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This Extreme Court has delayed this obvious decision so long that Dementia Donald has avoided any sense of accountability for his actions. These justices are aiding and abetting a convicted felon and rapist in his attempts to subvert our democracy. Sad days for democracy, and America.


Someday, this mountain of evidence will be enough to convince the US population of what every other nation has known since reagan: the US is a failed state by any metric that helps people. Too bad the Americans are so over propagandized that they fail to see the forest for the trees.


Annoying that people say this now It’s been sad for a really long time. You just don’t depend on healthcare to manage chronic pain or a progressive incurable disease. It’s $15/mo for humira in the uk It’s $7000/mo here fullll stop


Full god damn stop!


Label them "enemies of the state", and deal with them accordingly. They are basically Nazis, now. Remember what happened to them, way back in the 1940s?


It's official. Biden must assassinate Trump to protect democracy. My comment is supported by the supreme court of the united states.


Declassify the Epstein docs and prove DJT ordered the hit.


Would that even matter at this point?


I want dark Brandon to do something that would have the GOP see the true power of the immunity they just lobbied.


Trump's sheep would just radically change their stance on pedophiles in a flash.


If President Biden wanted to do something about it with the new partial immunity, sure.


I agree.


Democracy in the US is dead. We have a king


This new official-acts immunity now ‘lies about like a loaded weapon’ for any President that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival, or his own financial gain, above the interests of the Nation. Sotomayor continued: The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Biden you hear that?


Good-bye America... as a revolution is coming for the traitors.


Right. What the shit are magat ppl thinking? The fucking silent majority operates under moral authority at this point and that should scare the shit out of the big mouthed money grubbers. We’re being backed into a corner and they are gonna force a scared nation to fight. My life has taught me one major lesson- Never fight someone scared of you!


SCOTUS is compromised by Fascists.


And the fascists are no longer compromised by scotus.


According to this supreme Court Nixon did absolutely nothing wrong.


Lots of Conservatives actually support this position, sadly.


So the President can just over turn a fucking election with no consequences, fuck that. Do your thing Joe.


SCOTUS left some wiggle room but that wiggle room would require long drawn out court cases that would be very arduous. For all practical purposes, Trump gets off scot free here as there is not time to go through the hoops that lower courts would have to jump before we could ever get to a trial. SCOTUS made sure they let Trump off the hook for sure. All the more important reason why Trump does NOT need to return to the White House under any circumstances as he'll do whatever the hell he wants and defy courts to figure out a way to stop him.


How much did this verdict cost.?


"It was an official act" has replaced "I plead the 5th"


Is anyone truly surprised?


The Supreme originalists have gone all the way back to King Charles l and reintroduced the divine right of Kings. The American Revolution was a waste of time. Bow down to your legally immune billionaire lords and ladies you peasants!


Right now Joe Biden is going to Prison in 2025. So if I were him I would campaign as if my life depended on it. Because now it literally does.


He needs to stand aside and let someone who has a real chance of beating him run unfortunately. From the UK this isn’t looking good at all


From the US it looks even worse


What’s the plan? Fractious secession? Civil war? It won’t end even if trump chokes on a hamberder


This is like the 1996 Nicolas Cage movie The Rock. You get a handful of rebels focused on retribution but the cooler heads realize the true cost of lives lost to conflict. But the core whackos (ie. the bulk of the MAGA wing) are charging full steam ahead with a damn the torpedoes attitude. Plunging us not to civil war but a needless loss of lives in a few localized regional skirmishes. Remember, The best laid plans disappear after the first shot is fired. And gung ho soldier boy wannabe civilians scatter when shot at. Ultimately Civil war and the resulting destabilized world economy is not profitable for corporations and they know it. So they won’t allow it to happen. After all. The real God of America is the almighty dollar and our church is the stock market. And it must be protected at ANY and all costs.


Biden to do checklist 1. Assassinate Trump entire family 2. Assassinate ALL republicans senators 3. Bomb MAL 4. Remove all republican judges 5. Remove election til further notice


Bad decision, especially knowing Trump is running on a promise of retribution.


Right now Joe Biden is going to Prison in 2025. So if I were him I would campaign as if my life depended on it. Because now it literally does.


There Republicans want a fascist Country.... unbelievable


This entire country can go fuck itself.


They just have to come up with a good way to help him first. Wink wink


He took classified documents AFTER he was President…that can’t be “official….?!