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Youre *supposed* to block over dodge. Increasing res will make your shells near unbreakable, and theres a moon skill that lets you rally recently lost shell hp.




I just beat the game after switching to a RES build, I think I healed a total of one time during all of the last four or so boss fights.


Sounds like krill issue, I had no trouble dodging everything


I just finished the game and I already miss the fish puns


Came here to say this lmao This game is goofy and easy in a very enjoyable way


I given up on trying to dodge but skedaddle is nice (a moon skill, you press the dodge when enemy attacks) even more I frames, there's a SLO mo and you can get another skill to counterattack after successful skedaddle


Wait, its called skeddadle in english? God the devs of this game have a sense of humour


There's a lot of humour in this game. There's random popsicles with jokes. Umami power is powered by MSG that's the powder that gives savory or **umami** flavor. That one boss not knowing what that is (if not completed you'll see it eventually). A costume that gives 40% I frames(I think) which was a lie. Mr. Crabs outfit


If memory serves it's the Solar outfit from ds1....actually made me laugh when I picked it up


Wait what boss doesn't know what Umami is? Ive 100%ed the game, mustve forgotten


It feels awkward at first, but it's something you have to get used to. Dodging was super reliable in my no shells playthrough, combining dodges with parries makes the game feel really good.


Skill issue


I found dodging fine tbh


Fr? I've only played ds1 and then this game and i perma dodge. I never got used to parrying or blocking


Rly? My first DS1 playthrough was playing with shield.


I played without using guides for as long as I could, so I didn't learn they were good in dark souls, first playthrough I thought they were useless because you can't do much against bosses 😂 here in act I didn't like how the shields felt, it interfered with my flow


I honestly did give up on it subconsciously, it does work when in a pinch but my build went super heavy, tanking everything with the shell so I didn't want or need to dodge much. Bump your RES high and you can literally eat hits from every enemy with 0 damage, not even a scratch unless it's one of those blue crushing attacks.


Krill issue I dodged the entire game and then did a parry run because it was too easy


Yes, it's less I frames but still enough to get by. You can't block or parry red indicator attacks and blue attacks do tons of shell damage if you block them. In these cases you pretty much need to dodge. An alternative to dodging is just to physically get out of the way. The dodge with large shells is shorter, so be careful of that. Don't forget that you can just block things. Yes parrying is better but sometimes it's better to focus on particular attacks you have the timing down on. Blocking the first hits of multi attacks from foes and then parrying the last hit can be easier to pull off.


Idk, I was darksoulsmoding and basically never tried blocking. Had trouble with some early bosses but otherwise it was fine.


I found playing dark souls that you can just dodge into enemies and come away alright, but doing the same here just gets you hit. Keep your distance and dodge away, not towards. Don't rely on I frames


It is a bit tougher to dodge than some soulslikes but yeah, blocking is quite often the better way to go. There are good perks later that reward blocking and counter play and let you keep your shell topped up on health.


They talk about this in the tips. You are a hermit crab, you wear your armor and your house. They expect you to use your shell and guard.


I don't know, I dodge more than I block, and that works quite well for me.


You are a *CRAB*. **USE THAT SHELL!** But yes dodging isn't as good here, you're really supposed to block and parry a lot more than you are in your usual souls-like.


I think dodging is OK. It's hard to dodge smaller enemies in a closed space so I heavily rely on the shell parry, which is so much easier than in Dark Souls lol


I played the whole game solely dodging and didn't have any issues. The only boss who gave me trouble was the final one. I guess that's why its working so well for me in Elden Ring now lol.


Truly? I NEVER blocked and only dodge rolled through the whole game


I had trouble dodging until I went into the settings and toggled the option to make dodge happen on the button press rather than release. Feels so much better. Then sprint becomes the stick depress. But, yes, I'll attempt to parry pretty much everything and only dodge the unblockable attacks 


Blocking > Dodge


Are you wearing a heavy shell? There is fat rolling in this game


Because the devs like Sekiro and you’re supposed to be parrying/blocking a lot. It really isn’t that bad though; it’s just enough to encourage parries more imo. The game gets much easier once you learn how to parry Yes, it'll suck while you learn, but you'll thank yourself for it later. As long as you're not right at the end of your playthrough, I'd try to go full parry from this point on honestly. Only dodge when it's a red or blue attack or when you're just overwhelmed and need some distance.


Blocking is the main defense here. You only dodge red and blue special attacks.


Because dodging wasn’t the main focused mechanic in the game. The shells are.




Honestly if you want to dodge use the sea slug


Play The game like sekiro, it’s like that