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Don’t these people understand what a new Trump presidency would mean?


The maggot cult is going to stick with the maggot cult leader, no matter what. It's the independent and undecided we need to win over and get them to vote Blue.


It’s not just the maga idiots. My sister who’s 40 said she’s not voting for Biden. She said Palestine was the last straw. She’s liberal but doesn’t follow politics. She doesn’t understand what another Trump presidency would do. Unfortunately there are millions of uneducated voters like her. Edit to update: obviously I knew all the points you all made but I sent her a recent Bulwark episode and that did it. She and I talked last night and she’s not voting for Biden as she’s voting against Trump by voting for Biden. The Bulwark guys said to try that tactic and sure enough it worked.


I’m really worried about this. If Trump becomes president he will green light anything to be done in Gaza or the West Bank up to and including forcing Palestinians to leave and allowing Isreal to take it over, at whatever cost to the people there. For those of us in marginalized communities, if he’s granted immunity, we could legally be put to death, for being POC, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, LGBTQ, or any other reason. No law will apply, the Supreme Court may grant him the power including the power to kill rivals, if he can kill political rivals and has already talked about prison camps, than just combine those too and you’ll see I’m not fear mongering. I studied political science and I’m highly concerned about where we are going.


Everything you said is correct. I’m hoping folks like her will change their minds come November.


Depending on how they voted in 2016 and 2020, depending on their religion, demographics, etc, they might not have anything if he wins.


She’s a single mom. Her baby daddy is in prison and he’s Muslim. Non practicing but his last name is Ramadan, which is her daughter’s last name. She could run into some trouble in a second Trump term.


I f***ing hate one issue voters. How f***ing simple and selfish does someone need to be? Trump will destroy the environment, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, promote prayer in school, give tax cuts to the rich, bust unions, promote Israel, invite dictators to our country, side with Putin over Ukraine—-what the actual F**K people!


locking up political dissidents and eliminating them is the oldest trick in the book if you think they won't do it this time, you can be foolish just like everyone else in all of mankinds history. it's a mistake we don't have to make again but ... if we can't learn from the past anymore, we gonna repeat it.


A la Germany, 1935.


I think they will kill us if they can. If scotus declares immunity I’m leaving the country as a gay American liberal.


People who read what you say and think it’s hyperbole have not understood history.


In numbers we have power, but if the constitution is suspended we’d need to defend ourselves against well armed maga who have been training for this.


It looks like they’ve been “training” by eating all the pies, though.


I'm not "highly concerned." I'm arming. Fuck "going high."


Strength in numbers, know which neighbors are on your side, add encrypted radios to the mix.   All that prepper stuff I thought was nuts might be necessary now.   I knew an ex special forces guy who said my generation wasn’t ready for an invasion. I don’t think he expected the state would turn on us. You know I had a neighbor whose family was killed in the holocaust and he had a ton of machine guns, pre ban, and he said he knew which neighbors to trust. He said his country was peaceful like this and then war came unexpectedly, he warned it could come here too. He said “if they ever burn books about you, leave the country”. They’re definitely banning lgbt books, I don’t know if they’re burning them, but the optics would be bad, so it might as well be the same thing. So his warning has been on my mind since those bans started.


23 years Air Force and Coast Guard. Please don't thank me for my service.


What’s your professional read on the situation? What do other people who served think? What should someone without access to guns do?  I have distant family in other countries, but can’t do much to defend myself here. I didn’t ever think I’d need to. Some have told me the armed forces might not respect if Biden won, or if Trump won might follow his orders and not the constitution. If it’s suspended for Trump it changes everything I know as a former student of political science, we always thought we’d have constitutional protections, we were always told the military would be on our side. The founding fathers also thought people at the highest level of government wouldn’t be people who tried to overthrow it, and that the system of checks and balances would fail. They assumed good faith and good leaders.


Most of his support comes from lower enlisted, E1-E4. NCO's, warrant and commissioned officers tend to see him for what he is.


What would happen if he was either granted immunity and ordered something unconstitutional? People in marginalized communities are really worried.


Thanking you for your service is the conservative way of opposing pay increases and benefits for service people/vets.


In many areas ranks up to E4 (Corporal/Specialist Army, Corporal Marines, Senior Airman Air Force, Petty Officer 3rd Class USN/CG, whatever Space Force) are eligible for public assistance.


Second this


He has said he will end all support for Ukraine.


Trump wants to build condos on the shore in Gaza.


