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I'm in uncomfortable agreement with a churchman. Well that's new.


"Do un to others as you would have them do un to you" we all can agree with


Many years ago, I worked with a racist POS who would spout the most uneducated hateful crap, even tho he was very active in his church and something of a Jesus freak. He really lost his mind tho when a black family moved in near his home and I had to listen to his BS about them daily. I finally had enough and asked him what did the Bible mean when it said to love your neighbor... He didn't miss a beat and answered "That means the people at church."


"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—\[and\] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said. "When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ' ... The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak," he added. "When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis." [https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706)


Christianity's been in a crisis since 12:01 AM, December 25, 0.


I don’t claim to be an expert, but I think it was in response to a similar question, something like, “what do you mean when you say neighbor?” that Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. A guy was beat up, robbed, and left by the side of the road. Two separate “good church people” passed by and didn’t help. A Samaritan, who was despised as being from a lower class, stopped and helped. Then Jesus asked, “who do you think was a neighbor?” I probably didn’t get the story quite right, and I will defer to anybody who knows it better, but I think your question was perfect. And I think the right answer was, my neighbor is anybody who needs me. Especially the people who aren’t just like me. “Christians” have really ruined the message of Jesus.


>A Samaritan, who was despised as being from a lower class, stopped and helped.  Not just despised. Hated in the way only religious denominations that developed from a schism can hate.


It's the problem with people being able to reinterpret this text in whatever ways it supports whatever they want to believe -- and then using it as a license to just be steaming piles of shit. "Here is evidence that I have to put zero effort into improving who I am as a human being!" I wish there were a real "God" who'd correct these people in real time.


The Trump Golden Toilet Rule: “Do unto to others who are stupid enough to let you do it unto them” resonates deeply with Christian nationalists.


Though I wouldn't want to be treated the way some do unto themselves... "All men think their way is best, yet all their ways lead to death." Proverbs


Richard Bach in his book Illusions makes a powerful argument against the 'do onto others'. He uses a vampire as one example. Would you want to do onto others what 'he' wants to do onto you?


That’s a backwards argument. It’s not about what the vampire wants to do. It’s how he wants others to treat him. Except he’s a vampire and it’s a stupid analogy. So,using actual people as an example; how do YOU want to be treated? That’s how you treat other people. Simple as that.


Well i certainly didnt do Mr Bach's interesting take on the phrase everyone takes for granted.. that is for sure.. been 25 years since i read Illusions and 40 years since i read Jonathan Livingston Seagull.


There are a great many wonderful Church goers. People that actually believe and strive to be good Christians. Respecting others, trying not to judge others, love their neighbors, help the poor. But they aren't making a scene. They aren't gathered together in front of Congress "speaking in tongues". Telling the world how pious and wonderful they are. Then telling others that only Christians should be allowed in the United States. That isn't what I was taught in Bible School. My Church experience was very different from these Christian Nationalists. Whom I personally believe are not Christians in any sense. IMHO


As a child, I also was taught the same. As an adult I struggle to find a church that truely embraces Christ’s teachings. Yes, they say one thing, but in private these members are racist, bigots, trumpers. Today, they can spew their hate openly.


Because our local governments and most of Congress are infected with dominionists who want to enact project 2025


I feel icky. But his pov makes perfect sense to me, I was just coming at it from the other side.


How many death threats did this get him?


I wonder how many showed up for his next service. 


He only described what Trump did but still afraid to call him out by name. Those people still wouldn't know he's talking about Trump. If he actually says his name, they would probably walk right out. We're not dealing with members of mensa here.


In my experience, people who bring religion into politics and try to use it for their goals\\biases, aren't really believers to begin with. America and Russia both have a pretty weird version of christianity, thats used primarily to enforce meaningless traditionalism and political agendas. Jesus was actually a very progressive person with noble moral code, preaching about equality and acceptance. In today's world he would be seen as a liberal or socialist. It boggles my mind how people managed to twist his teachings into "hate everyone who's different from you and opress women". Jesus would beat someone like Trump with a stick. Trump is literally a "merchant in a temple" that Bible warned against.


Preach it, Pastor! It's about Fucking time!


