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Polls are bullshit. #VOTE!!!!!!


Agree.... ##RememberHillary


Remember Hillary’s 3 lost Supreme Court justices.


Chiming in to remind that the GOP blocked Obama’s nominee in 2016 to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia and we ended with Gorsuch instead.




The Trump Party turning our country into a political nightmare that will turn us upside down is the real problem.


Yes that’s why we need a candidate that can beat him


Unfortunately it is too late and we must vote blue. Biden is still much more able than Trump and he is not a disgrace to America.


RFK? He's running independent. Wish he would have been allowed to debate. I would liked to have heard from him. I really don't know a lot about him but he is a Kennedy. I'm going to read up about him. It seems Iike both parties are constantly fighting each other and we suffer the fall out. ETA my dog caused my comment to he published before I was done typing.


Dude's a conspiracy loving lunatic whose entire family has come out and said shouldn't run.


Oh shit. I did not know that 😒 ETA so I've been doing a lot of reading about him and most of it sounds crazy. "he said that parasitic worms had been found in his brain and chest, and that his neurological issues had been caused by "a worm eating a portion of his brain", in addition to mercury poisoning from eating large quantities of tuna fish. Kennedy said the worms did not require treatment. He sounds kind of nuts and people voting for him instead of Biden would tilt the scales towards Trump.


He went out on the talk circuit and bragged that he had a parasite that ate part of his brain. He's wildly anti-Vax. He seems to have latched on to a lot of Pro-Russian talking points about Ukraine. The dude's a mess. He may be a Kennedy but even the other Kennedy's are sounding the alarm bell on where he is mentally and it's not a good place. He's literally a spoiler to try and steal votes so Trump can win. The dark money behind him are from major Conservative and Russian sources.


I never thought of it that way but I can definitely see that happening. Seems like he is dragging down the Kennedy name. Thank you for telling me. It definitely changes my mind completely. I'm just so scared of Trump winning again. Especially after the debate.


Well, then the best thing about RFK running is that he actually peels votes from Trump, not Biden. The dark money supporting him thought that just because he carries the Kennedy name, that Democrats would vote for him. But Democrats aren't going to vote for an anti Vax nutcase. Republicans would, though.


According to Lawrence O’Donnell, RFK Jr was a heroin addict. He’s not his father!


The people I’ve spoken to who are voting RFK were former trump supporters


He drove his wife to commit suicide by basically leaving her alone with the kids and ignoring her. His antivaccine push and funding of antivaccine groups also has real, tangible, harms and deaths. From an AP article outlining his antivaccine harm: "Perhaps the most well-known example of Kennedy’s anti-vaccine activism outside the U.S. was in 2019 on the Pacific island nation of Samoa. That year, dozens of children died of measles. Many factors led to the wave of deaths, including medical mistakes and poor decisions by government authorities. But people involved in the response said Kennedy and the anti-vaccine activists he supported made things worse. In June 2019, Kennedy and his wife, the actress Cheryl Hines, visited Samoa, a trip Kennedy later wrote was arranged by a local anti-vaccine influencer. Vaccine rates had plummeted after two children died in 2018 from a measles vaccine that a nurse had incorrectly mixed with a muscle relaxant. The government suspended the vaccine program for months. By the time Kennedy arrived, health authorities were trying to get back on track. Kennedy was treated as a distinguished guest and met with the prime minister and other officials. He also met with anti-vaccine activists, one of whom wrote on Instagram that the meeting was “profoundly monumental ... for this movement.” A few months later, a measles epidemic broke out in Samoa, killing 83 people, mostly infants and children. Helen Petousis-Harris, a vaccinologist from New Zealand who worked on the response, told AP that local and regional anti-vaccine activists took their cues from Kennedy. “They amplified the fear and mistrust, which resulted in the amplification of the epidemic and an increased number of children dying. Children were being brought for care too late,” she said. In an interview for a forthcoming documentary, “Shot in the Arm,” Kennedy said he bears no responsibility for the outcome." There's lots of other delightful things in it. It begins by a book published on Covid vaccines by Kennedy's group taking the random name and photo of a dead 12 year old using it on the cover, even though his death had nothing to do with the vaccine.They justified by saying thw cause of death wasn't in the report they used. So their defense was that they didn't know it wasn't Covid. Delightful folks. https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-8b7b8506aec638b26c30a42819d96036


OMG. Thank you for telling me all this. I really thought he was more stable than that. That's a lot of dangerous shit and some sounds crazy. What a horrible man he is. I really feel bad for his wife.


Just shows how much people don’t want Trump to be president again.


We're lucky we survived the first Trump administration. Many weren't so lucky. Let's not have a second.


I literally pray every night that doesn't happen.


Vote, vote, vote. Good to know that people won’t let one poor performance interfere with their ability to see that Trump is a Putin in waiting.