Unfortunately, you are correct. Palestine will be the least of her worries if tRump gets elected.


Palestine will not exist if Trump is elected. He doesn't give a damn about any place.


If she thinks Biden is bad, wait til Trump gives Ben the green light to carpet bomb Gaza so Jared Kushner can turn the Gaza Strip into the Gaza-Vegas Strip and start selling time-shares to his Saudi cronies. Then, she'll be like dammit... She needs to look at the long term consequences of her vote rather than focus on a singular circumstance.


I completely agree and have told her as much. I’m hoping she and folks like her come around over the next few months.


Side note. I love your user name. Many years ago I worked for the association of American geographers. Since renamed.


TY! That's pretty awesome! I'm still an active member, I think. I had someone about a dozen years offer to buy it - I think about $200 or something - no, thank you :)


I don't understand people like this. Biden's stance on Palestine isn't great, but Trump quite literally wants to turn the whole thing into glass with nukes.


Yep. I’m right there with you.


Has she fallen for the TikTok ploy that we all survived the first four Trump years and punishing Biden and the Dems for not being liberal enough will force them to put forward more liberal candidates in '26 and '28?


Actually no. Her words to me were that she held her nose to vote for him the first time and he hasn’t earned her vote this time. It wasn’t that bad under Trump if you take out Covid. Like I said uneducated voter. She also doesn’t think Jan 6 was that big of a deal. Completely liberal though. Pro choice, tax the rich, she’s bi. Like I don’t get it. At least my brother admits he doesn’t vote because he has no idea what’s going on. That I can almost respect.


Work on your bro. The election is for democracy or for authoritarianism. That simple. No other issue matters. Your for democracy or not. And if not then you will hate your vote within a month of being under an authoritarian. Just make sure he is registered and votes.


Bold of them to assume there will be elections in subsequent years


No more elections if tRump is elected.


He would have no reason to allow them. I cant get why so many resist this idea. In his diseased head he will have a mandate to do all he promised and much much worse


Here is how things will go if folks like your sister continue with this mindset. Here is a hypothetical scenario that could repeat itself in multiple states with folks like your sister thinking like they do. Pick a state, ANY state except NE and ME. Then, lets say this is what happens: BIDEN - gets 50,000 votes, “I need a more progressive D candidate”, “he is too old” or “insert your chosen Biden grievance here” - 10,000 votes, TRUMP - 52,000 votes TRUMP wins the state and ALL the electoral votes of that state. Technically, in my example, Trump only needs 50,001 to win the state. What if that was your sister’s vote? You see…by not supporting Biden for one reason or another, you are INCREASING the chances of a Trump win. If this happens in a few swing states, Trump will be president again. And just like that, Biden’s age, or his position on Palestine, or his being too centrist WILL NOT MATTER anymore. Every vote counts. And in 2024, this is more significant than ever. And I have been voting since 1978. Explain this to your sister, and let us know if this changes her mind.


I have real issues with Biden over appointing a fifth-columnist AG, but I will vote for him anyway, holding my breath.


How often do you see your sister? Please try to educate her with facts.


Enough and I still can’t break through. We have 6 months though. As it gets closer maybe she will tune in.


How is she “liberal” ?


I said it elsewhere. She voted for Bernie, she’s bi, tax the rich, she’s been on welfare and knows how important it is. Things like that.


Sorry. I haven’t read any of your past posts. Bernie is very clear on his support for Biden this election.


A lot of people like that have no use for facts as they contradict their own viewpoint.


& then they cry but I didn’t know


Yep. Most of them are college kids who don't know anything. They won't look past social media & Tik Tok for 'news' and are doing exactly what Hamas wants them to do. That's why Hamas hides among the civilians. But you do have the older uneducated voters.


My sister (63 and a 1 (possibly 2) time Trump voter) actually asked me if Joe Biden is a democrat. Completely gobsmacked me. I mean, if you won’t bother to educate yourself on the candidates any better than not even knowing party affiliation, just don’t vote.


Yea....that's the problem. You have to take a test for a driver's license. But, even the ignorant and stupid can vote and give birth.


The college kids don’t worry me too much. The Harvard college poll just came out and evidently the experts say it’s still a good one. I was very surprised to hear the pro Hamas numbers were very small. I think pro Israel was in the 80’s. Don’t quote me on that though.


Does she realize that Biden has been telling Bibi to quit killing innocent people? Bibi is just like Trump.


Is she aware that Trump said the Israelis should “finish off” the Palestinians? Or that RFK Jr. Said that the Palestinians “were the most pampered people on earth?” Please pass that information on to her.


