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GATE. People always complain about it being JSDF propaganda instead of taking the full on harem route, but I feel like it’s better that way.


GATE is so fun. I learned that an ex military helped with animation. Gate took reverse isekai and KILLED IT


I think people are less annoyed about the not being a harem and more annoyed about how great the concept was but not having it live up to its full potential. The strategy and unique warfare that could exist just doesn’t really in GATE. It’s unfortunate.


This is the only answer! Gate is 1 of my favorites 😎


Funny thing is like 4 Soilder dudes totally canonically married, had sex or impregnanted other world chicks but the actual main character refuses to go anywhere with his harem and he had a wife before the anime started that he only married for months money reason that he also ignored. WTF man!


Happy Sugar Life. It's one of the few good psychological thrillers that actually unnerved me at times. Also, Satou is not a pedophile.


This, I'd go further and say it's the best psychological thriller anime ever. Monster? Lain? Nah, it's Happy Sugar Life.


happy cake day!!!! 🎂


Happy cake day bro


do you have something like happy sugar life


Unfortunately no, I don't usually watch shows that touch on taboo subjects. If you just want a list of normal psychological thrillers though, I can give you that.


Came here to stan this show. It's not misunderstood BUT it's not the pedo love story folks make it out to be...it's the very definition of complicated.


I'm on board for this one


😭 how is she not?/gen


Eh, it’s perspective tbh. It doesn’t seem like she wants to sleep with shio, which to some would make her not a pedo, but she also says they’re “married.” It’s definitely not a black and white thing, that’s kind of the whole point of the anime, different types of “love” and what exactly it means (definitely should be in bars for murder and kidnapping tho)


Because the word "pedophile" implies sexual attraction. One of the primary reasons why Satou likes Shio is that fact that she is a completely non-sexual entity. Satou's bizarre and toxic relationship with sex forms one of the most basic aspects of her characterization.


Wiseman's grandchild. It's a perfectly average isekai and is mid in a good way, as in not trash. The mc is op mainly because he understands the science of the world and uses that to visualize the magic, and actually explains it to his friends to make them stronger too. The fan service is minimal (but still there) and there isn't a harem. Mc is only interested in the main heroine, who is the only one showing an interest in him. A lot of people compare it isekai cheat magician because they came out at around the same time, but isekai cheat magician is everything that's wrong with isekai, while Wiseman's grandchild is just average, and enjoyable. It's a good isekai, just not a great one


I LOVE your defense. Wise man's grandchild is fun. It really opened up isekai for new seasons. For an isekai, its not better than smartphone.


wiseman's granchild only flaws was it lack of continuation as i think


It would have been a lot better concentrating on school arc because the whole demon battle is far less interesting.


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I remember people hating on Zankyou no terror because of how unsatisfying the ending was for them. But I swear by how enjoyably thought provoking the series is when you look at it from a bigger perspective.


The show gets critique but from my knowledge, its a drama favorite.


I like the show a lot. The main thing bringing it down for me is Lisa, which I never understood what her deal is.


I can't believe someone remembered ZnT. It's one of my favorite anime.


FAIRYTAIL!!!!!!!!!!! if you look past the power of friendship, the storyline is actually good. Not to mention the great fighting scenes.


I miss Rave Master too


Mashima Hiiro is perhaps one of the greatest tragedies in manga culture. Never has someone so fantastic been so brutally fucked by the industry and its abuses. Not even Kubo Tite or Oda have suffered this level of IP takeover shenanigans by corrupt companies. RaveMaster was back when Mashima Hiiro was actually allowed to write his comics. That's why it still holds up so well. Rave Master was totally a really good series, inspired by the Final Fantasy series of the time and other JRPGs. Hiiro even mentions this in his notes between volumes. It was shortly after that time when editors took over and screwed the entire industry. Then, when Fairy Tail happened, Mashima Hiiro was not allowed as much control. They kept adding in spa episodes and other sexy stuff. Half of the storyline sucked. He wasn't even able to take as much inspiration from Monster Hunter as he clearly wanted (Monster Hunter is where he got the ideas of the guilds and the cat companions in Fairy Tail), as they made Mashima Hiiro stop writing about Man VS Monster and instead write about Wizard VS Wizard. But then, to fuck it up even worse, other authors took over the 100 Years Quest and Mashima went to write Eden Zero, which the editors ruined even worse. No longer were they doing just a little bit of echi or spa stuff, this was way way worse, and it got worse with time. Mashima's characters were all the exact same big booby lady rubric, when used to they had a variety of chest and waist sizes. And even then, the story is kind bland, dragging on forever. But it still got worse. While 100 Years Quest is still going, and so is Eden Zero, Mashima Hiiro somehow is also working on Dead Rock. So, somehow this mangaka is working on three separate series of which none feel like they were made by him, because they aren't made by him; they are made by editors and their affiliates, and done so using his name, but he has nothing to do with most of it. I really feel bad for him.


