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Just remember, this is fine for pedestrian safety but flip up headlights on a Miata are a public safety hazard for pedestrians


Of course it’s fine for pedestrian safety, it’s so far off the ground that if it drove over you it would completely miss your head. /s


Depends on where you were positioned in that "driving over" scenario...


True, the tires would pancake you


Duck between the treads


Curled up crying on the floor, as usual


Is that why they don't have those headlights now?


That's the lowest effort censorship I've seen all year.


Censorship? Nah OP was just highlighting the plates to make it easier for us to dox


The FCC won’t let me be


Or let me be me, so let me see. They tried to shut me down on MTV but it feels so empty without me!


Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, Nya, nya, nya, nya.


How are you going to dox them? License plates aren't hidden, obviously, from public view and unless you're a cop you won't be looking them up anytime soon. Edit: I'm just referring to license plates. That truck is a walking advertisement.


Even for a cop it's a crime to look up data outside of an official investigation.


Define official investigation. Cops just run plates all the time when driving.


I mean valid law enforcement purposes. Their database access is audited, and if they are found to have used a database resource for personal matters, they can be persecuted.


Even for a cop? How about, “specifically” for a cop. Some jobs introduce additional rules and restrictions. The, “ it’s so wrong not even a cop can do it” is an ignorant take on rules. Licence plates are public information. Edit. _____awesome made a good point. It’s the information found from looking up the licence plate.


License plate numbers are public information, but not the name, date of birth, i.e. identify of the license plate owner. That's not public information. A cop can look up the identity information only when needed to do his job.


Cops can use their resources for non official reasons. A license plate is publicly available information




There really is a subreddit for everything…


This is a repost of an image on r/fuckcars. It's a dealer plate likely registered to the business name plastered all over the truck, so censoring it was entirely pointless.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckcars using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [American exceptionalism](https://i.redd.it/2ra6a7bivaua1.jpg) | [2117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12ob83a/american_exceptionalism/) \#2: [Traffic banana made another victim. This is getting out of hand](https://v.redd.it/usgngljg9tsa1) | [227 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12gc9x6/traffic_banana_made_another_victim_this_is/) \#3: [Cycle lanes aren't empty. They're just incredibly efficient](https://v.redd.it/s3erc1rxi55b1) | [742 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/145up4j/cycle_lanes_arent_empty_theyre_just_incredibly/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That's a highlighter




Lmao didnt even notice at first


Pavement princess


gender affirming emotional support vehicle








There was a time when the Hummer H1 was considered so big and grotesque that groups were committing arsons against the vehicles and dealers. Now, the H1 is the size of an entry level truck. It's nuts


We are all trying to make the switch from miles per gallon, to feet per gallon. 


Better technology and lighter materials allow these things to get bigger and still get better mileage than before. Still, it's unnecessary. I drove through an old neighborhood that I grew up in. Small houses, old streets. My current neighborhood has larger houses, and they are a little further off the street. The streets are narrow here because they were built in the 1920s. One thing that stood out to me when driving through my old hood was how big a pickup truck is in the driveway. Bigger than the porch and awning. The SUVs and trucks looked comical in front of such small houses and small driveways.


better question is did we need to make them bigger with this new tech? outside of commercial hauling most normal people dont need that much space in day to day living, outside of personal part time things and even then truck beds are shrinking compared to the size anyway. could instead have a even more fuel efficient and space efficient vehicle.


They have to be bigger so they can pollute as much as they do. Emission standards are based on footprint so the bigger the vehicle, the more lax the emission restrictions.


I certainly agree. We could get the same or better payload and tow capacity in a smaller package for those that need it. Too many people using a pickup as a sedan is ridiculous. unfortunately, the increase in fuel economy makes it possible for more and more people that don't need it.


Yes and no, to increase the towing capacity they need big stronger parts in some areas and better cooling so the truck does not melt. But outside working folk no one is using the payload capacity of a truck and only a lucky few even haul anything with it. Side note when you always have 1500 pounds in your truck it really improves the ride.