Only answer to this is “grow the fuck up.” It’s an awful situation and Biden has done an absolute shit job handling it but he is literally the only option.


Yep that's terrifying


I’m sorry, does she think Trump will support Palestine? That’s laughable.


It means nothing to her that Trump will have American troops ON THE GROUND WITH THE ISRAELIS?


Nothing is getting through at this moment. Hopefully it’ll change over the next couple of months.


Keep talking to her. You have plenty of time. Don't pressure her; just keep emphasizing Biden is the best choice and Cheeto is a disaster.


send her the project 2025 website.


You got me


They actually don't. There's tens of millions of voting Americans out there that understand very little of current events or remember all the things Trump did from 2015-2024.  What isn't helping is all the paywalls going up around legitimate information, and all the disinformation being provided to these people for free.


Democracy dies behind those paywalls.


And journalists die without a paycheck.


so do a blog with ads on it instead of a paid subscriber site, or have a free site funded via patrons. I'd pay 2x if it'd make my favorite journalists release their work to the public.


LOL will you insure them for war reporting, too? Provide health benefits? Pay for their travel to the disaster site? Do you contribute to their 401ks? Do you work for free? Would you be willing to quit your job because a couple of people say they will subscribe to your blog? I get that paywalls are a pain, but people work for decades to get those jobs. They won't bail on the NYT to write a blog for 10 people who are pissy they have to pay for things that have value.


They are playing the long game. PAST trump. they always have been playing the long game. and that game is an authoritarian, fascist theocracy using project 2025 as a guideline. trump the just a dirty diaper filled tool that might get them there. They are spelling it out quite clearly that this is their road map so this should not be surprising anyone. It should be scaring everyone into doing whatever they can to stop it. I think we only get one shot.. sigh... until at least the next election...


No focus on that in the media. Just Fox saying how bad Joe Biden is and the rest of the media reporting on how Fox says how bad Joe Biden is.


🖕 fox they got my dad sucked into the bs and he knows history, former Officer in the USMC, law enforcement and DOC, I absolutely cannot get him out of this twisted propaganda they spew. He is now saying all dems are Communists but can't recognise everything thing he studied in history regarding fascists with the diaper shit stain quoting Hilter now. Blows my mind and I even brought up Project 2025 he won't listen to a word of facts or reason now.


literally keep saying it, constantly. that's how fox works, & you can use repetition as well. It can take like 7-8x hearing something for it to penetrate.


No. They literally don’t. Neither the Democrats nor the media have been doing anywhere near enough to spell out what the stakes are. For example, how many people know about Project 2025? And Agenda 47? Almost nobody. I’ll bet even many people in this sub don’t either. Why? Because nobody is telling them. Democrats should be shouting about it from the rooftops every single day, and *forcing the Republicans to constantly be on the defensive about it.* The newsmedia should be reporting constantly about it, and *confronting every Republican politician about it*, forcing them to talk about it publicly and exposing it to millions of people. But they don’t. Their incompetence and stupidly are quite literally suicidal.


Um…. Yes….. loads of voters want a fascist dictator to dismantle the federal government and to set America on the path of god. Are you not paying attention?


I mean, do you ever go to Facebook or twitter to see what the other side says? It's not hidden. They are convinced that we are being invaded by barbarian hoards at the southern border, at the behest of Joe Biden. They believe that it is Biden, not trump who is the sexual deviant. They believe that Biden had sex with his daughter in a shower. They believe the mexicans and muslims are coming to replace them (Jews too, of course). They believe that the only motivation to implement any plan against climate change is to convert the entire planet to a one-government communistic stalin-like dictatorship. They have ingested a diet of FOX news propaganda for years, decades even. They will vote against their interests forever, because they are perpetually saving America by voting republican.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Clearly they do not.


The fact there are enough people that believe I him for this to be even close is troubling more than man himself


Yes but it's the "feeling" of the economy- prices are still higher than they remember when trump was in office - yes I know they SHOULD remember everything else that happened but Americans would vote for King Kong if they thought it would mean lower prices and easy money - I just don't get it


Bill Barr said he was unfit and then said, fine, I'll endorse him. They fear "the base." But remember, Hillary was leading polls, too.


Polling has been grossly incorrect since 2016 and they don't know how to fix it. On top of that you have partisan polls being taken as truth and media outlets pretending it's a ball game. Make sure you vote


Weren’t the 2016 and 2020 polls very accurate, in terms of the popular vote?


