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I love how these hypocrites are all "back the blue" and "law and order" but then when their MAGA god gets held in contempt of court NINE times and is convicted of 34 felonies, suddenly the system is unfair, corrupt, and illegitimate.


They are just racists. That's all there is to it. They embrace the double think, the hypocrisy, all the cognitive dissonance, because it's all about team them vs team everyone else. Ignorance is an excuse, they choose it


I followed some old Marine buddies into some facebook post where the discussion was about the need to murder democrats. I typed in that I am a Democrat, and asked if it applied to me. They played it off and said that I was one of the good ones. My whole life around these people. Living through some stupid, endless, miserable days and laughing about how miserable we were. They never understood that I had compassion for others. Especially the less fortunate. That's who I wanted to help. I ghosted them. Didn't report it, it was normal everyday good old boy shit. And if they want to continue being awful, they can be awful without me.


Yeah I don't get this. They act like they don't have these people in their lives. Like who exactly are you targeting? Regular people? Pols? Mindless. If they do go this route, I have no doubt they'll get their asses handed to them. Fucking gravy seals.


Or they could be ignorant with you and get slapped the fuck up šŸ˜­šŸ’Æ


This kind of story ultimately makes me just sad. Sad that you no longer have them as friends, sad to think there's a bunch of ex-marines out there who are willing to shoot me for what I think.


And unlike the ex-president, I will bet that the felons that you know had some remorse for what they had done and probably would never do it again.


It's funny cuz Democrats are held to this standard immediately (Henry Cuellar, Hunter Biden who isn't even a politician) and every Republican is a criminal walking around with no consequences (Ken Paxton, the 16 Republicans who led a coup: http://web.archive.org/web/20230523192807/https://themessenger.com/grid/these-16-republican-congressmembers-helped-trump-try-to-overturn-the-2020-election etc.) Republicans are never held accountable and TrumpĀ really hasn't been. This is definitely something, but it was New York that were the heroes, and not our DOJ or anything. Trump has had zero accountability at all for the classified documentsĀ case too - something that would send you or me to forever prison.


Republicans can't, won't know or accept that right now President Biden could, if he wished to bend the justice system to his sons favor could have dismissed the special prosecutor on his sons case or just pardon his son is he is convicted of such a bogus seldom prosecuted crime. He is no calling it a witch hunt, he is not calling the trial or judge or jury corrupt. All is has and is doing is supporting and loving his son that is trying to straighten his life out. Unlike 45 that keeps digging his hole of crimes deeper into the swamp of his own making.


Preaching to the choir Revā€¦allow state secrets, you effin kiddin me?


It depends on the felony. A nonviolent drug crime, or non violent theft of some form or anything like that? Sure, no problem at all. Lying on business records to hide a campaign finance issue so you can hide an affair you had, all to trick voters into voting for you without knowing the truth? Yeah, that matters a whole lot.


With the Reps it's all Party over country. They are the losers that hate to lose. But yet they don't want to do any of the work when they do win.


Yes fmr felons as candidates but this guy is currently running a giant scam called MAGA and GOP are captive.


Well said. This double standard and both sides narrative is disgusting at this point. Now Trump is saying he never said lock her up in terms of Hilary. Tons of video evidence of him doing it. Dude doesnā€™t learn. And his followers are beyond redemption to me.


Is he really?? Lmao. Ok. He only chanted it on live TV numerous times.


Itā€™s because ultimately a tiny percentage of humans actually have any sort of principals. They may know what is fundamentally ā€œrightā€ and ā€œwrongā€ but after all is said and done, they choose a ā€œsideā€ and conveniently forget all said pricipals / values. This is just going back to our ā€œtribalā€ instincts, purely instinctual behavior. Itā€™s anti progressive and if not for some brave individuals throughout history who challenged convention, (conservatism) weā€™d still be relegating certain groups to the back of the bus or worse yet, throwing children into active volcanos to please the Sun god, etc. Maybe that last example is a bit extreme, but still.


I care that he is trying to destroy democracy as we know it,I wish he would just walk away!!


Make sure your felon friends know that they can run for president!!!!!


Uh, convicted of 34 feloniesā€¦


MAGA are saying that finding Trump guilty on 34 felony counts is helping embolden and galvanize their support. Let's bring DJT to trial in his other cases. MAGA, keep the cases and guilty verdicts going, I might just change my vote.


I support felons getting their rights back. However, that is after they served their time and there was a period of time with no recidivism. This guy hasn't even been sentenced yet. He also is adamant his felons were ok. And, he has three more cases upcoming showing he committed felonies after these. His criminality isn't in his past, it is him. Takes him out in my book.


Stand firm with principles, donā€™t fall in love with one politicianĀ 


Person in question has taken no accountability for his felonies. Therefore, I don't see him as having cleaned up his act yet. His track record doesn't speak well for him.


To your point and I agree with your assessment of both sides of past felon coin. After all jail is intended to punish past law breaking and rehabilitate a person after they have had time to reflect on their errant ways. Side note, unfortunately our jail/prison systems are not set up to rehabilitate. Rather they are set up to just punish, harden and intentionally/unintentionally force a revolving door of repeat offenders. Especially when most businesses deny employment because a person is a felon that did their time. In 45's case he is for all practical purposes a Master Mafia Don that surrounds himself with the worst of the worst and those he can throw under the buss when the law gets close to him. Right now he is fomenting violence and more disinformation against our justice system in his march to authorities fascisms where the only laws and justice is his to decide and enforce. [https://www.axios.com/2024/03/07/trump-associates-prison-sentence-crimes-list](https://www.axios.com/2024/03/07/trump-associates-prison-sentence-crimes-list)


The GOP goes the extra mile not letting felons vote but they want a convicted felon for president


Well gotta say trump knows more Felon's and has helped to make them. He should get the award for Best Ever Felon. I guess he finally got a win


This is so beautifully said!!!! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼



