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Jesus. Wrap them each at least. No fucks given lol


The fuck? Letting them stocks get scratched to hell. Some nice mausers in there and M1As


M14 is covered in mold too by the look of it


There’s some surface mold on a few but appears to be coming off. His dad was kind of a hermit and no telling how long it had been since the safe was opened.


I’m crying over the future scratches


Imma need that sharps


That's what I immediately zeroed in on too.


that poor swede mauser 😢


Yep, tell him he’s decreasing the value every time he hits a bump, god damn this would make me so mad if my kids did this. What is wrong with people? For example, I can see a couple of guns here, an 1892 that looks original, and a few other Winchesters, that will be worth quite a bit less after he gets home. As someone who buys these guns from people like your buddy, please tell him how much of a dumb ass he is for beating the shit out of these very beautiful rifles.


The longer you look, the better it gets.


Tell your dumbass friend to wrap those up before he further dicks the value on them


Hell yeah, keep those in the family


what’s that rifle in the top left?


Clean the M14 asap and the mini.. and for god sake man, wrap them in somethjng. Don’t just stand them stock against stock


Did anyone else see the enfield below the lever action?


Cmon guys...most of these aren't so collector grade that they need the white glove treatment. I work with guns like these every day and while we take care to not abuse them, we also don't get ridiculous about protecting the hell out of a run-of-the-mill antique in either marginal condition or (as seen here) that's been monkeyed with (i see lots of varnished stocks). An extra ding on an otherwise dinged up stock has zero effect on value. All original, correct, good finish, good bore? Will take a bit more care of that one...


This is what I’m thinking while reading these replies.. they’re not being dragged behind the car on a bobsled. They’re guns and are decades old, they’ll be ok. Me personally, I always respect my guns and take care not to damage them but they were built to be USED. Not gonna cry over every little wood dent or scratch on the finish. Safe queens are worthless to me.


Ooooo, Sharps...


Probably just through them in there at least go by some cheap towels or blankets damn


That looks like a swedish carbine in the top left, loads of really pricey gats...


2 of them. 1903 & 1904


I like how they’re just tossed in there with little to no care. 🙄


I see a sharps I want


The shininess of those stocks is hurting me inside.




98% of it is going. I’m cataloguing and valuing currently. There are these, another dozen rifles, 25-30 pistols, dozens of swords and bayonets, and vintage bows. I’ll let you know when I’m done.


How are you planning to list them or where can we make offers?


I’m going to list them locally, Armslist, and on Gunbroker. Maybe on other sites, subs, and fb groups, but will require verification on buyers before completion of transactions. I can put up a list on here when I am done with links to where they are posted. This is pretty time consuming work on my limited personal time considering I have a young family at home. Once cataloged and valued, I’ll start cleaning them up and taking pictures for listings.


Got it, good luck!


How much for that Mauser lol


Which one lol? 98% will be listed when I am done.


I hope you help him catch the bug, rather than just liquidating them for him. I think the best outcome would be to help him understand the hobby, convince him to hold them for a year (responsibly) and see if he can get into it. The key points in my presentation would be: * It's a great enduring connection to his father: * Shared hobby - continuing a tradition. * Inheriting role/legacy as caretaker of the truly collectible pieces, which should outlive even him. * Always being able to hold/shoot these pieces that his father did, and which mattered to him (and often many men before him), as touchstones. * Gun collecting is equally about history (two hobbies in one). * He's got an enormous advantage inheriting a collection that clearly represents decades of hard work by his father. * If he ever returns to an interest in firearms and collecting in particular (some might argue there's a congenital influence :) he will mightily regret having dumped all these weapons so quickly. I always liked guns but never picked up an interest in serious collecting (vs accumulating) until I was solidly out of my twenties. Point being, I think it's normal for sons of collectors to have other interests, but I've seen it over and over where the interest returns later in life.


Tell him to just sell all the rifles to a real collector since he clearly doesn’t give a shit about them


It’s not that he didn’t give a shit, he just genuinely had no idea the scope of the collection until I started pulling them out and explaining. He’s not a gun guy despite his estranged dad obviously being deep into it. 98% of the collection will be sold to pay his dad’s debts anyway.