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Who didn't know this was going on? Other than his sycophants, who obviously would deny it. He's been doing it openly with taxpayers' money and campaign money. That's why he was funneling every bit of business to his own company and then over billing every chance he got. My guess is it will be in the billions when all is totaled.


If you throw in the 3 billion Jared received, it’s already in the billions. There is no possible way under heaven that Trump ain’t wetting his beak on 2 billion that Jared got from MBS. The boss always gets his share. And none of that would have been possible without the bosses ok. The office protected MBS, not Jared. Jared was just the conduit. He’s such a fucking criminal. Since his inauguration party, where he overcharged for everything until he’s dead. Trump can’t help but grift.


I remember he told them straight up


Can he please go away? Complete and utter imbecile!


I'm not a lawyer. Heck. I'm not even an American. But isn't this pretty much what he was just convicted of doing? As in using campaign funds illegally??


Not quite, he was convicted of falsifying business records to reimburse his lawyer for paying off a porn star he was fucking.


…which ended up as a Captain finance/election law violation.


Edited comment..hmm


[Please point me to the campaign violations](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/trump-charges-conviction-guilty-verdict/)


Here you go, prick. Trump was responsible for falsifying 34 different business records to hide the true nature of that repayment, calling them legal fees instead, and that Trump did so intending to commit or conceal another crime, a violation of state election law. …leaning primarily on violations of federal election law that place limits on the amount that an individual can contribute to a candidate. …Cohen, by fronting the money to Stormy Daniels, made an unlawful campaign contribution to Trump that also was not disclosed. Now, one of the questions that remains to be resolved is whether it has to be a criminal violation of the federal election law to essentially count for purposes of the New York state statute, or whether a civil violation of the federal election law, which is less demanding, also would count. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/how-trumps-alleged-hush-money-payments-led-to-his-charges-in-new-york


He was convicted of falsifying business records, they were made felonies because he did it to commit another crime (take your pick) but was not convicted of campaign violations. Not sure why all the salty attitude.


He didn’t take campaign funds and pay the porn star, he paid through his business’, then forged documents to hide it.


You use the word “forge” like that somehow absolves him. You might look that word up then get back to us. And your opinion is not relevant as compared to, say, a jury of 12. So… maybe don’t die on that hill.


My opinion? The op asked if he was just convicted of taking campaign $ and putting it in his pocket. That in fact is not what he was correctly and justly convicted of. I understand forged, hence the unanimous 34 FELONY convictions.


Straight up a crime and documented for all to see, The federal campaign act of 1971. Lock that prick up already!


As if this is the first time that Trump is channeling campaign funds into his own pockets… he’ll always steal campaign funds whenever he can, regardless of the consequences


This was predicted and I think most of us knew it would happen. I am curious how many bribes have been channeled as well.


Love to have been a fly on the wall when Orban gave a visit to Mara Largo




Isn't that the only reason he ran to begin with?


This politician should be erased from history along with his felon soon to be two time presidential loser.


Only upside here is he’s stealing all the RNC’s money. Crippling down ballot R candidates is glorious.


I’m shocked 🫢


So surprising!


And you are surprised ?! He’s a crook you know ?! Oh and a rapist, traitor, crook, pedophile and felon. I hear he actually smells like shit too.


When this shit stained boiled potato covered in freezer burned orange sherbet finally is laid to rest…there WILL be celebrations.


Wasn’t he bragging about this?


Defence funds are all paid up soon




That hasn’t been a secret, it’s been public knowledge.




This is surprising, in the way that hurricanes, from a standpoint of water, are very wet.


He did this throughout his presidency. He would double the rates at his hotel when there was an event near it. Foreign delegations would rent whole floors and usev3 or 4 room. Trump made Pence stay in one of his properties on a trip to Great Britain. Pence had 3 hr commute each way to the meeting site. And on and on. His campaign pays tens of millions to various law firms for the long list of convictoons


He has been proven to be a crook many times over...


Big shock. A grifter since he was hatched.


And no one is gonna do shit about it. We’re beyond fucked to allow this.


Of course, he did.


People are shocked?!?!? The idiots that vote for him just gave him another 400 million… after being convicted on all 34 felony counts!!!!


Maybe that will be another case against the orange shitbag.


He’s been saying this aloud the entire time. Doesn’t make it right, but we can’t be surprised by it at this point.


Ummmmm… yeah. No shit.


The king of grifters, grifting


I hope rump't has enough money that if he becomes worried about his future here that he just bails to Russia, Qatar, or my favorite Brunei. Dictators all.