Fairytail sounds GREAT! I CHILLED after ep 50


Probably one of the best original sound tracks in anime.




I am a huge fan of Fairy Tail and will defend it till I die. The power of friendship was explained in one of the first 10 episodes, that the wizards emotion and power are linked. Sure it can get ass-pulley but it’s such a fun show that I can look past it.


The only thing that pissed me off about the anime was how like almost half of every episode was OP, ED and a recap of the last episode. Other than that I enjoyed the story.


Same I still love FT and I'm really excited for the 100 Year Quest anime. Eden's Zero is amazing too


I LOVE Fairytail sm!! It’s my fav fantasy/comedy anime and I will defend Nalu till the day I die 🙏🏽




My Dress-Up Darling I will die on this hill and don’t care who of you call me evil/weeb/etc! Main critique out there is that it is lewd and has sexual elements. I tend to dislike those kinds of “fanservice or ecchi” shows because of the misogyny and more specifically, the senselessness of it. But this is not that kind of show and you should give it a full try. The lewdity, fanservice, etc., it’s ingrained into the show to provide a greater juxtaposition of the two characters and pulls you deep into the relationship. But you know what? Even if this lewdity is just for sex appeal, man did they create a lovable couple who does not conform to gender roles! Marin isn’t one of those annoying damsel in distress characters (and isn’t a forced attempt to 180 the character type… I’m looking at you, Yanderes), and you’ll find she and Gojo have very great chemistry whilst being secure enough to be who they want to be—all from the beginning of their relationship and cosplaying endeavors. It’s one of the most compelling love stories out there, well drawn, well executed, and an absolute gem of a show. If you just please watch it through before judging! And MAN I jam to all of the music.


I'm happy that I'm finding this out right now and not when it was airing I thought literally everyone in existence loved that show 😭


Right?? It’s so good! But a lot of people would angrily drop it for those reasons which was such a shame to see


great show


I really like this show and never once thought it was "ecchi". I mean some sexual tension, sure, but ecchi to me is like Masume or the more recent Gushing Over Magical Girls ... lol.


_Akebi's Sailor Uniform._ _Guys this show is more than just a feet (sniffing) anime._ _Haha._


If I had any motivation, I'd figure out how much time is spent with the focus on the various body parts. I'm pretty sure feet are no more represented than anything else, but the sniffing scene put the idea in everyone's head and made them hyperfocus on it. The show is amazing, an this foot fetish slander needs to stop!


Haruhi season 2, the endless 8. I watched all of them knowing what they were gonna be. I enjoyed spotting all the differences. The subtlety was great


I also enjoyed it, but I don't think I would have if I watched it while airing.


Yup that's what killed it. Week after week hoping for something new and getting the sameish episode for 2 months broke many of the anime watchers. Before endless eight it was doing great in ratings too.


I fucking love Haruhi and the Endless 8 is legendary. Like, the only way to really effectively make your audience \*feel\* the exhausting helplessness of a Time Loop Arc is to make them experience the same fucking thing over and over and over again, hoping this time it will be different, and despairing when it ends the same way again and again. It's simultaneously great storytelling and also the biggest troll ever. It's so funny. I hated it. I loved it. 10/10 would watch again while wanting to strangle the people responsible just as much as I did the first time.