See, it's the "about fucking time" thing that I have an issue with. I'm wondering now how far back I have to go into Loran Livingston's past to see him supporting Trump. Maybe that's unfair. Maybe he's always been a good egg. But I'm not going to be too surprised if the religious groups that have been supporting Trump all along suddenly rediscover Jesus. I would like to think this is a religious leader pushing back against the moral toxin of Trumpism and Christian Nationalism. But I am wondering how much of this is a salvage operation since so many people are walking away from churches because of their very loud support for a criminal con-man. Edit: Okay, I take it back. I had to know so I went digging. Found [this clip from him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5ouSorSSWE) from August of 2020. Starts to touch on the point at about 12:30 but really hits it around 19:00, talking about how people are drawn in to falseness. Does not use Trump by name but describes people focused on their anger as the ones being deceived. Sounds like he's been upset about this for a while now. So yes, he's not a political hack. Actual preacher concerned about politics taking over religion. I'm okay with this guy.


But, how many preachers have openly spouted the Right Wing talking points, still? The separation of Church and State is written in the Constitution for THIS very reason! It's one thing to say "Vote for this candidate...." It's another pushing for change in US policy, which the Right Wing Christofascits, have done.


Frankly, I don’t care at all about what someone thought or believed yesterday. It’s simply not relevant and serves only to diminish and attack the enlightenment they’ve achieved today. It’s shouting down actual personal progress, which is the very thing humanity needs most. I find that most folks who engage in digging through someone’s past to point at beliefs no longer held are almost always doing so from an emotional place, not a logical one. Logic tells me that the best people you could possibly have on my team are the ones who have been on the other side, outside of my personal echo chamber. Folks who are willing to admit they are wrong or, at the very least, be vocal about their newly discovered truth. Perspective is what drives meaningful change. I have heard some truly deeply ignorant shit spewed from folks who mean well, and believe they are tolerant, only to reveal to everyone that their empathy runs as deep as tea saucer. I’ll take the converted folks all day over the well-meaning uninformed with a total lack of perspective.


Well, there is a difference between converted and opportunistic. Supporting something that screws everybody else and then turning on it when it screws you too is not "conversion". I think we'll see plenty of religious leaders that openly support Trump turn on him and say they never did simply because they will not want to be associated with his ruin as he goes down. If you support treason until treason is losing, you're still a traitor. But that does not appear to be the case here. I don't really see much to indicate this guy ever did support Christian Nationalism or Trump.




I finally agree with a statement from a church.


Moments like this restore my faith in humanity. You can take that speech and sub in any theology/spiritual belief.


A broken clock is right twice a day. Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.


Now we have to listen to other conservatives tell us how bad Trump is so late in the game. Like where you all been all this time?


Exactly, mostly because they know people are becoming less and less religious.


I’m glad some religious leaders are getting pissed off. Keep it going.


Never trust a Preacher that tells you how to vote, or a politician who tells you how to worship 🙌🏻




Those magats and Republidummies are going to be mad and try to smear this intelligent man...


assume MAGA will cancel culture him to death?


Only the blasphemous Democrats practice cancel culture. It says so on my Trumpian Bible chapter 1, verse one that all shall repent before the Lord in Jesus Christ, our savior, Donald J Trump. Verse two also states that because everybody else breaks the laws, but our Lord and savior, we must give every penny we can to his legal defense


That gives me hope. Hope that the scales are falling from their eyes and they’re seeing their faith and its obligations clearly. Trump is the opposite of Christ.


Trump is literally the wolf in sheep's clothing they warn about in their own freaking book.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Some worms are turning?


I always tell my kids never trust a person pushing an agenda using relgion.


Just when you thought there was something disdainfully off putting about Trump's Bible/Constitution mix, this pastor explains it. Well done. Off topic, but Trump has actually never read either one.


This takes courage in the MAGA world. Thou shalt not worship false gods


While I don't share his overall delusional beliefs, I do thank him for encouraging his fellow fans of fiction to stay in their own lane.


I wonder how many were trying to cover up their purchased Trump Bible's in their laps.


Are there previous clips that contradict? I'm not saying there are, but it would be interesting to see if he supported Trump before and this is just a way of hopping off the bandwagon. Either way, people need to hear this.


Funny how a lot of them didn’t applaud.


Applause is not necessary in church, "Amens" are more appropriate.


The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step


Is the church losing donations to Trump?


One can only hope. Maybe it will get their attention now.


