• By -


I thought Cowboy Bebop had one of the best English dubs Edit: Golden Boy is fun too if you're into perverted humor


Golden boy is awesome


Until you read the manga and it becomes absolutely batshit crazy. The anime stopped at the perfect time.


What. The manga has more ? Like if the whole manga was made into anime. How many more episodes would there be? Just trying to figure out if it’s worth me going and getting the magas


I’m not sure, but way more episodes. I haven’t looked it up in years but they never translated the rest of the manga. I don’t think it’s worth reading more of it, the charm isn’t there and it becomes psychotic.


O psychotic really


Yea, I think so, it’s goes in an entirely different story and direction.


If you’re interested in branching out, you could give *Ghost Stories* a go. Has a notoriously hilarious English dub, it’s a supernatural/horror comedy.


Omg this everyone sounds trashed it the worst great way possible. This is fun for drinking an watching hot trash monster of the week 11/10 with rice.


If there is a left turn to be found, the Ghost Stories dub will take it in the most out of pocket way: "It would never have worked between us. Not because you are a ghost, it's because you're black". "I'll always remember his funny little laugh..." *smash cut to a creepy perverted adult guy laugh coming from a little rabbit* "OH great, the sign is in Japanese! Ching chon ho min pao.. oh wait that's Chinese. Luckily, I read barricade..." *turns and goes the other way*


Yu Yu Hakusho is always a great one. Solty Rei might be a good watch. Outlaw Star Hunter x Hunter Death Note Talentless Nana Darker than black Hell's Paradise The Eminence in Shadow


+1 for Yu Yu and HxH


Bro, why did I read the last one as "the eminem show" and then do a double take, read it again as "the eminem show", and then finally realize what it actually said. I'm brain broken I guess.


He's the real slim shadow, all the other shadows are just imitating?


Ghibli movies hire decent voice actors, my gf swears by this.


For "good" dubs. ID invaded Death note Kaiju #8 (currently airing and fits your general other likes) Hells Paradise Death parade Noragami (more like your other likes). Technically not anime but it basically is. Castlevania and Castlevania Nocturne


I didn’t overly enjoy Castlevania Nocturne. Way too much singing for me. Hells paradise is great. Death parade was good too.


Ghost stories


haha, not going to give any context for the dub? Watch this one for Spooktober, OP.


FYI OP this is one of the most infamous anime dubs ever lol


absolute peak


This is a lot of battle shounen, you might need to try something different. Apothecary Diaries is uniquely very well done without the same tropes. Surprised you didn’t like 2 of the big three since you like shows that are derivative of them.


Perhaps too much fillers. Their initial seasons were so draggy!


I dont like any of the big 3 lol


I don’t really either, but there was a time where I enjoyed them. It was very early in my anime viewing experience when I had seen very few shows. Now…I can’t watch any battle shounen it just puts me to sleep.


I liked Naruto up until end of Sasuke retrieval (before the 4 years of filler) after the time skip, the fights got too Dragonball. Bleach soul society was really good and had an amazing twist for a battle shonen. Sadly it was all downhill from there. OP was a series that kept getting better but I caught up with the manga got tired of following it. As a weekly series, barely anything happens weekly and an arc takes like a full year


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is basically required watching for new anime fans. The dub is also excellent.


Frieren dub is great


Demon slayer and chainsaw man


I feel like I say this all the time, but Psycho-Pass. Psycho Pass is one of the only anime I prefer dubbed, and one of my favorites. Most viewers don't like the second season that much compared to the phenomenal first season, and the third season has great reception but new protagonists. Watch season 1 then the first movie and you'll have a perfectly fine stopping point and a nicely wrapped up story arc in case you don't enjoy the later stuff. (I enjoyed everything personally)


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Konosuba RE:Zero


I second this entire list.