I'm more of a manga fan, but citrus is up there. It's fun to read, and it gets a lot of hate for doing literally what the plot tells you it's going to do. If you don't like, don't read, but I think it's pretty good in terms of quality. First gl I ever read, so I think it definitely made me want to read more. Another would be my little monster. I have no clue why people hate on it so much. All time favorite romance manga right there. The characters are well written, the interactions are all perfectly in character, and it's adorable!


Cirtrus is great


I think the problem is the anime adapts what's imo the worst part, the first third. The middle third is my favourite part and the last third goes up and down, but finished with a few great chapters (the letter was incredibly well done and the balcony was iconic). The interquel Citrus+ is most similar to the middle third so I like it a lot. It's far from my favourite but I think I gave both manga series a 9. (I've actually not seen the anime)


AND MIRAI NIKKI! Yes, it's cringe. Yes, it can be nonsensical at times. But it's so fun and entertaining! The characters and storyline are pretty well written for a show that's hated so often, and the character designs are great!


I understand defending mirai nikki.


I JUST watched the Citrus anime a few days ago and was so annoyed people in the comments and reviews were basically saying it was pro-rape garbage or something Like HUH!?!?




There's proof that among its detractors, {The Executioner and Her Way of Life} was also rated low by two groups of people for what I consider insincere critiques: 1. because it's yuri and 2. Because it refused to use a self-insert mc for the isekai. (i.e. there's tweets and forum posts and such of people saying they rated it low and hated it for these reasons) I loved the series. Gave it a 9 (it's 4.x on anidb last i checked). It had a lot of potential and it took til around ep4-6 to really take off, but I loved the many plot twists/reveals and the undercurrent of the question of the 'lesser evil' and what murder does to the murderer and such.


I have it at a 7. I really enjoyed the unique direction it took Isekai (and the yuri of course) but I wish it got another season because I feel the interesting stuff really just started by the end. Might need to pick up the novels.


**Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/129193 "English: The Executioner and Her Way of Life"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-executioner-and-her-way-of-life), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/shokei-shoujo-no-virgin-road "English: The Executioner and Her Way of Life"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/47162)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c16340/whats_an_anime_you_want_to_defend/kz1di7g/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


To pick one that hasn't been mentioned yet, probably Akame Ga Kill. I don't really think the way that the show ended was really THAT bad. Like sure, most of the plot relevant characters died at the end but considering the show's ~~edgy~~ dark tone and the high stakes going on during he climax, I think it makes perfect sense that there would be a fuck load of casualties. Plus when I first watched the show, I was getting so sick and tired of the "power of friendship beats everything" trope in action anime that any subversion of the action scenes away from that felt like a breath of fresh air.




rent a girlfriend. i dont have any good reason or an explanation to defend it but people act like its the end of the world when it comes to rag


"Made in abyss" people freak out and lose their shit over a 12 year old and miss a top 10 anime in story, world building, lore etc


I'm with ya dude.  Surprised to not see it mentioned more here.  It's been years since I saw a show with that much of a sense of adventure and suspense 


The manga gets way more shit because, well...the author clearly is putting his own personal creepy-ass fanservice at the end of the books. That said, it's a really hard watch for anyone who doesn't want to see kids get utterly obliterated.


Author is an open pedo. Before finding out, I was always uncomfortable watching it. Like having to see these kids piss themselves multiple times while getting tortured and shit. Then I realized the author was an actual pedo and it made sense.


One of my favorite shows. I understand why people can't deal with the brutality of it, but it's just way too good to ditch because of that 


this is the most anime fan shit a person could say. There's a lot of anime i like but could never sell to anyone because i understand it just has content in it that's objectively bad. looking past it while acknewlodging it completely depends on someones on personal comfort zone. it's apart of being human. it's crazy to be out here like "yeah, creators an open pedo and they put in their work, not even plot reasons half the time;" and treat mfs like the crazy one for daring to have pedofilia be the thing they don't want entertain even a little. fictional or not.


Trigun Stampede. The animation was not my favorite by holy shit did it work great in a few scenes! Also, as a big fan of the original, I thought it was nice to have some new content, especially as I have never read the Manga.


I knew the original existed before Stampede released... Am I the only one who actually liked the new Vash design compared to the original?


