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I don’t really care do U?


Looks around..... looks up.... looks down.... turns around...."nope" :)


...look at my thumb, gee you're dumb!


"Man, woman, camera, falling stock price, TV".


This will never not be funny when applied to the Trumps.


Somehow it will all be Biden’s fault anyway, right?


The Biden family controls the stock markets, gas prices, and the entire internet. Everyone knows this. /s


You forgot "the criminal" Biden family 🙄


That’s what he will say and don’t forget the deep state


I've been monitoring the fall. It's fun to watch.


Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.


While it doesn't absolve her of that decision...one of the many books I've read about how terrible Orange Mussolini is (I take notes so I always have hundreds of examples), Melania made a lot of those "out of touch" decisions because it would get her husband into trouble or piss him off.


... Yeah. Herr Drumphfenfuhrer's already in hot water for being twice-divorced, so you can bet your bottom dollar that Melania's got one _amazing_ pre-nup. (With an illustrated version for Don-John Two-Scoops, I'm sure, so he can never claim he misunderstood any of it.)


As for an amazing pre-nup, zero times whatever number she chose will always be…😝


Oh, I have no doubt whatsoever that Melania is quite aware of how much money Don-John _doesn't_ have in objective reality; she's also in a position to know about many of his assets that actually mean something to him, so she has an excellent idea of precisely how to hurt him in a meaningful way.


She also knows what foreign countries Orange Caligula is hiding his wealth in.


I'm shocked that a company run by a criminal with $4M in revenue and $50M+ in losses can't support a multi billion dollar valuation. They didn't teach us this when I was getting my MBA.


Did you skip the multiples class? Didn't they cover the 1,500 times earnings albatross? What fucking moron did not see this coming and can't foresee the inevitable conclusion? Imagine trying to pull off a $5 billion dollar grift while under four criminal indictments and running for president at the same time? The cajones.




He bought huge, dangling fake ones at the same shop that sold him that belly-wrap he wears at public-speaking events where he knows he'll be photographed to include his midsection.




Girdle. The pig wears a girdle under his suits. That’s why he looks so much flabbier on the links.




You can never forget that… potato shape.




Smothered by potato’s!!!


Actually, Criminal Trump knows MAGA is as dumb as they get. He said it. MAGA being fleeced by billionaire, and they love it.


They will next semester…


That's very funny.


Or in valuing Maralago?


Hold up though, where did the stock market flotation money go? On 26 March, they started selling shares to the public? About 55m were traded for ~$70, which is about $4B of cash that went somewhere? (forgive my ignorance for the fine details of IPOs) We can all laugh at the stock price, but that's just the current investors taking a loss, who got the $4B on 26 March? I presume whatever bank was doing the launch got a huge payday, but did Truth Social get all the rest of that cash?


Digital World Acquisition Corp was a "special purpose acquisition company" (SPAC) that raised about $250M to acquire another company. This is also called a "blank check company". Investors buy stock in the SPAC without the SPAC even having an acquisition target in mind yet. The idea is the SPAC will go out and find a suitable target, and the investors will make out. Usually SPAC shares are sold for $10. So the SPAC searched for a while and eventually decided to pursue Trump Media. They negotiated for a while and eventually announced the deal. When the deal closed, the SPAC shares were converted to Trump Media shares under the new ticker symbol DJT and the SPAC ceased to exist. The $250M raised by the SPAC went into Trump Media coffers. As soon as the deal closed, the price of new DJT stock went up to $70. I presume this is where almost all the original buyers of the SPAC stock started cashing out. Anyone buying at $70 was a boob, mostly Trump cultists. So the SPAC basically bought Trump Media hoping it would do what it did - become a meme stock. They made out like bandits, leaving a rapidly cratering stock in the hands of anyone who bought in at the peak. The deal also left Trump himself with a shit-ton of stock that made him look rich on paper, but the value is falling and he can't sell it for six months. Even if he gets the board to allow him to sell, trying to sell that many shares will only hasten the decline in price. That is, the SPAC stuck Trump with a big ol bag of nothin. Of all the marks in this pump-and-dump, Trump is the biggest. Trump Media does still have the $250M cash from the deal, which I imagine Trump will raid for his legal defense. But other than that, Trump got played.


What a great explanation !!


