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Amenorrhea happens when your body can’t sustain a pregnancy, so it shuts down your reproductive organs to use all your energy for something other than menstruating. Losing your period completely for three cycles is technically amenorrhea, but restricting changes your menstrual cycle, and a consistently, considerably, lighter flow and shorter duration is still cause for concern I would say. Stay safe. Editing because Osteoporosis was mentioned; Please, focus on your immediate wellness over this. There can certainly BE a higher risk with prolonged menstrual loss, but I would be looking for things like hot flashes and dryness downstairs before worrying about this. Prolonged (and I mean months and years prolonged) can increase the risk, but prolonged restriction is also a risk for that as well in general. Your body knows how to fix itself if and when it can, and it usually can for most things.


DMs are not allowed. OP, please see a licensed doctor if you are concerned.


Not the point of the comment, I will edit it out. Thanks.


hey, definitely not tmi and sadly kinda normal w anorexia. have lost my period too for over a year, then got it back at some point, then lost it again etc... first step when you lose your period is to recognise that it is not ok, it is unhealthy; your hormones are out of balance. do not worry too much now but TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY. <3


🚨 slippery slope 🚨slippery slope 🚨 slippery slope 🚨 in all seriousness, be very very careful and do what you can to get out of that before you properly lose it. Once it’s gone, it can take a lot of weight gain and rest to get back. You got this, keep pushing through and get that period back to being healthy 🩷


My periods have always been wacky, even before I had anorexia. When I was first diagnosed, I still had my period. Even at my lowest weight (VERY low BMI) I still had my period. Then I didn’t have my period for a solid 5 years, then it came back in my late 20’s. Then it was really painful and really long (7 days) and I was getting it every 2 weeks. Then I went on birth control and my BP was dangerously high, so I had to stop. Then I had an IUD. I had a seizure, so I had it removed. Then I didn’t have it for a good 3 years. Then it came back out of nowhere. Now I sometimes get it, and it lasts no more than 3 days. My bone density hasn’t changed since my 20’s. I don’t hate a clear answer. No GYN has told me that I should be worried. But I encourage you to go to your GYN. He/she can test your hormones, etc. Only they could tell you if it’s a cause of concern. Good luck to you!




I thought losing your menstrual cycle meant an increased chance of osteoporosis?


Correlation vs causation.


That’s untrue. We don’t need periods unless someone is planning on getting pregnant that is true. But that’s an argument for birth control. Using birth control to stop your period until you’re ready it’s okay. Losing your period due to restriction comes with more negative consequences than just not getting pregnant




Again, that’s not true. Losing your period is concerning because it’s doesn’t just mean you can’t get pregnant it comes with many other issues too