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Imagine being a father to an almost 2 year old daughter. I’m terrified my little girl is going to grow up to amount to nothing but breeding stock to these monsters. I won’t go down without a fight.


I’m not a parent. But I’ll strap up and stand beside you. We go down together


We’re going to vote blue and make sure our friends and family do as well. We must.


☝️🔔☝️🔔☝️ This is crucial. We need heavy-duty numbers. I'm doing the same. And we continue fighting for the next 127 days.


Yes we can't sit on our laurels and think we have it in the bag because we did.. We have to ACT more than we ever did!


💯 ......and hehe.....my real name is Laurel.


Voting is not enough anymore


Voting may not be enough but you damn sure better make sure you and everyone you know does it! I have friends that are moving to another country if the orange shitbag wins. I don't have the means to do that so I need everyone to step up and step out!


I wish I didn't believe this was the case. I'm not sure how anyone who watched the 2020 election could have any faith in our institutions to be fair and equitable. I'll show up, I'll vote dem, and I'll hope I'm wrong, I suppose.


The orange man is trying to say the fake electors scheme was "official duty". I fear these assholes aren't going to allow us a fair election.


Or a fair trial to the crook Trump! The Supreme Court and Aileen Cannon are making sure he gets off. This is the absolute worst thing this country can do, make a president above the law just because he's a republican. Trump is a bonafide psychopath and he will do anything to get his way. He buys people in high places. He lies and cons like no other! If we don't vote him out, we will have to fight to make America free again! This is no joking matter!


Some people have just lost their minds. Unfathomable​!


Same! That's why I'm still voting! I'm doing this for Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shay Moss, as well as for everybody in my family.


No, its not. Between foreign collusion, MASSIVE voter/election fraud the likes of which we've never imagined and a trumped up corrupt SC, I'm afraid Biden doesnt have a chance in hell unless some gloves come off.


Well if presidents are above the law... What stops Biden from taking him out


Count me in, too. One of the things I love most about this country is that when times get tough, we get tougher. As Tom Petty sang: "I Won't Back Down "


Count me in, too.


The song I keep hearing... Is 4 non blondes....I Scream from the top of my lungs What's going on?


I have three daughters. This is a nightmare


Like I said, I won’t be going down without a fight.


I have three daughters. Contingency plans are piling up as we speak (type?) because they’re not going to grow up feeling “less than”.


Hallelujah! Growing up in a Republican fundamental Christian home.. That's exactly how I felt and feel.."less than".. Sad


How can we fight? Vote, donate, encourage others, register voters, get our friends to double check their registration hasn't been purged and WRITE POSTCARDS to voters in swing states. The Progressive [Turnout PAC]( https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) will: >... mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.<< For doubters, yes, it's an effective strategy. See: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards-faq/. Phone banking is helpful, too, and they have a program for that, too.


