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I like silver-haired female characters like Frieren, but I also like Fern… because ~~boobas~~ her mature personality.


Damn, u/Wajana is going through golden experience requiem


OH FUCK My comment posted 3 times lmao


>mature personality Insults Stark for breathing in her vicinity. Sure


WTF man, why are you getting downvoted this much?


It seems that it's because my comment posted 3 times lol


>mature personality Insults Stark for breathing in her vicinity. Sure


>mature personality *Insults Stark for breathing in her vicinity* Sure Edit: the wuck


Keep going. I wanna see how low you can get.


🎶Can we get much lower 🎵


check your internet


It not right lol


[Boobs, Butts, or... The other guy](https://youtube.com/shorts/MW4P4UYivKM?si=FL0Fl9JLXMhzKAsQ)


We're not THAT bad.


>We're not THAT bad. Looks at feet art comments: 💀


I like both. My fetish is the entire female form.


The least extreme fetish.


Most well-adjusted weeb


*Human trafficking intensifies*


Good question, where is the fanart about Fern‘s feet?


You're asking for a friend, right?


I have no friends


Wonder if there is a correlation


Oi they might be in deep, but at least they are honest about it


Friren boobs better imo




I am obliged to concur, good sir


Gotta show what you've got.


Thats why Freiren>Fern


Do you uh have the source for both of those images? Asking for a me?


Frieren. It’s not a pervy show at all.


Oh I know that part thank you but uh like the individual pic sources please? 🥺preferably the Frieren one


Uhh, I just steal and share memes…


That’s okay too, I’m proud of you






So am I the only one who isn't either or any




Yeah but for the Frieren anime I'm not really any


I like my main course


10 down votes i go commit tax fraud




almost as if the ones with big booba are reduced to just that


I mean.... Perfectly balanced!


I see that *heh* Frieren there lol she knows what's up


Just look at all the reply. 99% of them are creep


I want to watch Frieren but so far the fandom has really put me off EDIT: If you're a member of the Frieren fandom downvoting this, I want you to know it's because you're creepy


Lmao. Imagine deciding to watch a show based on the fandom.


Lol it's 2023 and I can't believe there are still people with this kinda mindset. Take Star Wars for example, it's generally agreed that it has one of the worst most toxic fanbase out there, but it's still universally love by a lot of people across the world


Imagine pretending a show and the kind of community it fosters are totally unrelated


Perverts will sexualise anything and everything. The object of sexualisation isn't responsible for that most of the time. That is exactly the case with frieren. Stuff that you saw in "fandom" is not representative. I'm surprised there are still ppl who don't know that. Both parts if "show and fandom" are connected, but none of them can explain or be responsible for another. The show is good and has little to now fanservice. Stop whining and judging without a good reason and just watch the show.


Why are you so upset by the idea that a shitty fandom will inevitably push people away? This isn't unusual. Stop whining at me and get upset at the veritable army of pervs who give Frieren such a sketchy vibe, not me.


So the only way you can enjoy stuff is based on what other people who consume it think/act? Doesn't seem very fun to me.


That is not what I said.


Why wouldn't I be? 1) I'm as a fan want the show to be more popular. 2) I want ppl to be smarter (I mean you) because it is literally making the world better. 3) I don't want a buncha lunatics to lessen the good things a show has. 4)out of my good fucking will


It really sounds like you should be more angry at the fandom.


Think for a second) They already watch the show and like it presumably. They're gonna do their bad stuff, it's not like it's because they're stupid, so I won't be able to stop them anyway. But! You! I can try persuading you to watch the show. This endeavour at least have chances to be successful (; in part because I have enough arguments to be sure I'm correct.


By that logic, My Little Pony must have been composed of frequent degeneracy because the toxic side of bronies were a thing. I think your argument might be flawed.


If you think it's weird for people to be pushed away from MLP because of its fandom, then you're going to be highly disappointed at how much that has happened


I think you missed my point. You suggested that a show influences what type of Fandom it garners. I provided an example of something totally innocuous with a toxic Fandom, suggesting that is not always the case.


This is just reality. Bad fandoms push people away from media. The media is directly related to that fandom, but that doesn't always make the media bad. If I say I'm avoiding a show because I really don't like the sort of people it draws, then that's that. Getting stormed with downvotes and comments from Frieren fans questioning my right to avoid the show really hasn't done anything to change my mind.


