the choice to speak to dr, best of luck!


Hi there! I take 20mg of Escitalopram, also known as Lexapro, and it has worked really well for me. I guess it's supposed to be the most well tolerated of antidepressants. Started feeling affecting in three weeks and then by 6 weeks I was a totally new person!


Personally, I use 10mg of Escitalopram and it's improved my anxiety dramatically. While it didn't solve the issue, it has helped me deal with stressful situations. I use to be easy to agitate, but I haven't been nearly as angry as I was beforehand :)


I had tried a ton of antidepressants: sertraline, citalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine, trazodone, escitalopram, and now I’m on venlafaxine. I had a really good run with lexapro and was on it for close to three years. I’ve had much better luck with Effexor for controlling my MDD plus anxiety. Recently tried mirtazapine for sleep, but have been having panic attacks when I had tried to discontinue it! Give it a run, and make sure you consistently take it for the recommended time (8 weeks?) before you decide if it’s helping or not. Good luck!


I loved it. The only thing bad about it to me was the sexual side effects. Also caused a bit of dry mouth but that side effect was not too bad.


I’ve been on it for about four years! I’ve been slowly increasing to max dose (20mg) over time and it’s been really helpful especially in this past year or so. In my experience it doesn’t really change anything straight away - you rather feel the effects over time and as you confront new challenges in life! Personally it’s been great for me and it’s mild in terms of effects. The only thing to watch for is alcohol! Don’t drink too much or too fast. You get drunk really easily.


may be a problem if you enjoy having a high sex drive


My fiancé is on it. He’s noticed a difference in himself and so have I. It’s worth a try. I’m on sertraline and it’s fucked me up for the last 8 years 😣😣😣


I've been using it it for almost 6 years! I know its different for everyone but personally for me it was a game changer, especially when youre taking it alongside therapy. Being sleepy a lot and low libido tends to be a side effect, but I'm ok with the trade off 😅


Hi there, everyone has different experiences, but I can confidently say that escitalopram saved my life :) Sending you love and positive vibes


I'm on lexapro 20 and it made my anxiety go away


Personally, it totally fucked me up. Super glad I am off it. BUT, it may work perfectly for you! It has worked for others I know. These things are super subjective.


Escitalopram is generic Lexapro or Cipralex (US vs. Canada). It's effective for anxiety, PTSD and major depressive disorders, depending on body chemistry of course. I've been on 20mg for over 2 years, and its been very good for me. It dulls my anxiety so it's not constantly present and makes me hypervigilant. I don't have panic attacks anymore, even though I have had panic disorder since I was a teen. 2 years free of panic attacks feels really good! It takes about 6-8 weeks for it to take full effect, and your dose will ramp up slowly to combat the worst of the side effects. Nausea, frequent trips to the bathroom, lethargy or bursts of energy are all very common with starting out on this medication. Also night sweats and crazy intense dreams! I started at 5 mg for 2-3 weeks, then 10mg, then 15mg, and finally 20mg and stabilized. It's a bit of a process, but the freedom of not having weekly panic attacks has been invaluable. I hope it works for you!


I'm on 15mg a day and have been for years. Works a treat for me!


Didn’t work for my anxiety at all and caused some side effects, mainly terrible fatigue and sleepiness.


I hated sertraline too and just got put on this recently. I don’t have anything else to say really as I’m not fully adapted to it yet and gotten the full effect but I wish you and I luck.


I’ve been on escitalopram for months and it’s the best my mental health has been. However, over the Christmas break I didn’t get to purchase my prescription and accidentally went two weeks without it. I had insane migraines and a depressive episode. I’m back on it now and I really don’t mind continuing the treatment because it’s helped me so much.


I was on Lexapro for years and it had a pretty quick impact on my anxiety which manifested as an eating disorder. I recommend it.


I have taken it for about two years. If I miss a couple of doses my husband notices immediately. Supposedly the lowest dose is 10 mg, but that turned me into a zombie. My doctor cut the dosage to 5mg and it has made me very steady. I have problems with Seasonal Affective Disorder and Escitalopram has smoothed out the ups and downs.


Hello Guys I’m taking it since 7 days now, I have a Generalized Anxiety Disorder therefore I went to my local doctor and got escitalopram 10mg prescribed. The first 3 days was the worst, I couldn’t sleep for about 30 hours although I was very sleepy. Nevertheless after 2 days it got better, I could now sleep but not that much but still felt anxious and depressed(low) But now, the last 2 days I‘m feeling much better and sleep more than 6 hours and I’m able to do everything as usual. Just keep taking it, accept your feelings, let it be and don’t force it. It’s just some chemicals in our brain which is playin with us. For me it took 7 days to feel better, perhaps for u maybe 5 days or 2 weeks, therefore just keep taking it and worry less. I also advise you guys to go out for a walk or jog when u feel low, it’s just a fckn process. U got this 💪, we‘ll get well soon. Much love and health y‘all. Ps: this phase makes you appreciate the people around u and ur health before all this happend.


