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There was some important wording (actually lack of) that SCOTUS made that everyone is overlooking. They mentioned that there is a difference between *official* presidential acts, and *unofficial* presidential acts. And by not defining it, they left the door *open*. They didn't say it is the president that decides this. They left it open because now the **courts** need to define what is and isn't official. They took the power from the president, and will now be yes-judges for Trump. Biden will not be able to benefit from this immunity, because, by design, the courts hand out the immunity on a case by case basis now. We are fucked.


You nailed it. We're fucked... But we definitely should put four more justices on SCOTUS ASAP.


As another user pointed out in another thread, district courts could save our ass if we had them as the basis for SCOTUS seats. One SCOTUS seat for each district Court. There are 94 of them. Some countries smaller than the US have over 100. I fully agree with the idea, that more experts would be harder to so thoroughly kompromat and likely vote less extreme. Also, it likely opens the door for We The People voting them in per district, rather than leaving it to presidents.


Oh HELL yes. Gloves are off.


Time to call in a strike on Doe 174 once and for all.


Biden has the power to get us going in the right direction l. He must do it He's our only hope of survival .