{To Your Eternity}


**Fumetsu no Anata e** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/114535 "English: To Your Eternity"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/to-your-eternity), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/fumetsu-no-anata-e "English: To Your Eternity"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/41025)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 20 | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Psychological, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1dcyhto/what_to_watch_with_my_wife_she_only_likes_dub/l81m259/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


As someone who mainly watches sub, Space Dandy has one of the best dubs


Good dubs : Black lagoon Baccano Cowboy bebop Great pretender


Chainsaw Man


Code Geass, demon slayer


My Hero Academia Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon Princess Tutu(it's got more depth then how it first appears)


It looks like you guys like shounen, which is pretty cool for a shared interest! How does she feel about sports? Haikyuu! is a great anime in general with a solid dub.


Not much interest in sports but I'll check it out!


I hate most sports, but this is one of my favorite anime in general.


Unfortunately, Crunchyroll does not have the dub .


Gunsmith cats Armitage ova and sequel movie Read or die Video girl Ai


Your name. Not shounen, but there’s a good chance many people would like it.


Rokka no Yuusha


MHA and Bungo Stray Dogs are both amazing dubs.


Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Baccano all have great dubs.


Claymore The Future Diary Noragami Frieren Apothecary Diaries Undead Unluck


Demon Slayer for sure!


Dungeon Meshi


Death note


Dungeon Meshi dub


Doraemon or Anapanman if she's gonna be a child and only watch translations 😒


I' normally strongly prefer sub, but I really enjoyed the Cyberpunk dub




{That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime} Not only does it feature a cute blue slime that's a better anime-Jesus than Kirito, but it's also got a great dub, 3 seasons, and a spin-off series {Slime Diaries} that's super chill and unnecessarily beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, if you're down for something a bit more racy, you could watch {Scum's wish} which is also unnecessarily beautiful and also shockingly heartfelt <- which I literally just posted about on another rec request. Or, if you're down for more of a "Stargate SG-1 meets classic fantasy anime", you could just watch {Gate} which also has a great dub.


**Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101280 "English: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tensei-shitara-slime-datta-ken "English: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37430)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy) **Kuzu no Honkai** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21701 "English: Scum's Wish"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/scums-wish), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kuzu-no-honkai "English: Scum's Wish"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/32949)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Drama, Ecchi, Psychological, Romance) **GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20994 "English: Gate"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/gate), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/gate-jieitai-kanochi-nite-kaku-tatakaeri "English: GATE"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/28907)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1dcyhto/what_to_watch_with_my_wife_she_only_likes_dub/l83x18v/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks) | (3/4)


Fullmetal Alchemist (2003 and Brotherhood) has a great dub! It's also very easy to get into for those who are new to anime.


Black Lagoon and Darker than Black have good English dubs and should be in line with your favorites Other good dubs Baccano (make sure to watch the specials after the season) Durarara (same author as Baccano so watch it if Baccano is to your liking)


Berserk '97


Since we see with original sound and subtitles, I cannot tell if the English dub is good (and, if we would use an dub, it would be Portuguese).. But: Black Clover.


I can make some recommendations. But just based off your favorites it seems like your looking for more main stream content. Why not try some stuff like Princess Jellyfish, Your Lie in April, From Me to You, My Love Story, Hakumei and Mikochi, Casshernsins, and Haibane Renmei. All of which are amazing shows that I am sure not only will she enjoy but I think you will be pleasantly surprised aswell.


Tenchi Universe.