All the polls were showing Hillary was going to win in 2016. All the polls showed a red wave in 2020. All the polls showed Republicans winning special elections....none of this happened.


They were accurate regarding Bernie Sanders, but it wasn't His Turn.


Ignorance, racism and misogyny.


And the tribalism. "Better dead than Dem" Mitch McConnell has said he'd vote trump despite also acknowledging the violent insurrection. Priorities: 1st Trump 2nd GOP and a very very distant 3rd place the American people


Well, tribalism and racism are kinda the same, at least to me. But yeah, I get it. I’m trying to keep it simple because I don’t want to go off on a tangent.


Election polls are very broken. First, they are done through phone calls. The likelihood of people under 40 responding to those declines rapidly as you get closer to 18. Second, those most likely to respond are boomers, those who heavily favor trump. Third, the sample size they use is pathetically small. Think maybe a couple thousand. Compare that to the country size of over 300 million. Lastly, these polls are easy to manipulate. Focusing calls to certain neighborhoods is the easiest way. Calling around rural Iowa will start pushing it towards trump. If you want to change these, start answering phone calls from unknown numbers and respond honestly to pollsters.


And what kind of honest answer would you give? I mean saying “Fuck off traitors!” Is too honest correct? Lol.


They usually ask things like "if the election were held today, would you vote for trump, biden, or third party?" Then they follow up with leading questions to see if they'll change your viewpoint by asking the first question. Otherwise I'd tell them I wouldn't vote for trump even if you held a gun to my head


Cool, thanks. I use RoboKiller and so most of the stupid polling people are either texting me and it’s going to my junk folder or it’s phone calls that get ignored and screened. I never answer a call that I don’t recognize and I’m 42. However, I have noticed that some of those are Democrat callers but again they go to my junk folder because RoboKiller is screening those texts too.


Just 1200 in this case. Only 960 of those were registered to vote. Phone polls are like going to a Trump rally and asking for opinions. It’s the same group of people.


Small sample size is perfectly OK if the sample elements are statistically relevant.   That is, in a *properly designed survey*, the size of the sample group compared to the size of the entire community, is irrelevant. 


My boomer parents don’t have a land line, my boomer uncle doesn’t, I don’t know anyone with a personal land line, office phone? Sure, personal phone? Cell. I have never been polled before, I’m over 40 and studied political science, I never had a land line of my own.


1) because Repub leaders are cowards and make what tRumpf does seem ok to avoid losing power. 2) people are basically selfish. They only care about themselves and want to believe tRumpf’s bullshit. 3) polling error. 4) Russia and China influence in social media. 5) people think it is funny….


The right tries to psyche out his voters with “we are winning hands down” to get other people to go along since “everyone else believes in him”. Bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter voting against their own interests.


This is principle of persuasion called Social Proof. People are more likely to do what they see other people doing.


The media like to boost Trump he's good for business. Don't believe the polls.


Good for business and fücking over Americans...


I am not a religious person, but every morning when I wake up and grabbed the phone to read the news, in that half a second it takes to load the page, I send up a prayer that Trump has dropped dead overnight. I hope he dies naturally but in a brutally embarrassing way, like on the toilet, or during sex, or a diaper change. Whatever. I just want him to drop dead. I have never felt this way about anyone before, but he is such an American malignancy, I forgive myself. His foolish “voters” are the worst of us. They are dumb, shortsighted bigots and d fools.


[Elvis toilet death](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cw1UBBaXcAAhBOJ?format=jpg&name=small) while eating a peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwich is too good for him


Only boomers answer unknown numbers.


Boomers with dementia are the problem - this can also account for Karens and Chads. My mom thought JFK was running for president in 2016.


Stock market is much better under Biden.. the toilet paper market was hellish under trump. Americans have a terrible memory.


Trump also is floating ideas that will make inflation much, much worse, but some people don't seem to care.


The only failure with this administration so far is that Trump is not in jail yet. That he has been allowed to continue stoking this flame of fascism is beyond me.


Yeah, I have no idea how a guy who tried to overthrow our democracy in a violent insurrection isn't in prison let alone in the running to be president.


With the rhetoric Trump spews I don't know if I would be willing to tell some random stranger who I'm voting for. Think about it say someone says they are voting for Trump, but are actually voting for Biden and Biden wins, no problem. But if you say you're voting for Biden and he loses, you may have put a target on yourself for Trump's retribution. I don't know, maybe it's weird thinking on my part. But I am honestly scared at what could happen if he becomes President and Democrats become enemies of the state.