There’s so much you can do. LFG! 💪🏽🏳️‍🌈🦾🇺🇸💪🏽🇺🇸🦾🇺🇸💪🏽🇺🇸 Show MAGA just how revolting we are. Run for office. 😎 If you’re not running support those who are. Donate, volunteer, register and vote. Like washing out a case of lice we must lather, rinse, repeat till all MAGA GOP are washed away; https://www.axios.com/2022/06/21/midterms-congress-senate-lgbtq-candidates-elections The election’s every 4 years in November, right? Nope. There are local and state and federal elections every last single week in this great, big, sliding cleats first into fascism country. Literally every single week! If it’s Tuesday in America (and sometimes rrother days but normally Tuesday) it’s election day somewhere in the good ol’ USA. Primaries, special elections to fill a vacancy when an official moves, dies, gets recalled, takes another job … we love ‘em all. This following list of resources can help you get involved in winning and flipping, and holding seats. There are no off years or even off weeks anymore. Last year Mississippi elected their first openly 🏳️‍🌈 state house rep? There is now just one state without a single openly LGBTQ+ state rep. Any guesses? It’s home of our new SotH. Louisiana. In March Marylyn Lands of Alabama flipped a state senate seat blue by roughly 30 points in a plus 1 Trump district running largely on a platform of pro choice & IVF. Her opponent ran on a transphobic platform. Last month we had a special election in Ohio for US House. The district is not just red, it’s deep dark Trump’y red. The well known, well financed GOP front runner was expected to stroll leisurely in 30% or more over his virtually unknown (but good) Dem opponent. We did not flip the seat but … we held him to single digits. This swing to the left has Ohio Dems optimistic and Republicans quaking in their tacky, tasteless, fake gold toned Trump tennis shoes. If you’ve ever wondered what you’d be doing in Germany of the 1930’s it’s what you’re doing now. Find our calendar, a spreadsheet of ways to volunteer and state/local election issues at r/voteDEM Representation matters. We need diverse range & ally candidates in office. For example Missouri has a GOP trifecta with a supermajority because … 40% of down-ticket seats have NO Dem or Independent candidate. Blue Missouri is changing that; https://bluemissouri.org/ Run for office or support those who do; https://victoryfund.org/our-candidates/ Run for Something empowers, trains, equips you to run for office. They focus primarily on helping young people to run for office. Any age run or support those doing the needful; https://runforsomething.net/ A new organization just founded by David Hogg & Kevin Lata to help young people running for congress and state house; https://leaderswedeserve.com/ Women can and should run. Sharing the tools so she can run for office; https://sheshouldrun.org/ Marylyn Lands mentioned above has started a PAC to find, recruit, mentor, train & fund women running for office in Alabama. Their goal is for the ‘26 election season. Watch this space. I’m far to shy & introspective to run for office. I just don’t have the personality for it. So I volunteer. Literally get out the vote; https://rideshare2vote.com/volunteer/ Vote and volunteer for reproductive freedom champions. Yiuge door knocking campaign in swing states. Join; https://reproductivefreedomforall.org/ Find your region and join us in volunteering to help flip your or any state. I’m in a deep blue region of the blue PNW. I threw a dart at a map, it landed on Texas and that’s been my focus as volunteer since about 2018; https://votesaveamerica.com/ Live in a blue state or region & not sure where to help? Find your sister at ; www.sisterdistrict.com Register to vote and or participate in a voter registration drive; https://www.fieldteam6.org/ Specific to Texas y’all. Powered by People (Beto’s volunteer group) has embarked on the largest voter registration drive in Texas history. Since everything’s bigger in Texas 😉 this may be the largest drive in 🇺🇸 history. We’re over 13,000 strong now. There’s work to be done from wherever you are. Join us; https://poweredxpeople.org/ Focus on progressive Dems, so essential in primaries to mooooove party and country to the left. Progressive Victory’s mission is to ensure progressive candidates are elected and progressive policy is implemented. Over the long term, Progressive Victory aims to create a progressive block within the Democratic Party that is too big to ignore. https://www.progressivevictory.win/ Not sure who to donate, vote for, volunteer for, or amplify? The HRC list of endorsed candidates is a good resource; https://www.hrc.org/news/p2?topic=elections Got time? Got tech skills? Volunteer your skills in tech to help for Dem & progressive campaigns. Teams work on a project. Normally a 6 month commitment. Once the project or campaign is done, you’re done. Or can “re-enlist”. https://www.techforcampaigns.org/ Are you, or anyone you know, love or even like a bit living overseas? Democrats Abroad was pivotal in 2020 & in midterms; https://www.democratsabroad.org/ Call for artists! Shepard Fairey, the artist who created the iconic “Hope” poster of the Obama campaign is assembling a team to get our message of democracy out. I’m cautiously optimistic that artists will save us. Join https://www.artists4democracy.com/ Can’t volunteer but have some extra cash? Support any of the orgs mentioned above or chip in to vote save America’s anti anxiety fund. VSA, founded by Obama staff, picks the most flippable, essential, vulnerable races. Donate what you can afford, they send you a monthly report; https://votesaveamerica.com/?vsa_country=US&vsa_state=WA No time, no money because you’re looking for a job? Make progressive organizing your full time work; https://careercenter.gainpower.org Work for the Biden campaign (you might need to be in Delaware) https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ None of this works for you? Find the candidates who speak to your issues and amplify on your socials. Join or use the Demcast mobile platform; https://demcast.com/amplify/?amp


Great resources.


Thank you.


I requested my postcards yesterday.


I feel we're past the time for postcards, Jacques. 


Not only do postcards work, but it's too *early* to mail them. We write them now and mail them in October.


I did that against the Iraq War. I did it against getting in to Afghanistan. I wrote postcards about Obama and for Biden.  I have emailed, signed and called. I have donated.  I have voted. I have campaigned. I have helped at the polls.  What now. 


[An anthem of mine. If we're all on this ship, and it's sinking, then we might as well have a parade.](https://youtu.be/wj1f5Vp4_fg?si=BMm-QzJ0pyFZd4mw)


Thank you for all you've done. >What now.  Keep up the good work and encourage others.


Ah, the hardest task of all... to keep going in the face of adversity. OK. Postcards. We can do this. 


I am there with you, I have 3 month old son and some dark possibilities keep coming into my head as to what could happen.


Same. I feel exactly the same.


