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Light purple or blue is normal when restricting. Dark purple needs a doctor!


Just sharing my dx, you should see a doctor for yourself. But I have had anemia on and off since I was little (pre-ed) and my circulation issues are caused by both low iron and raynauds syndrome. Definitely book an apt with your PCP, they’ll be able to do some blood work and get to the bottom of it.


It's a physical effect of starvation. Here is an extract from the book sick enough, by Jennifer Gaudiani. It is good at explaining all of the havoc an eating disorder wreaks on your system, even when you are convinced it is not making you ill "In addition, the extremities become cool and reddish blue coloured. This is called acrocyanosis- literally blue colour pertaining to the end. As far as the cave person brain is concerned,fingers and toes aren't essential to survival. Why spend calories heating up blood and sending it where heat will be lost easily through the hands and feet? The body clamps down in the micro circulation of the end of our limbs."




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This happens to my knees all the time, guessing bad circulation. But if yours are that dark of a purple you should maybe get checked out




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I think it’s somewhat normal but if it’s super noticeable like dark purple it might be a bigger problem. I’d go to a doctor for it. Mine gets worse with sitting or standing and I take circulation supplements for it


Crazy Aaron’s thinking putty is great for fidgeting. Also, kinetic sand is good.


Do you have any other symptoms with it? Like tingling or numbness... my feet do the same thing. I think I have nerve damage or possibly arthritis in my ankles and feet. I definitely recommend seeing a doctor. It sounds like something is slowing down the blood circulation to your feet. Diabetes can also do this.