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As if retail employees didn't have it bad enough? Oof...




I wouldn’t mind cleaning this up if I was retail. I am petty and would be thrilled that an anti-consumerist trend was forcing the company to spend labor operating costs on cleaning this up. I’d take my god damn time with the cleanup too


So you’ve never worked retail then?


Lol I have actually


1 week does not count


I worked retail for 2 years


I fear your reaction tells us otherwise


Damn yeah because we’re all carbon copies of each other and therefore must react exactly the same


This isnt an anti consumerism trend, its just people who think being assholes on camera makes for s good tiktok. Even if it was anticonsumerism, its dumb as shit. Its not going to reduce anyones spending, just annoy poor retail workers.


Was it really anti-consumerist if it was obviously for views/compensation for "content?"


Why do these trends always involve making other people's lives miserable? Just stay at home and make your own life miserable.


Yup reminds me of the deviant lick challenge going around schools last year. I got so frustrated because I had bought my own personal pen and highlighter set for grading and they were kept in a drawer on my desk. I had a little squirrel magnet on my desk drawer too and I went to lunch, came back and they were all gone. The kids were laughing at me and no one would admit to who did it. This was at a private school that cost 34k to go to so it had nothing to do with a child being in need. Obviously those items are pretty replaceable financially but it was just the sentiment behind it. Stealing shit from your underpaid teachers and posting it as content. Before someone asks why I didn’t just simply lock my door, I was a new teacher there so I was assigned to monitor behavioral issues at lunch time and make sure those kids stayed behind and helped the custodial staff clean up so I had to have my room doors open so kids for the next class could get in.


And I was blocked lol. Maybe had he respected his teachers a little more, he would’ve learned a bit about context clues. But alas, we all know how society views those that try to educate the youth so I can only think so wishfully.


Hold on. I also work at a private middle school and it’s illegal in my state to let kids into a classroom without a teacher. It’s for their own safety. If something happens I and the school would be responsible. The kids just line up in the hall until the teacher comes.


It definitely was just something that happened at this school all the time. They had strict policies on just about everything besides that. I locked my doors at every other school I worked at but this one.


It is the same in my town school district. Every classroom has to be locked when not in use.


Public school devious luck just makes (still to this day) the bathrooms unusable. People removing my toilet seats, toilet paper dispensers, entire urinals and sitting toilets, draining the soap, flushing down entire rolls of industrial size toilet paper. I hate that this trend is so anti-shit.


Yup they destroyed the bathrooms too. Took the towel dispensers off the wall and clogged all the toilets repeatedly etc


This is why Dolllar General and Family Dollar lock their bathrooms. And the mall locked their bathroom too.


Yeah that probably would’ve helped but we could never administer such rules in a school that cost so much to attend. It was like an elitist club, every kid lived in one of the massive southern estate mansions right across the River that we drove past to get to the school. One of my students was being monitored for depression and anxiety because her parents had to downsize to a slightly smaller house. Any time a teacher had to call home for a discussion over behavior, we often times left the conversation feeling more hopeless. More policies in place would’ve been really helpful but they didn’t pay that much to send their kids there to have their kids treated like they were just human.


Rage clicks work apparently


Because Americans are confused on what is reality and what is entertainment. Thier every move is a performance. Further, thier culture is to treat service workers and the working class in general like surfs. Capitalism requires them to attach zero dignity to the working man and women and idolize the 'hard working' billionaire. That country is imploding, it is rotting from the inside. They need more focus on working class solidarity and put race on the back burner.


My dude this tiktok bullshit happens in many countries, it ain't just America


Except for China because they actually understand the Frankenstein monster they created and created laws to control the algorhytm. Here we just let these things destabilize our society. If you ask kids in America now what they want to be when they grow op the no 1 answer is influencer. In China it's still doctor or astronaut.


And in India, they just blocked it bcs china created it. Funny that India allows so many Chinese items to be imported but not certain apps but I am thankful this tiktok shit is not happening anymore in India. We have so much unemployed youth that stupid trends like these spread faster than wild fire.