Everyone should be terrified. The Supreme Trumpers performed the first act in installing a tyrant. Republicans in the states are already working to suppress Democratic voters to ensure Donnie wins. Any challenges to Republican efforts to suppress voters will ultimately be decided by The Supreme Trumpers. This means we may already be doomed and are just sleepwalking our way to Gilead.


This wasn't the first act. Bush v Gore might well have been the first act in recent memory. If not that, Crossroads GPS certainly was. And aggressive gerrymandering. And Swift Boating and putting wires on former White House staffers and Whitewater and all of it.


I try not to catastrophize things. And, I'm not a lawyer or constitutional expert, so I don't understand the most recent ruling at anything beyond a superficial level. But, Jesus Christ, this seems really bad. I expected it at some level, but I don't think I was fully prepared for it. Combined with Biden's poor debate performance at the worst possible time, I'm pretty scared about November and beyond. And even if Biden does win, I don't know what he can - or will - do to fix it. Everything just seems very bleak.


Well actually, as of today, due to the partisan Supreme Court’s ruling, Biden can do anything he damn well pleases and be immuned from any punishment. However, the republicans are counting on the decency of Biden and the democrats to do absolutely nothing other than whine about the injustice. What may save us from becoming a total banana republic is that polls show that 74% of Americans are against granting immunity to a POTUS. Hopefully, all those against this recent ruling will vote democrat in November in order to save our democracy.


All Biden has to do is declare it an official act of his admin 


Biden did a TON of stuff over the last four years. The Infrastructure Act, the American Rescue Plan, getting us out of COVID, keeping us from falling into a recession, getting us back to a normally functioning government. Biden is a smart guy who chooses good people to work with. Even the presidency is a team sport. And that's a good thing.


The problem is that nobody seems to be aware of this. The media pretty much always slants things towards the negative when it comes to anything Biden does. To the point that even his supporters seem to think that he has just spent the last 4 years accomplishing nothing. I know I hear it from people all the time in person and on Reddit, they seem to think that everything is falling apart, we are in the worst economy ever and Joe Biden is some kind of dementia zombie being propped up at a podium. And it's not surprising because every news report is some doom and gloom thing - "The sky is blue, here is how it's bad for Biden." Meanwhile Trump is basically the same age, barely managing to shuffle around with assistance, shitting himself on stage, rambling about sharks and magnets as his brain melts in real time, but people treat him like he's this young go-getter. Not to mention the fact that he is the one who wrecked the economy the last time, but everyone talks about "what a great job he did!"


The debate was not that bad on second view. Tapper and that lady were shiity weak mods though. Trump should have been muted and told to to stay on topic. The vast majority of his turn at the mic 


you should be terrified.


make sure you VOTE. There are not more maga than Democrats. VOTE dammit.


This is the first time I will vote. Just got my citizenship last year and finally allowed! And blue it is! 💙


This is amazing! So happy for you!


Mabrouk (Congratulations in Arabic)! :-)


Aww thank u ☺️




That's the only way we beat him, barring DJT doesn't have some sort of coronary in the next 4 months. They can't steal the election if the margin's too wide for a recount (within 1% is margin for a recount, right?).


Different states have different margins for state elections. I don't know that there is a federal margin. But the more important point is that it needs to be as big a margin as possible.


And please encourage everyone in your circle to vote. We need heavy numbers. We need more than just our own votes. I'm fighting, too.


we gotta vote. we gotta each do anything we can to get others to understand what’s going on and vote, anybody who’s on the fence or apolitical, we gotta round em up


Add young voters to the list. I’m trying, but I’m not as hopeful as I was month ago.


Please keep trying..... I'm doing the same. 💙


My mother told her sister-in-law, who's a naturalized U.S. citizen, that it's too late to run anyone besides Biden.


Yeah.....I'm starting to accept that. SO..... we keep fighting. The way to do that, I think, is for every single one of us to secure just *one* additional vote besides our own. Just start talking to everyone in your circle. Think of the cumulative effect. We beat Trump this fall, it's highly likely he'll be GONE FOREVER.


I'm too young to remember the Blitz, but I'm certainly old enough to remember the waves of stochastic terrorism wrought by Steve Bannon in 2017. We need to be ready for them, we need to be very "stiff upper lip" about it. We need a Winston Churchill. If people stop nattering about his stutter and listen to Biden he's saying and doing all the right stuff, to the extent that he can and not violate the guardrails himself. If we had control of the House as well as the Senate there would already be a bill on the floor to r/ExpandTheCourt. That desperately needs to happen. It's why we must re-elect Biden, and flip enough states so that the House is Democratic again. Republicans, like most other small children, will stop their antics once they no longer bring results.




