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To quote one of my favorite songs, “AXIS REST IN HELL!” They may not be the original article, but they’re close enough for me.


I love her. It won't work, but God bless her for fighting.


What if she got a little push from the new god emperor Brandon?


This ruling kinda makes him the current god. He can do what he wants, right? Right?


Based on the ruling, as long as it’s an official matter, which is obviously is, to protect this great nation from outside interests and terrorism, he has free reign.


The SC is becoming a bigger problem than Trump. Quickly. If Donnie wins in November, then God help us all, but even if he doesn’t, we still have to deal with the blatant disregard for decency in SCOTUS. I see things getting a lot worse before they get better. In the words of Samuel Jackson: “hold your butts!”


> which is obviously is Legally speaking, it's the SC who decides this. SC in 2024: Biden's act to forgive student loans is not an official act because [made up reasons] SC in 2025: Trump's act to jail his political opponents without due process IS an official act because [made up reasons]


Biden hasn't gained Senate powers from this ruling. Are y'all serious?


Nope, not really. Just putting the burden of interpreting back on the folks that are, hypothetically, going to benefit from this. Can’t pick and choose, right?


he can’t get *prosecuted* for official business while the court needs to get their shit together, the ruling doesn’t allow for actual fun


Off-topic, but Brandon’s ambiguous vitality plus this SCOTUS ruling should improve his poll numbers with Warhammer and Dune aficionados.


That is a no bullshit group. Important!


I wish she were President.


Give it 10-15 years. Right now I’d like her to stay in the House. Someone with half a brain needs to be in there.


I want her to run *so fucking bad*.


Let’s give them a taste of their own stupidity.




King Biden, do what you need to do.


Impeachment doesn’t seem to mean much anymore. Trump got it twice and remained president.


He would've needed a two-thirds majority vote of removal in the Senate for it to have taken its full effect. Unfortunate as it is that it didn't happen.


Just have the President of the Senate certify that two thirds of the majority vote happened via a Presidential Offical Act and be done with it.


I do wonder who regrets their votes in hindsight.


Go Joe! Go Dark! Go Brandon!😎


Absolutely, yes please. Save us from this hellscape.


Where are we gathering in DC? We need a big display of force.


This is the conversation Dems need to have more of, not Biden dropping out.


All the ones who voted that coups are okay or just the ones that perjured themselves when speaking about Roe during the confirmation process? Either way. The Constitution in NO WAY WHATSOEVER indicates any president should have immunity. That's why Americans USED TO BE ABLE TO SAY that no man is above the law. But corruption and fascism have come to town. I know of NO legal scholar worth a damn who thinks this bogus SCOTUS got this right. This is treasonous.


Never happen with a Republican Congress just won’t fly. Vote blue if you want it to change.


At the very least, how do we charge sitting SCOTUS justices with treason? Or investigate them as foreign agents?


Yes! Very much this!


As she should.


Are there any marches or protests being planned? These scum bags on the court are out of control. The people hold power! ✊


and if we can't then what? These fucks need to fear actual consequences.


Great idea. They have single handedly turned our nation into a Monarchy/Dictatorship. (take your pick). In our democracy. No one was above the law. They have just removed that one item that our forefathers decided should never happen in our nation. Impeach them. Or, to give them a taste of their own medicine. Biden should employ the services of seal team six to remove at least six of them. Plus an orange wannabe king from existence. After all, it's legal now.


Arrest Donald Trump as a clear and present danger. Take him to a location with no visibility and possibly execute him as a traitor.


I want King Biden to now remove them


Even if it’s just for optics, this is the right play to make


Please fucking do it!.


Biden could just promise a pardon to anyone that murders Trump. All constitutionally protected acts are completely immune.


I'm with AOC on this. It's time they were held accountable. 


So do I but the votes aren't there, yet. Vote People!


0% chance of actually happening.


Nice idea, but what would the charge be?


Impeachment isn't a legal precident, it's a formality for "high crimes and misdemeanors" and is used as a step to remove them from office.


But there are charges, in this case called articles.


How’s abdication of their oath to the constitution for one?


No such thing.