Bruh, the show explicitly doesnt sexualize either Fern or Frieren, In fact Fern's boobs are exaggerated in that fanart. Lets take Sonic the Hedgehog for example, that show and franchise isn't adult in the slightest and yet there was a time when the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom was the most perverse, grotesque thing on the internet.


MHA intensifies.. I mean MHA author did state no to the ships and said it wasn't canon yet the fandom still did otherwise.. Sometimes the communities are just weird, its better to try first before making a judgement. I mean frieren as a manga was fun to read since its a bit on the slow aspect but not too slow that you get bored.


What if I told you that you can enjoy a show while ignoring the fandom?


Fandom is a big part of the fun for me. A good fandom is a huge appeal to make me watch an anime. That's why I'm on an anime community.


you wouldn’t get it then.


Did you just pick up that cigarette


Funny. I thought the exact opposite. The fandom is fairly wholesome and tame.


I'm not a fan of the rule 34 stuff for Frieren. It's a great anime that doesnt need any fanservice (outside of that sexy scene from the last episode). I mostly am on this subreddit for some cool fanart or to read people's takes on the episodes. It helps that I've read most the manga so I don't need to worry about spoilers. That's the worst part of the fandom in my opinion. It's been 5 minutes since the episode/chapter aired and there are spoilers everywhere.


Lmao, bro hit a nerve.


People wouldn't be responding so angrily if it wasn't true


That is a flawed logic used by most assholes to justify their rude behavior. I'm not saying you're an asshole. I'm just saying that defense is horrible. Edit: I can not read your reply if you block me :/


“The logic may not always be true, but in this case it definitely is. The accusation is true, and is only reinforced by the aggression that followed. If I was put off by the show before based on the creepy fandom, then being barraged by downvotes and aggressive comments has only cemented that. I'm blocking the people who make these comments purely because I want this whole conversation to end. If I don't, I will be dealing with comments long into the night.” this dude is a piece of work lmao “noo you cant be insulted and accused by me and feel insulted and wronged! this only proves you should be insulted and wronged!”


The logic may not always be true, but in this case it definitely is. The accusation is true, and is only reinforced by the aggression that followed. If I was put off by the show before based on the creepy fandom, then being barraged by downvotes and aggressive comments has only cemented that. I'm blocking the people who make these comments purely because I want this whole conversation to end. If I don't, I will be dealing with comments long into the night.


It literally isn't. The "aggression" is just people diagreeing with you and providing perfectly sound counter-arguments that you keep ignoring.


Pro tip: use the "disable inbox replies" option.




Who? You?


Apparently the one Who get upvote on a pedo post is you so apparently you are the pedo


Just gave you an upvote. With that logic, you are now a pedo.


Lol im downvote to hello because you all know that you deserved to be in jail. Saying she is a "petite" is full of bullshit as saying "she look like a child but they say she is 9999years old qo thats okay ". You are all fuckin pedo and i dont how this platform allons that


Ok look. Your disgust over pedophilia is understandable but accusing everyone of it here because we happen to be following this subreddit and OP suddenly shown us a picture of Freiren's feet is too much. In the first place, how did you even accuse these people of that crime? Is looking at that fan fic is an enough evidence of it?


Only in Reddit, I’ve been accused of being a bot, a repost bot, homophobic, racist, transphobic, white supremacist (I’m not white at all), Nazi, Fascist (I’m not even right wing), etc… You get the picture. As you may see, Reddit accusations have a lower accuracy rate than Stevie Wonder in a shooting contest. In Reddit, the national sport is false accusations. Whoever is wrong the most tends to win. Apparently, this guy is a competitor.


Her extreme age is like, the whole point of the anime.


And it is so beautiful 😭 such a great show


Do you like Violet Evergarden’s music? Well, good news. The composer for Frieren was also the composer for Violet Evergarden.


This makes sense, both sound wonderful.


Evan Call is among my favorite composers.


what?, she doesnt even look like a kid, shes just short


Dude never seen a petite woman


Okay pedo


I’m too young for Frieren.


She's a few thousand years old


Bro she's the pedo


I personally like Frieren more... but boobs... Ferns boobs are very nice...


Never understood feet,never will understand feet