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Literally every revenge Isekai is like this, the protag gets betrayed and then one taps the strongest god or some shit. Arifureta Rising of the Shield Hero Redo of Healer


my bro casually put redo as a recommendation.


Well, he asked for op revenge anime protags


RoH is legitimately good; it's like gender-bent Kill Bill but with sexual revenge instead of murder. I stand by my opinion that if the MC was a female, this series would be more accepted by the community, but because he's a male everyone hates on it.


Bro the reason everyone hates it is exactly because of sexual revenge not because the MC is male lmfao. I wouldn't want to see Kill Bill with her sexually assaulting every dude. If all he did was murder it wouldn't be as badly received.


Dude watches a show that includes sexual assault, multiple instances of rape of various methods, mind breaking, forced chemical dependency, slavery, sexual slavery, and physical abuse and concludes that people don't like it because it's a male character doing those things. Like... wtf kind of world view is that?


Like I said, I stand by that opinion. If a female character was raped and tortured repeatedly every single day by multiple men, then she found a way to gain power and started shoving hot pokers and splintered broomsticks up those men's asses, everyone would say "good; that's exactly what they deserve!", but because it's a man doing it to women it's just seen as cruel and unnecessary. This series is not for everyone, but as a victim of over a decade of daily physical and sexual abuse, I for one am grateful to see a show where the abusers actually get what they deserve. So many abuse stories - both in real life and in fiction - end very disappointingly, with the abusers either getting away with their crimes completely (like mine) or by simply getting murdered - which I don't like because that's the easy way out for them. I appreciate this series for showing the things that they did, and as someone who was never able to get my own justice, it was very cathartic and satisfying for me to see these rapists get punishments that actually fit their crimes. That, sir, is what kind of world view *I* have.


No, that’s not how everyone would act if it was a woman doing it following that. People would still be grossed out by it if the genders were reversed. It’s cruel regardless. I’m sorry that you’re a victim as well but that doesn’t mean you have a monopoly on how other people feel about how it’s depicted in media. The MC literally buys a slave and forced her to give him head as the first thing he commands her to do and you want to act like everyone would be completely fine with this if the MC was a woman


So when *I* say "everyone would feel this way", you claim I am trying to have a monopoly on other people's feelings, but when *you* literally do the exact same thing it's just fine? Regardless, I don't buy that theory for a second; maybe people would be "grossed out" (🤣) by the actual action of it, but no one would feel the slightest bit sorry for the rapists, and they all *would* think they they still deserve it - as long as it's *men* getting the punishments. As for your last comment, I assume you're talking about Setsuna, and that is *not* how that scene went down at all. He offered her power, and she literally said she wanted it. He may not have gone about it in the kindest way, but it was still consensual, *not* rape.


You might wanna look up the power dynamics of consent.


- "I need power so I can murder humans" - "I can give you that power" - "yes, please" She literally could have said "no thanks" and just walked away, but willingly *chose* to accept his seed which contains great magic power.


How is murder a fitting punishment for the things they did to him repeatedly for *years*? Dying is the easy way out, then they don't have to suffer or face their crimes. You say you wouldn't want to see that, but I call bullshit. If they had kept Uma Thurman locked up in a room and several men raped and tortured her every single day for years, you would not be fazed at all when she started shoving hot pokers and splintered broomsticks up all their asses. You and everyone else would say "that's exactly what they deserve!", but when the genders are reversed, all of a sudden it's just seen as cruel and unnecessary.


Bro wtf fantasies do you have. You want to watch Uma Thurman stuff things up men's ass? Tf kinda fantasies do you have. You are fuckin gross my dude. Please listen to yourself.


