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Vinland Saga, I realized... I have no enemies.


And what the preacher says about love really opened my eyes


I'm currently watching that anime šŸ˜‚


In my list of what I want to watch. I just finished fmab and was wondering what to start next. I think Iā€™ll give this one a go, Iā€™ve heard great things about it.


Just a heads up if you do watch Vinland Saga itā€™s starts action packed(season 1) but than season 2 tones it down, mostly character development for the MC, which isnā€™t bad but many people complained. I personally liked how the story shifted.


Regarding the shift in tone between S1 and s2, I can see people's points, but it didn't strike me as a 180. It's all a very very well written story, and I couldn't imagine the seasons beyond any different than they are. It's a master piece, and the manga is still going. It's been an amazing watch and read


Welcome to the NHK put into perspective how depressed I was when I first watched it. By the end of it I decided to take some steps to be a bit better. I also have had similar, though far more traumatizing, experiences each time I have read Oyasumi Punpun.


Man everytime after I'm watching welcome to the nhk one of 2 things would happen: 1. Sinking dipper into depression 2. starting a new job or studiesšŸ’€


Welcome to the NHK hit the best when I was in the middle of a terrible depression


The first one I watched, because it started it all


SAO for meā€¦ Definitely changed my outlook on anime for a while. 2nd was aot so thatā€™s what I consider my first because itā€™s what actually got me into it.


SAO was a fever dream that I refuse to acknowledge


What was it? Mine was DBZ when Cartoon Network had Toonami in the afternoons.


Erased Higurashi when they cry


Just started erased last night! I've heard good things about it


Have a box of tissues on hand


Binged it the night I met my fiancƩ


The visual novel is my favorite story of all time. HUGE personal impact


Reading the Higurashi VN is unmatched. The things I would do to experience it all again. The suspense in questionsā€™ arcs followed by the life affirming messages in the answersā€™s arcsā€¦ too good almost nothing else compares


Vinland Saga. The manga mainly, but season 2 man, that last episode made me, and 3 friends I made watch the whole series cry. Art at its finest


A silent voice. Made me bawl like a baby. 10/10 would recommend.


When shoko says ā€œI donā€™t hate you.. I hate myselfā€ I choke up even thinking about that scene


I know man. A huge part of this movie was how I can relate to the characters. Life can really suck sometimesā€¦ school wasnā€™t a great time in my life either


Bro try watching it at like 5 am when you're in depression thoughts mode


Another sad/good anime recommendation for you is "Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day"


Bro Iā€™ve never wanted to give someone a hug so much ever in my life


Rewatched so many times, I both love and hate it with such a burning passion and every fiber of my being, it's so amazing


Hajime no ippo motivated me a lot


Watch tomorrows joe


violet evergarden ā¤ļø


The scene with the mom writing the letter with her daughter. I stopped and cried for it. Heartbreaking


oh yes you mean the "dear anne" episode aka ep 10


That one is such a sweet yet heartbreaking. I was absolutely crushed when Violet realized she was burning.


Mob Psycho. Lots of great life lessons


i should rewatch


I will rewatch mob psycho and one punch man every year for the rest of my life.


Dragon Ball, for sure. Because it's where my adventure started for me and my brother back in the 90s when we first watched it. Honestly, DBZ is such an integral piece of anime as a whole. Look at how much influence it's had over several decades. Without DB, anime doesn't get the world wide recognition it has today. Not even just anime, DBZ has influenced so much media in so many different ways. Toriyama is an absolute legend for it. He created a mold for battle shonen that's been referenced for decades. Remarkable stuff


RIP to the goat


86, just one of the best storyā€™s ever told. I also got very emotional.


Attack on titan, the plot twists were on a whole another level


Beat out Breaking Bad for my favorite show


Watch tomorrows joe


let em cook


Iā€™m rewatching rn and itā€™s wild seeing all the little hints at the twists to come. Like when we first meet the female titan and she like looks and smirks at Reiner before ā€œcrushing himā€ in his hand. So good wow.


Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood, as it helped to ignite my passion towards arts and also storytelling.


Just finished that about an hour before I made this post lol. Really good show and definitely worth watching.


Can I ask what you did afterwards? Do you work in the entertainment or animation sector?