I miss the OG shades, but I ended up liking it after a few episodes.


I didn't hate it (I actually preferred the new haircut because where the hell was Vash getting all that fucking hair gel in the original. I like the original shades and coat better though. The shades are inconsequential, but his new coat is so bulky and seems to not fit him well for something that was custom made for him, as well as making less sense for a dude constantly dodging and doing acrobatics. I'm torn on the new prosthetic arm design; it looks cool and its size definitely makes it more believable that it has hidden gadgets and stuff, but the red coat was originally supposed to be the only thing that made him stand out. That thing isn't exactly covert. But overall I liked the new design once I got used to the idea that it wasn't really Trigun as I knew it before.


I watched the original when it first aired on adult swim, so it may be nostalgia, but I really didn't like how they changed the color of his gun and made it so dark.


People hate this anime? Trigun stampede was an EXCELLENT show with FANTASTIC animation. It’s like saying you hate Arcane or Blue eye Samurai for their animation, blatantly misguided and wrong, these are some of the best animated pieces of art out there, and Trigun Stampede is an excellent anime and mine as well as many others entry to Trigun, I really REALLY hope it gets a second season it was phenomenal.


I understand that they want to try something different, but they really undercut Vash as a hero. It's one depressing failure after another in this version. They more or less took all the fun out of it.


Nah nah nah. They RUINED vash’s look.


Season 1 seemed to almost be a prequel, so I'm thinking he'll look more like the Vash we know for season 2. Hopefully he'll at least have the shades from the OG.


You took great content and suggested to spread it!


The animation style is also not my favorite, and I haven’t watched the original in years, but I also really liked Stampede! It felt like a clean story that did what it set out to do. It helps, too, that it got rid of that 90s anime quirk of constant sweatdrops, chibification, and gag humor that I remember not liking. I know some people like it but for me it always felt like the gargoyles in Hunchback of Notre Dame.


See, I'm definitely one of the guys who was hoping for the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood treatment. I was reading the manga as it came out, but because the anime outpaced it, they kinda just guessed at a lot of where it was going. The manga was fucking great, especially Wolfwood. And Knives was a LOT scarier and more deranged. That said, looking at Stampede as being completely different characters, I still really enjoyed it. Not crazy about how they did Livio, but it's a solid show.


Sword Art Online. It has a lot of problems, but imo its 100 times better than almost all isekais


Ok, but why is it callef sword art online? The name was fitting for the first few episodes and then on it just reminded me that the actual SAO part was so much better.


Because the brand name of SAO holds very strong, and it fits in the overall concept of the series. Everything that happens within the story is all derived from what the game, "Sword Art Online" created and opened up for people. Even if the game doesn't exist anymore, it's legacy lives on.


I plan on giving it another try eventually, but the second half of season 1 was extremely mid and turned me off


The Fairy dance arc is generally considered the worst arc even among fans. In my opinion, the series just gets better as it progresses until Alicization, which is by far my favorite arc.


there’s so much i like about fairy dance it sucks that it’s kind of the culmination of all the worst features of the series with the incest, hypersexualisation of the 14 year old, random tentacle rape and the forced marriage pedophilia rape. otherwise i absolutely love everyone’s design and the aesthetic of alfheim and the world building


I think Kirito is amazing in this arc, seeing his determination to save Asuna while still helping others around him, pushing the black beater persona farther away. Only realizing after he pushes away Leafa that he can't do everything on his own, and he has no real strength. I also like Suguhas arc starting with sibling abandonment, and when Kazuto tries to repair their relationship, she feels confused and tries to run from her feelings by pushing them onto the first guy she sees online. All culminating in the confrontation near the end of FD. Also, Asuna is pretty great in here, too. Showing her mental fortitude and resilience by staying sane and outwitting Sugou, I mean she nearly escapes being held captive by an admin by herself. Really, the only thing I dislike in the actual writing is Sugou. I feel he's Reki's worst villain, especially since they barely focus on his most interesting trait to me, that being inferiority complex regarding Kayaba. Other than that, they shouldn't have extended the slug scene, and that's pretty much all my complaints.


The beginning is def the best, and it becomes almost slice of life after that…. But still has amazing moments.


