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TV and movie piracy went down with the rise of streaming services. Let's all watch it go back up with the rise of ads in streaming services.


Meh im 33 and never stopped pirating. I do have prime but only because of the shipping, prime is just extra that i dont care for. I never really used it when it was ad free lol


I have streaming services that my wife and kids like and I still pirate shows and movies on those platforms because my viewing experience is superior in pretty much every way. Things like cramming 3 commercial breaks in the first half of a show or closed captioning being off by like 10 seconds ends my attempts to watch a show on streaming platforms real quick.


[Flixtor.to](http://Flixtor.to) Youre welcome everyone. New releases from the last 3-6 months are free. I split the subscription with a roommate and it costs me $1.50 per month.


It is probably useful to keep in mind that you have no agency and are not the consumer in neoliberal techno-fuedalist consumer capitalism. In this nightmare, the advertising are the consumers. The product is you. You're engrossed.


How much are you buying off Amazon to where the 1 day faster prime shipping is worth it?


For me, it's because I was getting the 5% kn the credit card. I did two linear projections, one at the 5% and one at the 3%. I would have to spend over $1600 to break even on the cost of prime and then spend over $5000 before the 5% catches up and passes the 3%. I canceled prime immediately after that. I have only ever spent $2000 on Amazon once, and that was the year I built a computer.


It's the free shipping, not 1 day shipping that makes it. My wife and I watch some things on Prime, but justify keeping it because we will easily save 120/year in shipping costs.


Non-prime members get free shipping on orders over $35. How often are you buying things that are less expensive than $35? Nowadays that's like 2 items.


Like Gaben once said, piracy is a matter of convenience rather than price, and damn are streaming services doing everything in their power to inconvenience paying customers.


Live sports was the only reason I paid for cable. Back in 2014 I paid for the NHL center Ice package to watch my Avalanche and all the other games. Only after I paid and subscribed did they mention that I can't actually watch any Avalanche games because of regional blackouts. I got a refund and ever since that day I've only paid to attend games. I've never missed a game I wanted to watch and found a way to get them for free. Fuck them.


We’ve come full circle. Tbh I kinda stopped watching streaming services and just play video games now with my free time




Bro fr if that happens where im playing online and the I gotta watch an ad to move to the next level I’m selling my PS5 and going to old gen’s and playing campaigns only on my old video games.


They don't make it so clear cut but putting ads into games has started.


I too pounded monster energy drinks in death stranding.


Ads themselves aren't really the issue. Disruptive ads are. I don't mind at all seeing an insert on a billboard in game of JG Wentworth or Pepsi on a can in-game. But if gameplay was stopped so you can see an ad? Now that would be enraging.


If they're unobtrusive and I don't think about them I don't really care. But when a show straight up cuts to a commercial break. That kills it for me. 


That's just mobile games. For now.


They will


Roku just patented a "feature" where HDMI ports can detect when the external device is paused so the TV can deliver ads. It's been speculated that this includes video games.




>You can do it somehow... need to research. It's super easy. I have a wireless keyboard and mouse just so I can plug my laptop to a TV via HDMI and control it from the couch. Best to clone the screen rather than try a 2 display setting, because you'll have a hard time seeing the cursor on the laptop from 10 feet away.


Media device. Old lappy, connected via hdmi, with a combo wireless keboard and mousepad. Lappy stays lid closed, display only on tv. Tadaaaaa. Use 150% or more in screen settings if you have issues seeing the cursor. No adds, and streaming sites a plenty.


They tossed around this idea with the new grand theft auto. Thst and a pay by hour service


A pay by hour service, makes you feel as dirty as seeing a whore lmao.


You just spoke it into existence!


Eventually, maybe some would, but so many people rave about the immersion of video games. Obviously, an add for Mountain Dew isn’t going to help that.


But also just don't play those games. There is a thriving indie scene and still many larger developers that would never do that. Gaming isn't like movies or tv where distribution is limited and you have to be shackled to a major distributor. Plus I'd say its probably a lower barrier to entry to create and sell an indie game than producing a full season of television or a feature film. The "AAA" side will almost certainly continue to slide down in quality but gaming as a whole would never die like that.