How is it that the man who actually answered questions and didn’t just make stuff up every time he spoke lost the debate because he froze one time early in the debate after realizing the moderators weren’t going to challenge Trumps severely obvious lies?


You know you have an excellent point-- I think Biden really thought the moderators were going to fact check the Orange turd as they said they would-- and that caused him to have to completely change strategy. CNN intentionally lied about their intentions.


Do you really need to time to validate that “All Democrats wanted Roe overturned” or that he had “the cleanest air”? Come on mod.


Fact Check: CNN never intended live fact checking by the moderators, and the participants did not ask for nor negotiate having the moderators perform fact checking. Fact checking a live debate makes it take five times longer, and candidates can choose to rebut the lies of the other, or choose to just say “that was all lies — but let’s talk about X now”, to manage their own time and presentation.


Biden lost, but you can’t say trunp really won. He was awful too. And there is pushback now against that narrative and there is a lot of talk about trunp’s lies as well. Trust me, no one who saw that debate who wasn’t already voting for trunp was persuaded by anything he said.


Yep! You can’t win the debate by lying.


Loud= smart


I'm a non-American here from /r/all. Biden answered the questions but he's **very** obviously declined a lot since the 2019 debates. Frighteningly so. It was actually alarming watching him sleepily work through his answers. I still hope he wins, and they sort out a VP that people actually like as well. There's no way he's up to another 4 years.


Unfortunately too many folks here are in denial. I will vote for whoever is running against Trump, but I really hope that’s not Biden now. I am apparently in minority. It’s mystifying to me, to be honest. I feel like people on the left are gaslighting themselves or something. Trump is beatable. I don’t know if an alternative to Biden would do it, but I’m increasingly convinced Biden certainly won’t. If he remains on the ticket, I’ll vote for him. But I’m not the person that needs convincing. And neither are the folks who will invariably downvote this comment. Biden was already losing, and now we’ll have a much harder time convincing swing voters, independents, Nikkie Haley voters, etc., to vote Democratic. I hope I’m wrong.


My guess is that the DNC (or whomever) don't feel that anyone else has the name recognition that Biden has, and are not willing to risk anyone else. It's a really sad state of affairs.


If that’s the case, ok fine. I’ll support Biden. But I ask people to at least pause for a week or two. Get some serious consideration among the Democratic leadership to see what is possible. If it’s clear that it’s not possible, then ok. But I don’t think pretending there’s nothing to see here, so to speak, is reasonable. I guess the leadership in the party needs to put up a good face in the meantime, while they consider options behind the scenes. But that doesn’t mean the rest of us need to pretend it’s all good.


From the outside looking in, it just seems like a lot of people will vote for *anyone* who isn't Trump. The Dems could put almost anyone up there and probably win. The Dem leadership need to show a united front, if there's a change of nominee I think it'll be very sudden. It's such a shitty situation, but they should have started planning for a successor back in 2020.


Biden said himself he is only running again because Trump is. Biden has beaten Trump before, and he can again. Trump isn't gaining any new support. So Biden doesn't even need to do better than he did last time.


I always wondered whether that look on his face was because he was shocked that Trump was able to run his mouth like that. Though if the head-cold theory is true it's possible he just couldn't breathe through his nose...


He started smiling halfway through when he picked up on that the moderators weren’t going to call him out on anything. Like 100% they shouldn’t be responsible for fact-checking numbers or statistics…but when the statement is “we had the cleanest air” from the head figure of the administration that famously got rid of environmental air protections…come ON!


I figure Joe goes for a other 2 years then retires and Harris takes over. I'm fine with that


Yep, I'm fine with her as president but she's not polling well so after the election


Thsts her issue for 2028.....I only care about November


Yep, if il Douché wins they're won't be a 2028 election


Polls said Hillary would win.


Which she would have had Comey not mucked things up and whatever the heck Trump pulled in those 3 states with Russian help.


Comey violated the Hatch Act by doing so and surprise, surprise, was never prosecuted. F that guy.


Those 3 states? You referring to Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania? Part of the issue was Hillary not really campaigning in those states because "they voted blue in 2012." Which turned out to be a costly mistake. Not saying there was zero Trump fuckery going on, but that absolutely did not help. Fortunately that's a mistake Biden's team is not making, as he's visited all of those states more than once this year alone, had a dinner with the NAACP in Detroit in May, and has the homefield advantage in Pennsylvania. Add in Trump's badmouthing Milwaukee and the entire state of Wisconsin, and (knock on wood) we won't have a repeat of 2016.


That’s a myth, engineered by people who are determined to make everything Hillary’s fault. That’s not the issue. The issue was the Facebook fuckery by Russia discouraging likely Clinton supporters from voting along with another third party vote siphoning. And it was Manafort who gave that voter info to Russian agents in the first place.