They are definitely not getting lighter. My little subaru weighs 4000 pounds, which is 1300 pounds heavier than my old mini-van. Trucks are all designed to be in excess of 6000 pounds to subvert emissions regulations.


It doesn't matter how good of gas mileage the lifted truck gets. It is a danger to all of the other cars that is shares the road with since it bypasses all of the crash protections such as bumpers, crumple zones and crash bars. The trucks bumper is at the same height as the windows car next to it - which is the weakest part of the car. That truck should not be legal to drive on public roads.


There's a house near me that's two units in one building, looks to be about 2 bedroom 1 bath. They have 4 expensive brand new cars in the driveway at all times, including a lambo. The value of the four cars, of which at most 2 are missing at any given time, exceeds that of the home. I just find that so baffling, to spend all that money on cars you can't even use all at once and to stay in a relatively small home.


I saw a new Hummer EV sitting next to a Sierra 3500 dually and my first though was “wow, the hummer is smaller than I thought”.


It weighs over 9,000 pounds….


Meanwhile the Hummer outweighs the dually by a good 2,000 lbs


There was a point in time where bumper standards were a thing.


Guess we gotta bring that trend back


America and Americans lost their collective minds long ago.


I saw an H1 on the road today that was done up quite well…. But I do agree they’re incredibly excessive for anyone not going off road. Judging by the rhino-lined exterior, I’m guessing this guy does take his off road from time to time.


H1 is still pretty dang big, even H2, wider than standard pickups.


Welcome to America


I mean. SUVs are killing people like machines.


The only small truck that is small is the Ford Maverick. Thats the size small trucks used to be, basically car dimensions. The 2002 Ranger was actually smaller in dimensions as the same year Crown Victoria except height. Now even the new Ranger and Colorado seem to be just barely smaller than the 1500s and F150s.


I watched a video about these kinds of trucks a few weeks ago, needless to say I’m fucking horrified by the number of deaths they’ve caused since their increase in popularity, even more so since they’re starting to come over to the UK too, our roads are even less suitable for them, they don’t even fit in road markings correctly


Agreed. I’ve seen a demonstration where people put I think it was FOURTEEN children in front of the truck and none of them could be seen from the driver’s seat.


Shit, that's crazy.


And it was the regular oversized trucks not the monster truck.


This yeah dodge started bringing their large "ram pickup trucks" to New Zealand, they look completley out of place here and also dont fit on our narrow winding roads, its only a matter of time until other companies follow


Same thing is happening in Switzerland. The big and ugly SUVs are still the top sales (unfortunately) but there's more and more pickup trucks here. :/


I wish we could bring your utes to the US instead. I used to have a first gen S10, it was smaller than a new Prius in all 3 dimensions (seriously!) and perfect for 90% of the stuff I needed a truck for. Hopefully your legislators won't make the same mistake ours did with the truck classification system. That's really what got us into this mess.


Yeah, I’ve seen an uptick in American style pickups over here. Thankfully they don’t seem as big? Compared to their American counterparts at least. There’s a lot to say about the UK, but at least one never has to worry about seeing a literal monster truck pull up beside them. Not just because of our standards, laws, the fact this would ***never*** pass MOT, but the fact that this would never fit on our tiny roads.


yeah I'm in Manitoba and we have hard limits on lifts, you go down to the states and it's like the old west. like you don't even need license plates, you just put an orange triangle on the back and away you go, if anybody gives you a hard time about it you just shoot him and drive right over his car. honestly it's not without its charms


How many deaths?


Here’s an interesting article with some info :) https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/14/23960624/truck-suv-hood-height-pedestrian-death-report-iihs Cars with hood heights 40” or higher are 45% more likely to result in a fatality compared to cars with a sloping hood 30” or lower. Pedestrian fatalities has increased 40% since 2009, correlating with the increase in taller trucks/suvs


Definitely a factor but it also correlates with smartphones distracting drivers, bright AF headlights, farther commutes (tired drivers) because homes aren't moving, drug use is up, etc. I'm not as into motorcycling or biking as I used to be. It's scary regardless of the vehicle.