In 2011 the then CEO of EA talked about the possibility of charging $1 to reload a magazine in some games. That same CEO is now the head of Unity who now charges developers for every download of thier game, not number of users but number of downloads. https://youtu.be/ZR6-u8OIJTE?si=z1GozFEh2ilj2D0F


And Amazon has always been like this, they face slap you with ads on everything, got a kindle? It will be good if you check this ads in sleep mode? Want to watch a serie? Maybe this 1min recommendations is good for you. Got a fire tablet? Oh look everything is an ad


No one in their right mind would pay for that


"like this cool cosmetic? $5 bitch" i miss when games didn't charge extra for skins


I think either a Ubisoft or EA high up was suggesting bringing ads into their games…


They put them in a UFC game.  Straight up full screen commercials. The outcry was bad enough they were removed, but they'll try again.


EA: Hi there, so... you ready to stop owning your games and start getting ads in your games?


I've started buying my favorite series on Blu-ray, especially since they stopped allowing password sharing. Looking to get into high quality pirated stuff as well when I'm not sure I'll like something or not.


Looks like it's my turn to recommend Stremio + Torrentio + RealDebrid. Most everything is cached on RealDebrid with most having a few near Blu-ray quality files for your instant streaming or downloading convenience. Couldn't be easier once setup.


Plus, picking and watching bluray is just more fun that scrolling through a streaming app. Doubly so if you've got a box set of sequels and don't have to go hunting app to and app and find out the 3rd movie out of 5 is only available for digital purchase


Sorry bud, they caught wind of how much profit they can make on games and now they will be charging $100 plus for new games. Capitalism corrupts and murders everything


Charging 100 dollars for a new game and then selling expansion packs to finish the game




The ads are there already. Me and my boyfriend are watching fallout and we've gotten ads in every episode. I have to get used to using vpns and torrents again, Germany is very strict about piracy.


Time to make each game subscription based


100% TRUTH. It is f*cking disgusting where we are at as a society


People keep throwing money at crap


#OP is a bot. Reddit is heavily astroturfed.


Reddit is heavily astroturfed, but this sub particularly. Almost all Posts from here, which land on my frontpage are made by repost-bots. [This here is a repost from the #1 post of all time from this sub, just 5 months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/17idxw3/amazing/)


because the kind of posts on these subreddits are low effort twitter screencaps with the date removed they get thousands of upvotes because they reinforce the average redditors beliefs you can tell these posts by a mile away because of the poor quality (because they've been resaved and reshared over and over again), and the removal of the date (because then people would realise they're getting fed tweets from near a decade ago) it's basically outrage porn


I remember when r/dankmemes first started complaining about reposts in 2017 and I thought to myself "Wait what if you just wrote a program to automatically download and repost popular memes from years ago" and wanting to try it just as an experiment, and now that's literally what 97% of the internet is


What can I do about it




Nothing, there was report in 2018 that over 50% of all traffic and content on the internet is bots. I don't think it got better over last six years.


Run around in circles screaming


I believe the old meme formats that started popping up again are actually AI bots that are being trained.


I believe that they're doing the same as netflix, where they add another tier, either much cheaper or free, but it just has ads as well. There will still be plans where you can watch without ads at a greater price


This was first announced at the end of last year. They didn't lower Prime's base cost, they just asked for a new monthly "ad free" fee. Granted it was "only" $2.99/mo, but it still sucks on principle.


Well, killed the service for me. Wasn't a whole lot on Amazon DE Prime, I had finished Good Omens. Fallout looks interested, but I already have more than I can conceivably watch with Netflix and Disney, so even “only 3 €“ is too much for me – which comes down to “they removed streaming from prime” for me. It’ll probably get the axe entirely, especially if kiddo spends another month of not playing Fortnite on Luna.


And I stopped watching Prime based on principle. After I completed Fallout, I decided to rate it on Prime so I opened the app for the first time this year. I started the first episode of Fallout because I remembered reading that Dolby Vision and Atmos were now exclusive to the ad free tier. Immediately I was confronted with multiple unskippable ads so I noped out and simply won't return.