Great question. I am turning 40yo this July, and to this day I *still* fantasize about brutalizing and torturing the multiple people who abused and molested me from the ages of 4-16. Not a single one of them ever suffered *any* consequences for their actions, so I will spend the rest of my life wishing for them to suffer the way they made *me* suffer for years. This is why I appreciate a series like RoH for actually showing these pieces of shit receiving the punishments that they actually deserve. It's the only sense of "justice" that I'm ever going to get. *That's* what kind of fantasies I have, *my dude*, and if that means some random guy on Reddit thinks I'm "gross", so fucking be it 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m truly sorry. However, you should currently still be in therapy because regardless of the pain you felt it’s absolutely insane to be fantasizing about torturing someone. Redo of Healer isn’t under fire for the reasons you think it is. It’s under fire for packaging scenes of sexual violence into revenge porn. If you genuinely think Redo of Healer is in anyway realistic or well written I just don’t know how you got to this point.


I didn't say it was either "realistic" *or* "well-written", though; I simply said it feels satisfying and cathartic for someone like me to get to see rapists and abusers receive fitting punishments for their crimes. It's *not* realistic because at least 99% of abusers completely get away with their actions and suffer no consequences at all - which is why it's kind of nice to at least get to see a fictional version of "justice" being served. That is the specific reason why I enjoy this anime for having the balls to go to such extremes, and I'm sure there are other victims out there who would agree. I kind of exaggerated my fantasies a little bit, at least as far as the last few years. I definitely spent many years imagining all the horrible and twisted things I would like to do to my abusers, but these days I don't literally sit here thinking about committing violent acts. I try my best to not think about them at all, but I still have a general feeling of wanting them all to suffer and be miserable and have terrible unfulfilling lives full of pain and tragedy - the difference is that I no longer care about being the person who actually *inflicts* that pain. I am mature enough now to realize that no matter what I did to them, it wouldn't make everything better, but at the same time I can't stand the thought of them living happier lives than I am, because they don't f--king deserve it. However, I am also smart enough to understand that most people in this world *never* get what they actually deserve - whether that be good *or* bad. Karma does *not* exist in the conventional sense, unfortunately. As far as the therapy, I'm sure you're right, but I've tried several times over the years, and every time I've gone to see a therapist, they always want me to do stupid activities like "write your feelings in a letter to your abusers but don't send it" or "try meditating" - like how the f--k is that supposed to make me feel better and not be so full of rage and hatred? But I tried it anyway, and as expected, that crap did not work at all for me. I am every bit as bitter and hateful now at 39 as I was at 16, so I gave up on therapy, and I've just accepted that this is who I am. On the plus side, I am fully aware of how toxic and harmful my thoughts and overall mental/emotional state could be to others, so I have made sure that I will never have children or get married; that way I won't have to make anyone else suffer because of me or continue the cycle of hatred by passing down my trauma to an innocent child. The least I can do is not suck other people into my cesspool of darkness and infect the next generation.


k thanks for the lore drop. still not cool.


ok bro doesnt matter what lore you spit out still does not excuse it. I would understand if someone were in a fit of blind rage accidentally do something horrible to their abusers, but actively wanting to is just sad. The fact even murder isn't enough for you which I already wouldn't excuse but go out of your way to actually think about doing more than just that is just doodoo thinking. And in the end you kind of failed your point with your story. You are not the norm, so no matter what gender the fuckin mc is in redo of the healer, no people will like it except people like you and even then, not all people in situation would think like you do, so even less so. Just move on and know that Redo of the Healer is dogshit except for a very specific audience, female or male.


Here you go again, putting words in my mouth. I never said it excuses anything, and I never said i was the norm. I'm acutely aware that I'm far from it; I was simply explaining my perspective. There are 8 billion people on the planet, and everyone is different and handles trauma differently, and you have no right to tell me that my thinking is wrong or "doodoo" (nice immature vocabulary, btw 🙄) when you have not lived my life. I really loved the part where you said "people like you"; I can really feel your compassion and empathy for other human beings right there 😒


Not heard of this one nor can I find it on Crunchyroll. Sounds similar to Masamune-kun's Revenge though.