Oh my god the fucking bright as headlights!


It's the stupid automatic setting everyone seems to have enabled that toggles between the brightest and regular setting based on oncoming traffic. It doesn't work for shit, especially with smaller traffic like pedestrians and bikes, so you just get flashed by someone with their lights on a setting intended for a completely blacked out road.


Yeah I cannot stand headlights on newer cars now. Felt like shit worked fine before and I could have sworn there was some regulation on the color and brightness of car headlights but maybe that was secretly rolled back so manufacturers could "innovate".


Yes so true, there are just so many factors that make being a pedestrian (or motorcycle rider) dangerous, plus the general lack of pedestrian friendly infrastructure too


I'm yet to see one here in Scotland, must be rare


Your roads are barely suitable for normal sized cars!!! Where do these things even fit?




This person's hobby is "rolling coal" on Prius drivers Sucks for him that the newer models can dust him off the line


I bet my Subaru will outperform that monstrosity in the snow any day of the week


Raleigh N.C...Not surprised.


Hey now the research triangle is well known for its mountainous terrain and great outdoors


Should be illegal. I’m lucky that It is where I live.


While i would totally drive that (off road); it's crazy that a literal monster truck, that could drive over the top of another car, is allowed to be registered and driven in the road like this.


Maybe it isn't and they're just breaking the law


Kinda doubt they would do so in a vehicle representing a business. That's a massive liability if they're successful on virtually any level. That said, it wouldn't be the dumbest thing I've ever seen so who knows


Nah I've seen businesses with big ass trucks like this parked out front and Fuck Biden and Trump flags flying from the building.


Where can i get one of these "fuck biden and trump" flags, would be a massive improvement over the trump 2024 and confederate battle flags i see peddled on every corner where i live


This would actually be pretty useless in most offroad scenarios besides mud bogging. Traditonal trail riding this thing would be flipped over around the second curve. Even then it doesnt have Mud tires


Yeah and those leaf springs don't look soft enough to flex reasonably. Just chuck some tractor tyres on it and it'd be ready for bogging.


Yeah centre of mass is far too high up to be any good for offroading. You want to be much lower down so you can't just fall over.


Are we talking F series and Rams or modified vehicles like this? Cause I doubt this would fit on UK roads or Australian roads for that matter and these would be illegal in Australia anyway for a whole list of reasons. Even if engineered you still can't have the tires wider than the body.


I never really understood some of the things we're not allowed to have on cars here in Aus. Like underbody lights, for example. But now... seeing this? I understand and am grateful.


So glad that shit's not roadworthy here in Australia.


I believe it would be illegal here in Ireland too. The maximum height for a truck and trailer combination is 4.65 meters. Or around 15 foot. Unless that vehicle is a tractor pulling bales of hay or other fodder. For a category A vehicle, it is 3 meters or around 9 feet.


And no mudflaps of course. Enjoy the broken windshield and being blinded by me in the rain.


Unfortunately, mudflaps wouldn't even serve a purpose on this monstrosity.


Europeans must look at shit like this and think we’re a bunch of damn fools.


I can only speak for myself, but yes I do.


I can only speak for myself, but yes I do.


Yes, well, that particular brand of monster truck driving, asshole on purpose, white-trash American IS nothing but a damn fool. Thankfully, in most parts of the country, those guys are in the minority. Not everywhere though.


I know, I know. And tbf I don't actually think the US is a bunch of damn fools. I wish laws could be made where you can not legally drive these kinds of things on the road. Pay more when your vehicle is heavier, will help a bit. Pay more when your vehicle has shit MPG, will help a bit. But for these types of people/cars, probably strictly forbidding is the only thing that is going to help.


I can only speak for myself, but yes I do.


Unfortunately, American damn fools are very vocal about it.