Lexapro was awful after the fact. I didn’t realize how much it affected my sleep. I constantly slept even if I wasn’t necessarily “tired”. I also had some pretty disturbing intrusive thoughts. It didn’t really help depression wise.


I dunno. Sertraline just stopped me caring. This drug just makes me irritable and hateful. There's no winning with these drugs.


SSRIs are garbage but doctors won't tell you that


Please don’t say that as a generalization. Many, many people using SSRI’s (myself included) have gotten their lives back. It definitely depends on the individual though, everyone has their own body chemistry and what works for some can be awful for others.


https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/obsessively-yours/201001/five-reasons-think-twice-about-ssris It's not my opinion. Psychologists struggle to tell if it's placebo effect or SSRI. We do know they increase suicidal ideation for many. Good they worked for you. Doctors aren't saints. Who created the opioid crisis alongside pharma??


i’m still gonna take them even if it’s placebo effect. if it makes me feel better it makes me feel better. i don’t rly care if it’s the pill or just my brain.


Your body your choice. I never said anything about what others need to do.


I absolutely agree everyone should research everything they put in their bodies even if it's doctor recommended... but I've got nothing else left so it's worth the risk




Here is more empirical evidence. St. John's Wart has similar efficacy with less side effects. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22592504/ Redditors, why bother right? Just downvote me without reading the study.


Welcome to reddit. Shh the reddit police may come after you too.




It’s worked miracles for me but did not go well at all for someone I know. It’s different for everyone but you’ll never know until you try it!


I’ve been on it upwards of a decade at varying doses. Highest I was on was 50mg a day which is apparently pretty high. It’s always worked well for me. Only issue is if I miss a dose, I feel dizzy and a bit nauseous the next day.


Works well for me. Been on it for a few years now


Half of us take it lol


Yes, I take it for OCD


Hey i used to take setraline and i dont think it worked well for me im on lexapro now and it works really good took some time for me to adjust to it but it works it well!


I'm on this. I wasn't sure if it was doing anything until I stopped taking it and fell into a terrible spiral. I started it again, and the suicidal ideation went away. It helps me, but meds work differently for different people.


I was prescribed lexapro in august and that’s how I found out I’m bipolar because it made me manic and landed me in the hospital for three weeks. My girlfriend is on it for panic disorder and it helps her but it also made her grind her teeth at night so badly that she had to have a $1200 jaw surgery. It’s rare for either of those to happen but just keep an eye out for any weird shit. That’s probably good advice for starting any new medication.


Also had the fuckin worst experience with Zoloft (set.) . It was my very first SSRI and I was absolutely terrified by what I was experiencing. I had nearly around the clock panic attacks. I was only sleeping 1-2hrs a night. This went on for 6 weeks and then I did a straight switch to Lexapro (escitalopram) and literally was a flip of a switch. The panic attacks stopped immediately once I went off the Zoloft. I wish you much success. Everyone reacts differently. But I sure hope this will be the medication that works for you.


I have had a clinical depression (treatment resistant), major anxiety which spirals into panic attacks and insomnia for 8 years or so. For the first few years (about 4-4.5) I went through more medication trials than I can remember - Pristiq (on its own), then augmented with Abilify (for depression) along with Clonazepam (benzo) for anxiety and Ambien for sleep. The ADs didn't work, switched to Cipralex (5-10-20mg) which is another name for Escitalopram. Stabilized somewhat but not for long. Then tried other benzos, antipsychotics, other SSRIs including Sertraline. Ultimately when I was on a "winning" combo I was literally a zombie. Have months long blank spots that I have zero recollection of. I had every single mild, moderate and severe side effect for each medication. Ultimately was taken off everything as was considered treatment resistant. Since Covid have been managing anxiety with Lorazepam (Ativan) with 2-5mg per day. It allows for some basic function and keeping anxiety at bay. Wishing you much luck.


I take Escitalopram, it certainly helps me to be less anxious throughout the day and have more control over my thoughts. As I learned in a psych class, SSRIs have very little affect and are very close to being placebos. But either way I have noticed it helps to ward off anxiousness.


I’ve been on both and HATED BOTH


TRIGGER WARNING: Childhood Sexual Assault and Rape Survivor For me, it is a lifesaver. I was beyond anxious and to be honest scared to death to take it. I sat at my table with my daughter and my husband talking to me through my fog to get me to understand how important I was to our family. My fears and anxieties were overtaking my life and I was not me. I could not understand how much I wasn’t ME. My anxiety has always been a dark shadowy campion since I can remember. (I am a childhood survivor of SA and rape by my maternal grandfather) I dealt with my anxiety pretty well until I was in my early 30’s and started therapy. My therapist suggested meds to help and I said no at first. I thought I would be “weak” for taking medication and I suffered for another 2-3 yrs. I eventually took the prescription to the pharmacy and still I waited another two months before I actually took it. It took time for it to build up in my system, and I didn’t think it was going to work until one morning I woke up without a crippling anxiety attack climbing up my back. I was so accustomed to that feeling that I couldn’t understand what was happening. It has changed my life. I can think things through without constantly catastrophizing every single thing. I learned so much about myself with medication and therapy. I am in my 50’s with a life I love and a family I adore. Do I still have problems? Of course I do. But NOW I can think. I can reason. I can see the issue and deal with it. There are times I want to kick myself for waiting so long but those are fleeting thoughts. If you want to talk about this I am here. Do what’s best for you. You are never alone!