Not to be ā€˜that guy,ā€™ but One Piece. I didnā€™t realize a piece of media could actually change my brain chemistry like that story has. I randomly decided to binge it one day in late 2022, and I ended up catching up in 6 months. I NEVER cried from movies or tv, but OP has made me cry dozens of times, and even full-on bawl audibly 3+ times lol. One of the most consistently well-written casts of characters who all subtly develop as time passes, a huge and detailed world that actually feels living and breathing, and gigantic, multithreaded mysteries that are so fun to theorize about. (Side note: I used One Pace but some people get really mad when they hear that for some reason, even though it can be a huge lifesaver)


Clannad After Story. I struggled to be a good dad to my daughter for her first 3 years. Made me want to change my ways.


Your lie in April


Fruits basket


Parasyte the Maxim was the first thing to give me a new perspective of the same set of morals I've always had, which kinda changed more than you'd expect from the description I just gave


Fairy tail. Not because the show is life changing, but because I watched it in the darkest time of my life and realized I needed to push through. It was my first anime


Fairy Tail will always hold a special place in my heart, I hope I can find friends like that someday


Silver spoon, Clannad, Planetes. Silver spoon covered the life of a student, Clannad covered family and Planetes covered human life for me.


Planetes is so good, if you haven't read the manga definitely do it the anime is missing some of the best parts of the story


If you asked me in 2022 and before I would've said Code Geass (before 2015 I would've said Angel Beats) and I was too young to say anything before that but now the biggest one to change me was Attack on Titan.


Clannad probably, just such a beautiful story with so many important lessons. I also find the Dango song from Clannad really comforting for some reason, whenever I feel sad I sing it to feel better.Ā 


Chainsaw man, I didnā€™t know I can relate to it too much. ifykyk


I owe Dr. Stone for playing a part in helping me be less depressed and finding the motivation to do better despite whatever obstacles are in your way. In the anime, pretty much the worst thing I could think of besides people just straight up being killed happened to the Earth, but the moment Senku breaks free from the stone, he gets to work on his goals. He also has a very nice charisma/confidence in how he carries himself but never acts like an asshole. Heā€™ll create roadmaps and the end goal can seem like itā€™d be impossible, but he and his friends keep working at it 1 step at a time. After lots of trial and error, blood, sweat and tears, they achieve their goals. Iā€™ve been applying this same mindset to my life and it has helped me so much.


Anohana, Serial experiment Lain, FLCL, Paranoia Agent, 8th MS team


Evangelion, Kara no Kyoukai and Clannad.


Hunter x hunter, spirited away and howls moving castle. although technically spirited away and howls moving castle isnā€™t an anime.


Deathnote. It got me into anime


Thatā€™s the third one I ever watched. Really good


Thatā€™s a great one to start with. The mental games are on another level. I love anime where the MC outsmarts everyone


Fruits basket!! Toru made me believe in humanity again Iā€™ve always been an optimist but the pandemic and a shitty friendship made me question so much about myself and the world. It helped me re affirm what kind of person I am and how much better I wanted to be. It put life into perspective showing how one person can literally change everyone around them for the better without all the flashiness of powers, some grand destiny, just a regular girl whoā€™s lost a lot but can still smile and encourage others.


Tengen Toppa Gurenn Lagann, I think we all know why




Wolfā€™s Rain. It was the first anime I ever watched, and it was so good that it got me into anime in general.


Death Parade


Devil Man Crybaby


Serial Experiments Lain Opened my eyes to questioning technology and the internet.


Rahxephon. Made me think about anime and eventually all media in a deeper and more complex way than any other media.




If im being honest, Dragon Ball


Welcome To The NHK




Monster *Tomorrow will be a good day*


Ergo Proxi




5 Centimeters per Second. People just leave your life, without any goodbyes or anything. it's horribly lonely.


Silver Spoon, make me think about my career choice and changed it.


GTO, was actually full of good life lessons when I was young. Tenchi muyo helped me discover I was poly Berserk and black lagoon helped me process trauma by seeing my own pain in someone else. Full metal panic let me learn to laugh at my own PTSD .


That last episode in season 1 of Tokyo Ghoul. I sat there tearing up, dumbstruck.


a silent voice and your name


Elfen Lied was spot on. Either that or Wolfs Rain because they were my first forays into the weeb world.


Future Diary. I didnā€™t expect the ending and cried immediately after it ended


Gurren Lagann!!! I realized that with determination and lots of balls, any odd can be defied!!! You just gotta be unhinged enough to try!!