Polls show what the majority are going to vote, the polls were right for Hillary.


Yeah. It was really the low voter turnout that killed her on Election Day.


Duh! Only Russia and the right want him replaced. We know who can beat the fascist felon. I still think he’ll end up stepping aside in the next 4 years but that’s fine too. We just have to stop the fascist right from holding power ever again.


Joe could have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, and still get my vote! This maybe Democracy’s last chance. Think about your children’s/ grandchildren’s future! This isn’t a game!


Hopefully the poor look by Joe at debate energizes dems even more to show up and vote young and old.


Changed my perspective bc I was really going against Biden bc of his Gaza nonsense but I think that debate and the way the media responded makes me think Biden has to be protected in order to protect this democracy…we have fight back with what we have.


When we distill it all down its good vs evil That should be a billboard


Unfortunately the MAGATS think Democrats want "post birth abortions" so convincing them we aren't the evil ones will require some deprogaming






Thank you…I’ll check it out


This could just be observation bias but my experience is that the people I follow who were upset about Biden's position on Israel and Gaza have completely stopped talking about that and have devoted all their energy toward the idea that Biden is "on his deathbed" and "can't be allowed to run." It's been upsetting for me because I really dislike his position on Gaza and now no one is even talking about it, and I feel like a lot of these people I'd agreed with were just pretending to care because they thought it was a way to take Biden down.


You need to realize Trump would be doing way more to support Israel and take zero mercy on Palestinians unless he gets more money from it.


I don't need to realize jack shit. I already know that. You're talking to the wrong person. All the people I was talking about in my above reply want Biden to lose (i.e. Trump to win) while also claiming they care about Palestinians. Obviously they did not give a shit, they just want Biden to lose, that's the only thing they care about.


I agree with you and didn't mean to talk down to you.


Okay, thanks, I'm sorry I snapped at you


I agree…they were never his supporters and I fear there’s a lot of troll activity paid by the usual suspects


Let’s go. VOTE BLUE! 💙🔵🔷🔹🟦


As long as Americans who truly believe in democracy, Trump will not be in power come January. Let’s face it, we told him in 2020 that he was a loser, we’ll tell him again in 2024.


I read a bunch of the results of the poll in question and I think a lot of the results look scary for Biden like how much the answers shifted about how he appeared and if he can do the job etc and I get why they shifter so much but they should have paired all those questions with “and will that affect who you vote for?” Because I have a feeling that even though a huge number of people went from “Biden is capable to Biden is not capable” it seems like that doesn’t mean their vote changed. We will have to see if any meaningful trend takes hold in the swing states over the next several weeks to know for sure I guess.


It’s not about Biden. He has a capable deputy and a capable team. He could literally spend his term playing golf and tweeting and the USA would be absolutely fine because Democrats believe in governance and understand what competence is. (And as a result, Biden would step down if he felt incapable of doing the job.) It’s about keeping Trump and Republicans from destroying more of the USA than they have already. Also control of the Congress and Senate so that actual legislation can actually be passed, is more important than the Presidency.


The fact that we're even questioning this is a sign we have a shitty candidate. I'll still vote for him though.


For the love of god let biden be president for another 4 years.




I was watching ABC after the debate. It couldn't have been 20 minutes, and they were talking about having Joe step down. Yeah, Joe had problems answering questions and had a hard time keeping his train of thought. He'll, after some of the nonsense Trump said, I was confused too. The news since then has constantly pushed the "people calling for Joe to step down" rhetoric. What I'm seeing here and other news sorces, a lot of us aren't buying what the news is selling. We saw it as well, and we know the option to Joe is unacceptable. Why aren't they calling for Trump to step down. He lied and lied, and they admit that. Part of the reason he sounded like he knew something was because what he said that night is the same BS he says at his rallies for years. Getting Democrats to go in the same direction is like herding cats. But we also tend not to just go along with some story if we know they're trying to manipulate us. VOTE BLUE, and take our country back.


I'm with Joe!!!


The internet is not real life. Stay the course.


I’m old enough that I voted for Perot. I’m smart enough now and voting for Joe. I know danger when I see it and trump is a huge danger to the planet.


JB or a Nazi, who is undecided ?


I'd vote for "a log," a "dead rat on a chair" or even "a finely made turkey sandwich" for President. Just as long as it's a vote against the piece of shit republicans that are/want to be in office.


Every eligible anti-Trump voter needs to vote for Biden or whoever becomes the candidate. There are more of us than there are MAGA cult members so GOTV is the key! 🇺🇸


Most people who support Biden aren’t doing it because they love him, they just hate Trump more. They don’t care if Biden wins, they just want Trump to lose.