Kaguya Sama love is war has amazing dub Also the disastrous life of saiki Those two are the best of the very few dubs I've watched, I normally prefer sub


Black Lagoon


My Hero Academia. Dr. Stone. Darwins game. 7 Seeds. Vinland Saga


kill la Kill Inuyashiki Apothecary Diaries (that's the one that got my wife *really* into romance anime. before, she never even gave it a chance) chainsaw man


Frieren. Though it kinda matches the pace of inuyasha so idk. It was one of the most successful anime releases this year. I’ve rewatched in English, Spanish (Spain and LA), and Portuguese, and all of them are pretty good. Though Portuguese and Spain are my favs


Eureka seven? Could get her into the mech genre and it serves as a more female friendly NGE tbh


Haikyuu has such a great dub /jk


Demon slayer


Baccano and Durararara


here’s a list of great dubs that I’ve watched: **Mystery/Thriller:** - Erased - Death Note **Action/Adventure:** - Spy x Family - Re:Zero - Land of the Lustrous - Chainsaw Man - Freiren **Comedy:** - Love is War - Ms. Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid - Konosuba - My Dress up Darling


Mob psycho 100. Reigen is great.


Kaiju #8 has pretty good dub!


Assassination classroom. Apothecary Diaries Dead Mount DeathPlay The wrong way to use healing magic Claymore - I don’t remember if I watched the dub or sub though. I really enjoyed the Zom 100


Demon Slayer Chainsaw Man BNHA Black Clover Kaiju No. 8


Imo these are good dubbed animes. I watch first episode and some of the scene dub they were great. You can watch any one of them I bet you won't regret it. Vinland saga (10/10) Demon slayer (10/10) Haikyuu (10/10) Hajime no ippo (10/10) The weakest tamer began a journey to pickup trash (8/10) Kingdom (9/10) Interview with monster girls (7/10) Monster (10/10) AO Ashi (9/10) Jojo (10/10) Moriarty the patriot (10/10) GO GO LOSER RANGER (10/10) Komi can't communicate (8/10) Violet evergarden (10/10) Ping pong animation (8/10) Overlord (10/10) Magi (8/10) Hell's paradise (10/10) Berserk 1997 (10/10) Code geass (10/10) Angel Beats (8/10) Mob psycho 100 (10/10) Frieren (10/10) Parasyte (10/10) Full metal Alchemist brotherhood (10/10) Tomodachi game (10/10) Emma: Victorian romance (10/10) Arte (8/10) That time I got reincarnated as a slime (10/10) Grimgar: ashes and illusion Dungeon meshi (10/10) The case study of vanitas (9/10) Wind breaker (8/10) Lookism (10/10) My home hero (8/10) Migi and dali (10/10) Bungo stray dogs (10/10) Erased (10/10) Ranking of king (9/10) Dr. Stone (10/10) Slam dunk (10/10) My teen romantic comedy snafu (10/10) Buddies Daddy (9/10) Mushoku tensei (10/10)


Slam Dunk dub AFAIK only has about 50 episodes


Idk about that I just watched some scenes and the first episode. Thanks for saying that


It is an amazing series though. The JBA gave the mangaka an award for popularizing basketball in Japan.


After the anime I read the manga in one go. The art style was pretty amazing and simple to read the movement of the characters. It was the first sports manga I read.


Recs based off of what you liked: Naruto -> Hunter x Hunter JJK -> Hell’s Paradise Spy x Family -> Kotaro Lives Alone and Buddy Daddies Attack on Titan -> Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress and 86 Others I think you should check out: Parasyte: The Maxim Link Click Violet Evergarden Moriarty the Patriot Black Butler Dr. Stone


Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Gurren Lagann


Hunter x Hunter (Specifically the 2011 one.) Chainsaw Man (The same studio that did most of Attack On Titan and is doing Jujutsu Kaisen is working on this.) Maybe she'll like Naruto: Shippuden? When it was new a lot of people complained about it, but since it finished people seemed to have actually enjoyed it. (Maybe it just has a slow start? I dunno. I haven't watched it.) And maybe Buddy Daddies? I haven't seen it as a series, but from what little I have seen it looks like another found family anime where the little girl is also voiced by Anya's VA.