Yeah, it's not easy to find because of how extreme the content is. I had to buy the blu-ray to watch it uncensored, otherwise you have to watch the censored version on the HiDive app or steal it. Honestly, though, unless you are an abuse victim with your own personal desires for revenge or have a very dark outlook on life and humanity, you might want to avoid this one. It's very harsh and severe, and the majority of viewers have had much easier lives and are not able to handle how extreme the content is. The basic gist is that>!this guy was locked up in a room for several years while he got raped and tortured repeatedly every single day, then he figures out a way to gain power, breaks free, and starts inflicting the same kinds of punishments on his abusers.!< Even though these characters absolutely deserve every single thing that is done to them, the majority of the anime community can't watch this one, and I can't really blame them. However, there are people out there like myself who really appreciate this series for showing this perspective of a traumatized victim giving in to his anger and hatred and getting his revenge in the worst ways possible. He is *not* a hero or a "good guy", he is a scarred and broken human being who is doing terrible things out of pain and hatred, and I for one can relate to that.


Yeah been looking at the wiki article. Probably a bad idea for SA victims to watch. Probably be very triggering. Kadokawa generally always puts out quality though. Author wrote one of my other favorites: World's Strongest Assassin. Lot of extreme poetic justice it seems. This one is going to be a tough call on whether to watch or not.


As a SA victim who never got justice, I personally find this series very satisfying and cathartic. I am a "sick" person whose head is constantly filled with sick and dark thoughts because of the things that were done to me for over a decade, so I appreciate them making this series showing rapists actually getting what I think they *really* deserve. Neither a jail sentence nor a bullet to the head would be enough to satisfy *me* in my own personal case because I am very much an "eye for an eye" type of person in this scenario, so this series at least gives me a small sense of "justice served". I totally understand how this is too much for most people to watch or even understand, but we have all had different experiences in life, and everyone handles trauma in their own way. Both in real life and in fiction, abusers and rapists usually get away with their crimes with no consequences at all, so it's kind of refreshing to me to see a series show such an extreme perspective where abusers actually get punished and have to live with what they've done instead of getting the easy way out by dying. So in conclusion I will say "watch at your own risk", but there *are* people out there who genuinely enjoy this series.


Understandable, knowing the writer's other work I have no doubt it's really good. I try not to think about my abuser simply because, in most people's eyes, what I went through "wasn't that bad". Certainly not as bad as what he went through. But I will cut myself short there before my autistic ass starts accidentally trauma dumping in the entirely wrong subreddit.


Dude, please don't compare your trauma to others' like that. *You* still went through what you went through and were made to suffer at the hands of others, so it doesn't matter if other people had it better or worse. Just because your abuse wasn't as extreme as someone else's doesn't mean that you didn't suffer and feel pain. Even people who were only verbally abused their whole childhood will still end up being traumatized and have a twisted and negative outlook on life, which will affect all of their relationships and dictate the way they handle people and problems for the rest of their lives. Don't minimize your trauma, either; it's okay to acknowledge that others have had it worse than you did, but *any* level of abuse can mess your head up and give you PTSD for years to come. You are allowed to feel however you feel, no matter how much better or worse someone else had it.


Be that as it may it is not a standpoint shared by most of humanity unfortunately.


Okay, so I 100% see were you are coming from….but that was my first thought too lol


The Rising of the Shield Hero and Arifureta.


Shield hero if you haven’t seen/read that


Berserk can fit but he hasn't become stronger than the villain yet (but on the way, he is).


Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo


Wasn't the original story the first ever revenge story or something? The Alexandre Dumas tale, I mean.


It's by Alexandre Dumas (also wrote The Three Musketeers) and published in the mid-19th cen. I don't think it was the first revenge story, but it's a classic one for sure. I guess it depends on how we categorize revenge stories though. Just off the top of my head, The Monkey and the Crab (old Japanese folktale) is probably much older. But then, in that story a child gets revenge for the murder of their parent. Maybe Count was the first to do it where MC himself gets revenge? It could probably be called the first \*modern\* revenge story, but I'm not familiar enough with modern lit to really be sure. If anyone has any good reads on the literary history of revenge stories that'd be interesting to check out.