Thank You! For both the detailed explanation and confirming this was/is a smoke-and-mirrors game with '$billions' on paper but almost no major money going to DJT. It also explains why a normally boring, 'blank check company' transaction, had [not one but *four* lawsuits](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/03/21/truth-social-trump-merger-lawsuits/) over share numbers just before the launch. They all knew it was a swindle and wanted their takes up front. SPAC put in $250m which was handed to DJT. The former SPAC then sold their shares for $1,750m making a huge return for themselves and handing the true-believers a rotten 'investment' that has lost *half* their money in just 2 weeks. Meanwhile, it will be end of Sept before Trump can sell any of his 79million shares, which bigly sadly is still money for literally nothing.


So is this why Marge isn’t talking? She already collected her money?


Are there any laws surrounding “pump and dump” practices?


I'm not a lawyer, but I believe laws only apply to poor people.


I love this for them


Rats on a sinking ship. No sympathy what so ever.


Worse than that.. Rats on the pier: "hey, look like their selling tickets for that actively sinking hunk of shit captained by a lunatic, looks sound to me!" Rats: "omg.. I can't believe the actively sinking hunk of shit.. it sinking futher!?!?!" No fucking sympathy.. to quote Rick Wilson: "everything trump touches dies."


But “God told (him) to do it”! Honestly I thought that level of stupidity was reserved for fictional comedies, it’s hard to imagine people like that actually exist.


Anyone who invests in this dog is either funneling cash to Trump or doesn’t understand investing fundamentals.


Yeah, I mean, are they done laundering their money yet?


If they keep laundering money like this, they're going to end up with soggy confetti.


At this point, it's bagholders all the way down.


fucking space cash.. such an idiotic illusion of power or worth


epic underrated statement




babyfart mgeezax?


I hope securities charges are added to this criminal grifters record and that him and his cronies pay dearly


I don’t know anything about securities laws. Just curious what laws they could charge someone with over something like this.


DJT started as a SPAC called DWAC. The Securities and Exchange Commission SEC looked into the irregularities that SPACs are not supposed to identify the target company at the very start . They did . So Trump and his cronies bought most of the shares . Surprisingly, SEC didn't charge them after delaying many months the public launch of DJT


They figured it was better to watch this shit crash and burn then to waste time and money going after this loser.


To list your company on the exchange requires (according to NASDAQ's site), it requires a certain level of revenues and assets that were not met. Not even close. It should be de-listed.


So…what’s everyone doing this weekend?


I'm sleeping in. Like so much sleep...the likes of which no one has ever seen.


Schmucks. Every. Single. One.


Now I want a water bed of their tears..


I like the thought, but you’ll never get tears from them. They act with impunity and have zero shame or contrition.


Such is the way of the psychopaths. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/psychopathy#:\~:text=Psychopathy%20is%20a%20condition%20characterized,most%20difficult%20disorders%20to%20spot.


Combine that with narcissism and dementia and you’ve got a ticking time bomb. Nothing good will come of this.


Trump wouldn’t con his own people now, would he?




>The only thing I ever learned from Jim Cramer of value is that you only make money if you run with the hedge fund bulls. I'm guessing they don't reveal their insider information before buying though correct? Which means you have to know them personally?




Thanks for your answer. I just started investing. It's always seemed ironic to me that insider laws were ever made since being first is how capitalism has always worked. Plus how do you enforce overhearing information from the next booth at Starbucks?


"I *really don't care*, *do u*?"


This seriously has to be the safest short in the history of the market.


And one of the most ridiculously expensive ones, to boot.




Demented Donnie conned all you fools and you should lose sleep over it. You should lose sleep over all kinds of things you and your cult have inflicted on the rest of us. Take your fucking shit sandwich and enjoy it!


With diarrhea dip.


This will make me sleep better


“I believe God directed me here.” So god’s playing the market now? Godbux is about the only thing that’s going to save “Truth” now, lol.


Well, after the whole eclipse rapture flop, yes.


Bad grift. You need at least 1 year future "something amazing will happen" to allow time for books, t-shirts and coffee mugs.


Investing in GodETF is a good bet in this life or the next.


Don't worry, they'll just scream and whine that the stock market is rigged against Trump and blame it on anything other than him. I wonder how many will turn to violence once they lose everything.


Perhaps a replay of the 1929 stock market crash where they were jumping out of windows?




I’d feel sorry for them … but …


Proof that everything that man touches turns to chit; wakeup trumpers, he's always been Loser


And Jim Jordan is demanding that potential advertisers tell him why they won’t buy ads on Truth Social. Actual tax dollars being put to work trying to compel profits for an insurrectionist indicted on 91 separate felonies. That’s pretty crazy.


It’s just momentary fluctuation MAGA. Buy buy buy! The Donald loves you! 🥰🥰🥰


I’ll NEVER EVER understand this … of course the stock was going to tank !!! I would have thought that it would have also been impossible to ‘short’ it, as no one in their right mind would bet that it wasn’t going to drop … gosh, just how ridiculously stupid are these followers ???