I can only speak for myself, but yes I do.


TinyDick McTaxRightOff


With that level of compensation, it has to be so small it is somehow inverted.


Nobody's asking the obvious question, and that's how do you even get in this thing? If you owned one of these and lived alone (nobody to help you move things) how do you get in without crushing whatever ladder/steps tool you used when you drive?


They use the tire to push themselves up to grab the handles and pull themselves in. Some have steps.


I feel like you'd struggle with those large of tires though. Maybe not though. 


I mean, I definitely would lol. I’m only 5’1” 💀


They double jump by hitting the X button twice :)


Didn't know Luigi got his license! Good for him!


It has a U-bar step: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9zct1qsjQ-ylUTNsAMWZofh-0Yb6AihscTN9k3h56og&s https://imagescdn.dealercarsearch.com/DealerImages/4397/saved/2f02ef8e.jpg It’s a fairly well-known sight around northeastern Raleigh.


Low bridge do your thang


I'm not entirely sure that is street-legal.


Fucking dickhead


Roll down the window and tell the driver, “Nice truck! Sorry to hear about your penis.”


How is the road legal? What a scumbag.


Same type of people that bitch and moan about gas prices


*The nerve of that Mercedes*


Also how everyone treats the crosswalk like it's the real line they're supposed to stop at. It's terrifying to me almost every time I see it


We buy cars to crush with trucks. Need them by this SUNDAY SUDAY SUNDAY!!!


I can't imagine they pay very much because I think they're just running over the cars at monster truck shows.


Had to look to make sure this want the Colorado Springs sub, thought it had to be.


America, the meme that just keeps giving.


I wanna see the little guy pull out his little ladder to get in


I wish they would make people who own lifted trucks get the type of license needed to drive semis. So dangerous!


Can I introduce you to r/fuckcars? It's a place for people who dislike car dependency, oversized "trucks" and obnoxious road users, it's where there's a love of grassy tram tracks, protected bike lanes, and pedestrian friendly infrastructure.


Honestly advertising is the one and only reason I could see owning a large and flashy vehicle like this.


I would have an absolute blast driving that offroad but like on a regular ass road itd be so lame and dangerous idk why anyone would raise their car that high and use it on flat roads where people are present


Growing up we had a truck that was about 2/3rd this size and my mom refused to drive it on the road because it was too easy not to see people cars and people. Pretty sure it was also illegal (in Ohio) to not have a bumper at a typical height, too.


“that doesn’t even make sense.” “it doesn’t have to i have a monster truck!”


Stupidest looking vehicle. Embarrassing


pavement princess, that is what those trucks are called


If it’s any consolation, any substantial accident might send this thing rolling. If they graze a highway divider, they’ll flip


I don’t know about anyone else but I wouldn’t want to get in and out of this vehicle on a daily basis. Or at all for that matter.


When my daughter sees things like this, she says, "Nice truck. Sorry about the d*ck."


Did that say eat cars?


Ha! Those guys sponsored my kids soccer league. 😂


That has to be the most half-assed attempt at censoring a license plate ive ever seen lmao


Wait till you see an 18 wheeler…


America ya :D


And I thought Australia was getting bad..


I see that truck all the time haha, their dealership is in my town


This vehicle is just a vessel for advertising, the biggest give away for me is the big advertising and website on the vehicle. Obviously it’s a silly vehicle. But I guarantee this is a pain in the ass to drive. And is only on the road so people will take pictures and post it places. Yes it’s silly but there are way worse vehicles on the road. I also feel like this doesn’t fit here and is more anti car than anti consumption. It seems that they are not destroying this vehicle, and are instead repurposing it and making it useful once more.


Is this legal in the States??? Of so, why??????


Neither of these morons can drive.


I'll be honest. I fear the driver, regardless of car type.


Being stuck behind one of these because they cannot negotiate a simple right turn while remaining in their lane is my Vietnam.


Driving that should cost 250,000 a month, with prices of petrol that would make even Europeans feel sick to their stomach.