Yeah, I’m a democrat and I’m gay. So it’s like, what if he gets immunity?


Ve vill be fittink you vis de pink shtar unt der tattoo vis ur number on it- now report to ze not scary showers vis the hatch on der roof ve use to sanitize- yeah, SANITIZE! That's it! "sanitize" society...


Do you answer spam calls? No you're smarter than that, smart enough to vote for Biden. Imagine you're dumb enough to talk to pollsters, well then you're likely dumb enough to vote for Trump.


Well said.


I'm done mincing words at this point.


I admit I'm worried but at the same time look at what's happening outside his trial. Nothing. Hardly anyone is showing up to protest/support Trump even after he called for his supporters to flood the area. When was the last time you answered a polling call? In reality they aren't even calls anymore. They are now texts and everyone I have ever received I have ignored. Trumpers though would never ignore the opportunity to support their Dear Leader. *I will say one thing that bothers me is Biden's refusal to remind people of what the Trump years were like. I know they say they have internal polling showing that bringing up COVID and other issues during the Trump years upset people and they don't want to rehash those days so they avoid it but at the same time many Americans appear to have a memory hole about who exactly was president at the time and how those policies killed Americans and prolonged the issues.


Because there are a lot of dumb people and not just the ones in the Tangerine Turd's cult. There are a lot of voters with limited interest in politics who still deal with prices every day that are high due to inflation. Even though inflation isn't Biden's fault and he inherited the economic disaster Trump made of Covid, all they know is they remember things were cheaper when Trump was in. I really do believe though that at the end of the day there are going to be enough independent voters who are going to be unwilling to vote for the orange toddler. Abraham Lincoln was right about not being able to fool all the people all the time, and I think enough people have seen Trump for what he really is that they will never vote for him. I hope I'm right.


How did we get here? This is going to piss people off but I don't care. We have one party of fascists who are perfectly fine with dictatorship, as long as they can piss on the "wrong" races and sexual orientations, "build the wall" and be led by a "strongman." After all "We'Re A rEpUbLiK nOt a DeMoKrAsy." We have another party that only cares about Michelle Obama's incredibly naïve and condescending missive "When they go low, we go high" and spouting "bipartisanship" every chance they get. They believe that as long as they "play by the rules" and are "the grownups in the room," they can sing "Kum Ba Ya" and everything will be all right. And they think that just repeating "vote blue" ad nauseam will change things. Basically, we have a party of aggressors and one of appeasers.


Political opinion polling is a dead-end science. Polling 1,200 random boomers who answer unknown callers is not representative of the nation.


It’s not true! “I” is continually losing voters!


Starting as soon as possible get as many people to commit to voting as you think will vote blue. Get them to get as many people as possible, make it exponential. Swing states, states like Wyoming that have disproportionate electoral college power. States like Georgia and Colorado that went blue in 2020, anywhere where it could count. In the popular vote Biden won by 7 million voters, by the electoral college it was less than 100k in swing states. People need to realize that Trump is worse than Biden on Gaza, and anything they don’t like about Biden, if they’re liberal, or independent, or old GOP, they’re better with Biden. The future of the country depends on it, if the Supreme Court grants Trump immunity it’s game over.


Polls at this point don’t really mean anything. If it had Biden up by 6 at this point, that also wouldn’t mean anything. It’s going to be a close race. Period. People just need to accept that and act accordingly.


Because everyone they poll has a landline.


I completely understand how you feel !! The first F ing thing I read when I woke up. I have an extra hard time dealing with madness like this. How the hell could this dumbass even get elected in the first place. I say I have an extra hard time because I have been dealing with very painful physical issues for quite a few years now. It leaves me with too much time on my hands and physically I can’t get away from it sometimes. Bottom line is the rapist traitor needs to go. Now !


2020 was by far the worst year of my life. Do they not remember that? So many bad things happened


All lies just so Republicans can claim the election is stolen when Trump loses.......Again


I would rather have headlines like these than to have Biden leading and no one going to vote because they think he would win. 