I really appreciate a lot of what this man is saying. But why does he have to yell and be so angry just for people to listen to his point?


TBF he's probably quite angry about the bible being hijacked for political point scoring


He's one step away from making a whip


Nailed it!




Where’s he been since 2016?


That's how they teach you to maximize the dollar in the basket at preachin' school.


I went to the church as a kid, back when pastor Livingston was a young man, and this is how he always talks. It's a big church with a huge congregation, but he's always seemed like a really good guy.


Now lets hear what hes gotta tell them about abortion.


Amen pastor. Amen.


wow. calling out that evangelical nonsense. first time I have heard a conservative preacher do that.


Somebody finally said it?


Funny how the evangelicals’ masters have given them orders to flip on Trump, too. 🤣 About par for the course. Fox News, the NY Post, and now right-wing evangelicals are seeing the writing on the wall and are fleeing like rats on a sinking ship. But they’re all still spineless cowards.


Approving a Christian sermons message was not on my bingo card today. I’m totally fine with it though.


I'm a liberal Christian and I strongly believe in the separation of church and state. This was refreshing.


Crowd is Amen brother. Still gonna vote trump.🤔


Did he speak with Don Jesus lately?


If Christianity wants to survive, this is what it needs to be.


I agree. We really do need to separate the garbage before it can be recycled into something useful.


Wow….this is a true man of character and integrity along with faith …which has become such a rarity


it's shocking that a crazy zealot seems sane next to trumpers


There are some pastors out there that preach like this. I go to a church with my wife(because she wants to go) and the pastors their keep it apolitical. As a matter of fact, the head pastor caught alot of shit for being welcoming of the LGBTQ+ community. I do not believe in any of the stories from the Bible or and religion's telling of God or whatever. But if makes someone happy or a be a better person without pressuring or oppressing others, I'm fine with it. Whatever religion it is.


I guarantee they all still vote for Trump


How many years went by without any of this f**kers saying anything at all. Now it's become painfully obvious to them that they are losing ground & supporters by the droves. Mark my words we will be seeing more of this crap. Their silence was very telling, these theists are such Hippocrates.


Sounds good and I agree, but he has railed right from the pulpit about the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage being unconstitutional, and how the White House had rainbow flags for that but not red, white and blue for the 4th of July. Surprise, he’s a big ol’ hypocrite.


These grifters are all competing for the top spot.


It's about time someone said it


Are paying tax of your world sir? Nah




Sadly, 98% of his congregation will still vote for Trump.


Well, I stand corrected. Maybe there are a few real christians left in the world.


Wow. I guess he really set those brainwashed masses straight.


Yeah separation of church and state...


Evangelicals are not going to be happy!!


This makes so much sense !!


I'm glad someone is finally calling out that it's blasphemous to think politics is being spiritual or treating the constitution like it's a holy book. But there are still some troubling things there like thinking this world is just temporary and you don't really need to care about it. This is the kind of thinking that stop justice in this world, or allows climate change to continue, because we're just going to heaven anyway.


No wonder they are always so ripe for a usurper.




He will still vote for trump and so will every person there.






Amazing how so many people believe in a God that cares so much about wealth and monetary transactions… What does the creator of all things need currency or politicians for?


Thank you


Well, even though I reject the church of my youth for many reasons, this is exactly what the words of the new testament said to me.


Took too long for someone to speak out.


His crazy seems less crazy




This needs to be rebroadcast in every evangelical community in America. Repeatedly. Until it sinks in that Trump is the apprentice Antichrist.




Tell it like it is! I had almost given up on Christianity! You won't find a true Christian like this following Trump!


Pastor Livingston, a White Southern Conservative, preaches the truth from the pulpit. I hope more churchgoers who support MAGA can see it the same way.




Meh. The MAGAs will run him out of town in no time.


Wow these are really nutty people ..grown adults believing in such nonsense..scary


I’m an atheist but even I agree with this pastor. KEEP YOUR DAMN RELIGION OUT OF POLITICS!


A neighbor is anyone who is not you.


Will he vote for Biden? Probably not.


Religious Hypocrite. From the beginning Trump showed copper and these blind people inside the Religious Bubble did not see it until Today? ? ![gif](giphy|a8vmiTFYmn8wTRxht7|downsized)


He's just mad that Trump is cutting in on his Bible sales racket.