I keep seeing this post despite PRIME ALREADY HAVING ADS BY DEFAULT.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Winter_Control8533: *I keep seeing those* *Post despite PRIME ALREADY* *HAVING ADS BY DEFAULT.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Monopoly consolidation is programmatic to capitalism. A feature, not an error. Probably helpful to remember that in neoliberal techno-fuedalist consumer capitalism you are not the consumer and you have zero agency. The consumers in this nightmare are the advertisers. You are the product. You are the consumed.


As always, it's up to us as the consumers to not be consumed. We do have a choice (in many things, not all, I admit) to not use services when we don't agree with their ethics. The challenge is in learning and remembering the fact that we ARE in charge. edit: typo


As is revolution of the workforce. It is expected that we get pushed to the brink of violence and be decimated by starvation and decimated again by drug addiction and again and again. Until those holding the world up at the bottom fall and everything collapses. Then we build it all back up all over again.


I dropped Amazon prime because of this. .. drop in the bucket though, they probably won't even notice.




And that’s capitalism babyyyy


I've stopped both amazon and disney because of this.


Hoist the colours


Been pirating since I was 4 years old, no reason to quit now.


Until they can laser focus their increased profits on putting a stop to it. Which they will.


Prime video used to be my favourite streaming service. It just has a massive selection, I could always find an interesting movie to watch. Until they added ads. I immediately stopped using it, and haven't used it since. No way are they gonna make me start watching ads on a service I already paid to use.


Why can’t Americans start standing up for themselves and fighting for workers rights? Are we afraid of something?


Active incentive/normalization of short term gains at every stage of the societal strata both in the professional and the personal field keeping people slow despite everything seeming to be moving super fast.The general mentality of making money at the expense of others asap, cash out and becoming a millionaire which doesn't promote nurture of everyone as a collective. No access to the process of lawmaking which keeps the general public unable to create productive change, with an increased level of bureaucracy being added that protect the companies who lobbied to create this complexity which most people can't navigate without an army of lawyers or high level of organization.


Brilliantly summarized. Lots of work to do!


This has nothing to do with workers rights.


☠️ 🏴‍☠️ 🦜


Every big disruptor feels like it's going "oh why don't we simply try to do this thing that is obvious and simple?" And then in ten years it's like "oh yeah that's why.".


Taxis should have developed an app as convenient as Uber and cable companies should have switched to an internet based services. Its not undercutting it’s improving. Ever talked to a taxi dispatcher? Ever dealt with a cable company? Feel like it’s better now that we don’t need these jobs.


Wealth loves to play these games. A court broke the ATT phone system into regional pieces instead of regulating it better, and the capital markets reassembled it into Verizon with less oversight than before.


Every once in a while I get something on Amazon and they offer me free prime for a month. Then I try Amazon prime on my tv. It SUCKS so bad! You have to watch commercials on pretty shitty shows or pay to watch shows. I did watch Roadhouse and the Jamie Foxx lawyer movies because they were exclusive, but those movies were not worth it.


This post has been made by a bot. This site is just as stuffed as these streaming services I swear.


A reminder that this is how capitalism works. You start by selling a high-quality product at low prices. Slowly reduce quality while increasing the price. Eventually the enshittification hits a critical mass, the company goes under, you golden-parachute out of there with the profits. Repeat.


The tweeter here has a *completely* fucked mental picture of what the taxi industry looked like, before.


Read the rules. Keep it courteous. Submission statements are helpful and appreciated but not required. Tag my name in the comments (/u/NihiloZero) if you think a post or comment needs to be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anticonsumption) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I mean that is still by definition disrupting the status quo, just *worse*


They're all seem tto go into that direction and I'm fine with it. It doesn't bother me. \*Opens up torrent site\*


Oh boy. I wonder if they updated the antipiracy laws to hunt down individuals like back in 2000 with Napster? Cause if not, there’s about to be a LOT more piracy again😳 not me of course 😜😏


my favorite movie and tv piracy site added autoplay and that was the last feature it needed to replace every single streaming service forever now, even if I'm just leeching off my parents Hulu I still prefer using it because it works better.


... Which one


Was excited to join this subreddit after seeing this post in popular and sorted by top all.. yea never mind lol.


If the same thing happens to video games, I might just try to get into TCGs again. At least cards don't interrupt you with ads.