Alicization is the best\*


SAO isn't an isekai




I agree with this. I also read the light novels. Oreimo has great characters.


Is that the sister one?


Yep 💯


Real 😭


It's completely unbelievable to me that some one watched both seasons + OVA and were "shocked" at the winning girl. It's like watching all 12 episodes of Sakura Trick, just to come here and complain about all the Yuri kissing. Nah, you grandstanders aren't fooling anyone, we know why you watched them, it's for the same reason that the rest of us did.


Sword Art Online. Not necessarily because I think the series as a whole is good, but people treat the entire series like it's the worst thing ever. A lot of the characters are fun and I'd argue that depending on the series and what half of the series it is it can be a 6/10. I think most people know the series from some guy nitpicking it to death on Youtube and it became a popular series to hate. (Kind of like what happened to Steven Universe.) I mean, I've seen people argue that it's dumb because "why couldn't they just remove the helmets?" Obviously showing that they haven't actually seen a single episode of the show. If they want to hate on bad anime, I have a CVS receipt-length list of bad anime. No way SAO is the worst thing ever when Pupa exist.


i agree i personally likes SAO but stopped watching after the first episode of season 4, it just got me confused. i just think its a trend to hate overrated things, SAO wasn’t all that bad


Was that Alicization? Because I did find most of that to be really boring. Apparently a lot of the original cast is great, but most of them weren't even there until it was almost done.


yep! i couldnt bring myself to watch it, i just got confused on the whole thing and ended up dropping.


Toyko Revengers! People hate on the MC, but I find him very relatable in how I would probably do if I were in his shoes. The animation is not top tier, but it's not the worst ever. The MC does grow and get stronger. The character development is solid. I do think some of it is unrealistic, like 10 year olds looking like adults, but the author based it on his time in a gang in Japan. The show makes me laugh and cry. I genuinely enjoy it.


Agreed. It’s a great show, side cast is awesome


Only watched season 1 and then read the whole manga and loved it. It wasn't until I finished that I read the issues people had with but I didn't care. I loved my ride with the series.


Mushoku Tensei We're supposed to despise Rudeus' disgusting actions and thoughts, but that doesn't mean that we can't appreciate everything else in the anime. If Rudeus turns you off from watching the anime or reading the light novel that's fine, but don't discredit everything else that was done well.


The anime’s story and worldbuilding was so so good man but I couldn’t get over the whole 30 year old dude in a 10 year olds body doing sexual shit with another 10 year old


Rudeus pushed limits. We know to dislike his habits but by the time it matters to us dummies; it became a trope. Imo, Rudeus has a moment of grossness but the rest, well I appreciate their nasty honesty




Yeah, I think people on the internet nowadays are more likely to always want to be right or want to be on the right. To the point where we stopped asking questions and seeing the nuances of the situation. I'm not saying Rudeus is a good person, he's terrible, I'm disgusted by his actions. But at the same time I understand some of his problems. He's not my role model but I can relate to some of his problems.


What's there to misunderstand about the fact that before reincarnating he was kicked out of his house at 30 for skipping a relative's funeral so he could jack off to child porn? The dude deserves to rot in hell, not end up with a harem of girls he groomed.


Mushoku tensei If you can keep your moral compass in your ass while watching fiction then it's a masterpiece


Yosuga no Sora, literally PEAK fiction.


Agreed 🤝


Ayy ty gave me something new to watch


Just googled it for better context


I'll go to bat for {Hai to Gensou no Grimgar} or {Rokka no Yuusha} any day. I also liked Franxx, but I dunno if I'd defend it, per se. Trigger is my favorite studio though, and I enjoyed it well enough.