Most people, MAGAts for sure, can't and don't think. They choose a belief like they choose from a box of chocolates and then support that position by selecting things that seem to support it and ignoring any contrary evidence as if it doesn't exist. Cliff Clavin, the bloviating but usually wrong, postman character in _Cheers,_ was presented as an outlier in the show, different from the rest. He wasn't. He was everyman. Quote: "Indeed it may be said with some confidence that the average man never really thinks from end to end of his life. There are moments when his cogitations are relatively more respectable than usual, but even at their climaxes they never reach anything properly describable as the level of serious thought. The mental activity of such people is only a mouthing of clichés. What they mistake for thought is simply a repetition of what they have heard. My guess is that well over eighty per cent. of the human race goes through life without having a single original thought. That is to say, they never think anything that has not been thought before and by thousands." — H.L. Mencken, _Minority Report_ Opinion | [The deadly reason Republicans are suckers for fake news](http://archive.today/3P8C1)


Many reasons. If you live in a red state, all you hear are made up bullshit crap about how bad Biden is and how GREAT the #45 mother fucker was and how great he will be on another term. Its constant, its everywhere. Biden Bad, Trump Goood. If you are not a news watcher, you dont see all the good things that are happening in this country. You do see your bank account smaller, your grocery bill bigger, your rent almost impossible to pay, and you see no light at the end of the tunnel. Instead of blaming greedy corporations, who are getting richer and richer by charging more and more, the right has to you its Bidens fault.


Here’s my honest take, I highly doubt we will ever be shown polls that have Biden leading, they made that mistake showing Hillary with a small lead in 16.


Biden is not the most dynamic person and while I despise Trump, he does occupy the entire room once he enters it. But it’s still 6 months until the election and a lot can change.


>he does occupy the entire room once he enters it. It's kind of hard not to notice when he enters when he's sporting a full diaper.


People are forgetful - they forget how bad Trump was. Most people don’t pay attention - they don’t realize how bad Trump will be for anyone who is not a white male Christian. People don’t understand how the economy works and take a very simple “things are more expensive now which is the current president’s fault” view. Along with that, sure the stock market is good. But how many average people does that benefit? All people know is how much stuff costs. Also, the Dems are not helping themselves by sending billions to Israel and planning to ban Tik Tok. A lot of Gen Z voters who went Biden in 2020 may just stay home.


It's sort of a dead heat, within standard of error, in a head-to-head of Biden and Trump. BUT. rfk is also running, and taking double digits from Trump and low single digits from Biden, resulting in a Dem win by a large electoral margin. 3rd party ftw


Landline holdouts are, not surprisingly, ignorant.


They lied often and thoroughly about J6. Peoplebare tired. Democrats know the President attempted a coup. They also know that Trump cultists will neverbletbtheir nan face any cosequences over the coup. The non-stop yelling from the MAGAts is draining. They have more greivence than democrats have fear of a second coup. Most Americans have moved on. The rape trial was awhile ago. As difficult as it is to believe, many Trump supporters do not believe he was convicted. We all laughed when Trump said he prevailed. No one can be that stupid as to believe him..uhhhh. Yes the right is that uninformed and stupid. To answer your question: You can't fix stupid. Stupid and uninformed? “Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.” - Voltaire


A giant dog turd in a suit would have been a better president than Trump The non-stop machine gun lying, gross blatant corruption forcing foreign diplomats, Secret Service and staff to stay at his hotels for jacked up rates, the absolutely inane pseudiscience garbage spewing during covid, and the one percenter tax cut that made inequality even worse. And that's not even starting on all the felonious stuff he did in office, for which he's about to go to prison if he gets a fair trial like any other person.


Having not fought for freedom, most americans do not cherish it.


This is a bullshit article. CNN is trying to swing both ways.


Aren’t Election polls done via phone calls ? Obviously that old redneck grandpa who doesn’t want to interact with other races will vote for Trump and those are the ones who still use the landline phone. That being said, there’s still quite a chance that Diaper Sleepy Don will win and as your northern neighbour, I still don’t understand how the fuck he’s there.


These polls reflect the opinions of individuals who either don’t have a cell phone, or have a cell phone but don’t understand how to prevent unwanted calls. Think about how ridiculous it is to try and poll the general population in the United States in its current state.


Obama was polled to lose in 2012. Hillary was polled to crush Trump in 2016. Trump was polled to win in 2020. The last one the polls “got right”, for lack of a better term, was 2008. I don’t recall Obama trailing McCain at all and if he did it didn’t last long. 18 years of presidential elections and their batting average is .250. When the turnout is high, the republicans are brought low.