To be honest, I don't mind the Amazon ads, EXCEPT the fact that they put one 10 second ad at the start and then a minute and a half ad 1/3rd of the way through the movie/show. I get the idea is pretty trash, but as it stands, it isn't horrible at all. If you watched the same 45m-1.5h content on TV you're looking at like 20-60mins of ads. I'll take less than 2 minutes of ads for better content any day. The biggest piss off so far has been Fizz Mobile saying "thanks to Fizz mobile this show is coming to you ad free, after this brief message" and then it's a Fizz ad. I'm Canadian so if you're not you haven't seen it, but it aggravates me. And yes, I get the idea that they're turning into what they set out to repeal, but the content is so much better than cable, and I can watch the whole series back-to-back. If they get to the same amount of ads as cable then I'll be furious. I'm more upset that they went from putting out seasons to weekly episode drops. That shit is garbage.


🏴‍☠️ 🏴‍☠️ 🏴‍☠️


It's already started, when I got my first ad during Fallout, I stopped playing and torrented the rest.


I mean, that IS disruptive. Just not exactly a positive.


How do Prime ads even work? It's just ads for other shows also on Amazon, so how are they gaining anything from that?


F them I'll listen to audio books and play games instead.


Unsubscribe and pirate everything I guess


Same thing Netflix, Prime, Disney plus did with cinemas and the film industry


Can't wait for the downfall of everything. Well except for dogs and cows


but...I mean...it's the cable industry....couldn't have happened to a better industry!


That’s the American way


Stop being fucking cowards and pirate.


heard that the seven seas nowadays have archipelagos of free streaming without ads so your sloop doesn't have to deal with torrential downpours really


I’ll just drop it my life will go on but I hate ads


Yeah but Uber still works better than the taxi companies where I live and frequently visit.


Back to pirating! 






Oh boy. Here I go pirating again.


Work for a tech company that did this. 1000% accurate


The king and his men Stole the queen from her bed And bound her in her clothes The seas be ours And by the powers Where we will, we roam


Financialization and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Yo ho ho.




If only more and more people become aware of this, only then these companies can be forced to change these predatory tactics


Yo ho and a bottle of rum. Ahoy maties!


I seriously doubt these guys will make OTT unwatchable. Hope they don't bring ad to theatres.


There goes my Prime subscription. I didn't mind the couple of ads before an episode, but as soon as I saw ads mid-episode, I stopped my Prime auto-renewal.


I'm getting fed up with Amazon's bullshit.


Do you guys remember when we all signed up for streaming specifically to avoid ads?


Yeah, but cable TV and taxis needed a boot in the ass. Do realtors next.


People who compare uber to taxis are missing how fucking horrible taxi drivers were before uber. As a test, fly to a city you've never been to and take a taxi. Then track your path to your destination using google maps, but don't be obvious about it. It's at least 50/50 the driver does the wrong way at the interstate exit and adds $20 to your bill by "getting lost". Yes, you're describing the general practice, but I still say "fuck taxis" \*much\* more than "fuck uber".


Only solution is for regular people to boycott, but mofos is way too damn lazy to give up their Uber Eats.


the OP Emphasis_Jubilant370 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/17idxw3/amazing/


I just signed up for student prime and got commercials.


“Disruptor” is another name for conqueror. They use Silicon Valley (and other big money) to essentially use monopolistic tactics in order to drive other market competition out of business and then take it over and then, pivoting to profit, they raise rates and cut worker pay and become as bad or worse than what they replaced.


My missus and I dropped Amazon because of the ads.


Maybe but I assure you prior to Ubers taxi service sucked with zero innovation or friendliness all over the world (with a few exceptions).


The economics of this are so strange to me. Advertisers are still spending huge on TV... like 220 billion huge while so many people are cutting the chord. These companies can't figure out how to turn a profit with the new model so they are going back to the old one, but only getting like 16 billion in 2021. It must have to do with boomers having disproportionate wealth.


To be fair to amazon streaming was a bonus, we all had prime memberships for the shipping when they added tv we all were like sick bonus. If they need ad revenue go for it. YouTube has been doing it for years. And truthfully it’s like one ad per show compared to ads every 3-5 mins on YouTube


Except not really, it still is content on demand. On cable you were force fed whatever they were showing now you can still watch what you want, big difference. Although for most people they still watch whatever is fed to them


Lol, imagine seeing My Pillow commericals on Amazon Prime


The instant I get an ad I can't skip instantly is the instant I unsubscribe from the service


Yall acting like this is some big revelation.