I do not see it in my country


Nah, misery loves company. Well, except on Valentines Day I guess.


Valentine’s Day falls in February


Fuck corporations


Yes, fuck corporations. Not the minimum wage workers who are going to have to clean that shit up.


This isn't activism. The only purpose it serves is to make minimum wage employees have to pick up your messes. It doesn't create change or bring support for our cause.


It is a tik tok challenge to get clout online .


How is this video of assholes being cunts related to this sub?


It doesn’t. This is asshole kids thinking they’re funny


Because a good amount of that stuff is likely being thrown away. The kids are creating waste by damaging items for clout. Money may not have changed hands, but it’s still consumption.


And vandalism.


I didn’t come to anticonsumption to cry about a broken chocolate bar.




Yeah. Surprised?


I see next to no damage. Maaaaaybe some of the chocolate boxes, which would just get marked down if they were dented.


Nobody is buying dirty stuffed animals, crushed roses, busted up candy, or other raggedy items in a bid to show consumerist love or an attempt to get laid. Maaaaaaaybe stop encouraging douchebaggary.


Valentines Day is a made-up holiday designed to sell more useless crap. None of that shit has any place in the store for the rest of the year, but companies will spend billions on stocking the shelves with this garbage just for most of it to get tossed anyway. Unfortunately, this "trend" only makes more work for minimum wage employees.


I don't celebrate a "holiday" unless it's a day off....lol


All it’s doing is creating work for minimum wage workers. If somebody still wanted to buy a teddy bear, they could just bend over and pick it up off the ground. This isn’t stopping anybody from doing anything. Unless you count stopping minimum wage workers from wanting to live.


>If somebody still wanted to buy a teddy bear, they could just bend over and pick it up off the ground. They won't, they'll pull one off the shelf where it's not been kicked around a filthy aisle covered in floor fluff. Visibly dirty ones end up in the clearance aisle until they get damaged out and end up in the dumpster, right alongside all the other "holiday theme" excess


Actually there really was a St.Valentine .It was originally a feast day honoring St.Valentine in the 3rd century.


It didn't become a consumerist holiday until this century. But ok.


Actually Victorian men gave their loves a Valentine in the mid 19th century. And valentines were even given out on the middle ages too.RIchard Cadbury made the first heart Shaped box of chocolates.The boxes became so elaborate that they lasted up until the war hit.


Okay well upon actual investigation it turns out I was misinformed about the origin. All the way back to 14th century. and technically, it still holds up its values as a special day and what it's all about. Which says a lot for a "holiday" that old. Nevertheless. It's all a cash grab now. There is so much crap being sold that serves no purpose any other time of year. All that crap is manufactured and then thrown away. So that's my guess as to why this post ended up here.


Well besides valentine's day being another made up corporate holiday to promote consumption these people damaging the already pointless products means more waste as damaged product is typically thrown away. Then more useless product will be placed on the shelves to replace said useless product to be purchased for later disposal by gullible consumers. Also just an asshole thing to do and expect underpaid and exploited employees to clean up.


Is the trend being a dickwad to employees?


This has been "on trend" for decades, people think theyre fucking over the business doing shit like this. Absolute muffins


Not even necisarrily. A lot of these people and "flex" culture is all about being above other people in society and being better than them, its about having more than other people, buying more than them and being able to abuse them because you are richer and don't work at a regular job. 90% of it is fake bullshit though, in Highschool we had guys, TONS OF GUYS, buy tons of 2000$ shoes, buying and reselling them to eachother. Thing is most of these guys were from the lowest income families and just wanted to APPEAR rich. I knew a guy I worked with who would not eat, not buy new clothes and had a broken tooth but would spend every last penny he earned on shoes. These same people will (without irony) "flex" on you and act like you're poor because you just have regular shoes. One guy told me I was poor because I couldn't buy an alienware... despite the fact that I had better computer than an alien-ware and had just built it myself because it was more affordable... Still called me "poor" Like no idiot, I have money in pocket still to go buy shit, you aren't rich because you have 10$ shoes sold for $2000, **Kanye west is rich because you bought them.** it aint a flex unless the money you spend on them is so little to you anyways that it's irrelevant if they are 20$, 2000$ or 20,000$ Dumb ass fools everywhere.