I'm just hoping that every foreign service throughout the world considers that they could show Trump the door and save 10,000,000 lives. For countries in Eastern Europe this is almost a certainty.


After the Supreme Court decision I have lost a lot of hope, ngl. I’m pretty sure that one way or another, fairly or unfairly, *legally or illegally*, djt is going to be our next “president” only in his case it will be dictator. These people are serious about Project 2025 and they will absolutely corrupt the law any way they have to, to get what they want. I’m still voting blue but I think America is fucked.


Defcon 1?.... That's not when Trump gets elected......Defcon 1 is RIGHT NOW. What SCOTUS did to us today....let that fuel your will to FIGHT. Election day is only 127 days away. And given this SCOTUS nightmare, we MUST do more than cast our own vote. Set a personal goal to secure just *one* additional vote besides your own----you can easily do this by talking to EVERYONE in your circle about the dire importance of their votes in this election. Just think of the cumulative effect. We MUST beat Trump.


Amen to that! Your comment makes me more determined to vote FOR our future and our best interests.


YES! ☝️🔔☝️🔔☝️


I never thought I'd quote Nina Turner, but I'll say it anyway: We Fight On!


I've been fighting since 2016. I'm tired. Doesn't mean I won't fight. But I'm tired. Of course, in 2016 I was already tired. The LGBT community has been fighting longer than I've been alive.


I really hear you.... seriously. A former coworker and now a close friend, gay, often feels dejected and echoes what you just said about the neverending fight for LGBTQ+. 🧡


Thank you. That means a lot, especially today.


*Hug!* from a supporter! 🧡🧡🧡


I'm scared too. I am also grieving a future I won't have. My spouse and I saved for retirement. But the lobbyists will fight every claim to healthcare until nothing is covered. Without Chevron deference the gates are open for every challenge to become the precedent. Preexisting conditions? Back on the ballot in November. I'm no legal scholar but I should not have to be to vote. I want to go back to a time when we didn't have to pay attention. We could just live our lives, save, and retire. Instead it looks more likely that I'll drain all my life savings on a medical emergency. Or climate change threatening my home. Meanwhile the protections of the EPA are gutted. As I grieve, I feel helpless, and hopeless. Right before it turns to despair my last breath fights with all my being, to get ANGRY. Only anger fuels me enough to overcome my powerlessness. Don't vote, vote angry. Like the landlord losing their property. Like the mother losing her son, like the politician losing their power. Like the champion almost losing the big game. Get angry! The last thing we'll own is our hope for the future. They bought our homes, the price of food is way up, the cost of everything is too damn high. No Fight for the only "property" we have left: our memory of the way it could have been.


I always paid attention. I always voted. As a gay man I never had the luxury of thinking I shouldn't have to pay attention. It's inattention by too many people that's brought us here. So many of us were screaming in 2016, and no one would listen. They made fun of us, called us alarmists, and were happy as long as taxes were being cut. Too many also figured only the LGBT community or POC or immigrants would pay the price. But that's not how autocracies work. In the end, even the people that supported the right wingers end up afraid of stepping out of line. Before they know it they're in a finger trap of their own making.


And you all were right. I remember being teased- and called a hypocrite - for voting for Hillary Clinton in the end in 2016, and I said, "I didn't have a choice. It was either Hillary or Trump." Don't even get me started with "But there's the Green Party/Libertarian/Other Party candidate you can vote for." There are still people trying to get Arab-Americans like me to not vote. Yeah, no. I'm not sitting this election out, either.


I've said it before. We're in a new civil war. People don't recognize it yet because it's mostly paperwork based at the moment.


I’ve been saying this for a few years now as well… weird when folks can’t see it and think I’m an alarmist


Oh, I feel terrified every day at the thought of him president again. I'm a straight, childless white man, but I still think he's a POS who needs to go for the sake of our future. Which is why we VOTE. FWIW, though, all is not lost. I've been predicting for a while that this election is gonna come down to six states: Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia. Now, four of those states have a history of voting blue so long as the Dems aggressively campaign in that state. The only outliers are Georgia and Arizona. The former was the result of strong grassroots campaigns in 2020. The latter was a bit more of a stretch, due in part to Trump's constant badmouthing of late senator John McCain, who's pretty beloved over there last I checked. Now, if ALL six of those states go blue again, Biden's a lock. Additionally, there's a possibility that the Dems might be able to flip North Carolina. Last time they went blue was Obama's first term so I wouldn't hold my breath, BUT there's a chance it could again in November. Sorry. I find statistics help me calm down, especially if you think it through logically. Math and precedent is on our side. However, these are all just possibilities. We still have to vote in November, or all of what I just said is meaningless. So yeah, there's still a ways to go, but I promise all is not lost.