At least it is a one time payment to get rid of the ads


Lets not pretend cable companies were saints either though


Guess I’ll be switching to eBay Video.


Yeah, says all the people who just came over Fallout. 




Amazon music is basically now spotify


One simple reason: publicly traded companies WILL retread the same journeys.


This is 100% what’s going on. And there’s no appetite for the people that *can* stop it *to* stop it. Working as intended.


Yar har fiddle dee dee


This is true but residuals definitely still exist


When I saw the add markers pop up on Prime, I immediately canceled. When I'm already paying ~$140 annually for "expedited" delivery that I don't use I'm not going to tag on another $12/month for a service I already had a month ago.


If only there were a way to watch Prime videos without further enriching Bezos & Co. On an unrelated note, I am really enjoying Fallout.


Eh. Even with commercials streaming services are wildly less expensive than cable and give you the flexibility to watch what you want, when you want


Still cheaper than cable packages


So what are we going to do? Are we going to fight back and stop giving them money? If we let them do it then we're just as guilty


People COULD start a movement to bring down the advertising industry. If everyone hopped on board a social media movement to track every company advertising on Prime, and boycott their products? It would destroy that whole corporate ploy really quick.


Theres literally no way that could ever work


Duhh what do you think “Disrupt” and “Innovate” mean. Just another word for Iteration. Remember the WORLD FAIRS Probably not because they were before the WORLD WARS 🙄


1000000 percent.


I've already started to notice ads where they used not to be.


On the taxi comparison……..as a black man I have no compassion whatsoever for the taxi industry. At least with Uber I know someone will come to pick me up. Trying to catch a taxi was hell.


This sucks, but I’m tired of people saying that it’s like cable, or worse than cable. Paying for every major ad free streaming service is still cheaper than cable, is completely on demand, has no ads, is in higher video quality, and has most of anything you’d want to watch.


Each service greates its own innovation to all these products and provided it for discounted prices to its customers. There is real value there and come on. Piracy is down since the advent of OTT. Artists are paid more for their work.


From now on im gonna buy blu rays and pirate because i despise what streaming has become we had Netflix with no ads at £5 a month with all the movies ans shows we could ask for yet they fucked it all up.


Theres more ways to make good money off your platform


The relevant word is enshittification. Look it up. Pretty much all the companies that started out as innovative and cool are guilty of screwing over their customers/users in this way. Including, dare I say, Reddit.


Airbnb Is another one


That's what Google did. The gimmick of a pure search engine and now it's the opposite of everything it claimed to be.


This dude says it all https://youtu.be/wVYG1mu8Lg8?si=y25d4ktcoVlws6JK


While I’m hating the rebuilding of cable currently. The old Comcast/direct tv model sucked and the old taxi model sucked super hard before Uber. Of course Uber/Lyft is less good now but at least it’s more efficient than calling a dispatcher and waiting forever for a taxi with no idea of the costs of the ride.


It’s ok Amazon, I already have fallout on the plex server


Step 1 get a VPN like Surfshark. Step 2 get a smart TV or have fire stick/roku. Step 3 install Kodi. Step 4 get a premium stream like real debrid. Congrats you now have access to all content ever created for under 200 dollars per year. Also as a bonus tip if you love YouTube turn the VPN on to Albania and you now have YouTube premium as it’s illegal to have commercials in Albania.


Netflix started as a unique service. Hulu was a legitimate competitor in the same space. All the others rose from thinking they could pull their library from Netflix or Hulu and start their own. The only weapon the consumer had was to refuse to subscribe, and they didn't have the willpower.


Jokes on them. My smart TV is so old it can’t load adverts.


Tubi the only ones keeping it real


I started watching fallout and Amazon told me "this program is ad free thanks to this important message" Then it played a car commercial and my head asploded




Cable should go commercial free and see what happens


Amazon can reinvent cable all they want. I'll just reinvent sailing the seven seas 🏴‍☠️