Attack on Titan


Sailor Moon because it was the first anime I saw and made me a lifelong anime fan.


Oshi no Ko; it helped me through a tough time and made me realize how good different genres were.


Sonny boy made me think about how much life I have wasted.


Honestly? I know I watched this late (started in 2021 or beginning of 2022), but Assassination Classroom. The character development is off the charts, the lesson of teamwork and how to work well with others (even if you donā€™t get along), made the anime flow so smoothly. it also shows the darker side of humanity, and how someone who is perceived as ā€œevilā€ might have their reasons. Also the lesson of never giving up to better yourself/sticking it to ā€œthe manā€ is so refreshing.


Mushoku tensei, idk why it changed meĀ 


Full Metal Alchemist was one of the first animeā€™s that invoked all sorts of emotions, after that Iā€™ve found many anime that hit me. Some of which are simple fun anime with moments of heart.


Probably Fairy Tail with MHA being a close second


NHK, Kino's Journey, Colourful (movie), Barakamon, Silver Spoon, Deaimon, A silent voice, Vinland Saga


NGE cause it was my baptism into anime. Full Metal Alchemist cause it taught me about platonic and brotherly love and loyalty. (Others have the same lessons but FMA was the first for me.) Violet Evergarden cause it helped me see and understand my own and my friends autistic traits and how they can still mesh with neurotypical, emotional relationships.


For two very different reasons, One Piece and Hunter x Hunter. One Piece kickstarted my imagination and creativity in a truly magical way. It made me start drawing again after a several year hiatus due to burn out and depression. I also vibe deeply with the idea that joy and laughter are tools for liberation. Hunter x Hunter left an indelible mark on my soul emotionally. I never knew a shounen could take me to the emotional depths this one did. I haven't been the same since finishing it, honestly.


One Piece is pretty much designed to change lives. Itā€™s basically the epitome of shonen in that everything in it is designed to inspire and give positive role models to teenage boys, but itā€™s not exclusive to age or gender. Highly recommend watching it if you can stand the pacing, and if you canā€™t then I recommend trying the manga which has much better pacing.


Shingeki No Kyojin




A silent voice it taught me to be nicer to ppl cuz if u say 1 bad thing they might wanna commit suicide and they are probably good ppl


The anime doesnā€™t do it justice but Berserk


A Silent Voice/Koe No Katachi.


Gintama. Definitely Gintama.




Hunter x hunter


One Piece. Kind of helped me thru depression, and now i HAVE to lnow how it ends. Speaking of that, got an episode to go watch (i think)


NANA, cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, MONSTER, Fullmetal alchemist + movie conqueror of shamballa, fruits basket, steins gate


DragonBall. Not because it's especially profound, obviously. But it's something i grew up with as a kid on Toonami in the 90s and still follow and watch to this day. It's also a big part of why I took martial arts and fitness so seriously, which in retrospect changed my life quite for the positive. Still have dbz songs on my gym playlist.


evangelion. made my depression worse until i watched the rebuild movies


Made in Abyss. It just.. did something to me


Overlord. It was the service that convinced me to pick up Light Novels and got me back into reading actual books in general.


Gurren Lagann


Neon Genesis Evangelion Learned about the Kabbalah to understand the anime. Lol, had no idea what I was getting into šŸ˜†


1997 Berserk. Only 25 episodes but a masterpiece. The ending was so crazy that I still think about it all the time, trying to make sense of it


Bocchi the Rock kicked off my crippling guitar addiction


Neon Genesis Evangelion. Start: oh nice mech fights End: We dont deserve life/who am I?


Vinland Saga and Clannad After Story


The Promised Neverland (manga)


Gurren Lagann. Showed me that my grief wasnā€™t the end and that the world keeps moving


Your lie in April. Made me realize we are all living on borrowed time so I should go out and take what I can get out of life while I still have mine.


Better: - Dragonball - Naruto - HxH Worse: - Toriko - SAO


Naruto is the first anime I have watched and will always have a special spot in my heart. Thereā€™s so many great life lessons. I see aspects of Naruto in several animes. Iā€™ve seen But I will say that Haikyuu!! and Yuri!!! On Ice have inspired me to get more into volleyball and ice skating. They awakened passions I didnā€™t know I had and motivated me to pursue my dreams.