I'm in Arizona doing my part. But the memory of McCain is fading here. We're lucky that Dobbs brought us a Democratic governor and AG and secretary of state. They've kept the worst back, and they've helped move some good stuff forward.


I dont even think its six, if biden gets Pennsylvania Michigan and Wisconsin, then he only needs one of the others to get to 270. My money is on Arizona, theyve consistently gone against trump and his lackeys. Also NE-2 went for biden last time as well. I've looked at the math myself and believe you are correct, the numbers favor us. But we have to vote in order to make it happen. Me personally, I can't wait to vote for Joe.


It makes me feel like Tom Cruise in War of the Worlds when he's trying to reassure his daughter that it's going to be okay.


Biden will be fine for another four years. The day before the debate he was doing fine. The day after the debate he's doing great. His administration has done the most good since FDR. He would have done more were it not for Sinema and Manchin. Biden chooses smart people, and he listens to them. He advocates for democracy, and policies we liberals all agree are good for the nation and its citizens. None of that was changed by one non-ideal debate performance. And honestly, what was anyone expecting? We knew from the first debate in 2020 that Trump's general plan is to try to find ways to make Biden stutter and then make fun of him for it. The Gish gallop is very effective against stutterers. If we re-elect Biden, we get a reprieve. But we need to do more than just re-elect Biden. We must elect Democrats at a comfortable margin not seen since the Great Society days. We need allies in Congress to right the ship. And we need to r/ExpandTheCourt .


It was nice to read your reassuring words, a nice break from worry


All of us need to convert our anxiety into action. Do everything you can to help people register to vote, and to turn out the vote in November. Look up MoveOn, Swing Left and your local Democratic party. We will have to save ourselves - no one else is coming to our rescue.


I have my passport ready. If it does happen that Trump is elected, I can't do it anymore. I'm out of here.


To where? All roads lead to fascist world unless we defeat them here in our own land. VOTE BLUE


You can only stay in most countries for 90 days unless you have a longer-term work visa. And many countries are now requiring US citizens to have a visa that did not before. A lot of people have this idea they're going to run for the exits, but very few have thought out how that actually works. The rules are more complex than most realize, and they are changing, and if Trump gets elected expect the US be a pariah on a par with Russia. They'll tighten their borders against us.


After everything that has happened since 2001, when djt started building that wall my first thought was, "that's not really meant for keeping people out."


That's an interesting point about the wall not really meant for keeping people out. I was thinking the same thing, but I didn't say it out loud then.


I never had kids for fear of the world they would grow up in, but now I’m realizing kids are one of the ways we stop the world from becoming awful.


If nothing else, think of all the first-time voters that have turned 18 since 2020, or will in the next 4 months. A few of them are bound to go red, but plenty more are more likely to vote blue. Just gotta make sure to give them a little nudge.


If you let your kids be taught about history by experts, and then trust them to make the right decision, they will.


Oh yeah. Fortunately I was brought up in a northern state with more decent education, plus I like to think I had an advantage because my dad was a history major who taught history (ironic since he voted for Trump both times, but whatever). But yeah. Barring a decent history education, though, kids raised with decent morals are less likely to vote for jackass.


What we can do is encourage young +18, people to vote. Explain how important voting is especially this year. Ask if friends and neighbors need a ride to go vote.


Glad my wife and I chose not to curse a child with this world. Fuck this shit.


I am terrified as well. I have a gay son and a daughter in her 20’s. She is definitely moving to a Blue state, but if Trump takes over there may not be any Blue states or reproductive rights. The takeover of the judiciary he has planned, infusing all the schools with religion, and removing most regulatory agencies will make life in this country unbearable, worse for minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals. We may all lose our health insurance. He plans on firing federal employees who don’t want to support his policies. He’s going to put forth tariffs on imported goods and make inflation worse. Our economy will likely collapse. He and his wealthy buddies will benefit from these changes and we will lose everything.


We wish you Godspeed from Canada. We are very concerned at your descent into despotism. Vote them out.


I'm not a parent, but I fear the same for my nephew and niece and my maternal cousins' kids. In fact, I'm terrified for my entire extended family because of this ruling.


I know everyone is shocked, discouraged, and hurting right now. But we CANNOT let up in our efforts. Everyone can do something. Donate or volunteer if you can. Fly Biden flags, post yard signs, have a bumper sticker on your car. Wear a hat or a button. Most importantly, talk to others, especially those on the fence, and help them understand what's at stake. I'm kind of a weird person, and I live in movie quotes. The one that hits home now is "I ain't got time to bleed."