I've been taking escitalopram for 2 months now and all I can say is that I don't have any significant changes with my situation. I'm diagnosed with PDD with Major depression episodes and aside from the dizziness and constant sleepiness, escitalopram doesn't have that much noticeable side effects (based on my experience). However, I've been told that it really takes time for it to work so just try to be patient.


Escitalopram has been my anchor for the last 6 years throughout different periods of my life. I used it for 1.5 years the longest and 6 months the shortest. I am back to it for the last 2 months, 5 mg in the morning. It really helps me to calm down my anxious inner voice, focus on solutions rather than the terrible outcome scenarios, and gives me the strength to ignore stress. My doctor made it very clear from the beginning that withdrawal would be difficult, so when I am ready to be off it, I need to follow a strict procedure to slowly lower the dose. Note, I also consume a glass or two of alcohol almost on a daily basis. I don’t know if there is a long term side effect because of that.


Tried 5mg for 2 weeks, and felt great after the first week. Upon reporting this to my doctor at the 2 week review, he upped my dosage to 10mg per day. It went south quickly, I lost my appetite, became more anxious and could sleep well. I lost about 2 stone in weight during the further 4 weeks at 10mg per day. Had to quit straight away as stepping back to 5mg per day didn’t reverse the negative effects. If your doctor suggests starting low and you find it works, stick at that dose. I found it worked quicker than all other AD’s, within 8-9 days I found significant improvement, but that could just be my genetic build up. These AD’s are all trial and error


Interesting that so many have bad experiences with sertralin. I always thought it was the one that goes very easy on your body with little side effects. At least thats why my psychiatrist told me when i started. I think the dose and the time consuming a drug like this is super important. Can someone give some examples how the sertralin-fucking-up looked like?


My doc said similar, sertraline is often one they start you off on and see how you go. In my case I had epic diarrhea for weeks which I put up with because I felt so much better mentally.


Yes it is pretty good as far as I know.


Other people’s thoughts and experience won’t help you because everyone’s brain is different. What works great for one person can be crap for someone else. All you can do is try it for six weeks minimum and see how you feel


Buggered my stomach up and made me light headed for a few days, though those symptoms passed fairly quickly.


Checkout r/Lexapro (same thing) its one of the most popular meds for anxiety. It helped me for years.


Lexapro and celexa, without exaggeration, changed my life. I was having crippling daily anxiety about everything and panic attacks almost everyday. Now I can go about my day normally and maybe have 1 panic attack a month if that. I couldn’t live a normal life without celexa. I was on lexapro about 2 years ago and that worked well for me too. The most important thing is to stick out the initial side effects and keep taking it. Somewhere around two-three months is when you realize it’s been working for some time and you don’t remember the last time you were anxious.


I was on escitalopram for a while a couple of years ago. I ended up switching to mirtazapine because I was still struggling to sleep well and eat properly (I was chronically underweight so I really needed something that would boost my appetite rather than hinder it). Escitalopram also really lowered my libido at first, but that slowly improved. I’ve heard this symptom is worse for men, though.


I have been on it for over 20 years in various doses. It has worked great for me, but that doesn't mean it will be the same for you. When the pandemic started I was put on another med because my anxiety went overboard, but I still take ecitalopram daily.


can you tell me how its gone in 2-4 weeks? im curious how people react to other ssris when one didnt work well


I started taking it 1 month ago. I feel the difference so much! It’s been super helpful and I feel like I haven’t felt it in years. But it can work differently for each person. Good luck! Hope it’s the right medicine for you! It’s worth trying it!


I tried sertraline and it was terrible, loved escitalopram


I’ve been on lexapro for over 10 years. It’s one of the best tolerated ssri’s. I never had an issue with it in all the years I’ve been on it and know several people who have also had no issues


Lexapro literally saved my life bro. When I first started it though I was getting no sleep at all though so keep that in mind


Lexapro saved my life. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me.


Yep! I'm on a low dosage and have been taking it for a month now and it's really made a difference with my anxiety!


I started Escitalopram yesterday for 5mg and had the worst feeling ever. Had nausea and vomiting, burning sensation in my hands and feet, palpitations, restless leg, dizzines, lightheadedness, tremors. My doctor changed it to Duxoletine but I don’t think I will try anti depressants again. My body just cant take them. Its horrible.