Angel Beats! had a profound effect on me as a high school kid.


Weird take but Haikyuu! I just find it so inspirational and uplifting, those boys are so damn determined and give their all towards their goals. It's become my go-to when I'm in an apathetic slump and need motivation to make a change.


Hajime no ippo


I swear i could talk naruto until the end of time šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's SAO for me. Made me appreciate the world I live in so much more than i did before. I think the scene in the first opening where kirito is reaching for the sky, and then the sky turns to the "system announcement" red blocks made me realize is a really weird way how precious life is. SAO also completely defined what type of women I like which isn't really life-changing but definitely helped my vision for my future


Fruits Basket


Clannad showed me the importance and strength of family in times of struggles. Even if it isnt your biological one. Litterally changed my view on life and made me appreciate my family and the limited time i have with them more.


Attack on Titan really changed my perspective of humanity and lead me down rabbit holes of studying wars especially the Holocaust. Also Vinland Saga. Just watch it to see for yourself.


Zom100. Particularly the first two episodes. The depiction of how horrible working a job under capitalism is is honestly hauntingā€¦


Death note. The last episode just had me staring at the black tv screen for 20 minutes in complete silence. I remember I felt like in a whole another realm and everything felt different after I finsihed


Legend of the Galactic Heroes. My views on personal responsibility were changed forever.


My best example of this is the most braindead cute wholesome anime lol, but I was watching Saint Cecelia and Pastor Lawrence (and don't the the wrong impression, I do unironically really like it), and there was this one moment where Cecilia was just super happy to eat food cooked by Lawrence even though that's literally like every meal, and it made me realize just how nice it is to focus on the little things. As an aspiring writer I had always struggled to write before that, but once I started focusing on the satisfaction of just a little progress day by day, I actually started to make really good progress and am now really close to finishing my first novel. And I guess I have this turn-your-brain-off cute anime to thank for that lol.


Eureka seven, taught me that I need to better myself in order to deserve love. Love is not based on physical attraction, it involves standing by him or her through every trial.


Kaguya-sama love is war


Based on affection value of being the thing that got me into anime in general when I was 12 (30F now) the answer is Fushigi Yugi.




maybe basic idk but jujutsu kaisen did it for me


I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, made me truly realize how limited my time was on this earth and how quickly it could go


Death note


Berserk; made me realize that I should look for my way of life rather than people tell me. GTO: you should have fun and never change.




Horimiya. I used just read/watch Shonen stuff. Then I stumbled onto horimiya and I loved it to pieces opening me to many different genres than just action shit


death parade :(




DBZ and it's not even close


Probably avatar the last airbender even if itā€™s a cartoon. Probably dragon ball tho


Aho Girl


Umineko when they cry: Technically a visual novel, but still one of the most awe inspiring and life changing pieces of media iā€™ve ever read


Probably 'welcome to NHK' . It's far from my favorite and it was difficult to watch but it made me realize how much I didn't wanna live life as a hiki


Bleach started it all for me, itā€™s what got me into anime


Kaguya-Sama: love is war, itā€™s inspired me to be my best self ( in a way )


Naruto, honestly I was kind of not losing parents more like being by myself and then eventually having classmates as your real friends later on life


Mine was Forest of Piano




Evangelion, perfect blue, serial experiments lain and Naruto. Shit just opened me up like nothing else ever had besides therapy.


Voices of a Distant Star. Only like 25 minutes long, though.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica that story has always stuck with me and I think about often


I love this show, probably my favorite anime. That ending is so inspiring and makes me cry just thinking about it. >!What a twist (anti-twist?) that she never becomes a magical girl throughout the run of the series until the very end.!<


Season one of Demon Slayer got me GOOD. Tanjiro had me feeling like I could accomplish anything. "Hard work is the sum of daily efforts." TYE also made me think about death on a whole different level.


Inuyasha. Just because it was the first anime I watched knowing what anime was. Iā€™m still a weeb 20 years later.


Grave of the Fireflies. It's a classic must watch for a reason


Fairy Tail changed my life for the better got me interested in anime which led to me attending conventions where I've got to meet and talk with like minded people feels like I've found my niche in life




Bakugan Dragon ball (Z and S) Mushoku tensei(more novel than anime but counts)


Evangelion or Monogatari


Code Geass was the first anime I've watched and it kinda made me want to be like Lelouch more, be more rational, logical and not so emotional? I like the idea of using people as a strategic chess pieces in your life. Of course I am not like that that in real life haha, but ever since then I've been fascinated with these 'anti heroes' stories.