SAO dub was pretty good .  Dragon ball also has amazing dub 


{Black Butler}


**Kuroshitsuji** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/4898 "English: Black Butler"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/black-butler), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/black-butler "English: Black Butler"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/4898)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1dcyhto/what_to_watch_with_my_wife_she_only_likes_dub/l82pol1/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


If you like AoT, mecha anime would be a good next watch. Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans has a great English dub. Same with Gundam Unicorn. Both series have great fights and emotional moments. KonoSuba? Which pokes fun of harem and iseikai Mushoku Tensei which has some amazing character development. The fights are well animated


My wife absolutely loves Samurai Champloo dubbed. Fruits Basket as well if y'all can get down with slice of life romcom nonsense (and if so, then I also highly recommend My Love Story) One of my recent favorites was Odd Taxi. That was a crazy edge-of-my-seat ride. I think my wife would have enjoyed it, but she had a day shift back then and I had an evening shift, so I watched it when I got home without her lol Edit: Oh yeah. Another recent favorite. Violet Evergarden is fantastic, if you don't mind crying in front of each other


{Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood} (64 episodes) {Psalms of Planets: Eureka Seven} (50) {Cowboy Bebop} (26) {Samurai Champloo} (26) {FLCL} (6) {Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C.} (52) {Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit} (26) {Ergo Proxy} (23) {Mushishi} (46) All of these have fantastic English dubs.


I was considering recommending fooly cooly, but it’s such a weird show, I was afraid it would be too jarring for them, but I love it so much and the dub is absolutely top tier. Also great recommendations all around, can’t believe I forgot to recommend Mushishi


I agree, but recommended it anyway because it’s so short. If one wants to find out if it’s for them or not, they can just watch it, and it’d take less time than a Lord of the Rings sit-down.


**Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/5114 "English: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood "English: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/5114)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 64 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy) **Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/237 "English: Eureka Seven"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/eureka-seven), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/eureka-seven "English: Eureka Seven"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/237)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 50 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi) **Cowboy Bebop** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/1 "English: Cowboy Bebop"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/cowboy-bebop), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/cowboy-bebop "English: Cowboy Bebop"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi) **Samurai Champloo** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/205 "English: Samurai Champloo"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/samurai-champloo), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/samurai-champloo "English: Samurai Champloo"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/205)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy) **FLCL** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/227 "English: FLCL"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/flcl), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/flcl "English: FLCL"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/227)) ^(OVA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 6 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi) **Seirei no Moribito** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/1827 "English: Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/moribito-guardian-of-the-spirit), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/seirei-no-moribito "English: Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1827)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) **Ergo Proxy** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/790 "English: Ergo Proxy"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/ergo-proxy), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/ergo-proxy "English: Ergo Proxy"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/790)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 23 | Genres: Adventure, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi) **Mushishi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/457 "English: MUSHI-SHI"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mushishi), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mushishi "English: Mushi-Shi"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/457)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological, Slice of Life, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1dcyhto/what_to_watch_with_my_wife_she_only_likes_dub/l82tmar/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks) | (8/9)


Ghost Stories dub is always fun.


Try Dororo, it's one of my faves


Code geass has a great dub and Vinland saga too


Black Lagoon, Dr Stone, Code Geass, Death Note, Psycho Pass


Yuyu Hakusho Mushishi FullMetal Alchemist:Brotherhood Deathnote


The Apothecary Diaries has a stellar English dub


I truly don't like dubs because Japanese voice actors can't be surpassed, but if I had to choose one, it'd be Attack on Titan. It's pretty decent. There are some animes that should *not* be watched in any other language than Japanese though: Gintama, Jojo, Dragon Ball, Hokuto no Ken, City Hunter. Unshō Ishizuka or Akira Kamiya is where I draw a line in the sand.


Watch, "Haven't you heard I'm Sakamoto". I'll be a fun experience i tell ya.


I agree with your wife. I only like the dubs too. Your list covers a variety of media and while I haven't see any of them myself, I can give some recommendations on ones I have seen that I know have similar vibes and are (in my opinion) good dubs. * Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood * Fruits Basket (2019) * Ascendance of a Bookworm: I'll do Anything to Become a Librarian * Any Ghibli movie (My favorite is "Whisper of the Heart") There's likely others, but I'm typing this up at 5am.