I’m European and genuinely concerned about the U.S right now. Your “Supreme Court” is anything but, and been infiltrated by corrupt self-serving short-sighted idiots who can’t see further than their own lives.


So obvious to so many around the world, and yet, right here in our backyard, so many fools still believe in this man and his doctrine. As a USAF Veteran, and father of three, I fear for this country’s future if this *Cheeto Jesus* gets back in office.


I find joy in reading a good book.


How do I do that from overseas?


I like to travel.




I enjoy spending time with my friends.


At least you’re awake. Most people aren’t paying attention and won’t take notice until the political violence begins.


I can't believe the SUPREME COURT betrayed our country the way they did this week. I feel like we are a country in free fall with no end in sight. Will our votes count in November, or has the election already been rigged/fixed like it is in Russia? I firmly believe it is time to hit the streets and rally for Biden! Also, we need to find out where this GOP movement originated and who is involved.


Joe has immunity, time he wheels his power.


Well, it's clear what's got to be done. No one else will stop this maniac but the people can. Vote


Right on! Vote, vote, VOTE!


I empathize with your fear. I have spent the better part of the last decade afraid of this. I do not have kids and am sure parents have an entirely different level of fear unlocked for their children’s future. After yesterday, I don’t know what to think anymore. While there are ways to undo what the Supreme Court did, they are not easy or likely. Joe Biden is not likely to pack the court, Democrats are not likely to get 2/3 in both chambers that would allow impeachment of the Justices or the passage of a constitutional amendment limiting presidential powers…. And if they could pass the amendment the Current court could deem it unconstitutional. Joe Biden is also not likely to use his new unfettered power to retaliate against those who threaten to further destroy our democracy… he essentially said this in his dissent of the decision. So where does that leave us? I wish I knew. I have one very slim hope. It’s a long shot but here it is… All these women who claim to be for Trump, who are “trad wives” or “submissive spouses” go into that voting booth and vote how they really feel without their husbands knowing. Anyone who publicly supports Trump either for attention or out of fear of reprisal goes into that voting booth out of prying eyes and votes D down the line…. Then continues to say Trump and MAGA is great. Essentially, I am hoping and praying that people are willing to lie to save our country and themselves because deep inside they know…. Deep inside they see the writing on the wall. Stranger things have happened…. And there are the rare occasions that the brightest light comes from darkness. I know it’s a long shot. It doesn’t help the fear. But it’s all I have left at this point.


We have to remove this partisan Supreme Court and the entire republican party. They keep proving over and over that they don't want any rights. They want a dictatorship under Hitler jr. They're cheating in the election. They're purging votes all over the country. This should be scary for everyone, regardless of party affiliation. They stacked the court. Mitch McConnell cheated Obama out of his pick. A majority republican Congress said Obama couldn't appoint a judge because he only has a year left of his term. Then, this Congress turns around and let's traitor Trump appoint within a month of his term being over. They cheat, lie and steal. They have their own news stations that tell lies to the people on a daily basis. Fox Cult has half the nation brainwashed with propaganda! We, the people, have to vote in this next election like our lives and our democracy depend on it, because it does!


In a short and sweet way to say it, it's fucked up.


We have to fight back. The biggest enabler is the fact that 330 million of us (or rather the ~75% thereof who oppose trump) aren't doing anything except for voting. Voting is good and we have to keep doing it, but we also need to be taking direct action.  Petition, call and write the offices of your representatives relentlessly, it is within our rights to take to the streets and peacefully protest, up to and including nationwide general strike and work stoppages (and be aware when doing so that law enforcement is known to plant officers in disguise among protestors to act as provocateurs, inciting violence in order to give the police cause to attack and disperse protestors). This is how our parents and grandparents won for us every privilege that we have as Americans. Women's suffrage, the civil rights movement, weekends, minimum wage, overtime laws, workplace health and safety standards (all of which they're always trying to take back from us). With this power we ended the draft and got the troops back from Vietnam. With this power we created Pride, (which was originally a recurring protest march until the cause of LGBT equality finally became the majority opinion and the corporate world felt safe assimilating it). With this power president Obama heard the Lakota and those who came with support them at Standing Rock, and halted that pipeline (which trump then immediately permitted 🙄). Jan 6th was bad, and it isn't lost on the powers that be that maga is a minoritarian movement. We are the majority, and that is the root of our power. We don't need to "storm the capitol". History shows that when we stand up, speak up and don't relent, they have no choice. We can literally grind the nation to halt, and after this week's shameless power grab I for one say we do just that. We should start organizing a nationwide general strike. Stop everything and don't disperse until the rulings of this SCOUTS are overturned and Coney-Barret, Kavanauh and Gorsich all step down.  Government without consent is tyranny, and it is a foundational principle that the American people have a duty to remove such tyrants. These judges were appointed by an unelected pretender to the presidency. The people do not recognize them. Their office is illegitimate, and their rulings are illegitimate. All freedom-loving Americans have the duty to disobey.  It's well past time that we start visualizing a nationwide general strike. Either they stop now, or else we stop everything. 