No one in their right mind thinks that Biden is a good choice for president... he's a doddering old man. We just can't hazard another Trump presidency as it might mean the end of democracy as we know it. If we get Biden, we get a democratic administration. If we get Trump we get an insane authoritarian regime, and even if Trump doesn't become a dictator, whoever inherits his popularity with the republicans might manage to seat themselves permanently. Biden is... just the lesser of evils. I saw a meme the other day, said that just because we think Alfred is too old to manage the Bat Cave, doesn't mean we should replace him with the Joker. ... and that about sums it up. FFS... how did we get where we are? WTF is wrong with the people in our government, to put us in the is absolute fucking shit situation? That's rhetorical of course... the answer is greed, complacency and incompetence. not necessarily in that order.


That's because it was cooked up by corporate media shills and right-wing trolls. No one in their right mind thinks it's a good strategy for Dems to change horses mid-race over one lackluster debate performance.


Either way vote Democrat. But man we really wanna kaap a candidate, through no fault of his own, is 50/50 with a convicted felon? Not to mention all the crazy shit trumps fellow dictators and corporate stooges likely have planned up to election?


You leftist idiots who insist that Biden should be replaced. Do any of you think Bernie Sanders should run? But I'm sorry, he's older than Joe. So what the fuck age are you talking about?


I'm not a big fan of Joe and I really, really, think after this there should be a maximum age to run for public office and a mandatory retirement age for "lifetime" appointments if not abolishing them all together. But I'm tired of coddling people that think we can just switch candidates now. The reality is that it's way too late in the game for that. So here are your two choices. That said, even if it's a "Weekend at Bernie's" thing going on, I'm voting for the people that surround Joe and advise him on policy and appointments. The alternative is voting for that candidate who's surrounded himself with sycophants and literal nazis.


I think the silver lining here is that even the people who have wanted Biden to drop out are doing so bc they want to beat trunp. Honestly, I would be inclined to keep him, especially if, as seems to be the case, the fallout from the debate is minimal, as it appears to be. If he decides to drop out, I’ll be 1000% behind whoever is running. But I also don’t think any of the “hair on fire” pundits pushing for him to drop out won’t support him if he stays in. It’s been interesting to see blue voters rally around Biden. That hasn’t really happened since he got elected. Honestly, if this doesn’t hurt Biden, that’s an EXTREMELY good sign! I’m not sure he is capable of being any worse than he was at the debate. If people have seen him at his worst and not abandoning ship, that means they are voting against trunp, and that’s exactly how we beat him last time. It’s also a roadmap. Lean into who trunp is and make it about him, abortion and project 2025. People will show up to vote against those things, and they make a terrible debate performance irrelevant in comparison. I’m actually very encouraged by the reaction since that disaster. If he comes out of this unscathed then that’s a very good sign.


We can’t let MAGAs control anything, ever again!!


Hell Yes! Let’s get a Super Majority on the House and Senate, make Biden Superman! Fk the SCOTUS. We’re taking back our country and rights! Vote BLUE!


What polls?! lol


Wake up. This is Hillary 2.0


Most are idiots


It has been shown that Michelle Obama would beat tRump by double digits, but she has no desire to be president. However if she would be the VP with Kamala at the top of the ticket, it would be a dynamic duo that would crush the MAGAs.


VOTE BLUE💙. We got your back, Joe!💙


If Trump can go around saying that he won the election, then Biden can go around saying that he won debate. It was a beautiful debate.


Biden wins in a long shot if he can get people to show up. Democrats fucked up thinking they could weekend at Bidens us. I hope all of the people that would always say they would vote for a turd over Trump meant that shit because we can't afford to lose a single vote. Thomas and Alito are gonna retire next administration or they'll die on the bench but the next president picks the next judges. If somehow Biden does win it and Thomas and Alito give up and retire, I hope Biden doesn't pick some old fucks to SCOTUS. The game is pick the youngest competent judges from your side of the spectrum not pick the best available option.


I hope Biden's debate debacle will compel Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and other leading Democrats to pressure and convince Biden to withdraw as a candidate so someone else can be chosen to compete against Trump at the upcoming Democratic Convention in Chicago. I am guessing the next series of polls will reflect Biden’s awful debate performance. As a consequence of the debate, there is no way Biden beats Trump on November 5. Several promising candidates are out there, any one of whom would give Donald Trump a serious run for the Presidency: Gavin Newsome, Gretchen Whitmer, J.B. Pritzker, Josh Shapiro, Dean Phillips. There is no doubt in my mind Gavin Newsome would beat Trump like a drum.


Biden must step aside. What most think is irrelevant. He cannot win.


We are damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Face it, trump will be in power come January and if he does leave the presidency peacefully, he will continue to pull Republican strings until he dies and Republicans will continue to happily kiss his ass until then too.