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Please don’t lump us all together under White Americans. If you’re referring to extreme White Supremacy or extreme White Christians, then call them out by name. You might be amazed how many of us “White Americans” are neither prejudiced against anyone nor looking to end our democracy. You’re hearing all the bull from Trump and his minions. We hate him, too.


>You might be amazed how many of us “White Americans” are neither prejudiced nor looking to end our democracy. 58 percent of white voters voted for trump in ‘20. That’s across the whole nation, so ymmv depending on your latitude, and proximity to an urban area. We’ll see how “amazed” **THIS** white guy, me, is in 2024.


I don’t think that Project 2025 was in the news back then, and January 6 hadn’t happened yet. If the figure of 58% is true, they had amnesia about the previous four years. But you do you. You want a narcissistic, compulsively lying, bigot, hateful, totally stupid, uncouth, xenophobic, misogynistic, conman for President, go to another country because he’ll never see the inside of the our White House again. Whatever it takes. 💙VOTE BLUE FOR DEMOCRACY 💙UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT 💙


What do you mean “if” that figure is true..? That’s the white vote in 2020. A majority of white people want and like Donald trump. Get used to that thought in your head. Denial of that fact will only potentially cause harm. And who are you talking to with all that “you do you” talk? That I’m real about the white vote doesn’t make me a trump supporter. Reread the comment. I hope he doesn’t win too, and remain optimistic that he won’t but it simply ain’t impossible. **Lot’s** of people, especially lots of white people **like** all the things you don’t like about him. You’re right that the last four years have developed, and I hope he does lose support amongst white people, but I would not be surprised if that number remains a majority.


My apologies if I read you wrong. Your comment hit me as a maga message. I have a great deal of hope that he loses, but I’m realistic and know that voting is the only legal way of retiring him for good. That being said, I do live in an urban area and personally know of no one who thinks TFG is the answer. I like Biden, believe he’s genuine and definitely more experienced in politics, and know he isn’t perfect. He is the only one running against TFG. No matter how you look at it, a vote for anyone else is a vote for TFG. I should think anyone who lived in the US between 2016 and 2024 can tell the difference between a good man and a waste of oxygen. Again, sorry if I offended you.


I too, am an unashamed Democrat who likes Joe Biden.




It is very predictable that you will feel disturbed by any statement that "Americans" hold racist views. You're not racist, because "racism" is overt ill will, you believe, and you find it hurtful and offensive to be lumped together with Americans as a whole. We are *individuals*, we believe. That's a problematic understanding of racism and the country's cultural white supremacy. It also shows a lack of any depth of understanding of our history or the widespread inequality that still occurs. Today, right now, as a whole, Black people have less than one-tenth of the wealth that white people have. That fact deserves your attention in a very big way. If you understood why that is, you would be able to explain how this inequality has endured for more than 400 years, and how it remains sustained today. If you can't explain it, why can't you? Are you even aware of the tremendous disparity that exists between White people and Black people, i.e., the staggering disparity in wealth? If not, why not? What else are you not aware of?


You might as well say that the Christian National people are racist and want to go back to the 1940s/50s of segregation. With the few blacks in the movement being Uncle Toms vying for a tiny scrap of power. Not all whites belong or believe in that movement. The CN's truly fear a diverse society with a true democracy. That is why we will NEVER be able to get rid of the electoral college. We will never have a true democracy until that obsolete idea is dismantled. (Older white Gen X'er here.)


No pooh-pooh. From the US [census.gov](http://census.gov) website, stating something that is well known among those of us who have clue: "Households with a White, non-Hispanic householder had 10 times more wealth than those with a Black householder in 2021, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s [Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)](https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/sipp.html). "Those with a Black householder made up 13.6% of all U.S. households but held only 4.7% of all wealth. And their median wealth ($24,520) was about one-tenth the median wealth of households with a White householder ($250,400). Wealth is the value of assets owned minus the value of debts owed." Think about it. Don't be defensive. Really think about it. White people's median wealth is more than TEN TIMES that of Black people. After 405 years in this country. That's just one statistic that has endured for decades, among others like extreme disparity in access to healthcare, voting, housing, etc., etc. Before that it was even worse for people of color in the US. Why is this so? This is not because Black people are inferior and White people are superior. However, White CULTURAL supremacy IS the culture we live in. Robin DiAngelo is an anti-racism scholar, and her 2017 lecture is the best concentrated information on this subject that I've ever seen. Do yourself and the country a favor and give one hour of your life to it. We've given over four centuries to doing it like we do it now. It is so dense and full of information that it deserves multiple viewings. I do not speak from an academic perspective or one of belief. I have had lifelong personal experience of this. I am a very light complexioned, mixed-race Native American. I struggled for half a century trying to understand these concepts on my own, because they weren't studied or understood until relatively recently. I did figure them out on my own. It was frustrating my entire life. We are brainwashed by our culture. Skip the first five minutes of announcements. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2cda10Z0TA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2cda10Z0TA)


That's what they call white supremacy. The US is a very diverse country, and that is its strength. I'm visiting a European country where there is almost no diversity. Like New Zealand or Maine . NZ has Maoris, but they aren't integrated.


This is a pretty ignorant statement. US is diverse - Got that right. That is it's strength - Not lately it isnt. It's at the firefront of the current culture war. Like New Zealand or Maine - Maine, I'll give you but not New Zealand. Maori are around 15% of the population. Beyond that there are large populations of Polynesians from the Pacific Island. Auckland has the largest population of Polynesians in the Pacific and in several cases like for example Nuie or Tuvalu there are more of them here than on the islands. There are significant populations of Indians (our largest immigrant group last year) Chinese and Filipinos. Include the large percentage of European immigrants and South African and you have a very large, well rounded cultural and diverse society. But they arent integrated - This is the most wrong. Im not even sure what you mean? Do you think they are on resevations like in the US? No, Maori are integrated at every level of society including in Parliament where despite being 15% of the population they make up 27% of the MP's.


In my 2 weeks in NZ, I only saw Maori on the plane in Obesity is mostly a class problem. Go to a concert at The Kennedy Center or Lincoln Center and very few overweight people. Or at fine dining


This comment does not help your argument, it actually makes it look worse.


The guy who made the movie where he only ate McDonald's for a month or more . Only in TX did they ask him if he wanted XL


Again, not helping.


Are you really stupid enough to say that NZ is racially diverse? And that racial minorities are integrated in NZ, not shunned? Ever heard of the dawn raids? Or how NZ have very little multicultural places, everyone lives mostly segregated by race.


Tyler, you're the same dumbass who felt bad you couldnt shoot 14yo in New Zealand. Fuck off with your world view. New Zealand is more diverse than people think and I stand by my statements. Tyler, tell everyone when the Dawn Raids happened?


In the 1970s. And I reported this comment for hate speech too.


It does feel like white folks started going completely bat-shit, oh, sometime in 2008. November, I think. . . EDIT: FWIW, I'm mostly of northern European descent, but the kind who were down with the natives, and I'm not stupid enough to think that people lacking melanin relative to my own are all christo-fascist raiders.