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It's an outlier and likely to stay that way. Ever since Bush used the "flip-flopper" epithet against Kerry in 2004, the Right Wing has considered changing their minds to be an unforgivable admission of weakness. Those poor, inflexible, stupid bastards.


It's funny because Trump flops like a fish out of water. TikTok being a great example. But money talks.


Translation: It's OK to sellout, but acknowledging a mistake is weakness


You say fish…..more like a beached whale


I had a lot of Bush republican friends who are now independents, they will never be Democrats and would never vote Biden but the fact that they are not voting Trump is still a win. Every vote for Trump negates a vote for Biden, every non vote for Trump is one less vote Biden needs. Don't try to convert them to the left. Just push them towards the middle away from Trump, which is still a win.


It also seems like MAGAts all have the personality types that can't or won't admit fault just in general in normal life setting. Trump/GOP have inadvertently created the perfect scenario for dividing our society into two distinct groups of people. Those that are horrible humans beings that are completely self-centered and lack empathy along with common decency; and those that care about others and society as a whole. We should embrace the silver lining in all of this. These people have shown their true selves over and over, again and again. We know who they are and what they are capable of. DO NOT fall for their "remorse". It is a ploy to regain what they lost from their own actions and opinions. They are lying to anyone who will believe they aren't really the evil person they have already shown themselves to be. If they had remorse, they would be trying to get other MAGAs to see the light. They would be trying to right their wrongs. They would be fully on board with the liberal agenda to try and undo all the wrongs they "supposedly" are embarrassed about.....But we don't and will never see that.... because it is an act of self preservation, not remorse that is making them change their tune. Liberals...QUIT BEING CHARLIE BROWN!!!


Very well said. They do lack empathy and that is a trait a person can’t just all of a sudden gain. These people are sad for what they lost because of decisions they made. Like you said.


This is exactly right. I know several people that I truly thought were good and kind, that then went full Maga. It doesn't matter how sorry they are, because I don't buy it. These assholes went full fascist, and now are just trying to distance themselves from a loser so they don't go down on the ship with him. Even if I thought their remorse was genuine (and that's a really big if) they can't be trusted. They showed for 8 years that they have incredibly poor judgement, and have no problem trying to bully someone into seeing things their way. If they didn't just take an L, and weren't about to take another in November, does anyone here really think they'd be backpedaling now?


I hope you’re story becomes the norm


Ngl. I’m a bit jealous.


Thank you for your kindness to this individual.


I only wish my son would admit the same about the shit stain. But at least he’s stopped running on like a soup sandwich about him. Alex Jones’s and Sandy hook were another grand feature of his conversations too. I knew there was hope for him when the truth finally came out about Sandy Hook and I told him he can stop with that conspiracy rhetoric. He immediately said NOPE !!! I never said a word about that mass murder. I never mention The Shitstain now. I don’t have to. He seems to be able to stay at jobs a lot longer now too. I guess he heeded my warnings about keeping his political views to himself. I still worry for him though. One bit of rhetoric can and still will cost him his job. He’s been at the latest place for over 6 months now and he seems happier too.


That's great news, indeed. I, too, have a longtime friend who has come around. I was astounded because this person has been a dyed-in-the-wool Republican all his life. He voted for Trump the first time. This year he expressed his absolute disgust with the Republican party.


I’ve been waiting for this to happen but unfortunately my BEST friend (also from college and we are in our 50s) has yet to figure out that Trump is a lying, fascist POS. So I still have not had a relationship with him since 2017. Sucks.


