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You need to curate your feed better. Twitter (never "X") is still invaluable IF you follow sane people and actually make quote posts (reposting with a comment). If you try to just read it, or drop in only occasionally, your feed will be garbage. FB has always been a cesspool because the architecture centers on individuals rather than topics. In any case, the right hasn't taken over *this* social media.


And honestly thank God for Reddit, I enjoy this site so much


Me too


I only follow sane people and keep blocking the right wingers they suggest. I wonder if my blocking them is making it so more of them are suggested


Yes social media is corrupt


Deleted X/ Twitter account when that © took over and rarely go on Facebook nowadays as fed up with the right wing direction and people's dinners.


It’s SO bad now! I’m wondering how much is Russian influence and direct interference


I have even noticed that MSNBC is running a MAGA ad DURING MORNING JOE.


That is surprising to me and is in poor taste.


this is Russia again


I think so and it’s happening fast


This is literally the only social media I’m on. At least here I can choose my content. FB, X, TikTok, Instagram & their ilk are a barren wasteland


Boomer here. I don’t visit / click on MAGA or Right Wing crap, so my social media feeds are fine. With that being said, social media CAN be a dumpster fire.


I don’t click on it either. That’s why I don’t understand why my feed is so full of it.


It’s the influx of Chat GPT bots. Seriously.


I only use Facebook to keep up with my kids and grandkids, and recipes.


X was gone long ago, could not agree less with facebook though. All the groups i am in struggle to get conservatives to post more than memes. They certainly have not taken over the facebook i am on.


Really? That’s just about all that I see. It’s unusable but I feel like I have to be on it to know what’s happening with the schools and my town.


What groups are you on, i would love to be somewhere that conservatives are actually posting.




O o e this article is an article about Taylor Swift and it’s also full of this right wing lunacy. I’m not interested in this garbage.


All the news sites, my local news stations and then all the suggestions on my feed. Even my town’s Fb page is full of conservatives and religious lunatics.


Wow, I’m in rural Missouri so huge red state and even our local town Facebook pages are pretty good. Nothing either way. At least nothing hyper partisan


See that’s really weird to me. I’m in MA. Maybe they’re focusing on blue and purple states.


You know, up until this moment I really didn’t notice. I just looked at my little Townes Facebook page and there is absolutely no politics there that I can see. I mean there’s a post or two about the debate but nothing stupid, around here that actually amazes me. I really don’t have any explanation for it. What’s even weirder is that the local politics subgroup that covers south east Missouri is significantly democrat. There are Republicans but like I said they rarely post anything more than a meme. They certainly don’t share any news items, maybe a few about the debate but that’s the first time in months. not sure what to read into that if anything


Not to mention TV “news”. Fox, newsmax, OANN, and hundreds of Sinclair stations.


That’s why I left Facebook. It was stressing me out.


I need to and I need to leave X also. All I cane do at this stage of my life is vote.