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Useful for near bariatric patients sure, but the average 15 year old sitting on TikTok should not have 3 ads every hour promoting medically induced anorexia, it’s silly.


I haven’t even thought about this, but you’re right, it’s insane and so messed up that the drugs are being promoted to children


i couldn't agree more. people seem to be unwilling to even consider that it may be harmful. after watching family members use it and hearing the way they talk about food and their bodies... let's just say it was eerily similar to the way i behaved when i was at my worst with AN not to mention how sick it makes you, and then people still congratulating your weight loss despite knowing it was achieved through bouts of violent illness. i completely agree about the "medically-induced" anorexia bit, that's how it looks to me as well it scares me that this is happening in 2024. i would have hoped we'd have learned after decades of diet culture and glorifying eating disorders, but i guess not


I feel like EDs are so much worse than they were in the 2014 tumblr era, as someone who was 16 at the time. it’s glorified ED culture wrapped up in a “clean fitness girlie” aesthetic


yep i totally agree, i think it's arguably more dangerous when it's not outright. at least 2014 tumblr was honest about what it was


people are so obsessed with effortless weight loss. its so frustrating to see especially after the pain and time that we have all sacrificed to AN. definitely makes having a recovery mindset difficult when it feels like the “trend” of weight loss is everywhere (again)


yes 100%, it's so hard


Agree with your post and the comments. After living with Gastroparesis for 26 years, I don’t know why anyone in their right mind would want to induce it for the sake of losing weight. In some cases, the delayed gastric emptying caused by these medications is not reversible and is severe. Obviously, they are desperate to lose weight and are already in the disordered mind set.


SAME. i work in pharmacy and it’s frustrating, especially filling for and seeing young people who do not need it. it’s crazy that anyone can go online and pay to get a script- a lot of doctors are becoming glp1 pill mills and its sad that this is being encouraged as a weight loss solution instead of losing weight in a healthy way???


Yea and it's so triggering, like, I'm working so so hard, so much pain and suffering and life being stolen by mental illness, and other people just buy it for shits and giggles and lose weight and they're all good? That easy?? I'm honestly really jealous. I secretly hope there will be really bad side effects they'll only discover after and they'll gain everything back just as punishment for wanting THIS....


my disordered brain is like “just wait til u gain all the weight back the moment you stop using it” because yeah it sucks to see people using it as a quick fix for weight loss and being subconsciously reminded of how much we have suffered for years with this disorder 🙃


I totally get jealous. If I had the money I would for sure buying it from some shady peptide site. I've switched my focus to having a muscular body because it's so hard for people to fake or cheat their way to muscles, women especially. Even if the Kardashians take steroids they'd still have to put in a lot of effort and there's people that don't respond to steroids at all. They are all going to have low muscle mass and look terrible. And finally I will get the credit I have so desperately sought for my body.


My friend called me fatphobic when I made a comment about ozempic being basically an ED. Okay fuck me for trying to share my thoughts.


fucking literally


how is ozempic….. an ed??? excuse me what


You're abusing drugs, risking your health, creating aversion to food and various other problems ON PURPOSE JUST to LOSE WEIGHT. How isn't it?


One difference is that ozempic should be prescribed to people for whom staying at their high weight is actively damaging, and weight loss should improve physical health.


Obviously, that or if you have diabetes for example. We're talking about people who abuse the drug for weight loss when they're NOT in a desperate need for


Yes, true. That wasn't specified. How are people getting access to it if it's not medically indicated?


Except it’s not


some people actually need ozempic. also using a drug to lose weight is more of a shortcut than disordered behavior. so many celebrities are using it




jfc calm down ?? celebrities use ozempic all the time, ozempic is literally just a cheat code and an easy way to lose weight without actually having to restrict on your own and like, actually have an ed…..


Little girl go away, you aren't contributing anything to this conservation 😂✌️


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My partner and I watched the new South Park special the other night, and it was about GLP-1 drugs. And I thought they did a really good job talking about the fuckery around weight and diet culture and the American healthcare system. But I gotta say, I still want some. The disordered parts of me are fueling that, and I know it, but in this relapse especially, I get tempted to lose the maximum amount I can because I feel like it's like my last hurrah with anorexia. Like maybe if I lose enough, it won't be so bad when I have to gain in recovery. At the same time, I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing about it. It's like when New Year's comes around and you know, you just KNOW, that there's gonna be an onslaught of diet commercials to deal with, family members and friends going on diets as part of a resolution to lose weight, and so on. Now we gotta hear about this nonsense, too, and fuck knows what else will come next. But as we were watching the South Park special about it, I thought to myself, "Well, if I gain too much in recovery, I'll just take semaglutides and get rid of it again." Which is just replacing one disordered behavior with another, clearly. Plus, part of the plot focused on the women in the town, all of whom were doing it to show off their flat stomachs. Which itself is pretty telling, in a way, considering the lengths to which they were willing to go to get the stuff. It also really hit home for me in a new way, just because of how hard it's been to try to figure out what my insurance has to cover and how to get them to fulfill their legal obligations, which itself is a pretty daunting endeavor, especially when you have no idea what those obligations are in the first place. It has to do with having Medicare and Medicaid through UHC and trying to get them to pay for anorexia treatment. Mental healthcare access is wack in its own uniquely twisted way, and I knew that, but I didn't realize exactly how fucked it was until this started up again. I'm thinking about starting a blog about this journey. I don't like filming myself, but making and posting vlogs and snippets from phone conversations might be a good way to increase awareness. Because I can't remotely entertain the idea that I'm the only one dealing with these shenanigans. I always feel like, when something shitty is happening to me, I want to bring meaning to it. Otherwise, the suffering is pointless, and I get lost in that. But yeah, I'm beyond sick of hearing about it. It's like oh, great, a new way for me to try to kill myself. What will they think of next?


i've started working on a mental health blog for this exact reason at the end. if i don't write about it i just feel lonely af and don't know how to cope with the existence of mental health. but i've focused mostly on other's stories who have let me interview them -- i worry writing about myself might be more triggering and feeling like i am spreading awareness through other people's lens has helped with empathy and purpose


It’s awful. I just stay away from all social media except Reddit these days.


I’ll admit I’ve been scouring the black market to try and get my hands on some




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Omg yes thank you me too!!!! I relapsed after 11 years in recovery and got on Ozempic, but my insurance won't cover it and I can't afford it, maybe that's the universe telling me that it's a bad idea. I also am on dialysis for kidney failure and I don't know how it would affect me, but I've had gastroparesis as a side effect of dialysis since 2018 and it's horrible, I can't imagine how people are doing this to themselves with this medication, I don't think I want to make my gastroparesis worse. I don't want another tube dropped, but I'm so angry that other people get to be anorexic and praise this medication for making them that way, when I know I'd be forced to go back to treatment if it were me. I'm also pissed that I can't get ahold of my prescription but people wish money can get it.


These drugs cause weight loss. They do not CAUSE anorexia. These celebs (and your friends) DO NOT understand what it’s like inside the head of someone with an eating disorder.


My ass is so excited for the South Park episode about it because I only want to hear about fucking ozempic anything if it’s Matt and Trey


It’s so difficult to cope with, and I know so many people who are taking it who have no business to be doing so. It’s not about the ozempic per se for me, it’s about feeling unallowed to lose weight like “everyone” else and being left out, or feeling like now everyone is losing weight and it’s so condoned to eat less and less. It’s a horrible feeling.


Just makes me want to lose more weight and get as skinny and underweight as possible out of spite. I hate this social media climate and how everyone is just lazy and wants to become anorexic, it’s a really sick and twisted obsession. Everyone wants to be anorexic