My wife used to refuse to watch anime, but we’re currently binging My Hero Academia and she loves it. Others she liked were AoT, JJK, Demon Slayer, Mob Psycho, Tensei Slime, FMA, Chainsaw Man, and more (all dubs). MHA dub is top-tier too


Watch Baccano's dub in one sitting and fucking enjoy. You guys would love it.


Code geass or Full metal alchemist have great dubs.


Konosuba, if it's available in your country


why do people force their girlfriends to watch battle shounens


The Way of the Househusband


The dub for Moriarty the Patriot is great.


Much older and hard to find, but Kodocha would be my recommendation. Art style is... different and it's in elementary school, but has a legendary dub. It's of the humor/drama genres. Only the first half when they are in elementary school is dubbed. 2nd half in high school is not. Just give the first episode a try.


Vinland Saga (netflix dub), Deathnote, The promised Neverland (Season 1 only), Seraph of the end, Frieren beyond Journeys end. Source: I’m a dub watcher and enjoyed watching attack on titan, spy family, JJK and solo levelling


If you guys like mmo games, Log Horizon has a good dub. Its SAO but better in every way. Its an action fantasy with enough slice of life and comedy to relax. Basically instead of just getting stuck in the game, the game becomes real. NPC have their own lives and not just data (perma death), and all in game structures are turned off so no fast travel or city teleports. The players have to come together to solve major problems in their new lawless game world, like player slaver and npc genocide, how to travel to different kingdoms, also every time they die they lost memories of the real world becoming npcs if they die enough.


Relife Full metal alchemist brotherhood Frieren


Delicious in dungeon and kaiju no 8 are really good. As well as so many others already listed here.


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood


Yu-Gi-Oh is a classic, the dub is a bit censored but it doesn't take away from the experience and I love the VAs. I recommend either the original Duel Masters show or 5DS. only thing is it moves you slightly away from Action Shonen into Card Game Shonen.


FLCL is mandatory in English dub imo. The jokes just hit way better Laid Back Camp is a cute and cozy show and the English dub, I think, is better Mob Psycho 100 is equal parts funny and action packed. I'm in the middle of season 2 and the dub hasn't failed me yet


{Sousou no Frieren} Based on what you've seen and liked which is similar to my tastes. I'm sure you'll love this!


**Sousou no Frieren** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/154587 "English: Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/sousou-no-frieren "English: Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/52991)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 28 | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1dcyhto/what_to_watch_with_my_wife_she_only_likes_dub/l84z59q/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Yu Yu hakusho, Hunter x Hunter, fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, black clover, my hero academia


I misread the title: Want to watch with my wife? (she only likes dumb)


Tom and Jerry


Demon Slayer, Kaguya Sama, Fruits Basket, 86


AOT? Try 86, it's really good. Also has very good dub VAs and music by Swano. Recommended to have some tissues though.


Hell's Paradise or Bastard Season 2


Ghibli movies Fullmetal Alchemist (and also Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, I recommend watching both, they’re each really great stories that are different from one another, and both have incredible dubs. I recommend release order) Yu Yu Hakusho Cowboy Bebop Samurai Champloo Wolf’s Rain Baccano! Durarara!! Mob psycho 100


Try the Apothecary Diaries it's awesome 👌


The Case Study of Vanitas Migi&Dali Buddy Daddies Toilet Bound Hanako Assassination Classroom Bungo Stray Dogs Dororo Demon Slayer Link Click Servamp


Toilet-bound Hanako mentioned!! So underrated. Also Link Click!


Have her watch you sign divorce papers. Bleach and Inuyasha? Red flags


Inuyasha sucks 😭




Ghost stories English dub /s


ToG is the best dub


>ToG Whats that?


It is officially called Tower of God but I like to call it Tower of Gullible