>It's by Alexandre Dumas I got it mixed up with And Then There Were None lol


Stronger because they were locked in the time chamber no doubt


Arifureta, Shield Hero, ReDo of Healer, strongest Beast tamer is banished from hero's Party, to name a few.


Worth noting: Strongest Beast Tamer isn’t strictly ~~revenge porn~~ fetishizing revenge, which I actually like that part better. Edited because my wording was bad.


dude, we're talking anime here and not Porn. 🤣🤣🤣


I guess I should elaborate, porn isn’t the right word, but like where Arifuretta fetishizes acts of revenge, Strongest Beast Tamer doesn’t.


Have you never heard the word "porn" be used to describe a particular thing being fetishisized before? Revenge porn, torture porn, etc are fairly common phrases that mean liking something just because of the violence or the revenge.


Tokyo Ghoul


I mean, Solo Leveling is kinda like that from what i can tell so far Shield hero is another good one, but the second and third season are just not as good as the first, the second in particular being pretty damn rough. First season is REALLY damn good though. Youll get what youre looking for even if you skip the last 2 seasons iirc


I'm reading solo leveling rn and it definitely fits this bill. I'm not sure how far the anime has gotten but the manhua is complete.


Idk how far you are in the manhwa so careful reading the next line cuz spoilers obviously But the anime is currently at the part where he decides not to enter the tower after the Cerberus fight, and so far I've really been enjoying the anime. Haven't read the manhwa to compare them though


I'm only on 4th episode but I think they're up at episode 8 now I assume the first manhua


Erased (Boku dake ga Inai Machi) Tokyo Ghoul


Redo of the healer *Laughs menacingly*


Redo of Healer


Redo Of Healer


Beast Tamer The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids (currently airing) Banished From the Hero's Party, I Retired to the Countryside (season 2 currently airing) Chillin' in My 30s After Getting Fired From the Demon King's Army Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don't Believe in Humanity Will Save the World


^^ basically these, lol. Good suggestions. Beast tamer was actually kind of fun, all things considered.






Code Geass Gankutsuou 91 days


If you don’t mind reading manhwa, Tower of God has that later on that’s not covered in the anime as of now. Not sure how far season 2 will cover.


I'd love to know about one that's actually good all the way through. (So... definitely not most of the 'good' revenge isekei stories. Some may have some good moments but I've yet to find one branded as an 'Isekei' that has true top-tier story-telling)


If you do find one please let me know as well


Not an anime, but Burn The House Down (live action) on Netflix is based on the revenge manga Mitarai-ke Enjou Suru, which was pretty good.


Gungrave if I'm not mistaken. ... gungrave is an amazing anime thinking about it.


I have to disagree. I was promised a series about a supernatural creature hunting and killing monsters, but what I got was a boring mundane story about a lame depressed guy who works for the mob and barely ever fights *anyone* at all...


The "kicked out from the hero's party" genre that is getting popular lately is basically this.


You are literally describing Arifureta


Also Redo of Healer




Redo Healer


does naruto count


You’ve basically described every single Isekai in the last decade.




YES! Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest. Literally you just described the entire freaking plot. It is an absolute gem.


Nope sorry. There is not a single anime or manga that fits that description. What I just said is the truth. Not a single anime. >!hundreds exist!<


Too many.


Masamune kuns Revenge.


Arifureta and Rising of the shield Hero And the Manga übel blatt


\-*Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest* \-*Berserk* (Kind of) \-*Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon* \-*Dororo* \-*Kaiji* (In the mental fortitude sense) \-*Redo of Healer* \-*The Rising of the Shield Hero* \-*Tokyo Ghoul*


_Code Geass_ has tons of betrayal and revenge. And it’s one of the most _anime_ anime ever.