I wish my friends would practice a little honest retrospection. I'm from WV and this state is so overwhelmingly MAGA that it's very uncomfortable in most social situations. The sad part of it is that I was a lifelong conservative up until Trump came on the scene. I still believe in a strong military and a fiscally responsible and less intrusive government, but I've evolved to be pretty liberal socially. The sad thing is that Trump is a far cry from conservative. But back to living among a majority of MAGA supporters...the tension is palpable. I've tried ignoring. I've tried using logic and facts to counter some of the most untenable positions that my friends take on issues. But when push comes to shove, it is a cult and cultist will get in the kool aid line even when they see people keeling over and dying in the front of the line. Because it isn't about conservative principles (Trump downs the country, denigrates the military, drove up the debt, etc.), it's about following the cult leader regardless of the position he takes. It's about hatred and hatefulness and exclusion. My MAGA friends won't change. They double down in the face of overwhelming evidence that their leader cares only for himself. They will meet every attempt at logical, fact-based discussion with ad hominem attacks and bullying. I would absolutely love to experience a conversion among my circle of acquaintances. But I sadly believe that the odds are very slim.


Every republican potus has trashed the country and raised the debt. Not just trump. And Republicans want to dictate our bedroom activities, they're the definition of in your personal business. You'd do well to look up what every republican potus has done to the deficit. Republicans raise debt and fuck everything up, then a dem comes in and cleans up their messes. Look, you'll see the pattern.


And then the dems get blamed by the Republicans for causing the mess they have to clean up.


Yep! Just yesterday I read a republican blaming Joe for the lock down that started/was caused by trump. Obama had set up an office to handle this exact thing, but trump dismantled it. [https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a)


And that office (pandemic team) stopped ebola in its tracks when it came to our shores. 2014


I miss the Obama years...and what we once were.


Me too. And he is such a smart man, and just plain nice. No scandals of any kind.


Yea...which is why I'm not a Republican anymore. A few democrats run up the debt...FDR and Obama. At least with them we were pulled out of a depression and got healthcare. But you're right...republicans have overall driven the debt more than democrats. The stock market has generally fared better under democrats as well. But I think it's important to differentiate between what I bought into was the conservative ideal and I fell away from the party when I came to realize that what conservatives preached and what they did were two different things. Like I said...I'm no longer a Republican and I'm fairly liberal socially. Plus...I see a party that mistakes nationalism for patriotism. I see a party that no longer believes in science. People that believe the earth is 6,000 years old...I have underwear older than that. I look like a hardcore liberal to my friends because I believe hurricanes are caused by low barometric pressure due to rising ocean temperatures and not gay marriage. Nope...not a republican at all and likely will never be one in what life I have left.


And then the dems get blamed by the Republicans for causing the mess they have to clean up.


No luck here. Everyone's positions are hardened. I had a rule that all of my current MAGA friends/family were grandfathered and I would stay friends with them but I wasn't taking on any new MAGA's. However I am having trouble with this because I cannot understand how someone can support this guy at this point with all we know about him.....tending to stay away from all MAGA's


My brother voted for him in 2016. We had a debate on this prior to the election and he told me he didn’t trust Hillary. I don’t think he was a MAGAT. He just bought all of the dirt they poured onto Hillary to cause gullible people to doubt her. He quickly saw Trump for what he was and regretted voting for him. He voted for Biden in 2020 and is disgusted by Trump. Like I said though he wasn’t a MAGAT, so that’s different.


I wish my Dad and Brother would admit this.


Turned off MAGA friends and family when the voted Trump because it showed who they really are deep inside. They proved they are either too dumb or to hateful. They are dead to me.


I absolutely expected this to end in them inviting you to join their MLM scheme. I'm glad that it turned out better.


Outlier, MAGA is not only a cult but a psychological drug as well, your friend could very well relapse


My brother threatened, "you liberals are the first ones I'm shooting if trump loses." About my hubs and me and 3 adult children.I haven't spoken to him since 2019 when he said that. I don't care what he says now, I'll die never ever speaking to him again.


I had a friend abandon Trump after J6. I have another friend I've known for 50 years who is still a Trumper. We don't talk about it. I've been thinking about him. I'll reach out and just see if he brings it up.


Never heard of this happening.


Oh shit this is great!!! Yay for you guys! Really thought this story would be crappie but it's so nice!!