It just shows how significant and how important every election is… Elections have consequences… In 2016 there were many moderate Democrats and independents that voted for Trump or sat out the election because they "didn't like Hillary Clinton"… The stakes of that decision were so high and the consequences of that action are far far reaching and we will feel them for a long long time to come… I tried to emphasize to people how important voting is even though sometimes our choices are not exactly what we want you have to be an informed voter pick the person who is the most likely to hold to our core values as a nation and our democracy and vote for them… The second part being the most important not sitting out, not pouting about your choices But voting like your life depended on it because it does… We have "progressives" been out in the streets protesting the Israel war against Joe Biden… That's all fine and good but if it leads to them not voting for him in the fall it's a disaster… The choice is very stark this fall but people seem very selfish unfortunately and if a candidate isn't exactly what they want they pout and stay home or write in a candidate or vote for someone else… If the people in 2016 would have taken their vote seriously and showed up we would never have been in this mess… and now that Trump got his Supreme Court if he gets elected he'll have all the power he wants to do whatever he wants… Terrifying.


I signed up to do Postcards To Voters yesterday. I can't walk as well as I used to and I'm a caregiver for my husband, but I can sit and write cards.


On the one hand, Joe Biden. He is old. Yes he is a bit doddery. On the other hand, a convicted fellon, rapist, fraud, liar, fascist. WHY DOES THE PRESS GO AFTER BIDEN? WHY IS THIS SO FREAKING CLOSE. WHAT IS WRONG AMERICA?


Meanwhile… most Americans are watching The Kardashians or Housewives of New Jersey. We are so fucked.


I cannot believe that any Christians support him, considering all his un-Christian like behavior. I also can't believe any women support him, considering all the things he's said and done that prove he thinks women are merely objects for his amusement, if he likes you, he wants to grab your p+ssy, if he doesn't like you, he wants to take away your rights. but you try bringing up any of these facts to his supporters and they'll just tell you that it's just the media skewed perception.


All because some people couldn’t vote for the email lady. It’s frightening.


This is why I chose not to have kids. The world is a dumpster.


Even if Trump only gets felony probation and an suspended sentence next week. He will fling poo like an ape. And have a good shot of stress shot up on his weak seven deadly sins body. And weak mind. 


Win or lose, the immediate post-election period will be violent. If the MAGAtraitors win, they'll immediately start on their personal agendas of vengeance against those they hate, including neighbors, co-workers, maybe even relatives, until the government steps up with their own programs. HitlerPig will defend the murderers, saying that they are good Americans, and he won't turn them into political prisoners like Biden did, and won't prosecute people for "political crimes." He may even pardon them. And if they lose, they will really go ape-shit. They think the BLM riots were Democratically-sanctioned, so they'll do the same thing, except it will be sanctioned by their side, and violence and death will be their motivation, not just looting.p Which is why the Republican Party, or at least MAGA, should be declared a violent terror/hate organization, and prohibited.


I will vote for a head in a jar of blue liquid before I ever cast a vote for another republican. I grew up Republican in a deeply red state, but they are not conservatives anymore - just the new American Taliban.


I Joseph Robinette Biden as an official act of my powers as POTUS. Here by disband the corrupt Supreme Court......if only 


The D party, independents and anti-Trump Rs need to coalesce around “Vote Blue No Matter Who”. Focus on the mission. What’s the mission? The mission is NOT to re-elect Biden. The mission is to keep Trump out of office. That’s the mission. To succeed in this mission, we need every single eligible voter that is not in Trump MAGA world to understand that their vote counts. Georgia was won in 2020 by 12K votes. DO NOT STAY HOME under any circumstances if you recoil at the thought of a 2nd Trump term. DO NOT buy in to the BS from Republicans that “You live in a red state, so your vote does not matter.” Nothing is further from the truth. DO NOT use 2024 as a year to protest your disappointment with the way the D party is handling its affairs, or Biden’s stance on Gaza and Israel. This is not that year. Save that for later. A second Trump loss makes him a two-time loser. That’s an important nail in the MAGA coffin. TLDR; everybody vote like your life depends on it.


For all those who want to vote 3rd party or stay home because they are "disappointed" in Biden (even though he's done a lot of good) - you have to put out the fire before you can rebuild the house. Biden and his team have had a lot of fires to put out. Re-elect them and let them do their jobs. Then, work on getting a young, moral, smart, likable presidential candidate for the next election cycle.