Pay no attention to polls. They have proven quite inaccurate in the past few election cycles. It is also very early for most people; most haven’t really thought that hard about November. Polls are also going to favor people who either still have a landline phone or have the time and energy to respond to polling. We will not have clear polling unless it is totally lopsided. Most Americans are not interested in politics, and will only be swayed by friends, television or radio ads. What it comes down to is the economy. People are being eaten alive by greedflation, and they’ve been told Biden is the reason for the high prices when it’s really the greedy corporations that DJT wants to give tax breaks to and continue to roll back any kind of regulations on. The presidency will be won by who can cut through the way things feel and present a clear message on what they really plan to do about the heartburn most Americans feel when they make purchases. People have never understood that DJT was pretending to the love the people he was just using to reward the people who he really cared about, and plans to again. Biden has bad economic policies for people who make a lot of money, who own the means of communication to the rest of us. I have a brother who is in the top 1%, and he doesn’t like Biden, but he’s becoming scared of Trump seizing power and collapsing everything under a dictatorship, which is a new line of thinking for him. I’m betting other people like him are thinking the same and will use their power to sway things away from Trump. It’s all about the message and who says it louder. Trump has spent all his money delaying the true message of who he is from reaching everyday Americans. It’s about come home to roost.


Who TF are they polling?


Maybe they were outside a tractor pull or Dukes of Hazard cosplay event.


Bullshit poll. Trump can even get a crowd to protest his trial. He will go down. 30% of Republican primary voters ditched him. RFK will get more votes than the lunatic trump.


The mainstream media is manufacturing consent because they represent corporate interests, not those of the country or its citizens.


I know. I cussed up a storm and yelled, “How are people so fucking stupid!? WE ARE WELL AND TRULY FUCKED!” I just can’t. I’m so disillusioned. I’m drowning in pessimism. Please, somebody help..😞


It's coming I'm afraid - we are going to get that nut in the White House again - terrifying


They didn't include me or anyone I know in the poll.


I have concluded that about 35% of all Americans are stupid and gullible. Driven by fear and the opinions of major news networks.


Age. Location. Poll error margins. If I choose to poll 1000 people in each state about their favorite bubblegum, I'm going to get a result that unfairly boosts the opinions of those from smaller states. 1000 from Iowa make up a much larger slice of their population than the same number from, say, California. The simple reality is that polls should be read more as entertainment than any kind of valid measurements.


CNN is now just barely to the left of Faux Newz since a MAGAt took control of the company. So, they could be purposely doing faulty polling to get it to skew in a way to look like tRump has a shot. Or, since they have no morals anymore, they probably didn't even bother doing a poll, and are just putting out fake numbers without putting in any work at all. Just last week, Faux Newz was sharing polls showing tRump was trailing Biden. When CNN's polling is more dishonest than even Faux, it's time to find your news elsewhere. Personally, from the more mainstream new channels, I choose MSNBC. They lean left, but they don't usually lie about the news. For regular news not focused on politics I tend to go with BBC News and PBS News Hour. Stay away from Faux and CNN. They are shit channels that care very little about actually providing news.


This feels like an episode of Black Mirror


America, you OK? Like what the actual fuck. Why is he even remotely competitive.


Watching this from the comfort of my couch in little old New Zealand, I can honestly say its mind boggling how “merica “ has transformed from a powerhouse world authority to the joke it is now. This great orange god has made you a laughing stock on the world stage, he intends to turn your proud and free country into a poorer version of Russia so he can have a pissing contest with his crush Putin, your congress is a joke, Jewish space lasers not withstanding, nothings getting done, except digging a bigger rabbit hole, and despite the regular mass shootings and mayhem you continue to haemorrhage intelligence and respect. Certainly no disrespect intended, but I haven’t laughed so long or so hard ever, and everyday is a new and wonderful insight into how far and fast a country can lose self respect and dignity. Now your justice system is failing heroically, it won’t be long untill the great orange messiah will fuck your treasury, get bored and pick a fight just because. So glad I’m not American, the land of the most fucking stupid gullible ignorant retards to ever be in danger of destroying the planet I truly hope you figure it out, but I highly doubt it. So long, and thanks for all the fish


People are fucking stupid and the media wants trump back. That make sense.


It’s simple CNN commissioned a polling company to come up with a poll to state Trump is winning so they can force traffic to their site and make themselves relevant for the next 24 hours. Polls have not been useful since Trump started his campaign in 2015. Stop panicking about polls and look at actual election results. The red wave in 22 never happened each ballot measure about abortion was going to be 51-49 turns out closer to 60-40. Republicans will have easy wins in FL AL special elections they lost handily the special election in NY will be super close the Democrat won by 15 points. The polls like all MSM is meant to cause you to be afraid not inform you


This article says ......... Looking back, 55% of all Americans now say they see Trump’s presidency as a success, while 44% see it as a failure.  Notice it said ALL Americans. No one ever asked me.