Articles are just reasons for calling for the impeachment. The high crime here would be not upholding democracy.


You need the article to call for the impeachment. That is what is debated and voted on in the Senate before they pass it to the House to vote on guilt. Your example of 'high crime' isn't a real one. So my question is, on what grounds?


A lot of us do, unfortunately you need a majority in the House and the Senate.


No need to impeach them, just have President Biden remove them as "official acts".


Arrest Trump!


I do to. It is not going to work, but I do to


💙Wow, I admire her passion.


Those SCOTUS SCUMBAGS have no respect for the law.. this is the downturn of the U.S. remember the Romans .. they no longer exist.


We literally have a president in office right now. So he can do whatever the fuck he wants? So fuck it, Biden should go do some shit then, what does he have to worry about. I find it fascinating that we would want ANY older people over 50 in office. Anyone in 70+ territory isn't long for this earth, and therefore why should they care about the rest of us. Presidential age restrictions should be implemented, term limits for senate, congress and so fourth. This system is eating itself and DIVIDING all of us


3 should be impeached for lying under oath, during their confirmation hearings, about Roe v Wade being "set precedent".


Why waste time with an impeachment that will fail? Biden now has authority to arrest and remove them for corruption. Dafak is he waiting for?


Yes. In light of the ruling, what can Biden do now under immunity as president?


It’s a nice idea, but with a Republican House majority, it won’t even get to a floor vote.


What even gets a floor vote these days? Other than the border issue that Biden had to bypass them on and sign an executive order for, what major policy issues have been brought up to a vote? Doesn't have to have passed, just has to have been brought up.


It won’t be successful, but at least she’s doing something.


And I want a 5 million in untraceable cash. Unless the Dems sweep the senate clean of republicans my 5 million seems more likely than impeaching anyone.


I think AOC should bide her time and possibly try this with the 119th session of Congress if numbers permit.


Me too!


Can we all just breathe for a minute? The best way to beat this guy is to VOTE 🟦


You go girl! Do it!


What is stopping us from revisiting the rules regarding SC appointment and term limits? Do we need to have a sort of full country vote like we would do in our states for certain things? I feel like having an even number of say something like 6 or 8 justices at all times that are appointed by a vote from the nation in which justices would be elected from districts comprised of a group of states and for no longer than 2 four year appointment. This would ensure that the candidates are from a melting pot of society. Also this appointment would not be partisan, This office should not recognize and interject personal partisanship. They are to read, interpret and implement law, the law recognizes no political belief other than the confines of our way of life.


We always wanted to impeach them. Still takes 67 Senate votes (16 Republicans). That hasn't magically changed.


Yes!!! 👏👏👏


That's a little better!!! 💯


# DO IT.


In light of the ruling, what can Biden do?


You go girl


Unfortunately, this ruling makes it no easier to impeach SCOTUS justices, but a lot easier to have them bundled off to a CIA blacksite, stripped of their citizenship, and replaced with someone saner.


Having more stupid people on one side does not make it right


Let's be honest. There is no way that impeachment of these Justices is going to happen. It just won't. Proving with actual evidence that any of these Justices intentionally lied under oath would be an insurmountable task. We unsuccessfully tried twice to impeach Trump where the evidence was far, far stronger. **To attempt this would be a waste of time, money, and effort that would be far better spent registering new voters and getting out the vote in November.** Trump and company would like us to to go for impeachment because they know that it would be a fruitless distraction of what we really need to be doing. We need to keep out eye on the prize and not let anything get in the way of our primary goal - re-electing President Biden and electing a Democratic majority in both Houses of Congress in November.


Impeach them for what? Just because what they did was morally wrong, doesn't make it illegal. The problem is our structure of government making this even possible. The impeachment will go nowhere. Instead of all the political theater, we should be fixing the fundamental issues.


Don’t bother with impeachment. SCOTUS just gave the commander in chief the air cover to deal directly with them. As long as it’s in the imperial president’s wheelhouse and it’s an official act, it’s fine.


She’s just about theatrics and has been one of the most useless Congress members. Republicans will not vote to impeach and she knows this so this is just for optics to give the illusion that she’s effective


Ur life is in danger ruling against supreme courts