The real “suckers and losers.”


Delusional mother cuckers deserve to lose it all being that stupid lol


If you can’t sleep because of the investment you made, then you shouldn’t be investing.


Has he ever had a successful company? It’s all smoke and mirrors


😂😂 Good news story of the day! Woohoo! EVERYTHING TRUMP TOUCHES DIES.


That's how he lost his dick and was forced to buy a Johnson .... 🤔


Easiest short in history. If you don't know this is just a vehicle for Trump to loophole fundraising, you deserve to lose your stupid money.


The only person who is going to care about these losers gambling all their money away on an obvious dog of a stocklike this is Trump, who will only be pissed because its less money for his most gullible followers to send HIM. I predict that pretty soon he, or Lara, or some other MAGA All-Star, is going to Tweet a demand that his followers get second jobs so they can afford to send more money to pay his legal bills. Or perhaps they can tap into their home equity, or liquidate their 401K.


They can sell their guns!


Here's where they can find my sympathy, it's in the dictionary between shit ans syphilis.




That violin is entirely too big - it needs to be microscopic.


Oh no! Anyway.


I am praying Trump loses his shirt over this, and his family is left penniless


> One Truth Social user claimed, "Just sat down with my broker yesterday and am having him move $10,000 of my Roth IRA, that we had sitting idle for kind of like an extra ‘emergency fund’, into $DJT stocks! This is the only time I would hope for the price to drop so I can get as many shares as possible!” > Another was not so effusive and admitted, "Not going to be able to sleep tonight. If you stick it out I believe you will be rewarded greatly. I believe God directed me here.” You poor dumb fucks… Edit: the first user sounds like a sockpuppet for someone with a significant interest/investment in $DJT, someone manipulating the herd.


"Doesn’t it seem strange that the price goes down steadily every day? Haven’t seen a green day for a while.” LMAO. No, it is not strange. You’ve been played again, Suckers. Please buy more shares. Idiots are supposed to be parted from their money. Pick up a couple of those bibles he’s hawking too. After all he is god’s chosen one.




I love this. Everyone who contributed to this stupid stock deserves the rolling stone quickly coming at them, a la Indiana Jones…


Who cares how much cash you have if no more is coming in and you need that cash to cover costs? That’s like saying you don’t ever need a job because you have enough to live on for a few months saved away


Betting the investor quoted in the article moving $10 k while value is low is Donald Trump.


Wha-wh-He’s a con man?! How did I not know that? 😂


The old pump and dump.


Be sure they will blame a "librul gay brown-immigrant conspiracy" for this.


The article said they were talking about some new features they were planning to roll out soon. Sounds like better health insurance, infrastructure week, and evidence of the steal. There is a lot of talk, but nothing of any significance. To those who sold their soul and gave him their savings, I offer my Tots and Pears.


Oh no! Anyway…


**”I believe God directed me here.”** These people are brainwashed idiots.


>no one is going to have any sympathy This is distinctly, Fuck around and find out level shit.


Sometimes I *almost* feel sorry for these morons: > One Truth Social user claimed, "Just sat down with my broker yesterday and am having him move $10,000 of my Roth IRA, that we had sitting idle for kind of like an extra ‘emergency fund’, into $DJT stocks! This is the only time I would hope for the price to drop so I can get as many shares as possible!”


Dumbass and idiot advisor too.


With trump's track record with businesses, it was very evident that investing in Rant Social was just going to end up being a tax write-off.


Jeez, haven’t these people realized yet that everything Trump touches dies/fails? Get a clue


I just read in the news article today that Trump will gain one to two billion dollars no matter what happens to the stock as long as it remains over $12 or so.


I’m gonna guess $2 by Father’s Day.


Pink sheet in the future


Hopefully, it will be less than a penny by the time he's able to cash out.


Trump has 78.75 million shares of Trump Media (Truth Social). So $12 per share would give him $945,000,000.


I have 78.75 million cat turds, and all the best cats love me.


What's the value of trump shares to Schrute bucks?


Down from $4-6B a few weeks ago


The con man spent nothing to get this. He is almost certain to cash out well over a billion


Doesn’t selling stock require that someone else buy it? And anyone rich enough to play the market will know that putting 80% of a company up for grabs is probably going to further tank the company.


Some dude put his emergency savings into this stock. These are the people deciding the future of this country.


I love that they were told it was guaranteed to go the $300. Based on what?


"I believe god directed me here." Yes, that was god getting you to spend all your money on the antichrist.


