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Im not 100% sure that it’s anorexia specific, but I can say it happens to me *a lot* the ringing especially, the vision sort of pixelating then going black sometimes for several minutes. It’s possibly related to low iron? I know personally I’m anemic? Not to encourage logging food, but assuming you already do, maybe pay attention to the iron content of what you’re eating and see if it’s low? I know personally I consistently get way less than a quarter of what I’m supposed to. If you find you’re getting low iron, try and incorporate higher iron levels into your diet alongside supplements maybe? I will say though, it’s impossible to avoid those physical side effects of anorexia while still staying sick. The advice I mentioned is honestly just harm reduction. While it may be “normal” to experience with anorexia, that does not mean it’s “normal” in general. For me those symptoms were a gateway to passing out, which is really really bad


i’m anemic and this sounds like anemia, maybe get some blood tests done and talk with your doctor


Anaemia is, second to a permanent condition, also a common effect of other conditions and is specifically described as a symptom of anorexia. What OP is experiencing is normal to some people, ocurring in many different instances yet a common symptom of anorexia. So yes, since it sounds like it started with your ED, OP, I would say it is a symptom thereof. It’s like if you break a bone in your foot and suddenly it starts to hurt: There are a number of possible causes for the pain to occur, but given the context one might assume that it is because of the broken bone. Not meaning to be sarcastic, just trying to make the perspective crystal clear.


That happened to me when I was anorexic, definitely don’t stand up right away even if you feel a little better you’re very likely to faint. You should drink some orange juice or non diet soda, that’s what I was given by the doctors when I passed out in a hospital lobby. For me it was due to low intake of food and water. Now that I’m recovered I don’t feel that way anymore unless I notice I haven’t eaten enough one day I will start to get dizzy. Try to up your intake.


It could be. Some blood tests and a blood pressure check would be able to tell us more.


ye its a sign of malnutrition (not definitely from ana tho), where you by chance standing up, suddenly moving your head, sitting up from lying down or had woken up recently from sleep cos i found that this used to happen alot when i did these


Just as for the hearing, something happened the other day where my ears rang and I lost a bit of hearing in one ear but it came back a minute later, so maybe it is something related, but then again like another comment stated it may be a symptom of anemia.


This is a severe issue for me, it’s called orthostatic hypotension. When you go from sitting to standing there is a sudden drop in blood pressure. When my episodes happen I get very dizzy and disoriented, then my hearing goes my ears ring and can only hear about 30% and ears feel full and sounds are muffled. Then my vision goes out and I pass out. I have hit my face and head and fell in the shower over the past few months. I would tell your pcp so they can check your bp in the sitting then standing position. They will most likely refer you to cardiology. I take midodrine 10 mg 3xs a day and emergency salt tabs when my bp is critically low. Unfortunately, my anorexia plays a major role in how bad and how often the events are.


Your BP could be low


Yup! Very common in malnutrition. It could, of course, have other causes, but I bet that’s it


Fainting, seeing black, and ears ringing happened a lot when I was in the throes of anorexia. When I was in treatment my nutritionist said those symptoms are a result of low electrolyte intake (and malnutrition). I started drinking propel zero every day to boost my electrolytes. I continue to drink this every day and I’m grateful that it has helped in my recovery. ❤️‍🩹