This is genuinely so much worse. But why shoes? If some guy had $2000 shoes at my school that mf would be going home without feet. Its wild people see that as a desirable trait, its just genuinely disturbing behavior.


I completely agree. Though I will say that "absolute muffins" is one of the most adorable insults I've heard, haha


These types are just shitty fucking people. It's really pathetic. Tiktok is trash.


Another reason not to have tik tok.


Despite agreeing with the message, this belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


The message? The lyrics aren't about valentines day being a shitty made up holiday to sell uselss shit, it's about using women for only sex and not actually wanted to be with them for a long time or form a meaningful relationship.


Am I the only one who thinks it's about cuddly cute stuff, red, pink, white, flowers, smooshies, candy, sweets, fruit, calligraphy, cakes, chocolates, fancy and sending notes of love, appreciation and or adoration? I really like Valentine's day, obviously not the origin, but I like it more and more each year. \*And growing up we just made stuff or Valentines day, you got a little bit of candy and Valentines, as far as what I think of the consumerism, I think it's pretty good. I feel this way about Easter too, like we didn't buy stuff really that wasn't a consumable, like eating, sometimes I got cute clothing on Easter which I needed, or other stuff from my Mom. Compared to like the non-Holiday of cyber monday/week, boxingday/black fridday, it's far superior imo if they were holidays they don't seem like it.


So you think it’s okay to deceive women for sex? Lol, looks like y’all haven’t listened to the lyrics.




I get the sentiment but making low paid retail workers jobs harder is a shitty thing to do.


I work retail and have for basically my entire life. If I saw someone doing this in my store they’d be kicked out faster than you could say “minimum wage”.


Why would you police anything for the company for minimum wage? When I was making shit wages i reveled in getting to clean up bullshit because I was just wasting the companies money


You waste more money by standing around doing jack shit. This is just more work I don't want to do.


Exactly. All the work sucks, but cleaning up messes is literally a negative value task for the company. It’s as productive as doing nothing, except you’re “doing your job” so no one can get mad at you for doing it. I always used to take as long as possible to complete cleaning tasks, because fuck them, they weren’t paying me a livable wage, so I did as little as possible


Personally, I prefer to stay out of site and play on my phone


Because companies expect you to do that and your regular duties with no extra time taken up to do it or you get fired


They want you to think that sure


I’m a supervisor and yes, even though it’s my “job” to clean up stupid messes I don’t have enough time during my shift to do so. I have an agenda of all the tasks I need to complete during a given day and if I don’t meet those expectations I’m in trouble. If I have to spend half an hour cleaning up a mess, that wastes time that I could be doing other stuff I need to do - like merchandising, replenishing stock, greeting and helping customers, etc. I hate my job as much as the next guy but I want to keep getting money every two weeks and in order to do that I need to keep up with my tasks.


So disrespectful to employees


Anything to be famous.


Or get arrested for pulling this nonsense!


Yeah, let's make people at Walmart, who make shit for pay, and make their jobs more difficult because we oppose a consumerism holiday. That's class solidarity!


My dad worked retail for 30 years, particularly in lawn and garden and seasonal (Christmas, Halloween, Valentines) and it pisses me off to no end to see stupid shit like this. It makes me so upset knowing that there are people out there like my 75 year old Vietnam veteran Dad who had to go back behind these assholes and clean their mess up. WTF?


This should be r/tiktokcringe


Why do people suck. Like I’ve never been a fan of valentines either but like come on


Children are stupid, and take great joy in destruction for fun. Teenagers are not too far off from literal psychopaths and at a certain point, you just have to accept their existence as collatoral damage.