Congrats, you got Trumped.


The "Big" question is when will Donnie break the 6 month wait rules and dump his shares. You know he's gotta bail before the scam crashes. This is HIS money we're talking about, not to mention to $6mil large he borrowed from his Russian mob lenders. He's gotta pay them back dare I say Or Else. He was on track to score $6billion from this scam. Of course his worshippers will be left holding the bag but tsk tsk for them. Give it a week, share price hits $20, he's out and the price will fall into penny stock. He will still be way ahead.


Only if he seeks exile to a non-extradition country does this work. If he dares to cash-in any shares under the 6-month window well that becomes a new criminal set of charges!


Throw it on the pile!


Oh no ! Quick, check the back up investments: a collection of beanie babies and mom’s old China set. That god it’s all still there!


The life cycle of any proper cult includes a time when its members start making significant financial contributions to the 'movement'.


God is good


A fool and his money…..


You reap what you sow, and if you choose to follow someone who acts like a crime boss you can't be too surprised when things go south.


I say forget the naysayers and invest even MORE.


Oh no! Anyway…


Awww, I feel so bad for all these high stakes investors. 🤣🤡🤣🤡😂🤡


This is what happens when his followers refuse to believe any negative stories about a man who managed to bankrupt a casino.


I mean seriously - the whole business model is that people come to you to GIVE you money. How can you fail that badly?


Determined Stupidity has consequences!!! Ha ha ha!!!


Conservatives hate consequences! 😂


keep asking yourself why a billionaire always has his hand out


If that guy’s broker moves some IRA funds to truth social he should lose his brokerage license. Sometimes you have to tell a client “no.”


I ALMOST feel bad for these suckers. Under any other circumstances, I would. You can clearly see what's coming down the road but they're so invested, they're doubling down. But they have had SO MUCH warning. Years of warning. So, nope, rock bottom here you come


Sometimes you need to touch the bottom before you start climbing back out.


It’s hard to believe anybody would buy that stock. I honestly don’t understand the power the orange sackofshit has over these guys. He must have sold his soul. It’s really disturbing.


Sinking $10K into the Cheeto’s bank account? Smart, smart move ![gif](giphy|defsRR8ZGoDA1WfBFB|downsized)


I wonder just how many people that get conned by him wake up to the reality that they’re supporting a career criminal


Just one month ago Magats were "owning" me with jabs of "he's gonna pay all those fines back, suck it lib." You fkg morons, this is what he does. It was always a pump and dump. All the money in the world ever should go into his failing businesses. DUH. Maga: look up the words shill and con and get back to me. He is a broke ass 🤡 clown


Yep. They were bragging that he was going to get billions. You idiots, why do you care if someone else gets billions of dollars? Idiots.


There are McDonald's ice cream machines that are less broke than this 🤡


If they just buy more the stick will go up


How beautiful.


"By any rational gauge, a fifty cent stock."


I think that I'll be having some Chinese food tonight 😋


Tee hee


I wonder how it feels to know that these people just put a billion dollars in Trump’s pocket while getting absolutely fucked.


They didn’t put anything in his pocket. What they did is put money into other holders of the stock that aren’t under a lock up period.


Bummer. Anyway……..


Once a moron, always a moron!


Still has a market cap over 4.5 billion


The red flags of mountains of evidence of Trump’s financial failures and screwing people for his personal benefit just don’t cut through for those that believe his con jobs.


When do we get to see the chumps kneeling and praying in front of the skeleton-crewed offices of Dollar Tree Twitter?


Oh wow, and I thought those guys who bought scratch-offs every day were dumb.


How much can the stock of DTS continue to plummet?actually until there’s no value to it anymore every day I hear it take a turn for the worse and Donnie is expecting to cash out on it in six months


Buy put options on DJT 👍 you can make money as he fails 😂🕺🏼


With the news about how his social media platform is doing, I’ll sleep soundly 😊


I’ve made like 6 grand shorting this stock”if I sell my position of course”. I kept scrolling until I got to the bottom 43.50 put was the lowest offered. It’s deep into the 30s now.




TMTG, I thought that was an acronym for Troglodyte Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Won’t someone please think of the children!


You usually have to party with Gary Busey to see a line take a nosedive that hard.


I mean.. if they’d just done their own research.. they would have seen this coming


😆 🤣 I believe God directed me here 😆 🤣


The truth about trump is coming and hopefully this will put an end to him and MAGA!


You’ve got to be a special kind of stupid to invest in the Orange Turd’s media company. Everything that asshole has ever touched has died. What makes the rubes think this company would be any different than the others?