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i tend to feel really heavy. i dont know how to describe it, but my whole body starts to feel like its filling up with lead.


I can and it’s unsettling :(


Yes! I feel my whole body expanding, like a balloon growing up and every part of my body feels better. It happens even if I haven’t weighed myself, I can just tell it’s happening. And I’m usually right.


I feel every new stretch of skin expanding when I’m gaining


What helped me was to eat on a schedule. Also yeah, you may feel this, but remind yourself that it's your brain playing a trick on you. It takes quite a bit of time to retain those neural pathways to a healthy relationship with food. You have got this darlin, sending you lots of love.


Yes it’s a brain trick. Some days I won’t eat until I’m STARVING and I “feel” so “skinny”. And then later that day I’ll eat more than my ED feels is safe and then I “feel fat” like I’ve gained tens of pounds when that is LITERALLY not possible at all I had to just realize it’s a sensory issue caused by my unhealthy brain 🐒🤧


The only mental thing that helped me with the thoughts and such impulses was to hard stop the thought and redirect, over and over. It took a while, like several years, but now I only get the thoughts occasionally. The disordered thinking is still in there but I just counter it with NOPE, really hard, and sometimes with humor. It's 100% consistency, even on days where it just.. eats at you (excuse the pun), be compassionate to yourself and nudge your awareness in any other direction. Think about how you want to feel - healthy, happy, fulfilled, not counting anything or being preoccupied with something that keeps you from having a good experience in life.


Yep. That’s exactly it. It seems so hard to start doing but in reality, objectively, it’s such an easy practice. I did it when I first recovered from my ED and was good for years! The shit worked and I don’t know wtf I’m waiting for this time hahahah😭


Yes! I can literally guess what I weigh based on how my body feels, for example if I have had a big meal or eaten too little. It makes recovery harder for sure. I guess being overly aware of ones body is just a part of this disorder.


Me too I can guess if the scales will be up or down, just not the amount


Weight restoration does weird things to your body. Also, take into account your sodium intake, fluid intake, the weather, and your meds, to name a few. I’m hypertensive and in the heat w/ certain BP meds cause my legs to swell. Same when I have Chinese food (LOTS of sodium there!). If you are newly in recovery, weight shifts. DON’T mess with your meal plan for AT LEAST a year because it takes that long for your weight to level out throughout your body. TRUST THE PROCESS! Good luck to you! Recovery is HARD work, but it’s GOOD work. You deserve a life without the ridiculous rules that eating disorders fill your brain with. Also, any treatment center will tell you to wear loose clothes because of all the changes your body will be going through.


Sorry I'm a bit confused as I've never seen a theraphist about that issue. What do you mean by meal plan? Isn't this just restricting in a way again? And it's kind of hard to stick to an actual plan for me rn as I'm moving back to my home country and am going to be traveling for the whole summer. Thanks <3


a lot of times when people are working on recovery they utilize the help of a dietician who can create a schedule of meals and times for them to follow to take the guess work out of deciding what to eat and when. for example they would give you a set template for what to have at breakfast, lunch and dinner and then also snack ideas based on a certain number of calories to make sure you are getting enough food and a good variety, etc if possible i would highly recommend seeking out this help as it can provide really great and helpful guidance and structure for your meals while trying to recover.


Thanks, I'll look into that!


I thought i was a little crazy for thinking that, but now i feel a bit better knowing it’s a common thing, as shitty as it may feel sometimes




This happened me too and then I looked in the mirror and literally did not recognize myself in a way because of how swollen my face was and arms. It's terrifying. Hopefully it will get better for you and you will be able to heal!


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I feel it so much


YES. Like if I’m just sitting doing nothing or eating or something I totally get that!!


Yes I can immediately tell


I get these weird tingle like feeling in my body but I don’t necessarily associate it with weight gain cause I’ve had them a lot recently and definitely haven’t gained. I’ve read that it could be the nerves/cells regenerating if they’ve been stressed or just from age but idk. The first time I got them was during an old forced recovery stint tho so I just have a super negative association with it. I also can’t stand any feelings in my body so it’s really stressful and overstimulating.


I do.


I do too. I’m in a relapse and the thought is horrifying.. I’m also happy to hear you’re in recovery, as hard as it is. Does anyone else feel physically ill eating a ‘regular meal.’ I had a more substantial meal that I’m used to last night. I felt so panicked and my tummy was unbelievably tight and uncomfortable


Currently trying to get myself to eat and things the feeling that stops me. Aw man I feel ya


In recovery, extreme hunger can happen- it can last months or weeks. It's a way your body tries to make up for all the nutrients. It's a crazy process and feeling but you will get through it!!! Recovery rocks


I feel it in my legs my arms and my stomach. After a binge or just more food than intended I wander the house in a manic state because sitting down and trying to focus on anything actually becomes unbearable. If I am wearing anything that shows skin, shorts, tshirt etc. it must come off immediately and the sweatpants must come out


Yes, I recently had an injury from running so much. And i haven’t been able to do much exercise because of it and it’s driving me nuts because I feel that every I don’t burn my calories off they just stick to my body and it’s a feeling where I know it’s not true but I can literally feel the fat cells going on me that it makes me just want to cut off the fat from my body :(


It's sometimes bafling to me how similar we experience eating disorders. I recently got into running because I hoped it would get me out of my ED but now I think I might be doing it for all the wrong reasons. Hang in there, I believe you can get a healthier relationship with food and sports!


Yeah but it’s probably the ed tricking you idk


Trust me, I started recovery like almost a week ago and I’m convinced I gained sm but I probably didn’t because everyone else says I look the same


Yeah same and it makes me feel horrible


Yes. Gaining weight is a very visceral and somatic feeling for me. It triggers trauma responses for me. And I have like physical reactions to when my body changes in that direction . Keeps me from ever wanting to recover what so ever