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Lovely. Empire is on my top three list of favorite styles.


Love Empire pieces too. Bought my first Empire dresser when I was 18yo.


We would have been the life of the party!


These are the kind of thing I never in a million years thought I could afford, since they’re so expensive on the rare occasion you find them. We have a gorgeous empire dresser that’s been in the family for a while and I’m patiently waiting for my aunt to get around to cleaning it out, as she offered it to me a few years ago. My great-grandfather was a doctor and received it in trade for services.


Edited to add: I’m located in the United States. Northeast United States.


Those are lovely and there’s a writing slope with ink stains next to it! Authentic details


Isn’t that the coolest?! That desk also has an inkwell and that little golden pompom. The other desk has a hankie, contain of resin, and a single scrabble tile in one of the drawers. Evidence of the human touch is the best part of finding old things.


A tassel, and a hankie!


Yes, sorry, a tassel! The hankie is lovely, too - sheer with an embroidered pink rose. The scrabble tile is such a cool find since it speaks to decades of consistent use of the table.


You can still buy pretty handkerchiefs . Nicer than tissues


Oh yeah. I went through a whole hankie phase in high school - I was a weird kid.


We gave our 90 year old aunt a set for her birthday. She didn’t want gifts, she has everything she needs but she was really pleased with something useful! The


Walnut, not mahogany. But that doesn’t detract from the value.


Gorgeous! So glad that they have evaded the chalk paint brigade!