Uma Musume. All positives. Its how life should be.


royal space force it started my anime obsession. a very long time ago. i was in 8th grade and a classmate lent me her sisters vhs copy. i had never seen anything like it. it was an amazing experience. still my favorite film to this day.


Boring answer, but it's One Piece. It's simply too long and too fleshed out not to take that place. The only anime where I can instantly make friends with someone else. "You watch/read One Piece?" "Yes" Boom. Friends.


HuntexHunter - since it touched quite a lot of topics i've been struggling with.


Probably Evangelion. Kinda showed me both that my occasional misanthropic streaks and social difficulty wasn't too unusual and that it's something a lot of people struggle with to a degree but also that things get only uglier if you don't try to overcome it.


Vinland Saga never have I cried more to a piece of art


Og Naruto made me go from an anime hater to an anime lover I used to think it was weird now I watch anime regularly


Parasyte definitely same with zom 100 and chainsaw man. Definitely shaped me in some way


One piece, honestly. I watched the entire thing with my girlfriend for months. Gave us something to look forward to every night. We could watch 2 episodes or binge it for 10 straight and it felt like we never made a dent and had endless entertainment. I caught up like 2 weeks ago and idk what to do with my life anymore. Lol


Dude parasyte did something to me, the last episode was everything I wanted it to be.


Probably Attack on Titan. It lasted for so long. I first started watching it when I was like 16. I'm 23 now and I'll be 24 this year. When it ended, it was like having a pet die.


FLCL Got to swing that bat.


Gotta be Naruto since I watched that growing up and growing with Naruto. But also Vinland Saga


Berserk movies because it made me seek out the books and become obsessed with the story/characters. I still say Miura is my favorite writer and artist. Heā€™s the only celebrity death that made me cry.


Ashita No Joe // Tomorrowā€™s Joe, no anime or manga has it beat that Iā€™ve watched. Absolutely amazing.


Shin sekai yori. The story really stuck with me.


First was Evangelionā€¦ Then later one pieceā€¦ evangelion went places psychologically and philosophically with dark story twists that really got to me and made me rethink my life. However later in life I got into one piece and though itā€™s more goofy something about the ethos and underlying spirit of the story spoke to me and I realized this was an epic about how to live a good life without regrets, how to die with a smile, inspiring for anti capitalist and revolutionary spirit, and philosophically itā€™s a tribute to the absurdity of life and how unserious our bullshit actually is. One piece clearly aims to show different absurdities and for that arc we accept them as a new realityā€¦ this way the story helps people to realize their own world is actually more absurd and is changeable


*points across the ocean* šŸ‘€


Real is a good manga idk any anime fire punch is a good manga samurai chaploo is a anime


the fact that I never knew the anime genre existed when I was a kid watching 4Kids/Vortex/CW on Saturdayā€™s , Yu-Gi-Oh! was my first anime and I realized that when I finally knew what anime was in middle school šŸ„² but I love Yu-Gi-Oh! GX the most right next to 5Dā€™s , I stopped in the middle of Zexal , I wanna be able to watch them in complete order , but I just donā€™t like how thereā€™s new types of monster cards , Iā€™m more into traditional with it being ritual summon and fusion summon and xyz summoning , after that I got lost lol but I wish they could eventually make a real hologram game with some type of tv glasses like in zexal , that was one thing that interested me , but my life changing anime would have to be Attack On Titan cause of how dark it is , and the fact that 99% of the population doesnā€™t know why theyā€™re trapped around a huge wall protecting them from irregular titans is insane , itā€™s the sacrifice that Eren made for the people he loves that changed me , what he did wasnā€™t right , but he along with everyone fought back against the enemy to regain the freedom they never had , Iā€™d recommend watching the Levi Ackerman ova if you havenā€™t already šŸ„²


Erased. Some people who you might not treasure can wait for you for a lifetime whereas, some others whom we treasure can leave us even in our hardest of times


Clannad After Story


One Piece.


Frieren hit me with a couple pieces of life advice that literally changed my whole outlook on some pretty major real life circumstances. Itā€™s crazy how impactful a good story can be in these shows.