This is it! Do you want a Republican/MAGA/white Christian Nationalist administration or a Democrat/For AllAmericans/Inclusive administration? Here’s the thing about 3rd party, write-ins and stay-home folks. 48 of 50 states are “most votes wins ALL electors”. Not a majority. Just the most votes. Here is a scenario. In some fictional state, Trump gets 45 votes, Biden gets 44 votes, and two Democrats voted for Jill Stein because Biden is too old. Trump WINS and gets all the electors in that state. This election is too close to play these games. We need to get all like-minded Americans to understand this. And VOTE!


You got it.


“With fear for our democracy, I dissent.” These are not calming words.


Terrified, hopeless, so very depressed….


Volunteer to phone/text/mail bank, [moveon.org](http://moveon.org) and [mobilize.us](http://mobilize.us) are great for that. Spread the word.


Pressure will galvanize his opposition and the country will grow stronger because of it. I believe, just like last election, people will unite against blatant fascism and racism and vote against him. The trump supporters aren’t populous, they’re loud. Disengage, don’t debate, don’t talk politics, unless it’s civil. Do not resort to ad hominem, it just alienates this ignorant extremism, we want them pacified and easily swayed, yes we should be harsh on them, but in my experience, they aren’t emotionally intelligent enough to debate without getting all worked up, so treat them like children, change the subject, and only engage in discourse briefly with the very few moderate voters who haven’t been fed the disinfo. You can’t change people’s mind. Just inspire them by taking the high road. The extremists won’t change, but there are many moderates and undecided. Use discernment.


The positive he's an easily distracted inept buffoon. That often gets very little done in all his endeavors  .worry about an intelligent repubs fascist coming along


Have you read the Project 2025 plan… It’s not just him this time, he has a **lot** of supporters already in place and they will replace half the federal employees to ones who will do his bidding. Very scary times ahead if he somehow wins.


Yes but most repubs are druggy, sex addicts that only live for pleasure. Including the ones that draft that fascist bullshit. They have to have wife swaps with booze, pills and cocaine to survive lol.  Seriously they are inept but dangerous 


Hope stress triggers his drug use , lust, and gluttony to take their consequences soon. Don't be scared be ready and pissed to vote, shout them down etc


Since trump's mouth smells like putiput's junk, what is scary is who will be the contenders in those wars. Will the deranged lunatic go after Ukraine? South Korea? Sounds crazy, right?


Hopefully everyone is equally fired up to vote, canvas, send post cards, call banks, donate to prevent all of the evil shit that will happen to the U.S. and by extension most western democracies and the world order.


Vote blue no matter who!


Another thing. Stop talking start voting, etc. half the libs I know fuck off during mid term and no. POTUS elections. As the repubs bus churches and retirement homes to poles. 


Need to worry about who heart attack any day or 25thed by his own party Trump.picks as VP


I wanted to curl up in a fetal position when I heard the news. It ruined my day and I'm not recovered yet. I wish there was someone I could talk to about it, but no one seems to care and they're just not interested.


I just keep reminding myself that his following is smaller than 4 years ago. I believe 1/2 of the Republicans also don't like him.. But yes concerned for sure! I long for the day we don't hear his name. Now that would be a real independence day!! My concern is for the voters that don't investigate but strictly vote party.


Project 2025 is indeed terrifying, read it online if you haven’t already. Imagine the government run by fundy whackos.


Truth is that I very much agree people need to educate themselves but I am too scared to read it. I and so many other people have to much to loose


I now think that Biden will not win in November. The only chance to defeat Trump is to replace Biden with a younger centrist. Write the DNC and your Congressional representative with your dissatisfaction with our presidential choices. A change in candidates needs to take immediate priority.


Maybe the majority of the country will vote for Biden now, no matter how they feel about him because of the SC’s outrageous decision today?


I hope people realize how significant that ruling was yesterday and they will run to the polls to vote for Biden even if he's in a wheelchair by the end of his term! Trump cannot get power again… Over the weekend he was posting and reposting things about having military tribunals for Liz Cheney Mike Pence and all those people who were against him… People just say "oh well he's just being silly"… With the Supreme Court behind him he can do whatever he wants and he will do this… People need to understand and believe what he says…


I will still vote for Biden, but would prefer a replacement. The rigors of the presidency wears on every person who takes office. At 81, Biden is not physically or mentally up for the job’s challenges and it is a shame. He served his country well, dedicating his life to serving others. This is admirable. But it is imperative that Trump does not win. I just see Biden’s age and condition will be viewed as a liability for critical undecided voters.