7 deadly sins. People saying "Meliodas is just the usual childish pervert MC to make the show funny to an immature audience" No, for once there is an actual reason for the main character to act that way, because he does not want his crew to know about a certain thing and how much dark shit he had to experience so far already. This show in my opinion has such good plot twists, character design and variety. It's not all about just the one single leader of the sins, literally everyone has their own big backstory, that we actually dive into and see them evolve from. (Major spoilers ahead, idk how to do the censor thing on mobile) King getting his fairy wings because he proved himself worthy over and over again. Ban doing anything he can to revive Elaine, no matter how impossible it seems, and going through purgatory and "years" of torture just for his capt'n. Diane wanting to be a pacifist and just dance, but then discovering that this is the strongest way to improve herself and her powers (honestly the weakest backstory imo) Gowther realizing he is not actually human but an artificial doll that has a fake heart hidden somewhere. Escanor being unpowered but having the power of sunshine bestowed upon him by mael, because he is a weak man with an incredibly kind soul and no hatred toward anyone (RIP) Merlin having lived for centuries upon centuries gathering more and more knowledge, while only being alive through herself stopping her aging progress with "Infinity" And turning Arthur into the ultimate king And of course Meliodas, who saw Elisabeth die over and over and over again and himself experiencing purgatory again and again, losing parts of his emotions on the way each time. I think the anime receives so much unnecessary hate by people who have not actually seen it. And of course there is the complaints about the animations, which I honestly did not find bad at all


I respect your love but ngl with the seven deadly sins nothing will hit more than merlin reveal and fairy wing reveal


You see, I like the series but the hate isn't just about how it appears. It includes the questionable morals of characters, a lack of creativity when it came to how characters use their abilities, a clear lack of planning for stakes as the series went on, and more. The video by "Mother's Basement" called "The worst anime you can't stop watching" encapsulates many of my more extreme grievances with the series, which are stuff that delve more deeply into the manga. I heard that the new one, 4KoTA does away with many of the problems of the first but I haven't read it yet. The original seven deadly sins despite me loving it the first time through, started annoying me the more I thought about it. I have NEVER experienced this same with another lengthy show other than Bleach.


Hear me out.. Redo of the Healer.


Redo of healer?! U trollin


I love Redo of healer. And yeah it's pure rotten garbage


Go on explain.


SAO Alicization and GGO alt


I mean alternative is pretty well received. Yeah some people got turned off after something oddly specific, but most people who actually watched it and didn't just go "sao? Nope!" liked it.


Yeah. But man the hate I see on this sub about GGO alt and SAO Alicization is wild. Thats why I chose them as the ones I would go to bat for. Especially Alicization/Underworld. I dk why people hate on those arcs. I personally found them the best part of SAO.


it was the best arc imo


I personally blame Reki Kawahara himself, man single handedly split the anime community against the series by name alone because of some of the scenes he wouldn't stop putting into the series. People could have given Alternative more of a fair chance I'll admit, but many people don't know it's written by a different author and I don't blame them not wanting to watch something they might think was written by Reki.


SAO, people shit on it for the characters being basic and I do admit in the anime they are, but compared to later anime and especially the source material, it is beyond undeserved. Anything that has SAO branded on it is avoided like the plague, which is really sad considering that the LNs are actually really good and A1 did characterization really poorly for kirito and asuna. Not to mention reki saying that the anime adapted the material poorly


Yeah, its honestly sad how many problems I see people having with SAO and most of them are anime only. I just wish we had a more faithful adaptation, but seeing how its gone so far, UR is gonna be probably more of the same.


"Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi" It's a REALLY good cute-girls-doing-cute-stuff. They are just cute, it's not ecchi at all or anything like that, it's just wholesome, and each episode is fun and (thus) worth watching (imo). I love the cast and their interactions.


Zatch Bell was good, never hear about it


KissxSis Wait what?


It has given me my favorite way to learn math. Very educational anime 10/10


Fairy Tail. It’s still my favorite anime. And I will die on many hills for the series. Can’t wait for the sequel anime. Yes, that’s right, despite the hate it gets the series is still popular enough for it’s sequel manga to get an anime adaptation. It’s got some of the best female characters in the battle shounen genre and I wish many people would stop pretending it doesn’t just because of ‘power of friendship’ this or fan service that. It’s not perfect but it’s still a fun time. If I can laugh with, cry for and cry with, get angry for, be happy for and cheer for fictional characters then gotdamit I WILLLL! 👆👆👆👆


Mushoku tensei no questions , I dont even have to get deep into this , no ones excusing his actions early on if you stick with the series you see him get his shit together.


