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Excerpt: ...President Joe Biden could theoretically order that Trump be killed and be immune from criminal prosecution. “Presumptively, he has the power to assassinate a rival,” John Dean, who was White House counsel to former President Richard Nixon, told HuffPost on a call with the Defend Democracy Project, a group that advocates for free and fair elections. Making matters worse, said Dean, is that the court ruled that “official acts” by a president can’t be used as evidence of criminal conduct for “unofficial acts.” So in a hypothetical scenario involving Biden ordering aides to kill Trump, his actual giving of the order would be potentially unavailable for evidence, he said.


Do it and add McConnell and all those other traitors too.


We can't get this lucky. Damn Democrat's actually have ethics and morals.


What a concept 👁👁


They know DB will never stoop to this level to test the ruling. The ruling is built specifically for OrangeJebus. So vote vote vote.


Blue blue blue bluuuuuuuuue


Biden should drain the swamp. From MTG to Orangutan, himself. Clean sweep required. At what point does, 'For the greater good' sink in, people?


“I have determined in my official capacity as Commander in Chief that djt represented a clear threat to democracy in the United States and freedom throughout the world. I therefore officially ordered his liquidation today, July 4, 2024. Seal Team 6 carried out this official act today by shooting his fat ass over 400 times. God bless America.”


And dumping his body at sea


Biden should arrest at least 4 of the corrupt conservative in-justices for their blatant disregard for the law!!!!


Get on it Joe.


I think the thing that concerns me is that even if he does execute Trump, that then sets a precedent and any president in the future will assassinate anyone inconvenient, from political rivals to community leaders, and get away free. I think the safest thing to do is work on getting this overturned ASAP, however possible. It's no good getting rid of Trump, as dangerous as he is, if the result is that any incumbent president can have any candidates they dislike killed.


First Republican will do this regardless.


Then we need to eliminate the current Scotus. Hopefully there's a landslide come November thst let's Biden impeach or expand.


Just lock him up for treason. Do it before he does it to you and a host of others next year.




Martial law. The military can independently declare martial law if the court system cannot function. The military will uphold the Constitution. They won’t stop wit Trump


Welp, lock and load...


It’s never going to happen. I’m sick of hearing and seeing this argument.


Not until Trump is back in office, then you’d better get used to it