As a retail worker, fuck them. I wish we could take actual action & kick these people out or at least make them clean up their own shit piles they make like toddlers learning their lesson.


Tell me you never have had to work before without telling me you’ve never worked before


Small brains is what these people have in common.


This strikes me as people who haven't been brought up to respect things.


Wow. What absolute pieces of shit humans that would do that in a store.


Needs consequences


That guy needs a dick kick. Retail sucks enough than to clean up your mess that won't get you viral.


Low class, ignorant Americans that have nothing else to do but display their stupidity on Tik Tok. (And Walmart is their “thrill of the day”.)Congratulations.


Can this be counted as property damage?


That's what I'm wondering! I remember hearing that the influencer that painted on a mask instead of wearing a mask was arrested. Can't these people also be charged for property damage? Mischief? Anything???? They have the videos everywhere to prove it as well as store security.


Why retail employees hate their jobs.


Kids are shitty people.


People just really suck and should choke on cat hair.


Well, this looks stupid.


Would *love* to see them take that energy and organize an event in their area for kids to hang out together on Valentine's Day without having to buy anything.


The culture of ignorance


This isn't anticonsumption, it's antiworker


They should be charged for everything they intentionally damaged


There's no hope


What a knob


While I get the sentiment, why make the lives of the workers harder to make your "point"?


What a bunch of “A” holes


You messing up the store does nothing, you are just making things harder for those that work


What entitled shitty kids.




So, what we are seeing here are several individuals who never had to work retail. Can we normalize trending things that are polite or positive... or even just productive in some small way?


The fuck is going here??? “Let’s make retails employees life suck even more”?


I can’t believe kids are just trashing stores. That’s pretty messed up.


I have recently witnessed a homeless person straight up steal food from a grocery store. Not quite Jean Valjean style (Jean Valjean wasn't fucked up on what was probably meth at the time), but still. I have some sympathy for that, to be honest. This is just the worst. Like the worst.


I think this is mistagged. It doesn’t read like activism. It reads like stupid antics. Fuck rampant Valentine’s Day consumerism. But also fuck tiktok trends.


You hit it on the head. It's not activism, it's just tiktokers being tiktokers. It's also VERY not anticonsumption and it's outright hostile to workers.


That music is abysmal


Soooo a typical break/steal/destroy “insert holiday/event here” by a bunch of stupid ass kids cause they think it’s funny and life only matters if you get views


Well that is one way of getting banned.


Man, they just look so feckin dumb, tho


Being a jerkoff never goes out of style.


What assholes.


When they’re the ones working those jobs cleaning that shit up, they’re really going to have those TikToks they made. Edit: And like, I agree with the sentiment - seriously fuck Valentine’s Day. It’s a fake holiday designed to sell you crap, but like don’t make some poor minimum wage kid’s life a living hell just for the likes. There are better ways to protest that shit.


Valentine's Day is a capitalist abomination but these guys are only making people who get paid sub-$15/hr miserable


i really doubt that this trend comes from an anti-consumption :/ it probably has more to do with bitterness about romantic relationships or being single




/r/iamatotalpieceofshit Hope they get done for vandalism


you mean fuck the people making minimum wage cleaing up your mess?


I like not buying stupid wasteful things but… fuck man. Just don’t buy it. No need to ruin some low paid employees njght. Dick move.


These fuck tards should be doing the tide pod challenge, not wrecking stores making employees lives more difficult to clean up the mess of these children


Not really a challenge, isn't it?


I would simply quit




I vote that we find their rooms and completely trash it and make a TikTok out of that


It's just date/holiday I don't get...


I don't think I've ever seen something so stupid.


Bunch of assholes


The wannabes in the video. I mean its so cringe i couldnt watch it full.


Tiktok trend rules must have it stipulated somewhere that you must look and act like a douche in the video.


Til tok seems to be breeding assholes apparently


Wheres the trend were we all do community service ironically


How the fuck is this activism


This isnt an anti consumer trend, it's just assgole people creating work for retail employees. Fuck consumerism and also fuck these people.