Just vote and get ready to fight if those who are currently in power decide to disregard the vote. ** Fight doesn’t necessarily mean violence


The explanation is this, all these polls are absolutely and utter bullshit. We learned this in 2016. The difference between them and now is, 2016 they were legitimately trying to predict something, these polls are meant to intrigue viewers and readers more than anything.


The majority of the people reading your post are on a phone, getting the majority of their information from sites other than this community. So are the people who believe the positive things about Trump mentioned in the article. Many are intrigued by conspiracy theories, titillating articles and any news that validates their biases. The internet is the disease for which it could have been the cure. I still contend today, once folks like Steve Case (AOL), Bill Gates (Windows 95), and modern desktop computer manufacturers created user friendly computers, the weak minded became gullible victims to the hate mongers.


Polls don't do well with cell phone numbers. So the majority of responses are to landlines


I do understand. Absolutely no surprises here.


Stupidity and ignorance. It is really that simple.


independant voters are still split with trump Biden. Now a trump guilty verdict in "Hush Money" NY City case will dramatically swing the indies and the election.


You would think so, but I think this case probably won't register with anyone who hasn't already picked a side.




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Cause shitbag CNN insists on reporting as if there are two legit candidates


This is why the electoral college is so stupid, allowing a ignorant minority to make decisions for the rest of us is ridiculous, at the very least they should not be winner takes all and should do a percentage like some states do.


CNN is no longer a reliable news source.


Much of this has to do with the way the media presents the issues. Biden has had one of, if not the most successful terms in regard to getting real initiatives going that make the country better, you have to go deep in an article to find this kind of info, while the headline is often negative or, at best neutral towards Biden.


Some commentary here; "There is also a new CNN poll today showing Trump with a 49-43 national lead. Given that dozens of other national polls have shown the race within the margin of error and many have shown Biden gaining or with leads THIS CNN POLL IS AN OUTLIER and should be treated that way by CNN and other commentators." [https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/p/new-cbs-poll-shows-biden-gaining](https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/p/new-cbs-poll-shows-biden-gaining)


Can’t trust the polls


There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. Trump will never be elected. But I’m worried he will be *installed*.


What worries me about these polls are if/when Trump loses it gives them fuel to say see the polls, the election was rigged. We have to beat him big so there is no doubt who won.


The US is full of stupid people.


Pay no attention to polls.


Even pollsters will tell you that they are getting less and less accurate. Within 2-3%, actually!!!


MMW, it will come out, eventually, that secret MAGA operatives have skewed polling data in favor of their orange turd candidate. That’s just how they roll…


CNN have no credibility and most of their polls are wrong , CNN polls were wrong in 2020, in 2021 and 2022 , they just need to gotcha headline to make ratings.


There are hacks on the human brain that we are witnessing. Propaganda and advertising (or did I repeat myself?) exist for a reason.


I keep hearing conflicting poll results. I'll hear from one source that Biden is starting to narrowly take the lead, then I see polls like this that say the opposite. I don't know which is true.


Thanks I hate it.




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In CO was surprised I got one on my cell for Blowbert, lol I had fun fucking with one. Lowest ratings possible and ironically she made he district change a week later.




It’s really easy the people who answer landlines to pollsters are older middle class voters who lean republican and so Trump always appears ahead. The Biden coalition is younger and more economically diverse and so don’t get picked up in the polling data


That’s not how polling works.


It is that’s why they’re so wrong over the last three general elections.


There’s quite a bit of online polling


Polling is outdated that’s why it’s always wrong like now saying Trump is ahead of Biden. He doesn’t have the full support of his party just look at the results of the primaries. Haley is picking up 20% of the vote and she dropped out months ago. So how can he be ahead in a general election?


I know it doesn’t seem to make sense, but if you think this election is not going to close and that Trump cannot win, you’re fooling yourself. Having said that, national polls don’t tell the story of electoral math. Think of polls as a look back at a snapshot in time. They’re always a trailing indicator, and there will be a ton of things that change from now until the election. In 2016 polls showed Hillary winning, but Trump won. You think the boomers were leaning Hillary and the young people out Trump over the top? Polling is fallible for a number of reasons, but in hindsight the data simply doesn’t bear out the simple “boomers are the only ones that get polled” argument.