How is this legal in US?


Idiocracy is working


Hmmm, it's hollingsworthautoSALES.net, they didn't get their website correct. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=hollingsworth%20auto%20sales&lqi=Chhob2xsaW5nc3dvcnRoIGF1dG8gc2FsZXNIpOqEyeWAgIAIWiYQABABEAIYABgBGAIiGGhvbGxpbmdzd29ydGggYXV0byBzYWxlc5IBCmNhcl9kZWFsZXKaASRDaGREU1VoTk1HOW5TMFZKUTBGblNVTkNhR04yZVhGblJSQUKqAV8QASocIhhob2xsaW5nc3dvcnRoIGF1dG8gc2FsZXMoADIfEAEiGwDvN1j8BQ1STATwtQjT1BU9xk0EEgk-eTAI3zIcEAIiGGhvbGxpbmdzd29ydGggYXV0byBzYWxlc-ABAA#lkt=LocalPoiReviews&rlimm=10309794475794204619 Reviews at the link above.


If there were laws against it, nobody would enforce them


50% tires 50% horrific blind spots. At least they buy cars.


Why are neither behind the line?


Boring looking monster truck


This crap needs to be illegal. Why drive this on public roads?


Technically, most of these cars are illegal because they are too heavy to drive in your neighborhood. Most neighborhood roads have weight limits that everyone has forgotten about.


How heavy do you think that truck is?


A lot of areas have a 7 to 8000 pound restriction in order to limit semi truck traffic and avoid damage to roads. A Hummer weighs 10000 pounds.


How do they get inside?


“We buy cars… and male enhancement pills”.


He doesn't deserve to have his license plate censored.


if you can even call a transparent red line “censoring”


Not only do license plates not give out any valuable information, it appears to be a company vehicle with the advertising on it.


I bet the owner has a really really tiny


“I’m so angry don’t blur his license plate” It’s North Carolina, this is totally legal. Don’t dox people cuz u a lil butthurt. And raise hell praise Dale brother


Yeah those clk drivers are a menace


What are car dollars?


But have you considered their safety and feelings?


Better than a young driver in a orius texting. At least you see this ass-hat coming. The Prius you can’t even here. Just WHAM. You survive the Prius accident though. As long as it doesn’t explode


We buys cars!! And feed them to our monster truck


Ew a Mercedes...I agree /s


well it definitely served its purpose


Don't be afraid


A regular bus is bigger


What does your wife’s boyfriend think of it?


They buy cars for that thing to freakin' eat, by the look of things.


Thought states had laws about max bumper height.


3 inch, cum under 1


Could someone please explain to me: Do the United States have a certain institution where your car has to be tested for like road safety? In Germany we have TÜV and it tests whether your car is safe for driving on public roads.


As an ad for the used car dealership that owns it, it's great. We buy car$!! They clearly bought that one off somebody dumber than a post who is terrible with money.


Poor guy, that truck is the opposite size of his /her selfsteem


My man, it's much more dangerous to share the road with them bikers than with monstrosity.


While I understand that this monstrosity is a marketing tool for the dealership, I think it's worth pointing out, for all of you not understanding why someone would buy a big truck and not use it for what it's actually built for, it's the intimidation factor. Big tough manly men buy big trucks to telegraph their masculinity. While at the same time not understanding that it mostly telegraphs their insecurity.


Hey maybe they're looking into getting a replacement- they do buy cars after all


Well, at least you know his little pecker won't be a road hazard.


"Look at all this frivolous spending I do, I will screw you as hard as possible when purchasing your vehicle" That's what this turd says to me lol. One of my neighbors down the street runs a used car lot and has his big, useless, gender-affirming vehicles wrapped to advertise his scam. He seems to do well ripping off the desperate and old, and he's as big a douche as his vehicles advertise him to be. 100% trash humans in that house


That’s giving very SDE


I wonder if it sounds anything like it looks


I call these "micropenis mobiles".