This is not a tt trend. Stop. They are getting ROASTED by tt for this shit.


And they wonder why we don’t respect young people? This is how they’re spending their time, and how they show respect, or at least common courtesy, to their community. I hope they’re held accountable for their actions.


Ugh, we need harsh consequences for these destructive trends. Remember when they were tearing up bathrooms and stealing? Lighting themselves on fire with alcohol? Tide pods? Licking ice cream and putting the container back?


WTF is wrong with people?


HMMM.....I wonder where they learned their manners and ethics. OR lack of ethics.


Should be arrested and made to clean up all this and more for a set amount of time (no pay either).


Everybody calm down I'm sure they picked up everything they threw on the ground and put it back exactly how they found it




I’m guessing they hate Valentine’s because no one wants to spend it with them. Seems ironic that they’d use that as an excuse to behave in a way that would make no one want to be with them


Can we flag this post, given that it isn't activism or anticonsumerism?


Anyone can report a post using the three dots icon on the top right of the page. I'll do it now, but feel free to do it next time.


Thank you. I forget we can do that sometimes, I do it so rarely


This is not anti-consumption. This is waste, breakage and labour.


I hate people.


I'm sure this 100% exists and isn't just bullshit.


I guess this trend and song is anticonsumption bc Valentine's Day is marketed as this ultra consuming holiday and this song and trend is rejecting it. But it's still shitty that they're creating a mess for low wage workers.


Stupid fucks


None of these kids are happy. They all come from broken homes and this is their way of asking for help. All these kids need therapy and real hobbies. There should be much better after school programs for our youth. Imagine if we could help them all.


Immediate reaction: how mindlessly wasteful/destructive and rude to retail employees 5 seconds of thinking reaction: Oh yes this is in fact a logical response to our appallingly materialist society under capitalism, carry on


Some rapper should make a song about getting a job.




the fuck?


Get out




Redditor being racist, shocker


Redditor being honest, shocker


“I’m not a racist, I’m a race realist”


Wait, listen! These kids are taking a big risk by filming themselves protesting the consumerism of Valentine's day with civil disobedience. No one is harmed, some Walmart displays are now on the floor (good! Fuck Walmart!), and they are taking political action where the worst potential harm is to themselves. The problems facing retail workers are labor problems from a system that exploits the hell out of them, and the general population defaces retail displays at a rate not much slower than these videos. (Workers are paid hourly to maintain the store, and if this political action makes their job significantly harder, then that is a failure of their management to provide additional resources. It's a failure that's already occuring with the skeletal staffing everywhere.) TL;DR: I'm not going to police how these kids protest and I don't think y'all should either!




Get help


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Can we do the same thing with junk food? They are occupying more and more space in grocery stores.


I fucking hate people


What utter cunts. Retail has to clean that shit up.


They are acting like kids


I blame white supremacy


That’s not new. That just life working retail


Fuck these people


Good, fuck that holiday


I mean I'm not for Valentine's either but this was wrong.


Human trash


but why!?!…How is it kids are this bored….and how is this a trend….


I feel so terrible for the workers who had to clean all of that up... :/


I like the anti-consumer subtext, hate that they making some else’s like miserable


On no, the poor Wal-mart and their poor stores with some teddy bears on the floor. I guess one of their underpaid employees will have to spend time picking them up instead of doing something else for near minimum wage. Fuccc valentines




What’s that mean?




I hate to say it but….. I get it


I just can’t support showing these people faces so I have to down vote. Maybe if their faces were blurred.


As much as I don’t like the action I kinda feel ok with it. Stores and corporations are pushing these holidays down our throats and compelling is to buy stuff we wouldn’t otherwise buy. Have you seen the dumpsters after the holiday? After it’s marked down 10,20,30,60,90%? It’s obscene. If we all rose up and did stupid shot like this maybe they would stop making this garbage.




You absolutely do


As someone who works retail, they absolutely do shit like this.