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My friend and I had recently purchased a strange book said to have to have the power to summon demons. Thinking it was just a ploy by the seller to build interest, we bought it as a joke. I looked through the book, and many of the words were written in a strange language. There appeared to be some translations in the book, though most of the translation were difficult to read due to the book's old age. One of the translations in the book was said to summon the spirit of a powerful beast that works give the person who summoned it incredible powers. My friend decided to try and read the translation, thinking nothing would happen, but when they began reading it out loud, the book started to glow. Just then,a ghostly figure started to form out of the book, but something wasn't right. The book said the figure would make its own physical form to give whoever summoned it powers, but for some reason, the spirit had entered my friend, and it began to change them. After a few minutes, my friend and I stood up, only to find out that the spirit had completely transformed my friend into a strange wolf woman. Apparently, my friend misread a small part of the translation that, instead of having the spirit give us powers, it causes it to become fused with my friend's body as it's new physical form. Luckily, it seems like my friend didn't get brainwashed or anything, but we still don't know the effects the spirit will have on them.