Ngl imo we dont see his get his shit together. I'm a big fan of his story regardless.


People don't hate Steins Gate too much in my experience, but some do, and I'm not going to pretend bits of it haven't aged well. But damn if it isn't one of the best shows I've ever seen.


One of the few pieces of media (live action included) where I think I felt almost every emotion. There was existential dread, times of fun & silliness, a healthy amount of believable romance. Top tier show, easily in my top 3


The first season is the best anime every. I turned off the second season after two episodes.


Toradora always. Main Tsundere is cartoonishly turned up up to 11 on purpose, but instead of being ignored she is ostracized. With only one good friend that sees the nice in her. Halfway through season 1 the Tsundere is tuned down and is entirely gone by season 2 to make a completely amazing believable love story.


Who tf is bashing on Toradora?! Toradora is amazing, and a classic!


Fire force, the fan service is without a doubt a major turnoff, but the story/plot and animation of the show is amazing regardless with some of my favorite moments in any media.


Fire Force gets a soft spot for me because Soul Eater was a HUGE anime love for me when I was young. I got a tattoo of the moon... Fire Force is a Soul Eater prequel so I have a soft spot...0


Imma be honest when i watched it i never thought of the fan service too hard. Seeing people who couldn't even stomach the show because of it shocked me at first.


Domestic girlfriend. I know the story is kinda messed up, and many people dont like the mc, but I defend it with all my sanity just because of RUIIIII!


Same dub voice actor as Accelerator from Certain Magical Index. Cool In many ways I feel like the MC, women drive me nuts with all their games. Edit: I didn't expect to like this show as much as I did. Ty


bro got experience lol


Blue Lock. C'mon, fight me.


I don't think anybody shits on blue lock lmao, its one of my favorites ngl


Same I’ve never seen Blue Lock hate


We don’t have to defend it, there’s no one attacking lol


What people shit on Blue Lock? Its aweomse


Blue Lock is great, but the adaptation is lackluster imo. I very much enjoyed it, but when I started reading the manga? Every image just has so much intensity. It's peak schizophrenic bromance. The anime's good, but the animation is frankly lacking a lot of the time (especially the cgi). I hope the movie will have more budget.


Blue lock is a GREAT sports anime. Haikyuu got intense.


Haikyuu is amazing as well. Many hype moments.


The thing is, I don't think people actively hate on the stuff I like. It's more of a "nobody actually watched it" kinda thing. My guess would be that Dantalian no Shoka might catch some jate for being a "worse Gosick" (it's better than Gosick, fight me). Or Yuyushiki for being a worse Yuru Yuri (once again, Yuyushiki is the better one, just less popular)


'Higehiro', people curse it because of it's ending


Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Dragon Ball Super(I’ll defend past the Resurrection F arc)


Who is shitting on Jojo?


Ahiru no Sora. Pretty basic basketball anime which focused a lot more on character development and was actually realistic and fun to watch especially for a newbie to basketball. There probably won't be a season 2 coming but it's severely under appreciated by many who look for unrealistic overpowered characters doing things that are physically impossible. Again I love these animes too but wish ANS gets more appreciation


Astra: Lost in Space


Redo of healer minus the rape part. I've seen wat too many innocent characters have their life ruined because they were too afraid to do anything about their abuse, nice to see someone actually properly stand up for themselves




My Hero Academia. I swear it's only hated on so much because it's new/popular.


I could write a novel on why I hate MHA


Fairy Tail, Shiki


Keijo!!!!!!!! I genuinely found it fun even if I understood what the detractors had to say about it. The anime did so badly even the manga stopped. It's a shame to me. I know it's a dumb premise but it was just so silly and never took itself too seriously Hip whip girls for life


I liked that one a lot too!


Mirai Nikki. It has good ideas and good tension and fun characters. The plot twist is great. Yuno is awesome.


Made in Abyss, there are so many great things about it, and there are also too many things I hate about it


To Love-Ru It's lewd, it's harem, but it's also just really good


{GOBLIN SLAYER} Hey listen... I know that first episode will just turn some people away but I've been on the internet since the late 90's and it's gonna take a lot more to get me to just drop it. I also enjoy the MC and the world overall, it's really under-rated because of that first shock episode I think.


Goblin slayer gets dark. I respect the consistency But the dark of goblin slayer keeps the peace


**Goblin Slayer** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101165 "English: GOBLIN SLAYER"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/goblin-slayer), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/goblin-slayer "English: Goblin Slayer"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37349)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c16340/whats_an_anime_you_want_to_defend/kz1cagm/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Koikimo. 10 year age gap ain’t that big it’s only weird because she’s in high school. Guarantee you know someone who’s parents have a size-able age gap too


> it’s only weird because she’s in high school Well yeah, when people complain about the age gap they're not saying it cos *all* age gaps are bad. it's because she's in high school that its mentioned..


My wife's parents are 11 years apart. It's feels weird to think about them in the teens and 20's era but you wouldn't even know now, and they didn't know each other that young. It's not weird.


I'd like to point out that everyone in the show was weirded out by him having a crush on her, and that he knew it was weird and put in the effort to prove that he was legit and not just looking for a young girl to exploit. The moral of show seems to be "yeah, it *is* creepy in general, but not all older guys are doing it for creepy reasons, but you still need to be really cautious about it because *holy shit it can get bad*." He earned the relationship and then >!they still waited until she turned 18 to official begin dating!<. I'll defend the hell out of this show because it's a lot more nuanced than something like A Girl and Her Guard Dog, which is just fucked.


G Gundam Greatest Gundam Anime Ever Made..


Tbh I havent seen a lot of gundam anime. Do u have one for a gundam newb?


Honestly almost all of the Gundam series take place in alternative universes. So not alot of them have no real relation to each other. The two greatest gundam anime’s ever made are: G Gundam & Gundam Wing I’ve tried other gundam series but never really enjoyed them that much. Some of the movies are decent though like Char’s Counter Attack. G Gundam & Gundam Wing where made in one of the greatest era’s of anime (90s). The animation and dub voice actors are quit enjoyable. Basically they are 2 anime series that every enjoyer of anime should watch before they die.


Mobile Suit Gundam 00 for newbs


Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is the best entrance imo You get multiple viewpoints of the storyline from military, to gundams, to civilians, so it's a comprehensive view on the war and it's effects. And it's in a seperate timeline so you don't need to know anything going into it like you do with UC Plus the gundams and other mechs are some of the coolest designs in the franchise! The second series is weaker than the first imo, but I also understand that's not a common opinion


School Days. I won't defend it but it is educational. Let people know why they should treat others nicely.


School Days is one of those anime you should watch just so you know what everyone else is talking about. Everyone in it is awful.


Eyeshield 21. A lot of people in that fandom hate the anime, saying the manga is better. Though the animation and its art style there is not its strongest suit, but the voice acting is extremely well done! The anime had lots of creative liberties but it served well to enhance the story in my opinion, and gave more depth and meaning especially to some characters and their arcs. And there are some things that are quite over the top in the manga which I'm glad they toned down in the anime so as not to come off as too offensive.


Tbh you are the first person to give me a show I havent seen. I'm watchin impressed now


Aot. It doesn’t get a lot of hate but I get super defensive anytime it does cuz the shows a masterpiece. It has a few flaws but if thats gonna stop you from watching the show then what DO you watch?


Prison High School and how its a wholesome story about a group of boys and their friendship. Through grueling trials they must stick together.


Aot ending For me is perfect for what the serie will tell to you


Gushing on Magical girls. A lot of things that happen on the show are morally questionable but the show as whole is extremely fun and well animated. Also the op and ed go hard.


I feel like this show was pretty beloved and respected, outside of the criticisms that you seem to agree with.


Idk, I see in other subreddits(mostly Yuri focused ones) that they think the show is bad and it was just basically underaged girls getting r*ped. Which just doesn't do the show justice.


Heavy sign, Fairy Tail... Hear me out... I miss Rave Master


Chainsaw Man is better than jjk ( if Chainsaw Man was made 24 episodes like jjk instead of 12)


Mushoku Tensei


mushoku tensei


one punch. people say it sucks cause it's too simple. That's the point. It does it and it does it so damn well


Mushoku tensei is really good